MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 176 Apocalypse War (4)

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  Chapter 176 Apocalypse War (4)

   "Big, my lord?"

  War Knight Rasputin looked at Apocalypse emerging from the ruins behind him in amazement. He walked out calmly and slowly. His armor was as clean as new, but he couldn't tell what was different.

   Watching Apocalypse wave his hand, Rasputin bowed and took two steps back, withdrawing the twisted vortex around him.


  The shield that came suddenly exploded and collapsed the female knight's chest. She hit the stone wall heavily, vomited a big mouthful of blood, and stared at the master "Apocalypse" in shock.

   "It's really not easy to become this big green-skinned man!"

  The rustling dust covered Rasputin's armor and cheeks, and his rather heroic face was smeared with dust and blood.

  Her gray pupils reflected the strange changes in the figure of "Apocalypse", with scale-like protrusions appearing, the body shrank rapidly and became shorter, and the deep and thick voice also changed into a shrill female voice.

   "You cough cough cough."


The "devil" with blood-red skin and a long sharp tail appeared in a teleport, and walked up to the red-haired woman with an indigo complexion and a strange metal ring on her head, hugged her and kissed her softly .

   "Why don't you fool that big boy?"

  Riwen rolled the whites of his eyes and glanced at her husband, then looked helplessly at Steve who was coming with a shield:

"Apocalypse's size is too big, and he is wearing heavy armor. I tried my best to change the body shape to the greatest extent, but it was still a circle smaller. As for the son of Stryker, this kind of master with psychic ability will not be fooled by appearance of."


  Rasputin coughed up two more mouthfuls of blood, and he understood why when he saw "Apocalypse" just now, he felt that something was wrong. It turned out that his body size had shrunk in proportion.

  The red devil in front of him, dressed in a black combat uniform, but with a strange style that looked like a suit, walked slowly towards him.

  Asazuo squatted down slightly, with a sharp bony red-black tail tip like a dagger, swaying in front of the woman, the thin blood-red face cracked the corners of his mouth, revealing a sharp mouth with clusters of fangs.

   "The people from the 'Wolf Tower'. Are you the one who broke the most? Those broken corpses on the tundra are all yours! Huh! Die—"

   "Don't! Don't hurt my mom!"

  A childish voice with a strong Russian accent came, and Peter Rasputin, who had a very strong body, ran over crying, and spread his arms in front of his mother.

   "Please devil, Mr. Devil, don't hurt my mother. There is still a baby in her belly."

  Steve and Raven glanced at each other. Although the boy's English was poor and his accent was heavy, he still roughly understood what he meant.

   "She still has a child, what does it have to do with me, boy, aren't you afraid of death?"

  The tip of the red devil's tail aimed at the little boy's forehead again. Rasputin struggled to get up, but his breastbone was broken, and he couldn't even breathe from his throat choked by his own blood.

   "If you want to kill my mother, kill me first!"


Azazzo's expression was a little playful and uncertain, and Steve and Raven behind him didn't make a sound. He parted his mouth and snorted twice, seemingly inadvertently, and suddenly pointed the tip of his blade-like tail towards Xiao The boy stabs.


  Only a few centimeters away from Peter Rasputin's skin, the Red Devil's tail suddenly stopped, but his round eyes and astonished expression seemed to have seen a ghost.

  The little boy's closed eyelids slowly opened, and he felt something different in his body. At that moment, he almost felt that he was going to die, but from the depths of his body, a steel-like rigidity and coldness suddenly surged.

  Blinking his eyes, he heard the rough sound of two iron sheets rubbing against each other, and the world in his eyes also had some indescribable color changes.


Rasputin softly called out his son's name, and little Peter's brow where the tip of the red devil's tail aimed it gave birth to a little silver paint, which quickly spread all over his body, and his flesh and blood turned into a "steel man" covered in silver and gray in an instant. .

   Not only the skin, but even the mouth and mouth have an extremely delicate steel appearance.

   "Hey! This kid."

  Asazuo shook his head, looked at his wife Raven and Steve, and shrugged noncommittally.

   In the end, it was Rogers who spoke out as the captain: "Take control first, and she may not survive if her injuries are not treated in time."

  Steve took out a pair of silver-gray chain-like shackles from the back waist, and after throwing them at the war knight, the chains automatically wound tightly like an octopus, while suppressing the energy fluctuations of Rasputin's body.

   "Bucky doesn't care about his Gambit being tricky, get rid of Stryker, and we'll deal with Apocalypse together."

  Steve looked up at the "Famine" knight Jason Stryker on the high platform stone seat. His face was tightly closed, and the huge bulging skull no longer looked like this young man.

Jason seemed to be able to perceive the outside world. His skinny knuckles clenched on the stone seat turned white. As his face twisted, the mutants controlled by the illusion outside frantically climbed up the stone wall, trying to climb into the stone wall. In the central pyramid that was completely sealed off.

   "The boulder at the entrance can block time for a while, but be quick, who knows that tens of thousands of mutants-"

   Bang Bang!

A dark-skinned woman was wearing a white backless short skirt, with two pairs of dragonfly-like wings growing behind her. She flew into the palace with rapid tremors and flapping, spit out clusters of lava-like sparks from her mouth, and shot towards Steve. Husband and wife.

"this is not?"

   "'Angel'. Angel Salvatore, I heard that she opened a restaurant in New Mexico. The apocalypse is simply a human-shaped brain wave device. Could it be that Jason Stryker's illusion really covers the whole world?"

Ruiwen and Asazo said helplessly, the red devil exploded into a cloud of black and red smoke, dodged behind the fluttering "angel" in the air, hammered her over with the handle of the knife, brought her back to the ground and put it aside .

   "Hurry up, I'm afraid Eric may be in trouble, you didn't notice the turbulent battle outside just now, it became quiet."

  Puff Chi, Pu Chi.

  The blazing blue energy flame was as thick as a jelly-like liquid. Hundreds of palm-sized Adamantium alloy spears plunged into the energy shield of Tianqi, approaching the armor on his body inch by inch.

  Especially near the head, more than a dozen spears were aimed at Tianqi's blue-gray head, wrestling with the energy field on him.

  But the electromagnetic force field in front of Eric Lanshere was also "torn apart" inch by inch between Tianqi's hands.

   "The electromagnetic force accelerates. After I woke up, I was connected to the wired network of this world. In a short while, I knew the so-called civilization development of ordinary people for thousands of years during my deep sleep, haha"


  He looked at Eric's flushed cheeks, tried to break through his defense hoarsely while trying to maintain the electromagnetic position from being destroyed, and continued with a chuckle:

   ".Electromagnetic rail gun? Huh, this kind of attack needs to be accelerated to break through my energy protection and hurt me. Now this distance"

  Under the blessing of super physical strength and energy, Tianqi completely broke through the ring-shaped electromagnetic force field, and wisps of black smoke and dust drifted in, which were almost invisible to the naked eye and quietly diffused in.

   "Stupid child, you must know that a real king cannot have any weaknesses!"

  Apocalypse's blue-gray face brows raised high, he watched Eric Lanshere inhale the fine black dust and then doubled his eyes, his face was covered with blue-black blood vessels and meridians, densely dense and very frightening.

   "Ah, I remembered."

  Tianqi held the armor of "Magneto" and said to himself as if recalling the past:

"Hey, this insignificant ability is the first talent I acquired among the bandits in the desert. Compared with the ability to cover the sky with one hand and travel thousands of miles in an instant, it is not worth mentioning. "The Child Who Has Never Escaped"

  Boom. Boom!

The Edman shield with blood-red suffocating energy burst through the sound barrier, and bombarded Jason Stryker's protective energy shield. The round omentum-shaped energy net was deeply dented and deformed, but it still bounced off shield.

  Asazuo teleported around and slashed wildly, but without Steve's strength and energy, his attack was even weaker.


  Steve took back the shield, looked at the platform pillar more than ten meters high, his eyebrows flickered, and swung the shield repeatedly to break the foundation of the stone pillar.

   "Hey, why didn't I think of that earlier!"

  The red devil teleported to Steve's side, looked at the rumbling and collapsed square stone pillars, and handed over the dagger in his right hand.

  The "Famine" knight who fell was forced to interrupt his hallucination control. He struggled to support his slender body and supported his huge head with both hands.

  Although the energy shield was still around him, the man with a shield in one hand and a knife in the other had a strong red light all over his body, and even his eyes were faintly red.


  Black and red lines were branded between the flesh and blood of the arm, and the knife held by Steve's right hand was instantly covered with red light.

   "Jason Stryker, when you were imprisoned in the 'Wolf Tower', you still had a chance to return to a normal life, because you were still a student and didn't have a clear understanding of your own power"

  Steve went up with a short knife slantingly, "Fire Mang" hummed and trembled, and the smoke and dust gradually fell. Little Strike's gloom and thin face was black and black, and his eyes were full of hatred.

".But you conspired with the mutants calling themselves Apocalypse, manipulating tens of thousands of innocents to fill your sinful ambitions with their own flesh and blood. You will never have another chance at forgiveness, I order 'Order' Sentencing you as Grand Executor of—"

   Bang bang bang.

  The accelerated footsteps suddenly burst the sound barrier, and Steve Rogers rushed forward with all his strength, slashed open the energy shield left by Apocalypse, and roared solemnly:

   "—Death penalty!"


  The pure black helmet was split by a ray of knife light that escaped from the swollen forehead, and a red line stained Jason's cheeks. His right hand trembled and touched lightly, but his head was not cut open.

  The short knife trembled and stopped more than ten centimeters in front of it, the blood-red energy and another faint blue light clashed against each other.

Steve gritted his teeth and looked at the blue-gray figure who propped himself up with one hand, and Eric Lanshere, who could still feel the breath, stood in the air in the other hand, and slowly flew towards the center of the hall to be destroyed. On the side of the towering throne that had been cut off in half, he said angrily:

   "It's another mortal who stole great power. I want to kill people like you and that so-called 'road'!"

  (end of this chapter)