MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 153 The Apocalypse Is Born (Part 1)

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  Chapter 153 Apocalypse Birth (Part 1)

  Under the swaying firelight, every nick and pen drawing on the slate makes history truly touchable.

  When the years of ancient and modern times are connected, it is no longer the moon and stars that are out of reach, when the dust forgotten by time and space is brushed away from the hands.

  The cold hairs that stand up from the back of the spine, all the way to the tingling feeling of the top of the sky, is the greatest pleasure and romance for archaeologists.

  Professor Carliss Jackson has been soaking in this relic cave hidden in the courtyard of a suburban house for three days.

  The square spire made of pure gold, and the totem inscriptions recorded on each broken stone slab are all full of the crazy worship of a king and even a **** in that era.

  In addition to years of research on ancient Egyptian history and bold speculation on myths and legends, Professor Jackson gradually sketched out a magnificent and magnificent story in his mind.

  It was a long, long time ago, at least the first dynasty of ancient Egypt, less than 3000 BC. Since then, there has been a taboo and mysterious name—En Shaba Nur.

   It is said that he is the ancestor of all "earth gods" with magical abilities, that is, the mutants who are suspected of appearing in modern times. His parents are unknown, his parentage is unknown, and he was born with blue-gray skin and indigo lips.

  He was an abandoned baby, adopted by a group of wanderers in the desert, and awakened his magical talent in the brutal battle. He can discover the great power deep in the flesh of a mortal, and he can also absorb this power to strengthen himself.

   After gradually gaining more and more powerful powers beyond imagination, he gradually became the first and most powerful mutant. After successfully overthrowing the first dynasty of ancient Egypt and ruling that land, people called him: Apocalypse.

  As he continued to demonstrate earth-shattering divine power, Apocalypse began to be worshiped as a god. Whenever he feels that the end is approaching, he will transfer his consciousness and abilities to another young body through some kind of mysterious sacrifice, so as to achieve immortality.

  And every transfer will be accompanied by some kind of terrible natural disasters, such as sandstorms, floods, earthquakes.

  He cultivated the four most loyal disciples and endowed them with great power, known in history as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

  Plague on the white horse, war on the red horse, famine on the black horse, and death on the gray horse.

   Every time the apocalypse appears and descends, it will be accompanied by the four knights. They bring endless wars and destruction to the world, enslave mortals, and despise life.

  Professor Jackson learned from the postscript, which is generally considered by the historians to be "Atlantis"-style false historical records.

  Apocalypse During a resurrection transfer, the unbearable people rose up to resist and interrupted the resurrection of Tianqi at the critical moment of the sacrifice while he was unconscious.

  The rebels destroyed the mountain-like pyramid structure, and countless tons of falling rocks drowned Apocalypse and his four horsemen. Apocalypse may be dead, or he may still be sleeping in the ruins.

   Accompanied by thousands of years of vicissitudes, this story has no trace anymore.

   "Could it be."

Old Jackson's dry and chapped lips squirmed and closed slightly. He looked at the bearded people who kept prostrating on the other side, and he was used to this group of believers left by the apocalypse, chanting their confession and calling like white noise every day. words.

  Professor has nothing to do with these modern Egyptians who don't know much about history and culture.

   Of the four ancient civilizations in human history, only China has preserved a relatively complete cultural inheritance and national continuation. For example, ancient India and Cuba have lost their fundamental civilization like the ancient Egyptian civilization that created the miracle of the pyramid.

  After the Arabs stepped into Egypt, the ancient Egyptian language was gradually abandoned, and the native language of Egyptians today is also Arabic.

  If Apocalypse really has a spirit in the sky, what kind of mood should he feel when he hears his so-called descendants chanting a bunch of unknown things.

   "Hey, look around, it's here."

  The hooked-nosed man who knew English looked at the dusty old professor who couldn't stop muttering, stopped his prayers, squatted and moved over and asked:

   "Jackson, have you discovered anything? What revelation does our Lord have?"

  The old professor glanced at him, brushed his prickly beard, nodded heavily, and said in a deep voice:

   "Dig, here it is! This is it! Dig! The history of human civilization is about to change"

   "What are you kidding!"

Jackson watched the old man who was even older than him carry earth and rocks from the pit bit by bit. At the darkest hour of dawn, he relied on the pickaxe and shovel in his hand, trying to dig out a magnificent historic site that may be buried nearly a thousand meters deep. .

   "Senid, are you planning to dig like this? Do you still want to find the secret in your lifetime!"

  The only young Apocalypse believer who can communicate with Professor Jackson, his face is like this group of skinny old people, his face is calm and silent, and he is digging the gravel beside the pit with a pickaxe without squinting.

   "Jackson, the secrets here cannot be known to outsiders. This is our divine grace. Our Lord will reward His believers with eternal life after reappearing in the world, and the Egyptian government will drive us away and discover this place by ourselves."

   "This! This is ridiculous!"

  The old professor gasped for breath, looking at the seven or eight elderly people sending out gravel in baskets and baskets, he didn't know whether to despise their ignorance or admire their pious belief.

   Time passed like this for a while, and the first ray of light spots quietly spread in the yard in the morning light.

  Professor Jackson sat for a long time sullenly, stomped his feet, but couldn't help but catch up with the hook-nosed man who kept digging and digging, trying to persuade them.

   "Don't you also think that Tianqi is still alive? You have read Seinide, what era is it already! Are you going to dig like this until you die?"

  This young man who had been with him for a few days suddenly had a hysterical gnawing light in his eyes, and Jackson moaned like a mosquito, getting smaller and smaller.

   "In this era? What is impossible in this era! Look at those grotesque people who breathe out flames and grow wings on their backs. The legend of our Lord is not a myth. He is omnipotent! By the way, Professor Jackson."

  The hurried and high-pitched words of the young Apocalypse believer gradually subsided, and he said with a strange calm smile:

   "—I forgot you were an outsider, too."

  The old professor subconsciously walked backwards. The man in front of him was pressing every step of the way, still holding a pickaxe in his hand. His fierce face with beard and head was the same as the Middle East extremists he saw in the newspaper.

   Behind Jackson is the entrance pit of the Apocalypse Ruins, covered with a few carpets.

  The morning light pushed from the corner of the yard all the way to the middle, and it would soon hit the pothole. The old professor stepped back while explaining hesitatingly.

   "Senid, you don't have to do this, I won't say it, oh oh oh-oh!"

  Jackson tripped over the gravel and staggered, rolled up the carpet, rolled all the way down the hole, and fell not far from the golden spire.

  He got out of the heavy carpet in a panic. Fortunately, these blankets cushioned him a lot. The wrinkles on his face were crowded together, and he rubbed his old waist that felt painful from the fall.

  Morning light shone through the hole on old Jackson's face, and on that, golden spire.


  A ray of light seemed to activate the minaret. As more and more sunlight shone on it, the two-meter-high pure gold obelisk trembled loudly, shining golden light, and the relic cave was instantly dyed with golden brilliance.

  Jackson stared blankly at the countless golden threads spreading down from the spire, trailing down the huge boulder, straight into the endless darkness.

  The believers outside rushed down and kowtowed around the golden spire, chanting the name of the apocalypse.


   Waves of tremors seemed to come from the depths of the earth veins, like an ancient dragon waking up, an inexplicable aura radiated out of the sky, surging thousands of miles away.

  And among the underground ruins thousands of meters deep, there was a slight sound in the endless silence.


  (end of this chapter)