MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 151 James' conspiracy

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  Chapter 151 James' conspiracy

  In Manhattan, New York City, the porch of a townhouse on the west side of Black Street was wide open, and there were a few cardboard boxes outside the house that hadn't been moved in time.

  Charles Xavier and his wife Mora are busy arranging the house inside. Moving is always a headache, but Charles is very satisfied with the house he has lived in for two years, and the overall view has not changed much.

   "Charles! Can you clean up the kitchen with me first, and then mess with your 'bricks'!"

  Molla put her hands on her waist and frowned, watching her husband carefully stacking the tomes in boxes on the bookshelf.

  It is said that women often have a lot of luggage when they go out or move, but Xavier’s house is full of various thick books of Charles, and Mora, who was an agent, doesn’t have many personal belongings.

   "Oh! I'm sorry honey, I'm coming"

  Charles rubbed his palms embarrassingly under his wife's glaring gaze.

He hesitated to put down a letter he had received many years ago, and remembered that there was an expert who claimed to be an expert in ancient Egyptian history at that time. He mentioned a so-called lost history, and it was suspected that an ancient mutant ruled before the third millennium BC Mesopotamia.

  Charles regained his thoughts and hurriedly helped Mora arrange the kitchen.

   Worked in "Whip of Order", and after returning to work in New York again, for the daily convenience of himself and his wife, the Xavier family moved back to Manhattan.

   And this townhouse near Black Street, which has been lived in for a while, became the first choice. It happened that the house had been vacant for more than half a year after the previous tenant left.

  The wealthy Professor Charles simply bought it.

  Just as he was inserting the dinner plate into the shelf in the cabinet, his mind was full of distracted thinking, thinking about finding an opportunity to contact the professor surnamed Jackson.

   Judging from the fact that more and more information about mutants has been unearthed, this statement has a certain degree of truth.

   There is also No. 177 Black Street, which was often passed by when he was working at the university. Charles planned to wait for the next few days to settle down, and finally find a chance to see that magical house.

  At this moment, in the Holy of Holies in New York on Black Street, the mysterious building that Professor Charles has always been thinking about, Laura Howlett is sitting obediently beside the Ancient One, her face tense.

  Little wolf girl pursed her lips, holding a pitch-black ink stick in her fleshy little hand, and turning it jerkyly.

   "Relax. Slow down, go along, yes, go along like this."

  Gu Yi, with his platinum-blonde long hair, ordered softly. Laura tilted her head, got up and arched into the mage's arms, and sat in front of her.

The Supreme Mage was stunned for a moment, and then naturally held the back of Laura's hand with his fingertips, leading her gently to maintain a regular and stable rhythm, letting the ink stick rub against the surface of the inkstone smoothly, so that the heat spread evenly on it.

   After grinding for a while, add a little water, and grind the second round again.

"The process of studying ink is also a process of clearing up thoughts. The hand should be loose and steady. The trajectory of the ink stick is like your heart, and the inkstone is like your state of mind. If you are a little biased, sharp edges and corners will be scraped on the inkstone. A scratch."

The ancient mage was wearing a loose plain robe and sat cross-legged on the futon. Laura was also wearing a pleated blouse of the same style. Her hair was **** by James like a little boy, with two tugs hanging down from her temples A strand of hair sat between Gu Yi's legs in an unusually well-behaved manner.

  Listening to the mage's words, Laura raised her head and babbled:

   "But Aunt Mage, I won't get hurt. Dad said, even if I eat my little liver, I can grow another one!"

  Gu Yisu pointed to Laura's head lightly, making her focus on the inkstone in front of her, and the corners of her mouth curled up so that she was really smiling.

   "Mood is not the heart, liver, spleen and lungs. The most hurtful thing in this world is not the invisible blade. One day you may understand, but... it's best not to understand."

  Laura pursed her mouth, nodded heavily, and continued to sharpen the ink seriously. Finally, after turning for a long time, she picked up the brush and dipped it in the ink, and wrote Chinese characters stroke by stroke.

  The only thing James cares about Laura's learning is to be able to speak and write Chinese.

  Gu Yi gently stroked Laura's little head, and corrected the posture and angle of writing with a sound from time to time.

After writing for a while, the little wolf girl twisted her buttocks like scratching her heart, and the cool face of the mage Gujing, like a frozen river in warm spring, gradually loosens and soothes the solid ice surface, becoming more vivid and popular .

   After a while, Laura let out a long breath and sighed quietly:

"Master Auntie, Laura is going to school again tomorrow, so I can't come to accompany you. Why do I have to work so hard at such a young age! Mom doesn't allow me to fight in the academy, why don't you tell Dad to let me stay?" Practice in the sanctuary!"

  Mage Gu Yi slammed his chin lightly on the top of Laura's head, hugged her and said with a smile:

   "You are the same as your father. You can't learn the spells of Karma Taj. I can't teach you anything except studying ink and writing. In the future, your father will teach you the secret technique he practiced, which is the most suitable for you."

As the evening approached, Master Gu Yi opened a door of sparks for the little wolf girl who was reluctant to part with her clothes. Finally, she squatted down, hugged Laura, and agreed to drink tea and write again next week. Finally watched her leave.

  As the back of the little wolf girl in the portal gradually disappeared, the smile on the corner of Gu Yi's mouth also disappeared, it seemed that the gentleness and warmth of the supreme mage just now was an illusion.

  She pondered for a moment, then slapped her chest, the plain casual gown suddenly exploded into sparks, and turned into a neat dress with a hood. Holding the hanging ring in his hand, he drew out a door and stepped in.

  Behind the gate is the vast typical wilderness of western Texas. Beside the empty and lonely road, a lively circus-like assembly is setting off fireworks. The neon sign at the entrance is written with a line of alternately flashing characters.

   Quentin Fiesta.

  James Howlett has been wandering around the carnival venue for a long time, wearing a black leather jacket with a stand-up collar, dark blue jeans, and even bought a black cowboy hat.

  Like the most typical, tall and masculine western cowboy, attracting the attention of hot girls around.

He watched the space in front of him slowly build up a transparent mirror-like wall like ice. The hilarious scenes outside and the shouts of the actors were still clear, but he seemed to be suddenly pulled out of this world, watching from another dimension. .

   "Is Laura good today? I'm causing you trouble again."

  James looked sideways at the Ancient One who silently appeared beside him, and asked like a parent sending his child to an interest class last weekend.

   "Very good, no trouble."

  The words of the Ancient One Mage are still so concise and without redundant descriptions and descriptions, but whenever Laura is mentioned, James always feels that the corners of the Supreme Mage's mouth are slightly tense.

"I asked my family to investigate through the government's intelligence network. Barton Blazer has medical records showing that he has advanced lung cancer. I heard that Mephisto likes to make deals. Seeing how Barton is alive and well now, he is using his father's health and his His son signed a soul contract? Hehe, it's quite reasonable."

James and Gu Yi walked side by side on the way to the carnival motorcycle stunt show site, and they could already see a burly man in a gorgeous riding suit, sitting on the motorcycle with various dangerous movements, warming up .

  The mirror space seems to be another layer of reality. As long as you don’t take the initiative to break the space and connect with the outside world, you won’t be discovered by anyone.

   And to be able to make such arbitrary arrangements and enter and exit this world, only the Supreme Mage has this ability.

  "Devils are cunning and follow a certain order, which is different from pure chaotic and frenzied demons, but their contracts are full of deceptions and traps."

  Gu Yi, as the only leader of the mystic group for hundreds of years, is very familiar with all kinds of enemies who covet the reality dimension of the earth.

  “For example, the seemingly decorative pattern on the contract paper may actually be a special language from hell. Mephisto will not be kind enough to save a human life.”

  Boom! boom!

   "Ladies and gentlemen! Button Blazer! Legendary stunt biker, he looked great today!"

  The spacious main venue of the carnival was full of seats, and a **** was erected from a high platform of more than ten meters. In front of it was a huge fire circle burning with flames.

  Mr. Blazer was wearing a red and white motorcycle suit painted with flames, straddling his old buddy and standing far away on the top of the stage.

  Twist the handle of the locomotive with a wrist, and the engine rumbles, like a bull poised to dig up dirt and rocks with its hooves.

  Today was supposed to be a performance show with Blazer and his son Johnny, but this kid went somewhere, he planned to start by himself, this is just a simple and routine performance of wearing a fire ring.

  James and Gu Yi were standing under the stage of the mirror space. He looked around and said with a smile.

   "According to reason, the trap is here, and Mephisto's will will not find us? If I save Blazer at this moment, what will happen to the lord of the **** dimension."

  Gu Yi had her hands behind her back, and the fire ring used for stunt performance was very close to the two of them, but she couldn't feel the slightest warmth, only the flickering light and shadow reflected on her face by the raging fire.

   "This is just a wisp of his will. For the Dimensional Demon God, there will be a trace of power left in thousands of corners of the universe, but it is far from enough for him to see through the mirror space."

  She looked up at James, and the mage suspected that Mr. Howlett was trying to mess up again.

  “.Similarly, if Mephisto’s established plan goes wrong and he realizes that he has been noticed by some force, he can continue to lurk and wait forever.”

  James watched as Barton Blazer buckled up his helmet and goggles, and was finally ready to rush down the high platform. His eyes were also shining with the ring of fire.

   "But he will not let go of the opportunity in front of the "Contract of St. Van Gonzale". If you get the contract, Mephisto will be able to enter the reality dimension of the earth. This is a clear move."

  Gu Yi suddenly raised his eyebrows, as if he felt something, she turned around slowly, and in front of the entrance of the venue, which was painted as a burning tongue, was a thin old man with yellow and white hair, combed very neatly and straight.

  He was wearing a shawl and button-down windbreaker that was popular in the last century, and he was holding a black silver-inlaid cane in his hand. The head of the cane was a small skull, and his body was slightly bent. Everything around him was as usual, nothing special.


  The motorcycle was fully powered, coupled with the inertia of the slope, it rushed down quickly, and after reaching the bottom, it vacated the runway in the air, and headed straight for the giant ring of flames burning seven or eight meters ahead.

  Barton Blazer held the front of the car steadily as usual, and the acceleration and height were perfect. This is a height distance that has been practiced and performed countless times.

  After passing through the ring of fire, he will circle the venue again, and at the same time do some thrilling actions such as standing up or operating the handlebars with his feet, completely heating up the atmosphere of the scene, and feeling the crazy screams of the audience.

   Hiss. Hiss.

  After passing through the ring of fire smoothly, the engine of the motorcycle seemed to be turned off, the sound of the valve was obviously hoarse, and the balance of the car in the air was suddenly destroyed by a certain force.

  Blazer saw his big head down, spinning and rolling, and the moment his helmet made close contact with the ground of the venue, he seemed to be supported by an invisible force.


  Son Johnny arrived just in time, he rushed over to hug his father, watched Barton Blazer slowly open his eyes, his face was a little black from the flames, heaved a long sigh of relief, gritted his teeth and said:

   "Johnny. It's time for me to think about getting a new car."

  The dry and sunken cheeks of the old man outside the gate of the venue trembled slightly, his brows were condensed into a ball, he looked around, snorted coldly and shook his cane, and disappeared in a few steps.

   "You still made a move, which probably won't achieve what you want, Mr. Howlett."

  Gu Yi shook his head calmly, but looked at James with an indifferent expression.

   "I just think it would be a bit silly to watch this for a long time and do nothing. If Mephisto's script goes on, it will take many years for this young man to grow into a qualified knight, so."

  He hooked the corner of his mouth, pressed the brim of the cowboy hat and said in a deep voice:

   "Let's go and deliver the contract to Him."


  Across the Nile River and enjoying the fertile plains, it has been the capital of ancient Egyptian civilization since ancient times, the largest city in Africa and the Arab world, and the political, economic and cultural center of the entire Middle East.

  However, in this world-famous city, there is only a small piece of architecture in the city center that looks like a modern city, and more of them are endless dense loess-colored low brick houses and narrow streets and alleys.

  A city with a huge gap in appearance often reflects the same huge gap between rich and poor.

  The facade is the back alley of a shop selling Persian handmade carpets, and there are Arabic machine gun-like curses.

  Professor Carliss Jackson struggled to speak unfamiliar words, trying to explain that he was just curious about why they knew this weird symbol that looked like a pyramid.

   Even, it was tattooed on the neck.

   "You should know the name of En Sabah Nur, don't you? En Sabah Nur!"

  Several bearded men wrapped in cloaks and turbans violently cursed and pushed this weird old white man. After hearing this name, Qi Qi fell silent and looked at each other with solemn expressions.

   "Great, you've heard this, I'm just - hey! What the hell, I'm a British citizen!"

  Professor Jackson just breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that they understood what he meant and could communicate peacefully for a while, but in the end, the two big men crossed their arms, one left and one right, and dragged them into the room.

   From the looks of it, it doesn't look like you are being invited in for tea.

   Goo. Goo

  It was already late at night, Carliss Jackson was leaning against the corner of the room in a daze, just about to take a nap, when his belly was rumbling.

  He became more and more worried that he might not have the opportunity to go out. The law and order in Cairo has always been poor, and thieves and robbers often do "businesses" in the streets openly.


  The withered wooden door was pushed open, and a man wearing a gray turban, who looked younger but had a more ferocious complexion, walked in, followed by seven or eight older men.

  He spoke English with a bad accent, and asked bluntly:

   "You, how do you know why you are looking for Him!"

  The man spread out Professor Jackson's piece of paper with a pattern in his hand, and pointed to a symbol shaped like a pyramid spire with a round-headed scepter inside.

"You call, 'He'? I, I am a professor of ancient Egyptian history, and I have consulted many historical sites. The ruler of more than three thousand years BC and even before the first dynasty of Pharaoh, En Shaba Nur is very may be real"

  The man spoke Arabic again, interpreting and explaining with several older people in the room. They communicated for a while, and the man continued:

   "How much do you know about Him, tell me!"

  Mr. Professor opened his mouth silently, he hesitated for a moment, the speech and behavior of these people are like dangerous religious fanatics


   Before he could think about it, the young man let out a ferocious yell again. Jackson was startled, and hurriedly talked dryly about what he knew about this ancient ruler who seemed to have actually existed.

  "...He, no, He! The relics related to Him are full of descriptions of various magical powers. They can shape civilization with a wave of hands, are immortal, and can bestow great power on mortals."

"Yes, but His dynasty seems to have disappeared overnight, and all traces have been quickly erased. There are very few scholars who study relevant historical materials, especially since it is completely independent of the Pharaoh civilization and the ancient Egyptian mythology system, it is even more suspicious. The authenticity of this history.'”

The professor slowly talked about all his knowledge of this infinitely mysterious figure lost in the long river of history, and the fierce men in the room became more and more silent. They sat on the ground and listened carefully, with faint eyes Pilgrimage-like devotion.

  En Shaba Nur's believers, after thousands of years, finally realized that the miraculous description spread on ancient stone tablets is truly manifested in today's world.

   While they repented of being unfaithful to God, they tried their best to find traces of him.

  He is the Messiah, and he will eventually bring back the kingdom of God on earth that belongs to him,

  Apocalypse Dynasty.

  (end of this chapter)