MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 149 Lara Croft "Love" (2 in 1)

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  Chapter 149 Laura Everyone "Love" (two in one)

  Looking out from the Kama Taj Pavilion, the whistling white-haired wind in the Himalayas seems to be an illusion.

  The peak in winter is a forbidden area that any life in the snow region cannot touch.

The extreme cold of over minus 50 degrees, the non-stop wind and snow day and night, you can see the sun above your head is bigger than ever, as if you can touch it, but you can't feel the slightest heat from it, as if A dream before a near-death shock.

  The enchantment protection in the core sanctuary of the mystic mage allows people to comfortably watch such an extinct landscape.

  Humans like to climb mountains. After ascending to a high place and looking at the mountains and rivers, there will be a wonderful sense of satisfaction from the bottom of my heart, and all the hustle and bustle of the world seem to be under my feet.

  Living in this environment for a long time will give birth to the desire to get rid of the world.

  Going up the mountain, going down the mountain, there is endless taste in it.

  James still drank the tea in the stone cup calmly and complacently, and even glanced at the snowstorm outside from time to time.

  Master Gu Yi was a little dissatisfied with him for not bringing his daughter with him today, but just now he heard this "wonderful" plan, and stared at Mr. Howlett in front of him with a stern expression.

"One of the lords of the **** dimension, likes to **** the devil Mephisto who absorbs human souls. Because of his hobbies and characteristics, he has always coveted the earth. He is also one of the old opponents that the mystics have been guarding against for thousands of years one."

  James Howlett, who has really studied in the Karma Taj Library for a period of time, has a certain understanding of multi-dimensional and relatively well-known dimensional demon gods.

  Gu Yi silently looked at his serious appearance, and continued to listen.

".Since we already know that Mephisto came for a contract that condensed many evil souls, why not make the thread longer and wait for him to actually walk in before doing it? After all, in his **** dimension, we There is no chance of winning."

  More than ten years ago, due to the battle between James and the "Black Emperor" Sebastian Shaw, part of the protective barrier of the Weissandi Trinity arranged by the mystics in the space dimension of the earth was caused.

  The mysterious and evil "hell" dimension lord Mephisto took the opportunity to sneak into a ray of will, waiting to find a sinful soul contract-"Saint Van Gonzale" that wandered in Texas more than a hundred years ago.

  The supreme mage sat cross-legged on the futon, dressed in a bright yellow shoulder-standing robe, with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows, rubbing the rim of his teacup in circles, pondering for a while and saying:

   "One of the characteristics that almost all dimensional demon gods have is that they are immortal in their own dimensional world, and their power is almost endless. Even most of them abandon their physical bodies and condense their bodies purely through magic or various forms of energy."

".Even if we might defeat him on Earth, we can't really destroy Mephisto's will and soul. 'Lim' is a dimension inhabited by demons. Time passes in a very different way. It has been used by various demons and The Wizarding World is one of the most massive and complex multidimensionalities."

  James listened to the ethereal and ethereal voice of the mage, and naturally lifted the black teapot, then took the voice and continued:

   ". Several lord-level demon gods of **** have fought endlessly for countless years. The so-called kings of **** that have been passed down in the human world since ancient times, such as Satanesh, Lucifer, Satan, etc., all originated from there."

  Because they poured another half cup of turquoise tea into each other's teacups, James looked seriously at Gu Yi's light blue eyes.

"...Even if they are both lords of hell, it is difficult to completely destroy each other, just like Mephisto once seized the opportunity to defeat the elemental demon Zatanos who also likes to devour souls, and enslaved his soul, but very soon Maybe they haven’t really annihilated the opponent’s will so far.”

  The mage raised his eyebrows and glanced at James indifferently, and drank his tea silently, as if silently saying "I know why I asked".

"We can't kill Mephisto, but according to what you said, we just whipped him on his claws and let this demon go back without success. It's too negative. In the world, there is only a thousand days to catch a thief, but there is no thousand-day defense." The truth of a thief."

  The long and pointed canines at the corners of James' mouth were slightly exposed, and he put his hands on the table and said quietly:

"With the 'Contract of St. Van Gonzale', Mephisto will be able to break the barrier of Visandi and step into the reality dimension of the earth, and grab the souls of hundreds of millions of human beings. After leaving the 'Boundary of Hell', he is no longer impossible. enemy dimension lords, I can buy you time and opportunity—”

   "—seal him!"

  He leaned forward, with solid momentum, a faint red glow in the depths of his pupils, and the construction of life energy in his body became more and more comfortable, and the wind and snow outside the enchantment suddenly danced violently, just like James' last chilling words.

  The fingertips of the supreme mage trembled slightly, he sipped the clean tea little by little, and said calmly:

   "The price is to set off such a level of battle on the earth. The mortal world can barely be regarded as your territory now, and the power of the mirror space cannot be maintained."

  James obviously thought about this issue seriously, and said cautiously:

   "At present, Mephisto has just chosen his favorite 'knight', and I am just putting forward such an idea. As for the vast and majestic spiritual and spiritual power of the mirror space, I have a way to solve it."


  The space around James and Master Ancient One suddenly trembled and blurred, and immediately opened a portal with a black and red halo flowing.

   "Red Devil" Asazo's black suit was burned from his left arm to his chest. There were still some sparks on his long dark black hair, and his body was full of the burnt smell of burning fibers.

   Asazo patted the unburned sparks on his trouser legs, grinning his teeth and saying:

   "Good guy, Moose's chest feels hot when he takes a breath of Heim's air, huh! Thank you, Your Excellency the Mage."

After the second mutation, Asazo further mastered the power of space shuttle. After faintly feeling the existence of dimensions, James asked the ancient master to give him some help, allowing him to truly wander and experience several different dimensional worlds .

   "The danger of the multi-dimensional world is the most terrifying and complicated. Don't try to travel through it easily. Although your power is rare, it is far from being able to travel through infinite dimensions by yourself."

  Gu warned indifferently, avoiding Asazuo with his sideways eyes because his clothes were torn, revealing the bright red skin on his chest.

   "Don't worry, I don't have the ability. It all depends on your help. I will withdraw first."


The Red Devil took off a wrist-shaped brass magic weapon wrapped around his left arm, and put it on the table in front of the mage. Knowing that his current appearance was not suitable for staying longer, he greeted his father and opened the door. A gateway to a great home in Long Island, New York, one step back home.

   "I'm going back too. Laura will come to you to play with her when she is on weekends. You can think about that idea."

  Gu Yi heard the name of the little wolf girl, his face softened a little, and he watched James step into the space portal and shrink into a little place before disappearing.

  Pinching the suspension ring, gently draw a bowl-sized portal with the fingertips, and pull out the fan made of Adamantium alloy from inside, and spread out the dark silver fan bone by bone, without making a sound for a long time.

  Thousands of miles away, the dormitory building of the Howlett Super Elite Evolution Academy was dark at night.

   "Laura. Are you asleep? Ahem! Laura wake up, wake up."

Laura Howlett's flowered quilt printed with various small animals only has one corner drooping on the bed, her pink pajamas reveal her little belly, and she is sleeping in a large font stretched out, her fleshy cheeks flutter from time to time, as if she is in a dream Chewing on something delicious.

  Jean Gray in sky-blue pajamas stood shyly beside Laura's bed, poking her arm and calling out softly.

   ".Dad eats this Hululu more than I do! Qin. What are you doing?"

  The little wolf girl finally rubbed her eyes in a daze, looked at the dark room, Qin Gray, who was in the same room, pulled her sleeve and said timidly:

   "I, I want to go to the toilet, will you go?"

  “.Don’t call.”

  Laura turned over, scratched her **** with her right hand, and seemed to fall asleep again. Gritting her teeth, Qin shook her roommate's shoulder vigorously.

   "I dare not go by myself! You can accompany me."

Finally, Laura was at the door of the bathroom less than ten meters away from the bed, holding a blue plush doll that looked very much like "The Beast" Hank McCoy. After Qin came out, she raised her chin proudly and spoke disdainfully road:

   "As my 'enemy for life', Jean, you have disappointed me so much."

  It is the first time for Qin Gree, who is just seven years old, to live away from home, and there are not many students in the "Chaoying Academy" at present. The huge campus and many buildings are extraordinarily empty, and the little girl is especially afraid of the dark.

  Looking at Laura jumping back on the bed, writhing around her doll in her arms to find a comfortable position, Qin also returned to her bedside in a regular manner, and said softly after a while:

   "Thank you, Laura."

"no need thank me?"

  The little wolf girl was anxious to go back to the dream just now, and asked casually, just dreaming that her father said to take her to some fairy palace to eat delicious food.

   "Thank you Ken for sharing a room with me, Ken. Playing with me"

  Qin was lying flat on the bed, her bright red long hair spread out on the pillow, holding the quilt with both hands, silently looking at the ceiling and talking softly.

   Even in this mutant school, Jean Gray is the most special one.

  Her uncontrollable and extremely powerful power keeps causing all kinds of troubles. The more anxious she is to train and study, the more Qin can't control the voice that often comes to mind.

  Qin, who has just entered school for less than a week, has repeatedly injured her companions around her because of losing control.

  In the end, she could only stay alone in the special room made of vibrating gold to practice evolution. Except for the beautiful principal teacher, only Laura was not afraid of herself, and even offered to share a room with her.

   What is said in his mouth, "Know your opponent as you know yourself."

   ". Nothing. Hurrah."

  Qin didn’t notice that Laura, who was in the next bed, was breathing evenly and fell asleep again, analyzing and pondering on her own:

   "Ms. Emma said that there is a way to keep me from losing control when I go home on the weekend and to stabilize my strength. What method do you think she will use? You must know your mother very well, Laura, Laura?"

  The little girl tilted her head, looked at Laura's sound sleep, and thought of the night before yesterday when she was standing beside her bed with her arms folded and her mouth grinning in pain.

  Half of the face was cut open from time to time by the fiery red energy that escaped out of control in his nightmares, and the wounds healed quickly, and he could even faintly see the shiny, diamond-like bones in the flesh.

  Qin pursed her lips tightly, she no longer felt how scary the voice in her head was, because she was not fighting alone.

  The afternoon of the second day, after the last math class for the kindergarten class.

   With a relieved face, Laura had just finished complaining to Jean about why she had to learn how to add and subtract these numbers, while asking her nephew Kurt if she would go to the mage's house for tea with her on weekends.

   "Well, Dad should be back in a few days, I have to think about it again."

Master Kurt has a very relaxed life these days. Aunt Laura has to be tortured by various cultural courses every day under the eyes of her mother Emma. She can no longer be as carefree as she was in the old house, especially without The energy then dragged myself to run around.

   "Laura! Kurt! And Jean, you come with me."

   Emma came to the door of the classroom, beckoning to the three little guys, Kurt waved goodbye to his roommate who had a pair of white wings, and teleported all over the corridor.

  Upstairs in the principal's office, Qin closed her eyes, and the principal, Teacher Ren, rested her hands on both sides of her forehead.

   "Okay, I temporarily closed your spiritual power, so that you won't suddenly lose control when you are at home on the weekend, so rest assured and have fun with your parents."

  Emma touched Qin Yanhong's long head, and said softly, the character of this little girl is very similar to her own when she was young.

   "Teacher! Then can you keep it sealed inside?"

  Qin clenched her fists with both hands, looked up at Emma with bright eyes and said, this seems to be a solution to her troubles.

  Emma squatted down, shook her head slightly, and said seriously:

"I'm sorry, the teacher can't do it, even if he can, he won't do it. When you come back to school next week, he will unlock the seal for you. The teacher believes that you will be able to control your own power one day. Don't be afraid of it! Remember! , you are your own master."

  Emma tapped Qin's eyebrows lightly, and the little girl nodded half-understanding. Laura on the side was shaking her little brown boots on the principal's chair, and said carelessly:

   "It's okay, Qin, as long as you practice the evolution technique my father studied, you will be able to control yourself well, that boy 'Shock Wave'"

  The little wolf girl talked about the experience of one of her juniors taming the explosive energy in her body, and it seemed that she succeeded under her attention.

   Emma shook her head helplessly, took a few little guys downstairs together, handed the violin to the Grey couple on the fountain square of the college, and watched many students being picked up by their parents one by one.

   Finally took Laura and Kurt's little hands and waited in place.


  Azazzo appeared in a teleport, hugged his son Kurt with a smile, turned around and opened a light door leading to the old house, where James was sitting on the sofa chatting with Charles who "dropped in" from get off work.

   Raven and Peggy and Eric's wife are busy at the table, and the good-looking Anya Lanshere is helping.

  A rather tall girl with a high ponytail raised her eyebrows and hooked her fingers at Laura.


  The little wolf girl bared her teeth, jumped behind the door, and played with Steve's daughter Sharon Rogers.

  Greenland wolf nest base.

  After dinner, Laura found her elder brother Asazzo and asked him to open a space portal to the wolf's lair for herself. She ran in with a smirk, and searched for the area where the science team was familiar.

  “.very nice Dr. Trask, good touch sensitivity.”

  The voice of Anim Zola seems to be different from before, as if the sound of multi-layered tracks is transmitted through some kind of machine.

  The dwarf Dr. Bolivar Trask, who once worked for Hoover in the Strategic Technology Research and Development Department of SHIELD, was standing behind a strange blue-black machine, debugging something.

   This is a humanoid machine still under experimentation. It has a box-shaped torso, and on both sides are metal arms with a relatively single bearing track. There is no so-called head on it, and it is more like a camera device connected.

  In the middle of the machine, there is a frequency screen the size of a small TV. The green light spots on it form a face that looks very much like Dr. Zola. The whole is actually a shell frame made by Quan Zhenjin.

   And Zola's voice came from the torso of the robot.

  “.In the future, when the information network is developed, you can even upload your consciousness into the imaginary world, and theoretically you can even live forever.”

  Bolívar Tresk was talking, holding the tool in his hand and finally finished debugging.

   The two crawler-type mobile devices under the robot's feet are running around flexibly. The two mechanical arms try to make various actions and operate the instruments on the test bench.

  “.I really admire your ideas and courage. If the scientific community sees this scene, they will definitely regard you as the greatest scientist of mankind.”

  Dr. Trask had two beards, and his hair was as long and thick as a Beatle. He watched the test operation of this humanoid machine that made the sound of metal friction from time to time. In addition to deep admiration, there was also inexplicable fear in his eyes.

  Anima Zola, after suffering from cancer in his body, still resolutely took out his brain and kept it in the machine. Through the research on brain nerves and consciousness, he designed a mechanical body that accepts brain waves and neural sensing manipulation.

  He has completely abandoned his once weak body, and will further try to completely strip his consciousness out of his brain and store it in a chip to achieve another form of "immortality" that he dreams of.

  Dr. Zola's peculiar metallic voice sounded again, which sounded a bit gritty.

"No Bolivar, Mr. Howlett's approach has exceeded the cognitive limit of human beings in the current era. Mutants are enough for them to digest for many years. The scientific community. Jie Jie Jie, when I was a healthy Swiss , would not be accepted by the scientific community.”

  Compared to Dr. Abraham Erskine's absolute rationality that is more human than pursuing the path of science, Zola is purely another extreme, the opposite side of the coin.

  For him, the ethics of good and evil, morality and law will not be placed above his own research, and he is a pure mad scientist.

  After the fall of Hoover, James didn't mind letting Zola accept a large number of Hydera scientists in S.H.I.E.L.D., including Bolivar Trask, who volunteered himself.

  In James’ view, as long as he is a pure scientific researcher without so-called political appeals and ideals and ambitions for the world, he is the simplest person.

  Great rivers are not afraid of mud and sand. He has mastered a large number of such madmen since the 19th century, and he also has the courage to bring them under his command.

  Tresk thinks about his current working status, the blue-haired beast-like Hank McCoy, the boss Dr. Zola who has only one brain stored in the machine, and the crazy old material madman Dr. McLean.

  This dwarf scientist himself doesn’t seem to have anything special. He hates James Howlett for reversing a certain future of the mutant race, but he is full of unknown longings for such an extraordinary world that faintly glows with new brilliance.

   "Hee hee, brother Zola! I found you!"

   Little Wolf Girl suddenly woke up Dr. Trask who was in a trance. After Zola heard the sound, the green face on the screen flickered and blurred for a while, and even the mechanical arm turned twice in a disorderly manner.

   "It's our cutest, no, it's the bravest little Laura!"

  Zola’s mechanical voice can make a trembling tremolo in a very humanized way, and the green faces made of codes are transformed into very cartoon smiling faces.

  It turns out that even if there is no body, humanity can still exist.

  Laura bounced over, glanced at Tresk, who was only a little taller than herself, smiled brilliantly, threw herself on Zola's mechanical torso, tapped his electronic face and chirped:

   "Including this week of school, I haven't seen me for more than ten days. Did Brother Zola miss me?"

  Zola, with the visual lens on the top and the face on the electronic screen, is nodding in a hurry, randomly asking Dr. Trask to bring some interesting new equipment to Miss Laura.

   "I don't, have you thought about the follow-up of the Red Skull story? It was said last time that he was teleported to an octopus planet by the Rubik's Cube, and turned into an octopus with skulls and skulls. What's next, what's next? It's time for an update!"

The face of Zola on the electronic screen is flickering randomly. This mechanical body is still being debugged and improved, especially at present, the input mode of the facial expression system is still very limited. Once the emotions transmitted by the brain nerves are too complicated, the screen will flash with garbled characters. .

  In order to make the eldest lady happy, Zola told some stories about the former boss half-truthfully, but how could he know whether the Red Skull turned into a powder, or was really teleported to some other place?

"I do not care"

   "Don't, don't, my good Laura."

  Laura flexibly disassembled the "brain" in the middle with both hands, took out a nearly round sphere and held it in her arms. Dr. Zola's brain was inside.

   Although the sparrow is small and complete, this sphere not only has an electronic screen, but also a small imaging device. It is simply a real head that can be removed and spoken at will.

   "Stay at my bedside and tell me stories today, and I won't let you go until you finish telling the story behind the octopus red skull!"

  Laura hugged the doctor's "head", ran towards the space portal when she came, and rushed back to her room.

In the laboratory, Trask silently pushed the mechanical body to the corner, all the way to the deeper hidden laboratory, where there is a strange creature that has no spiritual will, only the strange body that keeps randomly mutating various physical forms. Flesh tissue.

  He looked at this mutant who was once called Darwin. He was both alive and long dead, but this body contained a magical gene that was very special even among mutants.

  Perhaps, here lies their most powerful and terrifying secret.

   Released an image of the current stage of the protagonist, which was reproduced by an illustrator who paid a lot of money, in the form of secret art.

   Let me reveal that there will be new forms in the future.

   Of course, there are still many gaps in the various details in the imagination, but this is the inevitable difference between the words and the materialization.

   I hope everyone likes this little gift, and I have drawn for more than ten hours.



  (end of this chapter)