MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 131 crash

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  Chapter 131 Crash

  Manhattan, New York, Homeland Strategic Defense Offensive and Logistics Agency Headquarters.

  Although it has been in use for more than a year, the various laboratories and training facilities of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been constantly being built and improved.

  This organization directly under the White House, which integrates important units such as cutting-edge strategic technology research and development, special force response, intelligence, mutant research, and mutant force application, has gradually become the most important national defense and foreign strike department besides the conventional military forces of the United States.

  Recently, SHIELD's personnel structure and mode of operation have quietly undergone tremendous changes.

  As the director of the FBI, Mr. Edgar Hoover, since he also served as the director of SHIELD, has continued to change and adjust personnel arrangements from the FBI, the Intelligence Agency, and other units and fields that he has cultivated for decades.

  Easily took Roger Dooley, who was in charge of the Intelligence Department of SHIELD, and while pushing him away, he secretly arranged for Major William Stryker to join the Mutation Force.

  And the leader of the Strategic Science Research and Development Department, Howard Stark "just happened" to be deeply involved in the crime of treason for selling weapons to enemy countries.

  For a while, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau, which has huge energy and resources but has not yet fully integrated the system, became the base camp where Edgar Hoover could cover the sky with one hand.

   "First, sir. Every use of the third-generation super soldier serum requires the filing and approval of the military department and the White House. Did we take too much this time?"

  During World War II, the prototype super-soldier serum developed by the German scientist Dr. Abraham Erskine is considered to be the first generation of evolutionary serum.

  As Erskine was shot by Nazai spies just after the experiment was successful, and disappeared strangely, the prototype serum no longer had a complete formula.

   Fortunately, relying on a large number of experimental processes and data, as well as the first super soldier in history who had been used as a living sample for several years of research, scientists in the United States finally reproduced the second-generation serum.

  After years of perfect development, the formulation ratio of the serum was finally stabilized, and the third-generation "Super Soldier" serum currently used was obtained.

  However, all the R&D personnel and military executives scratched their heads. What is puzzling is that any of the most outstanding soldier transformation results selected cannot replicate the terrifying combat effectiveness of the "traitor".

   Anyone who saw the man fighting scene recalled:

He is as hot as a furnace, and just getting close to him will always feel a sharp pain like a needle. His whip legs can blast the soldiers in the armored vehicle into blood foam without destroying the outer armor. He can fight with four Five super fighters wrestle at the same time.

  Facing that Director Hoover took seven at a time and carried out injection transformation in the underground laboratory that had just been secretly built in the bureau, this German scientist who was naturalized from the "paper clip" project was still worried.

   "When did the people in Hydera become so timid? I heard that your former chief scientist, Dr. Zola, although he looks like a weak and cowardly dwarf, is more crazy than anyone else in his research."

  Hoover was wearing a well-fitting black suit. He didn't even look forty years old. His body was strong and strong like an athlete who had been self-disciplined and insisted on professional strength training for many years.

  He looked at his most confidant agents and the "black gloves". They were lying naked in the transformation cabin one by one, preparing for the injection of serum, and turned to the scientist with the hooked nose and continued:

"Dr. Mellie, a shepherd who shepherds the sheep on behalf of God, it is the most reasonable thing to eat lamb once in a while and gather some wool to make a fur coat to survive the harsh winter, and he will soon be able to make new serum supplements." Come on, have you forgotten Hydera's spiritual will?"

   "Long live Hydra!"

  Hoover watched with satisfaction as Mr. Doctor recited the slogan of the Hydra force in awe, and nodded in satisfaction.

   This Hydera heritage, which is only left with an empty shell of extreme elitism, is extremely easy to use by myself.

  The serum injection transformation began soon, and the dazzling Vita rays shot out from the windows of the evolution cabin one after another. Hoover stared at the front with his eyes wide open.

  The light reflected in the pupils, but it can't illuminate the black tentacles in his eyes.

  Mr. President met his "compatriot". He is not a naive and lovely professor. Hoover must speed up his pace.

   It is urgent to correct the direction of the United States.

   "Have you made up with Raven yet?"

  Less than one kilometer away from the laboratory that was secretly undergoing serum evolution transformation underground, Hank McCoy helped Charles take off the helmet of the brain wave device, and asked a seemingly casual question.

  Charles pinched his eyebrows and shook his head.

  He recently used the brain wave device too frequently to help Major Stryker search for mutants in the American army, which is a bit like the drowsiness and exhaustion of ordinary people after excessive brain use.

   "She went out for a long trip without telling me a few days ago, and she came back wearing a beach flower shirt, which is more chic than me."

   Hank hesitated to say something, opened his mouth and finally said insincerely:

  “The fire in Queens last week, Darwin and ‘Angel’ performed very well, and they have been training very hard recently.”

   "Yeah. They're all great."

  Charles rubbed his face and spoke perfunctorily. He thought for a while and said helplessly:

"Hank, this is not enough. Not enough, we need a real 'opportunity' that can prove that the power of mutants is irreplaceable, and can be widely concerned and discussed by the public. It is just an ordinary firefighting operation, not even a newspaper to interview them."

   Hank McCoy patted Charles on the shoulder noncommittally. He felt that the professor was always too eager to deal with many things recently. After meeting Mr. President, his mentality became inexplicably irritable.

   "Professor! Professor!"

  Sean Cassidy screamed and ran into the brain wave room. I don't know if it was because he was too anxious. His high-pitched voice made Charles and Hank cover their ears in pain.

   "Yes, I'm sorry, I just received a request for help from the New York airport. Two giant passenger planes flew from Chicago and Dayton to New York's Idlewild Airport and Guardia Airport respectively."

  Charles didn’t wait for the out of breath Sean to finish speaking. He stroked his forehead and understood everything. He quickly put on the brain wave device, closed his eyes tightly, his eyelids trembled for a moment and said quickly:

   "Captain Sawyer, please don't panic, I am Professor Charles Xavier"

In the 1960s, aerial detection technology had not yet developed and used three-dimensional coordinate radar, so the dispatcher could not know the altitude difference between the two planes. The two airports in New York are very close, and the two flights coincidentally landed at the same Time to land.

  The tower dispatchers paid attention to the situation of the planes landing at their own airports, until the two reflection pulse markers got closer and closer, and then communicated the difference in landing altitude between the two sides in doubt.

Finally, at an altitude of 5,000 feet in the air, the two passenger planes collided. The C-69 Constellation long-range passenger plane flying from Dayton, Ohio was hit by the tail of another passenger plane and lost its tail fuselage on the spot. Balance ability, crashed to the icy ground of Staten Island.

However, the United Airlines DC-8 airliner lost one of its tail fins. After struggling to keep the fuselage from falling, it could no longer control the flight direction. It requested an emergency landing from the aviation station in New York, and the direction was predicted to fall in downtown Brooklyn. .

  DC-8's captain Sawyer and the pilot Phoebe looked strangely calm. Their heartbeat and adrenaline had already exploded the moment before, and they were trembling all over, and they could hardly hold the control panel.

  But when a calm male voice suddenly appeared in his mind, the mood and state of the two drivers were instantly adjusted to the best state, and they suppressed their surprise and curiosity about this bizarre situation.

   Bang Bang!

  On the windshield of the cockpit, there was an African-American woman with long black hair crouching all of a sudden.

  "Angel" Ms. Salvador Bohusque knocked on the glass window and opened her mouth to say something. The howling high-altitude gale and the aviation-grade airtight glass completely cut off the possibility of sound entering.

  But the two drivers came up with a woman's voice in their minds, which happened to match the shape of her mouth when she opened her mouth outside the window.

   "Give up observing the instrument panel, and follow my command! Continue to keep pulling up and deflect ten degrees east!"

   Hum! hum!

  In New York City.

Siren Sean opened his "bat wings", he roared to the ground and released super strong sound waves, pushed himself up by the reverse repulsion, and flew all the way from the Institute of Mutation Power in Manhattan to the ground. Brooklyn.

Along the road, sound waves bombarded the blocks and buildings. Pedestrians covered their ears desperately listening to the piercing, devil-like screams. Many people's earholes oozed blood, lying on the ground in pain Howling.

The shoulder blades on Darwin's back were raised high, giving birth to a pair of thick wings six to seven meters long. The speed was actually faster than Sean's. Holding Hank and the newly joined mutant boy Wei Jiemin Benson in his hands, he flew fast flapping its wings.

   "Professor! Connect us and the angels!"

  Darwin yells in the air, they're on their way to Brooklyn,

  Suddenly, the sensory world of several people changed strangely. They shared their vision and consciousness with each other, as if opening a shared communication window in their minds.

And relying on Professor Charles Xavier's huge mental power control, the consciousness of each other will not be confused, and the entire crash situation is as if the eyes of the sky are opened, from the altitude of the plane several thousand meters to the ground conditions in Brooklyn. .

   "'Kraken'! Clear the square!"

  During the communication between brain regions, Charles took the overall situation. He selected Grand Army Square and Plaza East Street, which are also the largest in the north of Brooklyn, as the runway and landing point for the plane to make an emergency landing.

  Pedestrians and hawkers on the nearby roads evacuated at the fastest speed with dull faces at the same time. The entire street and around the square, after just over ten seconds, it seemed that no one came in and out, and it was empty and dead.

   Siren and Darwin landed on the Grand Army Square with two companions,


   Sean suddenly inhaled a large amount of air, his chest bulging high like a huge balloon.

  His neck suddenly became thicker, and the black and blue blood vessels as thick as fingers were densely swollen. The sea monster roared out the strongest and most enjoyable high-frequency sound waves in his life with his superhuman throat and lung function.

Wow! !

  The air was expelled into ring-shaped wave waves, and the entire space seemed to tremble faintly. The various stone tablets and metal statues erected on the square were either shattered into powder, or distorted and collapsed into the distance.

   Siren Sean turned around and cleared out hundreds of square meters of square space, all the way flat and without obstacles.

   "Charles, the plane's wings are too wide, and it is very likely to crash into the buildings on both sides when it is forced to land and taxi from here!"

   "I have seen it, El Salvador, look at the timing, and break off the wings! I will take over the entire spiritual consciousness!"

  Angel jumped up from the cockpit, flapping its insect-like wings to follow the plane.

  Boom! boom!

  At the exact moment when the plane landed, Charles manipulated the sky with all his strength, and sprayed two red sparks from his mouth, precisely cutting off the wing that was about to hit the buildings on both sides of the street.

  DC-8 draws dazzling sparks all the way, and is still heading towards the west side of the square with unabated momentum. With the current inertia and strength, it will soon collide with a ten-story office building on the opposite side.

   "Professor Charles puts the most pressure on me!"

  Darwin said silently, Wei Jieming beside him had already swollen and agitated the muscles of his thighs and waist,

   Roaring sullenly, it transformed into a little giant with extremely uncoordinated body proportions. The thighs that were three times thicker, as well as the skeletal muscles of the trunk and arms, coupled with the small head and neck, looked extremely funny.

   "Darwin, what will happen if you weigh hundreds of tons on your body?"

  Charles Xavier muttered to himself in the brain wave room.

Relying on his mind control and sensory simulation, he can manipulate Darwin's body to actively adapt to evolution. Without being immersed in the real environment, he can change consciousness, brain hormone secretion, and sensory cognition, allowing him to achieve some kind of autonomous physical transformation .

  With Charles' simulation control, Darwin just gave birth to the strongest wings, and flew the two of them all the way to Brooklyn. Now, with the mental simulation of the rocks pressing down on him, what will Darwin become?


  The sound of bones cracking and teeth growing reverberated in Darwin's body. His pupils constricted, and the clothes on his body were completely shredded and hung one by one.

  Darwin's body grew and swelled rapidly, and Wei Jieming was beside him, like a child with incomplete changes, and finally multiplied and transformed into a black giant nearly three meters high.

   Leilei's muscles are like granite, his skin has metallic particles, his limbs are as thick as buckets,

  The stone pavement of the square under his feet was deeply crushed with cracked foot-like dents. Darwin's feet had already worn out his shoes. The browbones on his face were high, and his white teeth were huge, making him extremely terrifying.


  Darwin was the first to meet the nose of the passenger plane crashing into it.

   Under the perspective of "Angel" Salvador in the air, the huge white broken-wing fuselage was like a steel pillar with unparalleled impact, sparks splashed all the way, hitting the black "nail" in front of him,

Wei Jieming also rushed forward to meet the root of the wing on one side. Hank gritted his teeth and kicked off his shoes. The ferocious and huge beast flexed and stretched twice comfortably, and jumped up to the other side .

  The impact inertia of a large passenger plane of more than 200 tons forced to land from the sky suddenly exerted on the three people,

  Darwin’s big millstone crushed the masonry ground, sinking deeply to his ankles, the alloy shell of the machine head was squeezed and twisted into a human-shaped dent, and the deformed wave traces spread backward.


  As the weakest of the three, Hank also tried his best. His glasses had already fallen somewhere, his delicate face was flushed, his cheek muscles were bulging, and his four canine teeth became faintly sharp.

  He looked at the back of his hand that he was pushing on the wing, the blue and black meridians became thicker and thicker, and even some long light blue hairs came out of the pores little by little

  The three mayflies finally shook the big tree, dragged a gravel dent tens of meters long under their feet, and gradually stopped the passenger plane at the west end of the Grand Army Square.


  Darwin rolled his eyes, and the three-meter-high black giant quickly shrank back to its original shape. He lost his strength and passed out on the spot. Wei Jieming and Hank also sat on the ground, panting heavily, and even lay down on the ground.

   Hank McCoy looked at the back of his hand, then touched his cheek. The abnormality just now seemed to be an illusion.

  At that moment, I seemed to have turned into a wild beast with thick hair.

   Early morning after one day.

  Emma Frost is in the panoramic office on the top floor of the Empire State Building, looking at the front page of this morning's "New York Times" in her hand. The headline on it is - "The X-Men Who Saved Flight 826!".

   Also on the table was the New York Post - "The Heroic Feat of Mutant Troops" and on the sideboard - "What Are Mutants".

Pieces and pieces, all newspapers and media in New York City and the entire United States are frantically reporting and commenting on a university professor named Charles Xavier, who led a team of "mutants" with superpowers to save the The airliner that crashed and landed.

  All 128 people on board were rescued, and no one was injured in the Brooklyn area where the plane made an emergency landing.

  This astonishing feat completely caused a sensation in the world of public opinion in the United States, and it continued to spread to the whole world.

  People are discussing all kinds of information about mutants in the streets and alleys,

Some people say that they are part of the "Super Soldier" project. After all, the story of the strongest "Bald Eagle Guardian" special forces in the United States and the "Captain America" ​​of the year has been publicized in the society. This kind of statement and understanding is also the most popular. .

  Some people also say that they are human beings who have been mutated by nuclear radiation, or even aliens from space, who have been living in the mysterious Area 51.

  “.The team of mutants saved the passenger plane that made an emergency landing in downtown New York. Behind this heroic incident, there are still too many mysteries that we don’t know. Where did they come from? What can they do?”

  “. To be sure, the citizens of the United States are cheering for the rescued 128 passengers. No matter where these heroes come from, we can’t help shouting—God bless America!”

  Emma read the last line of the report without any emotion on her face,

She threw down the newspaper, stood up and looked at the street view of Fifth Avenue in Manhattan and the busy New York City outside the window, the brilliant light shone on her blond hair and fair skin reflecting the brilliance, and the eyes facing the east turned into brilliant diamonds ,

  Emma stared at the sun that mortals can't look directly at for a moment, and whispered to herself:

   "James, is this the 'node' you mentioned?"


   "Hiss! This node is wrong."

  The core sanctuary of the mystic on the unknown peak of the Himalayas, Karma Taj.

  James Howlett was spitting blood in the quietest and most secret practice stone room in the sanctuary. His left arm was blown to pieces from the inside, the bone was shining with a jade-colored luster, and the branches pierced the flesh.

  He sat cross-legged on the ground, his body trembling from time to time, his skin was faintly red, and after a while, it burst from his body, spurting out a blood.

  Now James’s skin and fascia can easily withstand the shooting of the largest caliber rifle bullets. Even the armor-piercing bullets against tanks or armored vehicles can only leave a little scratched bloodstains.

  Bone is stronger and tougher than titanium steel.

   But even such a physical body cannot withstand the explosion damage caused by the wrong connection of the life energy that exploded in the body.

  He was like a horrific pervert, watching the horrific flesh and blood tissue on his arm quickly gather and heal, but with a particularly happy smile on his face.

"The more serious the damage, the stronger the power. I have to think about which sea point should be connected to this node. The Dumen point is not right and try this nerve node again. There are more than 100 possible positions in total. It's a big deal. Explode again."



   Li, the young sorcerer’s apprentice who came to look for James, stood trembling outside the door of the stone room. He glanced at the scene inside, slumped against the stone wall with his hands on his chest, and his legs were swinging uncontrollably.

  The cauldron that has always been kind to him, the flesh and blood on his body burst into pieces from time to time, and blood mist sprayed around,

  The stone wall near him was almost covered with thick bloodstains, his majestic and burly body was naked, dripping with blood, and from time to time he took the initiative to stuff the broken bones back into his body.

   "Is it Xiao Li?"

   "Oh! Big, cauldron. No, yes, it's a nest"

  Apprentice Xiao Li was so frightened that Tian Ling Gai was about to fly out of the car, his legs gave way, and he sat down on the ground, listening to the man inside suddenly questioning, terrified and incoherent.


  James’ quiet voice full of magnetism, relaxed and joyful, but in Xiao Li’s ears, it sounds like the call of the devil

   "Master Supreme Master Mage, please go over here."

   "Okay, I'll come right after I change clothes, do you want to wait for me together. Xiao Li? Hey, why did you run away?"

  James felt the aura of apprentice Xiao Li rushing away, grunted twice, stood up and shook lightly, the blood scabs on Pian Pian's body were shaken off, and his whole person became clean and fresh again, extremely handsome.

  He strode back to his small room and changed his clothes, just in time to pick up the gift he was going to give to Master Ancient One.

  The road has been stepped on, it is time to go back.

   The accident actually happened in 1960, and the time and details were changed. In the end, more than 300 people on the two planes were killed, and eight people in the urban area died due to the crash.



  (end of this chapter)

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Read Hell's Handbook

Chapter 430

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Chapter 429

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