MTL - Marvel: I, Created the Masked Foundation X-Chapter 19

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"Oh, Tony! Do you know what you just said?"

"In ten days, we have developed a product that is even more powerful than Humagia!"

Xiao Chili's face was full of shock, looking a little unbelievable.

In her opinion, this Humagia is already the top existence at present.

It is difficult to surpass it.

Tony, on the other hand, wants to make a comparable product in ten days.

It's like a fool's dream.


"Actually, I have always had an idea in my mind!"

Tony pointed to his head and said proudly.

"It just hasn't come true!"

"Xu Ma Gia, who just appeared, gave me a lot of ideas!"

Tony said confidently.

[17] Skyrocketing World Points! Pretty girl Gwen!

(For collection!)

Unlike the gloom of other companies.

This Feidian company can be described as a thriving scene.

Many employees of the company are rejoicing, and everyone has a proud smile on their faces.

To know!

this year.

Their company was jointly blocked by several giants.

Can be said to have disappeared for a while.

But start today!

It all makes a difference.

Owned the Huma Gia, this trump card product.

Their Feidian company no longer needs to be subservient.

that's the truth.

Just this morning.

The phone call that wanted to make a reservation for repair codeia was directly blown up.

The number of visitors to the official website is also increasing exponentially.

If it wasn't for their powerful servers, they might have been paralyzed long ago.

Countless investment institutions also came to the door in person.

I would like to discuss matters concerning shareholding and financing.

However, they were all rejected directly by the Ministry of Economic Affairs.

They fly electric company, sufficient capital flow.

There is no need to rely on financing and listing to make money.

And these hustle and bustle below.

It has nothing to do with Li Wei.

Him at this moment!

Sitting in the top office of Feidian headquarters, drinking afternoon tea leisurely.

He picked up the teacup in his hand and took a few sips slowly.

Then stand up!

He walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass window next to him and looked down at the whole New York scenery.

Extremely comfortable.

"System, help me check the harvest this time!"

At this moment, Li Wei said lightly in his heart.


In front of him, a screen appeared that only he could see.

【Kamen Rider Chronicle System! 】

[Host: Li Wei! 】

[Current status: President of Feidian Intelligence]

[The world has been opened: (Kamen Rider? Zero One)! 】

[Owned knight belt: 3 pieces]

[Acquired World Point: 241134!]

while opening.

That world point is still beating, climbing all the way up.


Nasumi Gia, although it has not been officially released yet.

But it has already caused a stir.

It also has a great impact on the world.

Seeing the value of the world point, it keeps rising.

There was a smile on Li Wei's mouth.

It seems!

It's really worth his performance yesterday!

At this speed!

Soon, he will be able to unlock the inheritance of the next Masked World.

And just when Li Wei was thinking by the window.

In his ear, there was a knock on the door.

"Master President!"

"Police Chief George Stacy, has arrived downstairs to discuss things with you

Izzy walked in from the door and started reporting.

"it is good!"

"I'll come down right now!"

Li Wei turned off the system, turned around immediately, and went downstairs with Izzy.

Feidian Smart is downstairs.

Stab la la!

Several police cars lined up.

Click, click, the door opens.

A few policemen with big arms and round waists got out of the car.

One of them is burly and strong, and looks like Schwarzenegger.

He glanced at the Feidian Building, and there seemed to be a bit of disdain in his eyes.

Immediately after.

The police car at the front opened.

Chief George, got out of the car with a girl.

The girl has white hair.

A slim figure and a pretty face.

It looks charming and charming, full of youthful vitality.

"Is this Feidian Intelligence?"

"It's amazing!"

The white-haired beautiful girl couldn't help but exclaimed when she looked at the Feidian Smart headquarters in front of her.

She was Chief George's daughter, Gwen Stacy.

He is also a loyal fan of Feidian Smart.

When she heard that her father was coming to Feidian Smart yesterday, she begged for a long time.

Only then did my father agree to let me come with me.

"Director George, welcome!"

And right now.

The glass door of Feidian headquarters opens automatically.

A handsome man in a white suit stepped out.

Needless to say, it was Li Wei.

This scene!

Gwen's eyes narrowed.

I have always heard that the president of Feidian Intelligence is a handsome guy.

When I saw him today, I was ten times more handsome than I imagined.


Chief George responded with a smile.

[18] Just repair code Gia! I want to compete with humans too! (3 more, please collect!)

"Then, please come in!"

Li Wei raised his hand and said politely.

A group of people, under the leadership of Li Wei, walked into the interior of Feidian Intelligence.

The first thing that catches the eye is the hall of Feidian headquarters.

This hall is extremely vast, and the whole body is pure white.

Which uses a lot of high-tech products.

For example, on both sides, 3D projection is used, and the promotional video of Humagia is played repeatedly.

Gwen Stacy, looking at the scene in front of her.

Full of longing.

When you arrive at the gate.

The security-type repair code Gia, who was waiting on the side, directly scanned the people present.

Immediately, a standard smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Welcome Chief George, Miss Gwen,...!"

He prepared to say the names of everyone present and made a gesture of invitation.