MTL - Marvel: I, Created the Masked Foundation X-Chapter 16

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Immediately, two or two laser spray gun tips came out.

It aimed at Nashumagiya and began to shoot.


I saw two blue lights, which immediately shot out of the gun head.

Zi la la!

With this harsh sound.

Nashumagia, starting from the bottom, gradually transformed into a human appearance.


Even the blood vessels below are clearly visible.

Feet first!

Hand again.

Finally, a face of a human male appeared on the head of Nashumagiya

This face is none other than that!

It is Kamen Rider? Zero One's second rider.

The unbroken remonstrance known as [Breaking Riding].

That's right!

Li Wei pinched this first face.

Just don't break the advice.

This guy, in the original book, is a member of Ames.

I didn't expect I"!

After arriving in the world of Meiman, he still cannot escape the fate of becoming a policeman.


Li Wei stared at that face carefully for a moment.

The unbroken remonstrance in the discovery and memory is not bad at all.

He nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, move on to the next one!"

Li Wei snapped his fingers and continued.

Same process as before.

Only, this time!

What was created was actually the character of a woman.

Slender thighs.

Pretty face.

With long black hair and a tall figure.

A proper image of the queen.

Needless to say!

This second one was created, and it is the three riders in the original book, Sister Ren, Ren Wei.

"very good!"

Looking at the projection of the two in front of him, Li Wei nodded with satisfaction.

The reason for creating these two.

In addition to satisfying his little hobbies, it is to prepare for the future.

"After that, just set it up as you like!"

Li Wei waved his hand and commanded.

【Yes! 】

Satellite Yake began to set it up by himself.

Compared to Bupojian and Renwei, the ones in the back are not so delicate in appearance.

Black person!

white people!



After painting everyone!

This satellite, Yake, gave them battle uniforms with the characteristics of Zaiya!

This kind of combat uniform can effectively protect Humagia.

avoid unnecessary damage to them.

Such and such!

These 100 military repair code Gia are considered to be completely manufactured.

The whole process took about two hours.

[One hundred repair code Gia, manufacturing is complete! 】

【Whether to enable? 】

The cold voice of the satellite Yake sounded.

"Start it!"

"Infuse them with the programs we developed before!"

Li Wei sat on the sofa and said lightly.

【As per your order! 】

Ka Ka Ka!

With the injection of the program!

The one hundred Humagiya began to be activated gradually.

Their heads, which had been lowered, began to slowly lift.

Then suddenly opened my eyes!


Red light flashes.

All of a sudden!

The entire second underground floor was shrouded in this hazy red light.

The whole scene looks gorgeous and weird.

These Humagia, bathed in red light.

All face cold storage.

Their database is filled with various killing techniques.

Each one is extremely powerful.

Li Wei looked at the Humagia soldiers standing in front of him, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Welcome to the real world!"

Li Wei raised the wine glass in his hand, looked at the projection in front of him, and said with a big smile.

【salute! ]

Brush it!

The hundred military repair Gia in front of them immediately raised their hands and showed their respect to Li Wei.

To know!

These code Gia, the core at the bottom, wrote the most important piece of code.

That is no matter what the circumstances.

All need to maintain absolute obedience to him.

That is to say!

No matter how many Modicas are produced.

Where did these Humagia finally get sold?

This ultimate controller is always in his own hands.

This is equivalent to!

Use other people's money to build an army for himself.

Why not do it! .

[15] Aftermath of the press conference!

And that's when Livy made his own Moda Legion!

outside world!

But it was already very lively!

What happened at the press conference just now has gradually spread.

Although most of the people in the meeting remained silent.

after all!

These news, once announced.

Flying powder? Peter Parker! (3 more, please collect!)

The stock prices of major companies will inevitably fall.

However, those journalists who attended the meeting would not take this into consideration.

They immediately sent the news they had obtained back to the newspaper!

Bugle Daily!

Inside the office!

The boss of the daily newspaper, is still dealing with some things.

However, at this moment, his phone rang.

The daily boss, picked up the phone.


"Big news! Big news!"

The reporter on the other end of the phone was about to tell what happened tonight.

The boss of the Daily Bugle, upon hearing this, had a red light on his face.

"it is good!"

"Artificial intelligence! Humajiya! Boss Feidian!"

"It's all explosive news!"

"Did you take a picture?"

He hurriedly asked.