MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 414 Hero Save the Beauty X2

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By the way, didn't you say that you don't want to enter the market at will, so what are you doing now?

Di Lena looked at Lufa, was gnashing her teeth, and suddenly remembered this question, so she asked curiously.

The angels are still on their way, so don't worry. What's more, compared with the Goddess Lieyang who will save the future, offending the gluttonous civilization is not important.

Lufa said with a smile.

Even if you have foresight, a mere gluttonous civilization is nothing at all. If you dare to make this goddess so embarrassed, I will ask Pan Zhen to send troops to destroy them after I go back!

Di Leina suddenly became happy, and her expression changed instantly with the naked eye. People have to feel that she really has no scheming at all, and her emotions are all written on her face.

Maybe Rui Mengmeng is more innocent than her, not counting the angel's burning heart, she is still somewhat scheming.

Hold back the pain.

Then Lufa suddenly said.


Before Di Lena could react, Lufa pulled out the god-killing spear from her abdomen.



Di Leina's painful expression immediately turned into a killing intent towards Lufa!


A solar flare bombardment was casually sent flying by Lufa, and hit the side, blasting out a big crater.

Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, you also need time to recover your divine body before you can continue to fight.

Lufa casually crushed the god-killing spear in his hand, making Di Leina stunned.

What kind of monster are you, you can ignore even the god-killing spear.

Di Leina was very surprised. You must know that the god-killing weapon does not mean that it must be pierced and hit. It itself has energy radiation that can decompose super genes, and its own super gene engine system will be affected if it is close.

In other words, the dark plane supercomputer will not be affected. The problem is that there are not many super soldiers who can develop their own dark plane.

Although Lufa is very strong, it is impossible for him not to be affected by the energy radiation of the God Killing Weapon, right?

My Shura armor is immune to the energy radiation of the god-killing weapon, so don't worry.

Lufa replied.

Really, your armor is so powerful?

Di Leina curiously analyzed the armor on the surface of Lufa's body. Just like last time, there was no way to analyze it. There were a lot of unknown substances, so she gave up.

A new super soldier has appeared!

On the side of the Taotie civilization, the gluttonous mecha fighters like Taotie Fenglei are highly valued. The Taotie civilization pays different attention to them than other gluttonous fighters, so they witnessed the scene of Lufa killing Taotie Fenglei the whole time.

The strength of this super soldier even made them feel that it might be a divine body!

Originally, it was too much to have Di Leina, the divine body of the Lieyang civilization. If Di Leina hadn't taken into account the radiation problem and dared not use the too powerful solar flare bombing, and the gene lock restricted by the Heavenly Dao Tower, the gluttonous civilization would be Seeing Di Leina in space, she definitely turned around and ran away.

Now there is another suspected divine body, but there is no information about Lufa in their information materials.

This is the information given by my **** Karl. I don’t know who this **** is?

Are there any god-killing weapons?

No more, we just brought a god-killing spear to target Di Lena, but now the god-killing spear is also destroyed by this god.

The gluttons felt very painful, even though the god-killing weapon was given to them by Karl, the **** of death, but Karl, the **** of death, didn't give them too many god-killing weapons.

Without a god-killing weapon, wouldn't it be courting death for the last **** who could fire with full firepower?

What is going on with Blue Star, why are there so many gods appearing?

Our fleet also suffered setbacks in the beautiful country. They actually used nuclear bombs to attack us?

The natives of this planet are so crazy.

What should I do, do I want to withdraw?

It's just an extra god, don't be afraid!

The Taotie soon settled down and decided to continue fighting, after all their current losses were within an acceptable range.

What's more, the large army is still in space, so there is no need to worry about the shortage of troops.

Besides, even if they die here, there is nothing to be afraid of. They died for my **** Karl, which is the most glorious death.

Lufa strengthened the fighting will of the gluttons so that they would not run away easily, and by the time they were about to run away, they probably had no ability to run away.

Well, it's time for me to go to Qilin, be careful, Your Majesty Lena.

Lufa teased Di Leina.

This is gone?

Di Leina was a little bit reluctant, especially after being called Your Majesty by Lufa, she felt very good. Although Lufa's tone was teasing and didn't have much respect, at least it was much better than Lieyang Civilization. .

But Lufa didn't stay any longer, distance creates beauty, memories can beautify a person, and keeping a distance allows Di Leina to think about herself.

Moreover, Qilin's side is also in danger.

As one of the most dazzling output, Qilin was quickly noticed by the gluttonous civilization. There was also a Kamigawa sniper who sniped and killed a large number of their gluttonous fighters.

So gluttonous snipers came to encircle Qilin.

Although Qilin was stronger than them, she couldn't stand the crowd. She could only kill one glutton with one bullet, but other gluttons could hit her at the same time.

If it weren't for the strength of Hei Jia and her own super genetic warrior, Qi Lin would have died.

But even so, Qilin still felt that she was getting weaker and weaker, and her ammunition had run out.

Seeing a Taotie flying over her head and emitting that familiar and deadly purple energy beam, Qi Lin had no choice but to drop the sniper rifle, jumped out, and was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion.

When she was about to fall heavily to the ground, Qilin made a rolling posture to remove the impact, and she fell into a strong embrace. At the same time, several purple shots followed The energy beam was also knocked aside casually.

Road method?

Qilin's eyes widened, and she looked at Chi Chi's face in disbelief.

It's me, you're not dreaming, you're not in fantasy right now.

Lufa said with a smile. saved me again.

Qilin only felt her whole body relax, and lay on Lufa's chest. She was already very tired, and when she relaxed all of a sudden, she suddenly felt that her whole body had lost all strength.

The main reason is that Lufa gave her an unparalleled sense of security, which made her sink.

And Lufa took Qilin to a room in a building in an instant, and then put Qilin down.

Take a break here.

Lufa said to Qilin.