MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 401 Morgana's frustration

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After burning out the energy of hundreds of stars at once, the big clock teleported Demon One to Morgana's location.

"Devil No. 1, start analyzing the situation of the divine body!"

Morgana is not someone who won't fight back when she is beaten, narrow-minded, shameless, mean and shameless is her style of conduct.

In addition, God's strongest ability is to review, and then analyze and research.

Morgana's divine body data was docked with Devil One, and then Morgana absorbed the energy from Devil One and began to repair her divine body.

This process takes a long time. After the original plot of the holy Kaisa was blown to pieces, the reason why a single sacred atom was not selected for direct regeneration is because the regeneration process requires a lot of energy.

How did Holy Keisha get a lot of energy in that state?

It can only rely on the mutual positioning of the sacred atoms and slowly aggregate. It will take hundreds of millions of years to be reborn, but by then she is estimated to be behind by an unknown number of versions.

It is also possible that all civilizations will be gone by then, and then the reborn holy Kaisha will become the new cosmic civilization pioneer?

[The analysis is complete, the divine body is being continuously damaged, and the current damage level is 18.8%...]

Morgana's current feeling is very uncomfortable. The most terrible thing is that the unknown destructive energy remaining in Morgana's divine body is still killing and preventing her from recovering.

If it weren't for her being the fourth-generation divine body, the damage might have been even more serious.

"Analyze this energy!"

While Morgana felt uncomfortable as if her aunt had come, she was also curious about what this energy was. It was too powerful. It was impossible for ordinary god-killing powers or even god-killing weapons to have such destructive power.

It is estimated that the three generations of gods will be gone after one hit, especially the effect of continuously destroying super genes and gods, which is enough to turn a three generations of gods from injury to disability, and from disability to death.

At first, Morgana thought it was the power of killing gods, but when she came back for review and analysis, and found that it was not a system at all with the power of killing gods, Morgana was confused.

"Bichi, Falk, what the **** is this?"

Morgana's Demon One has full computing power, and there is no way to analyze what this energy is. I only know that it is very difficult to deal with. It is different from dark energy and the god-killing power of anti-dark matter energy researched by the Deno civilization.

"Could it be that this queen was lucky enough to encounter a new super gene that is more powerful than the power of killing gods, but completely different?"

Then Morgana thought of this possibility, and she became excited all of a sudden.

Unknown, but super powerful super gene?

Back then, Deno civilization came up with the power to kill gods, which shocked the whole universe. In that era when super soldiers were rampant, Wei Ying's super genetic shadow hunters easily killed countless super soldiers and gods as soon as they appeared.

In particular, the highest masterpiece of the power of killing gods, "Nuoxing God of War", this kind of cutting-edge unit of God of War, even Kaisha, who is watching the battle, feels unsafe, and may be taken by Nuoxing God of War under the protection of millions of angels. the first level.

Of course, that was before the holy Kaisa had upgraded to the fourth generation of divine body.

It was also before Holy Kaisa developed the Silver Wing Domain.

Either of these two is enough to make Holy Kaisa ignore the threat of Nuoxing God of War.

Even so, being able to threaten the Holy Kaisa is enough to make the super gene of Nuoxing God of War shock the universe.

Now there is a new power over the Godslayer...

Morgana suddenly wanted to get Lufa.

In fact, it's not as difficult as she thought. This power is just a serious injury + bleeding negative buff defined by Lufa's own hands.

Grievous Wound: It reduces the healing effect received by the enemy.

Bleeding: This is the bleeding and blood rage of Nuoshou.

Both effects are simple and easy to understand, but together they are terrible, especially when they become real.

Lufa named this kind of power "the power of destruction", and it could also be called "the power of destroying gods".

It has a very strong killing effect on all life forms, whether it is a super genetic warrior or a **** body, or a triangle body or a beast body.

Only energy attacks from Ares' armor have this effect.

And he doesn't mind at all if Morgana knows the power of destruction. This thing means that the more people know, the greater the deterrent effect will be.

"What is the origin of this guy?"

Morgana looked at Lufa in the replay, put on the Shura armor, appeared in front of her as if teleporting, and punched her.

The black and red light condensed on the fist is so unique and so eye-catching.

The problem is that Morgana just can't find any information about him. You must know that the demon civilization has escaped for so many years. Morgana can basically visit the known universe, but she doesn't know the existence of this guy.

There is also the kind that looks like super speed, but Morgana always feels that it is a wormhole transportation technology, but neither her super genetic engine system nor the dark plane computer have detected wormholes.

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Morgana could only trust the data and results given by her genetic engine and the dark plane computer.

Otherwise, if a **** doubts his genetic engine system and dark plane supercomputer, isn't that a joke?

"The purpose of that guy is to protect the group of Blue Stars?"

Morgana saw this situation after the review.

It's just that she didn't expect a **** to do such a thing. I'm the demon queen Morgana, with a fierce reputation, and you actually hate me for a group of natives?

As for it!

Morgana couldn't understand, no matter how you looked at her, it was a very irrational and uneconomical behavior.

But when Morgana had no way to retaliate, she could only retreat three feet first.

"I'll revive my subordinates in another place, okay?"

Morgana set her sights on the neon and the strip of water, just to test Lufa's attitude and see if he really wants to fight her, or is it just for protecting this planet?

If Karl, the **** of death, hadn't sent Devil One over, Morgana would not have the confidence to test it out.

Now she felt that even if she was bumped into by Lu Fa, she could still run away.

So don't panic at all.

Three days later, that annoying power was finally worn away by Morgana.

She felt that this was simply a kind of torture, so her fear of Lu Fa rose to another level.

He even hesitated to take such a risk, Morgana couldn't stand it if it happened again.

"It doesn't matter, this queen is not afraid of him now!"

Morgana said viciously.

Then she appeared on Neon Jingdong.