MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 18

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However, there was uneasiness in my heart.

This time, as a responder, he may not have participated in this operation, but it is not that he did not fail to notice the short doom-like scene before the town in the fighter plane.

A group of people went, but there were three people missing, and with the lonely expressions of Cyclops and the others, he vaguely guessed some.

Regarding this, he didn't even ask why Logan appeared here for the first time.

Everyone didn't answer, Logan looked up at Hank and shook his head: "Charles and Magneto are dead, Qin~~~"

He didn't finish his sentence, but just sighed.

These words made Hank feel like being struck by lightning, and his face suddenly changed, as if he had heard it wrong, his face was full of disbelief, and his voice raised a bit: "Charles, dead?"

"Yes, Hank, Charles is dead."

"Impossible, with you guys here, who can kill Charles and Eric, and Qin, what happened to Qin?"

Hank's voice caused Cyclops, who was already depressed, to explode completely. He stood up abruptly, grabbed Hank's collar with both hands and roared: "You heard right Hank, Magneto and Charles are dead, even Jean, I lost everything, believe it or not."

"Nobody wants to wish for that, but it just happened."

From the beginning full of anger to the deep voice at the end, he slumped on the seat weakly, two lines of tears gradually slipped down from under his glasses.

For the X-Men, tonight was like a nightmare. Charles' death undoubtedly dealt a huge blow to them.

Especially for Cyclops, when Cyclops was young, he awakened his ability and was sent to Xavier Youth School. He met Professor Charles, among whom he experienced various events. His brother died. When he was helpless, it was Charles who showed up with the gentlest attitude and care, which helped him gradually walk out of the haze in his heart.

Let him accept his identity as a mutant, and Charles is not only a teacher, an elder, but also a father in his heart.

Just such a person, died in front of him, even the body was gone, and Qin, his lover, seemed to be a different person, looking at him not only like a stranger, but also like an enemy.

The double blow made him physically and mentally exhausted.

Hank just stood there in a daze, his lips moved, his expression became gloomy.

The atmosphere fell into silence again.

Maybe the only one who was relaxed in the room was the saber-toothed tiger. From the beginning to the end, the only thing he really cared about was his stupid brother. He said that he had experienced World War II and had seen too many deaths, so he was already numb.

Eric is just his boss, the boss is dead, maybe he still has a chance to replace Magneto to control the Brotherhood of Mutants.

So there is still a hint of joy in my heart.

"Logan~~" At this time, Mystique raised her head to look at Logan, and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Hank who woke up.

The latter stared at Mystique and Saber-Toothed Tiger angrily, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence: "If you didn't use school children to threaten Charles and do such whimsical things, Charles wouldn't have died. It's all because of you!" Caused by it, I, now, really want to tear you apart."

The teeth rattled vigorously, and the fur on the body of the angry beast had blown up, and the ferocious aura slowly spread.

Hearing this, Cyclops also raised his head abruptly, the red light in his glasses flickered, as if he was about to launch an energy beam at any time.

The same goes for Storm.

Sensing the danger, the saber-toothed tiger suddenly broke away from the fantasy, roared, its sharp nails slowly stretched, and its face was full of vigilance.

In an instant, the atmosphere became tense.

Fortunately, at this critical moment, the most sensible Storm and Logan quickly stood up and stood between the two sides. Storm supported Hank with both hands, and Logan grabbed Scott by the collar and yelled face to face: "Scott, we are devastated by the death of Charles and the loss of Jean, and no one wants that."

"Magneto, Riven and the others are indeed responsible, but Magneto is dead, so what's the point of taking your anger out on them? Kill them, and the Mutant Brotherhood and us will surely start a war."

Cyclops, who was dazzled by anger, didn't care at all, and pushed Logan away: "War is war, I'm tired of these **** bastards, every day they talk about fighting for the rise of mutants, but every effort they make One thing is just destroying the relationship between us and humans, and the professor is still trying to mediate it."

"If you want me to say, you should kill this bunch of garbage."

"Where is Qin? What about Qin?" Logan called out Qin directly, causing Scott to misfire in an instant.

Cyclops seemed to have been poured cold water, and his anger dissipated a lot, and he also regained some sanity. Seeing this, Chen Sheng chased after Logan: "And what about the students in the school?"

"Once we go to war with the Mutant Brotherhood, there will be countless casualties. If we die, who will take care of the students? Didn't Charles always hope that those students would live well?"

"Do you know, if according to history, we all die in the near future, what will happen to those students?"

"It's shocking. All the children were captured by some **** and thrown on the test bed. Each of them died in despair in the brutal experiment. Do you want to see such a picture, kid?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's surprised eyes were immediately aroused.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little uncomfortable. Scott frowned and looked at Logan, who had been confrontational before him, and suddenly found that he seemed to be a different person: "What are you talking about?"

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, I didn’t keep up with the promise at the seventh watch yesterday, I will make up for it today!).

Chapter 37: The Wolverine Through History

A minute later, everyone was sitting in the aircraft rest cabin, and Logan was sitting smoking a cigarette, and a wisp of smoke curled up.

He looked at the floating smoke and fell into memories, as if he saw the tragic and hopeless world twenty years later.

He began to tell.

Cyclops, who had lost his hearing, stared at Logan's mouth, but fortunately he understood lip language.

"I come from twenty years later, maybe you don't believe it, twenty years later, the Xavier Teenage Mutant Academy has become ruins, and the Brotherhood mutants have only a few people left because of hunting down, just like the sewer Hiding around like a mouse."

"As I said before, twenty years later, the school has become history, and all the students were taken away by a few people who don't know what kind of force, and they are doing cruel experiments."

"Only me and Kaidi survived hiding in hiding."

Hearing what Logan said, everyone's eyes widened immediately, and the saber-toothed tiger sat up straight with a face full of indifference, with an expression like you're crazy, brother.

"Walter? Logan, are you kidding me?" Storm's face was full of disbelief.

The same goes for everyone else.

Logan shook his head helplessly: "But that's the truth."

"It was a truly hopeless world, the end of mutants, the death of mutants' high-end combat power, resulting in no threat to the existence of colleges and fraternities, like a piece of meat on a display board, being targeted by a group of greedy hounds, eventually causing A tragedy happened, they wantonly captured mutants, sat around and experimented, trying to create a serum that would allow humans to evolve."

"In fact, they did succeed. After sacrificing countless mutants, they created the so-called super soldier serum. After injecting the serum, humans will evolve to acquire corresponding abilities."

"Then formed a lot of legions of superpowers, and then a terrifying world war of superpowers started, and the world was shattered in that battle."

"The greater the power, the more ambitious people are born, they try to subvert the rule

The world, and even wants to get involved in becoming a god. "

"Finally, Sanctuary finally made a choice. They sent a golden saint who killed all the legions of superpowers and those ambitious people in an instant with unbelievable power. This also made me and Kai Tee isn't hiding here."

This period of history is a tragic past that Logan does not want to recall. For him, that kind of powerlessness and despair made him want to die with those **** several times, although he knew that there was a high probability that he would be arrested and become a test bench. a member of

Fortunately, because of Katie's existence, he still restrained himself and waited until Sanctuary made his move.

Logan's deep, painful voice made the people present enter into it, and saw that period of hopeless history in a trance.

"Sanctuary? Gold Saint Seiya?" Mystique suppressed the shock in her heart and asked, "If that's the case, those people wantonly arrested mutants, why didn't Sanctuary act sooner?"

"Didn't the goddess Athena say that saints are meant to protect the world?"


The others also nodded.

Logan said bitterly: "That's why I travel back to this day, it's because of God's punishment for mutants."

"Punishment?" Everyone was shocked.

"Yes, according to history, you should have succeeded today. The newly awakened saint fighter and the already blackened Qin fought and destroyed the entire town, causing everyone in the town to be affected and die. , including you, caused the death of innocent people, caused the child to collapse, and the blackened Qin took the opportunity to control the mind."

"And the blackened Qin was persuaded by Magneto to use the child's powerful power to forcibly kill a large number of high-level officials from various countries who did not like mutants. Because of the child's powerful power and the gods behind him, all countries surrendered. Already, changing the status of mutants, Magneto has indeed succeeded in a sense.”

"But this also planted the seeds of future mutant tragedies. Magneto is too arrogant and domineering. Anyone who opposes mutants will be brutally killed, which has long made human beings dissatisfied."

"Not only that, but because of controlling a saint fighter, he finally angered the goddess Athena."

Logan sighed: "Although it is said that Magneto released the child's control after the incident, he was calculating the gods, and finally suffered a backlash. The angry Athena instantly obliterated Magneto and Qin."

"After that, you will know."

Logan leaned on the back, took a puff of cigarette, and slowly exhaled. Confiding was undoubtedly the most decompressive way, and it also made him relax a lot from the pressure he had accumulated.

And when the others heard this, they were so shocked that they were almost speechless.

They were still digesting this appalling history, and Logan was not in a hurry, just quietly waiting for them to digest it.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the saber-toothed tiger said, "Logan, what about me?"

He still cared more about himself. Logically speaking, with his super self-healing ability, he should have survived that battle anyway.

However, Logan glanced at his elder brother who was always falling in love with him, and ruthlessly broke his fantasy: "You are dead, your self-healing ability has no effect at all, and you were crushed into powder in the aftermath of the war. "


The saber-toothed tiger still shut up, but he still made a decision in his heart, that is, he must never provoke the holy fighters in the future, and by the way, the woman named Qin must not be provoked either.

Not to mention her strength after being blackened, she dared to plot against the gods, which is also bold.

"Then how did you travel back?" Mystique finally digested Logan's narrative, grasped the point, and asked.

Others also looked at Logan.

Logan took the cigarette out of his mouth and flicked the ash: "It's Katie, she developed a new ability after she grew up, which can allow someone's consciousness to travel back in time and change history, When we were avoiding the pursuit, many times it was because of her ability that we escaped the inevitable death situation."

"It's just that the time can't be too long, because human consciousness can't bear the span of too long, otherwise the consciousness and nervous system will collapse."

"And my will and self-healing ability just meet this point, so the adventure went directly to today's twenty years ago."

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers!).

Chapter 38 The Most Powerful Gold Saint (ask for a monthly ticket for flowers)

"So the mutants were hunted down, and Sanctuary didn't take any action. It just offended the gods. Eric and Charles were determined to work hard for the mutants, but the gods gave the most serious punishment."

"It's just that the price is too heavy."

Mystique said something silently, and there was another sentence she didn't say, but everyone understood it in their hearts.

That is how merciful Athena is, she is still a god, and the ruthlessness and indifference of the gods are fully revealed at this moment.

Can't help it, everyone is scared.

If it really follows the historical trajectory, then. . . .

After a long silence, Storm changed the subject:

"I didn't expect Katie to have such abilities. It's really unexpected."

The others also nodded.

Needless to say, this is nothing short of a miracle.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that God gave the mutants a chance, if it wasn't for Logan who happened to take Katie away, if it wasn't for Katie and Logan's successful escape under various pursuits.

If it wasn't for Katie who happened to have the ability to time travel, and Logan just happened to meet the ability to travel through twenty years and bear the cost.

Then there will be no today, and there will be no chance to change history.

"So, Logan did change history in a sense." Mystique nodded.

She also breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. The biggest reason for her to follow Magneto was to change the embarrassing situation of the mutants, but she didn't expect that because of Eric's idea before, she angered God and led to the tragedy of the mutants.

There is still a chance for redemption.

"It's a pity that I'm still late, and Charles is still dead." Logan regretted.

"No one wants to do this. The professor also hopes that the children will get better and better. We will inherit the professor's legacy and protect those children from growing up smoothly." Storm comforted.

Logan nodded silently.

At this time, Hank who had calmed down suddenly said: "According to Logan, it stands to reason that the battle between the saint fighter and Qin has caused an irreversible situation, and more than half of the town has been destroyed. Even if Logan It doesn't help the matter now, the core key point is to save everyone in the town and control the blackened Qin."

this point is very important.

When the others heard that it was true, their expressions immediately became serious.

In this historical trajectory, Logan came late after all. In a battle of that level, Logan could not change history at all, so what happened? To change history?

Logan frowned: "It's Kyle Isabella. According to the historical trajectory, although I didn't participate in this big event, I know very well that she shouldn't appear at this point in time. If I If she appeared in that history, then such a tragedy would not have happened."

This is something that Logan has been unable to figure out.

After he came to the town, why did that powerful golden saint suddenly appear? There is no reason or reason at all.

Several other people were also puzzled.

"Who is this Kyle Isabella?" Mystique asked.