MTL - Martial Arts Master Travelled to Ancient Time and Farms-Chapter 19 The real use of solar energy

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  Chapter 19 The real usage of Sun Qi

  Cheng Ling was stunned at the moment, as if struck by lightning.

  A thunderbolt from the blue is the best description of her current state. The moment when she sees her appearance clearly, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the scene of the death of the society.


  It’s okay if you didn’t notice this. After all, the pressure of survival must be at the forefront, and the chaos on the road to escape is common. Maybe this body itself has become accustomed to this dirty state.

   So before this, Cheng Ling really didn't expect to pay attention to his own image.

  Until this moment, Cheng Ling started to feel wrong when he compared his taste with others.

   The first thing she felt was that her scalp was tingling and itching.

   I dare not look at it, I can't bear to look at it, oh my god, the little white spots that have crawled on this hair are not lice!

   No longer, Cheng Ling began to feel itching all over again.

   Itchy and prickly, there is simply no comfortable place on the whole body.

  Cheng Ling froze there, and Mu Sanniang saw that she was suddenly stunned, so she couldn't help asking: "Brother Ling, what's the matter with you?"

  Cheng Ling:…

   She is so uncomfortable now that she wants to rush directly into the stream to soak for ten rounds and eight rounds. It is best to soak off a few layers of skin, but is this possible?

  No, this is not possible.

With great will, Cheng Ling forcibly controlled her impulse. She took a light breath and said in a calm voice, "Auntie, let's move faster. It's better to deal with these things before noon. It is not advisable to stay in the mountains for long."

  So, let’s put aside the bathing stuff for now.

   Besides, with Hong Guangyi and the others here, it is not convenient for them to take a bath.

  Cheng Ling just took advantage of the effort of cleaning Xiaoji, washed his hands well, washed his face and straightened his hair.

  If it wasn't for the bald head that was out of tune with this era, Cheng Ling would have wanted to shave it all on the spot.

   She couldn't bear to look in the water any more, even if she washed her face and had a head full of lice, Cheng Ling didn't want to look at her current appearance.

   Take a look at the heart, forget it, out of sight is pure.

  Cheng Ling washed the little thistle, found a stone with a small depression and cleaned it, and then mashed it in the stone depression to get the juice.

  There are several ways to prepare thistle, but now that the conditions are not enough, you should use the simplest method and the fastest speed to use it.

   Fortunately, the hemostatic effect of fresh thistle is also good. The juice of thistle can be taken directly, and the crushed leaves can also be used for external application.

  Cheng Ling had great strength and speed, and after a while, the small thistle juice was filled in the stone recess. She was about to stop, and then took a bamboo tube to collect the fresh juice, when suddenly the solar energy in her body moved.


  Cheng Ling was stunned, she felt it.

When the corpse was collected before...the sun's energy that was completely unmoved, at this time, it flowed spontaneously along the meridians to her palm, and then flowed into the stone recess through the stone in her hand. Inside the concoction!

  Qi is a thing that seems to have a form but is invisible. At this time, the light is only observed with the naked eye. Of course, it is impossible to see whether the concoction in the stone concave has any special changes.

   But at this moment, Cheng Ling himself felt something.

   She felt that the energy of the sun seemed to enhance the medicinal properties of the concoction...?

is this real?

   Or her illusion?

  If it's true... Cheng Ling's heart thumped.

   She felt that there was about a small portion of the sun energy injected into the concoction just now, which was about one-eighth of the total amount of sun energy in her body.

   After injecting this short section, the energy of the sun stopped injecting spontaneously again. It seemed that the medicinal properties of the concoction in the stone concave had been raised to a saturated state and could no longer be raised.

  Cheng Ling hurriedly took out the concoction and put it in a bamboo tube, and then called Hong Guangyi over. Tell him to feed the concoction to Shi Hong to take, and the powder to be used for external application to the wound.

  Hong Guangyi also had a lot of minor wounds on his body. Cheng Ling said, "If there is excess herbal medicine, Brother Hong, please apply some of it yourself."

  Hong Guangyi's hair is half loose. The hair that used to grow to the waist has now turned into a shawl hair. This shawl hair is still oily and knotted. The image... Not to mention embarrassing, it is a bit funny.

  Cheng Ling sighed silently, she has nothing to dislike others, and her own image is not much better now, and she is also a degenerate person from the end of the world, why should the eldest brother say the second brother?

  Hong Guangyi happily took the things, and happily took them to Shi Hong.

   As for the hair he cut off, Cheng Dani was taking it to clean and burn charcoal.

  It turns out that Cheng Dani helped Mu Sanniang make charcoal when she was at home. She has quick hands and feet, and this is actually easier than Mu Sanniang.

   Mu Sanniang was busy cooking wolf meat in a clay pot, while Cheng Erni cooked a fire tube stove.

  The other two children swallowed their saliva and kept their eyes on the wolf meat in the clay pot, while they helped Cheng Erni to make the fire very obediently.

   There are six simple stone stoves in the open space, and there are several stone stoves with thin slates on top. After these slates are heated, Cheng Ling will use them to roast wolf meat.

  There are not enough clay pots, so I can only collect them with slate.

Cheng Ling hurried over to help. She used her kitchen knife to thin the wolf meat, and then, using the cover of her satchel, took out a small bottle of salt from the space, smeared the wolf meat lightly, and then spread it out piece by piece. Slow roasted on a slate.

   As for other seasonings, there is none.

   Even the salt, Cheng Ling put it very sparingly.

   In fact, Cheng Ling's space backpack also has a small bottle of pepper, a small bottle of soy sauce, and a small bottle of cumin.

   However, these heavy-flavored things are inconvenient to use, so Cheng Ling didn't take them out at all.

   But even if there is a lack of seasoning, the aroma of the roast pork itself is enough to be tempting.

  Especially for these people who are already extremely hungry, let alone cooked meat, just any food is enough to make their eyes glow green.

  Cheng Erni is like this, from the time the fire started, the wolf meat gradually turned from raw to cooked, and the **** smell was gradually replaced by the smell of meat, and she seemed to see nothing else in her eyes.

   Including her mind, there seems to be only one thought left: eat meat!

  Beside the stream, she seemed to be the only one left to ask: "Auntie, is the meat ready to eat?"

   "Brother Ling, can you eat there?"

   "Auntie, I'll add more firewood to make the fire more vigorous."

   Mu Sanniang shouted: "Oh, go away, be careful the pot is going to burn!"

   On Cheng Ling's side, in addition to burning the meat on a slate, she cut a few branches and skewered a lot of wolf meat, and then roasted it directly on the fire.

   Now the weather is hot, and wolf meat cannot be stored. In short, you can cook as much as you can.

   Of course, she actually secretly smuggled part of the wolf meat and stored it in the space.

   Then Cheng Ling discovered that his two small spaces were really distinct.

  The space for storing backpack materials can be loaded with foreign objects. The space where the collected materials are stored is not allowed. It can only store collected materials, and it refuses to accept foreign objects.

   (end of this chapter)