MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 7

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"I'm going to Juxian Village to discuss the plan to get rid of the thieves together. Scholar, if you travel these days, try to avoid the boundaries of Juxian Village as much as possible. The people in the world are very hostile, so as not to scare you."

"Thank you for reminding."

Xia An smiled, suddenly enlightened.

Qiao Feng, Miracle Doctor Xue...these familiar names all point to an event.

Battle of Juxian Village!

In this battle, many people from all walks of life besieged and suppressed Qiao Feng, killing them until rivers of blood flowed. There were at least dozens of good fighters who died in Qiao Feng's hands. , the reward will definitely not be bad.

There is absolutely no reason to miss it.

But the problem is, the battle at Juxian Village was very dangerous. Although Qiao Feng didn't kill innocent people indiscriminately, even though he had no choice but to do it, Xia An also had to consider other factors.

After all, it is completely unreasonable for those "heroes" to be red-eyed, and there is a risk of being accidentally injured.

Just as he was thinking about how to ensure his own safety while getting the most benefits, someone suddenly sat down across from him.

Xia An subconsciously raised his eyes to see that the other party was a man in his fifties with a pale face and a green robe and short beard.

"The Black Tie Token is in your hands?"

Hearing this, Xia An wanted to subconsciously deny it, but the image of the other party suddenly reminded him of a possibility, so he immediately changed his mind and said tentatively: "Dare to ask, but Senior Xie Yanke?"

"It seems that the Black Tie Token is indeed in your hands. If you have any request, you can just say it, whether you want gold and silver treasures, or martial arts secret books, or have any enemies, this old man can fulfill your wish for you."

Xia An slightly pondered, "I need senior to protect me for a while."

"Guard?" Xie Yanke frowned, "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, you just need to tell who wants to harm you, and I will solve it."

Xia An said with a smile: "It's out of the question to be unfavorable, it's just that what the junior is going to do is a little dangerous, and the senior may need to take action."

"How long do I need to protect you?" Xie Yanke frowned.

Xia An thought about it silently, "It won't take too long, it won't exceed seven days at most."

With such a top expert by his side, the longer the time, the better.

But Xia An knew that even though Xie Yanke was kind-hearted but acted unscrupulously, if he dared to say that, he might be the one who was in danger.

Seven days is enough time for Juxianzhuang to end the world, and it won't be too long to arouse Xie Yanke's resentment.

"Okay, but during this period, the old man only protects your safety. If you want to fight with others, that is your business. The old man will not help you!"

Sure enough, Xie Yanke thought for a while before agreeing.

Xia An smiled, "It's natural.".

Chapter Fourteen

After discussing properly, the two followed the warriors along the way to Juxian Village.

The owner of Juxian Villa is the two heroes of the You family. Although their martial arts level is not high in the Jianghu, they are quite prestigious in the martial arts world.

Because of his benevolent and charitable style, he will respond to all the requests of the people in the past, and he has a very Mengchang style, so he has a very wide network of contacts in the arena.

In addition, the hero posts were issued in the name of Miracle Doctor Xue, and basically all the people from the nearby states with a little bit of fame were invited.

Since this hero banquet is a temporary invitation, all the posts are anonymous, with no names on them, and everyone who sees them has a share, as long as they are in the martial arts, everyone can get the posts to participate in the banquet.

Even if someone like Xia An goes there empty-handed, the client will not stop him.

"The jade-faced scholar Qiu Mubai, this is my good friend Xie Motian."

"I have admired you for a long time, please come in, the two of you, there are thin wine and side dishes in the village, after a short break, Divine Physician Xue will come to host the meeting to hunt for thieves."

At this time, the villa was already crowded with martial arts masters from all over the place, but Xie Yanke glanced over, but his expression was full of contempt.

"If they are all this kind of stuff, with your martial arts, unless you are besieged, it is not a problem to escape by self-protection. Why let me protect you."

"It's safer to have seniors around." Xia An said with a smile, "And the master hasn't appeared yet, seniors don't worry."

It's not Xia An's lies in order to stabilize Xie Yanke. If nothing else, just Qiao Feng, his martial arts are by no means inferior to Xie Yanke's, or even surpassed.

The location Xia An chose was on a rockery in the front yard of Juxian Manor. This location can overlook the entire front yard. No matter where Qiao Feng is going to send someone flying later, he will be there immediately.

With Xie Yanke's personality, it's impossible to wait here with him. Anyway, as long as Xia An is within a radius of three feet of him, he has the confidence to keep him safe.

But what Xia An didn't expect was that if he just stayed like this, troubles would come to him.

"Young Master, why is he here alone and not go to greet the heroes? Could it be that he has something on his mind."

The person who spoke was a woman. This woman was extremely beautiful, with almond eyes and peach cheeks, black eyebrows and vermilion lips. She was dignified and charming, and the playfulness that occasionally flashed in her eyes added a bit of cuteness to her.

If only in terms of appearance, Ruthless is better than him. But when it comes to the intimacy of fireworks, this woman is even better.

"I just feel that the living room is stuffy, so I just come here to sit around."

"Hehe!" The woman covered her mouth and smiled lightly, "My lord is really in a good mood."

Xia An shrugged and said nothing.

At this time, a rough voice suddenly sounded from a distance, "Madam Ma, the banquet is about to begin, please move Madam into the hall!"

Xia An followed the prestige, and saw a black-faced middle-aged man walking towards them quickly.

"My lord, I will take my leave first." Mrs. Ma saluted Xia Anfu, then turned and walked towards the hall.

Before Xia An came back to his senses from Madam Ma's words, he heard the black-faced middle-aged man whisper in his ear, "Boy, if you are sensible, you'd better stay away from Madam Ma, or be careful of me." Make you look good."

Xia An frowned slightly, not caring about the black-faced man's threats.

It's really a bit unlucky to be spotted by a femme fatale like Mrs. Ma.

Mrs. Ma, formerly known as Kang Min, is the wife of Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the Beggar Gang.

The destructive power of this woman, to a certain extent, is comparable to the army of the imperial court. The huge gang of beggars forced this woman to drop from a first-rate gang to a third-rate level by herself.

Qiao Feng was framed by her, and Ma Dayuan died at her hands.

After Kang Min entered the banquet hall, he didn't know what to say, and the hall immediately became noisy.

Not long after, I saw clients at the door running into the hall in a panic.

Then, after the noise in the hall disappeared for a short while, it became one after another, Qiao Feng paid homage to the village, Qiao Feng came to pay homage to the village...

"Under Qiao Feng, I'm here to pay my respects to the village today!"

A deep bass came from outside the gate of the villa.

Xia An watched intently, and saw a man with a beard driving a mule cart driving in from the door.

Even though this man is sitting on the shaft of the chariot, it can be seen that his figure is quite burly.

Looking at Juxian Village, they clearly had the upper hand, but they seemed a little hesitant when facing the other party, and Xia An was amused by the timid look.

"This man is a master!" Xie Yanke, who had returned to Xia An's side at some point, stared at Qiao Feng's direction and said in a low voice.

"How does he compare to his predecessors?"

"I haven't played against him, so I don't know, but I can see that this kid's temples are raised, his eyes are bright, his joints are thick, and his kung fu must be extraordinary."

"This person is Qiao Feng, the former head of the Beggar Gang, don't seniors know him?" Xia An tentatively asked.

People in these different plots now appear in the same world, and he wants to know if there will be any interaction between these people.

"A bunch of stinky beggars, what can I do with them?"

Xie Yanke finished complaining with disdain, and then put on a trace of solemnity on his face, "But now that I think about it, I underestimated the heroes of the world. I didn't expect there to be such a master among these beggars!".

Chapter 15 Why are you pretending to be a wolf with a big tail?

The two of them were discussing about the martial arts of the Beggar Clan when they suddenly heard a very ear-piercing mocking sound from the crowd below.

"You bastard, you don't even know what kind you are!"

I don't know how this voice came out, the voice was extremely sharp, and it just stood out from the mess of voices.

"Someone is provoking with ventriloquism, I'm afraid they want to provoke Qiao Feng to do something." Xie Yanke instantly recognized where the voice came from.

But Qiao Feng was slightly taken aback when he heard the voice, and didn't pay any attention to it.

"Master Xue, I beg you to save this girl. No matter what happens in the future, Qiao will never touch you."

"This old man has saved people and healed them all his life. He has only been begged by others, and has never been coerced by others!"

Before Qiao Feng could speak, the sharp voice sounded again.

"What a joke, you are about to be chopped into meat paste by the heroes, and you are still talking nonsense here, you..."

"Get out!" Qiao Feng shouted angrily before the other party finished speaking.

This roar was made with internal force, similar to the sonic attack of a Buddhist lion's roar.

After the sound waves came out, not only did the roof tiles rustle, but it also made people feel chest tightness and shortness of breath.

If Xie Yanke hadn't made a timely move to block most of the sound waves for Xia An, I'm afraid that just this one action would have caused Xia An's blood to surge for a long time.

Looking at the crowd below, a big man in Tsing Yi swayed out of the crowd, he looked like he was drunk, his eyes were dull and his feet were stirring.

"Excellent, using sound waves to break the belly, I'm afraid that the man's mind will be shattered if he secretly provoked him!" Xie Yanke couldn't help but exclaimed.

I don't know who recognized this man, and hurriedly exclaimed, "This man is Tan Qing, the head of the four evil men, the apprentice of Duan Yanqing who is full of evil!"

Such villains were mixed into the hero banquet, which made Miracle Doctor Xue feel ashamed, "How dare you pretend to be a hero and come to my hero banquet to make troubles. See if I won't kill you!"

Before Miracle Doctor Xue raised his hand, he heard a mocking sound from a high wall far away.

"What kind of hero banquet, let me see it as a meeting of bears!"

The visitor's lightness skill was extremely high, when he spoke the first half of the sentence, he was still on the high wall, and when he reached the last word, Tan Qing, who was lying on the ground, was already lifted by him in his hand, and he turned back in the direction he came from.

This lightness kung fu attainment made Xie Yanke look a little sideways.

But Qiao Feng, who had been prepared for a long time, was faster than that person, and slapped him against the wall with a volley of palms.

Only then did everyone recognize that this person was the fourth of the Four Great Evil Men, the extremely vicious Yun Zhonghe.

After Yun Zhonghe received this palm, blood spurted wildly from his mouth, he didn't care about saving his nephew, he stumbled towards the door.

Although the people in Juxianzhuang hated his evil deeds, they claimed their status and did not want to take advantage of others' danger, so no one came forward to stop them.

Looking at Yun Zhonghe's back, Xia An asked softly, "What do you think of Yun Zhonghe's lightness skill, senior?"

Although Xie Yanke is proud, he is not. "This person has a unique method of lightness kung fu. In terms of lightness kung fu alone, it is really superior."

Hearing this, Xia An immediately took out a hand crossbow from his bosom, and aimed an arrow at Yun Zhonghe's back.

His hand crossbow is specially made by Six Doors to deal with people in the Jianghu. Although it looks small, it is full of power.

call out!

There was a sound of piercing through the sky, and the arrow galloped towards the crane in the cloud like a shooting star.

With that kind of speed, ordinary warriors can't react at all. In addition, Xia An is now an acquired warrior, with strong internal strength, and he sends it out in a unique way, with an extremely tricky angle.

If it is used by others, it definitely does not have this kind of power.


The muffled sound of arrows piercing flesh came from afar.

Yun Zhonghe, who was severely injured by Qiao Feng's palm, was unable to dodge and was pierced by an arrow.

This sudden change caused everyone to look sideways at Xia An.


As for Xie Yanke, he couldn't help but look sideways. With his strength, he can naturally see the mystery. On the arrow, there is also a very strong internal force attached.

Otherwise, even the severely injured Yun Zhonghe would definitely not be able to be stopped by ordinary warriors.

Xia An didn't care about other people's eyes, and jumped off the rockery and went straight to Yun Zhonghe's body.

"Acquired Crane Crane Kung Fu."

"Whether to merge with Grass Fly!"

Xia An was taken aback by the two reminders that sounded in succession.

But soon, he realized that he was busy thinking about the merger in his heart.

After the merger, his lightness kung fu became Feihe kung fu.