MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 131

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Xia An glanced at Ishii thoughtfully.

On the side, Shi Feixuan stared at Xia An's profile with complicated eyes.

She faintly felt that Xia An didn't seem to be very interested in Duke Yang's treasure house.

And inside, most of them store a large amount of strategic materials.

Enough to arm a strong army.

Such a person is really interested in competing in the world?

Perhaps, all of this is just Master's conjecture.

And Wanwan...

Concubine Shixuan turned to look at the eccentric woman, but she might not believe everything she said.

Afterwards, Xia An randomly dispatched someone and asked Ruthless to arrange some manpower, and began to move out the materials in Duke Yang's treasury.

And after seeing the magical weapons and countless armors, Shi Feixuan was even more certain of her guess.

at the same time.

"What's going on? Didn't you say yes, this Xia An has already obtained the relic of the evil emperor, and won't continue to get involved in Duke Yang's treasury?"

In Cihang's quiet room, a special visitor came.

However, at the age of early twenties, he is full of nobility, and he has a kingly demeanor in every gesture.

Although it is still a little immature at the moment, presumably, in a few years, these golden scales in the pool will inevitably turn into real dragons that take off.

On this point, Fan Qinghui was very sure.

This person is Li Shimin.

However, at this moment, his expression is a little bit uneasy.

"King Qin, don't be impatient. I have sent someone to deal with this matter."

"Perhaps there is some misunderstanding in it."

Fan Qinghui explained.


Li Shimin snorted coldly, "All my subordinates have received news that Xia An has personally appeared in Duke Yang's treasury, which means that there is a high probability that he sent someone to watch the treasury 323."

"That's what you said, you won't get involved?"


Fan Qinghui fell silent.

She also didn't understand why this happened.

It stands to reason that Concubine Shixuan has entered the Xia Mansion, and the two of them should be in a gluey state right now, not caring about anything else.

Otherwise, how could she have specifically informed Li Shimin of going to take away the treasures in the treasury.

But Xia An's actions now surprised her.

Could it be that Shi Feixuan failed?

No...should be unlikely.

Fan Qinghui knew very well the beauty and appearance of her apprentice, and with Xia An's flirtatious temperament, it was impossible to resist it.

"I'll ask Feixuan for a while, and let her finish it as soon as possible." Fan Qinghui said.

"That's the best, otherwise, I don't mind letting Xia An know that no matter how high the martial arts are, they are not omnipotent."

"This king has plenty of ways to deal with him."

Li Shimin said lightly, "I will give you another chance, if you can't grasp it, I will take action myself."

After speaking, he turned and left.

There are more than a few hundred Tang people under him.

That is enough power to subvert the world, and Li Shimin felt that it was a little overkill to use it on Xia An.

The first half of the seventy-seventh chapter Fan Qinghui's pressure

Now the world is fighting.

What about after that?

Fan Qinghui sighed unheard of.

Her steps are a little weaker.

It didn't take long to arrive at Ancient Book Pavilion.

In a hurry, someone ordered red sandalwood night incense to call Shi Feixuan back.

And herself.

My heart became more and more flustered and worried.

For thousands of years, Cihang Jingzhai has never made a mistake in choosing the master for the common people in the world.


She wavered her mind again.

Tang Wang Li Shimin has had auspicious photos since he was born.


For seven days, nine stars hang high in the sky.

She eagerly flipped through ancient books.

Trying to spy on one or two.

But no matter in which book, this Li Shimin is the best son chosen by heaven.

He loves the people and respects righteousness, recruits talents, and has a grand plan...

As far as the hundreds of thousands of Tang troops in his hands are enough to overturn the world, it seems that no one in the world dares to compete with them.

After reading these, Fan Qinghui slowly relaxed.

In this way, it is just the trend of the times.

And Xia An rushed out of the rivers and lakes overnight.

That's all for the prestige.

It is not ordinary people who want to come.

But Cihang Jingzhai has stood for thousands of years without falling down, and it is not made of mud.

He has always chosen the Lord for the world.

All of them can be recorded in history.

A man whose name has been passed down through the ages.

The astronomical phenomenon has been fixed, and the fortune-telling has been completed.

It is not enough to change overnight.

The holy land of Buddhism has always been free from dust.

Nature is illuminated by Buddha's light.

Xia An's actions today, presumably have been able to show some attitude.

This world.

Is he arguing?

In any case, as long as it is related to the great affairs of the world.

Cihang Jingzhai would never stand idly by.

Xia An is so young and energetic, he doesn't know how to live or die.

Then don't blame Cihang Jingzhai for meddling.

Just at this time.

Dressed in white gauze from far to near.

Fan Qinghui turned around lightly.

Concubine Shi Xuan thought that something important had happened during Cihang's Jingzhai.

Since he is so eager to find himself back.

"Master, the apprentice has returned~."

Fan Qinghui looked at her appearance.

Slightly frowned.

"That's how you came back."

Concubine Shixuan for a while.

I couldn't figure out what he meant.


Fan Qinghui thought that Xia An was unwilling to accept Shi Feixuan.

For the first time, she felt frustrated.

I, Cihang Jingzhai, have always been upright in the world.

Although not famous all over the world.

But all of them are extremely beautiful.

Back then, I didn’t always commit myself to others.

In exchange for peace in this world.

But this Xia An...

She has always been romantic and has read countless women.

How can I get mixed up with that witch?

"You two didn't perform Zhou Gong's ceremony?"


"But didn't he see you?"

Ask three times in a row.

Concubine Shi Xuan had already blushed.

In fact, it was the same, Xia An was not willing to accept her like this.

"Master, this is not something that disciples can control."

Serving the devil with his body is the world's look down on him.

What's more, he took the initiative to deliver it to the door.

Between thoughts.

Fan Qinghui has guessed the specific reason.

"You are naturally unwilling."

"But how can Xia An be easy to manipulate?"

Shi Feixuan raised her head suddenly.

Her eyes were shining like water waves, and her bare hands were rippling and rippling.