MTL - Martial Arts From Bandits-Chapter 776 Can stop the real fairy!

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  Chapter 776 Can stop the real fairy!

   "This is a array?" Zhang Jing looked at the things in front of him and asked calmly.

  Although Zhang Jing has not studied the way of formation too intensively, but a little bit of knowledge is not bad, and he has seen some things such as formation diagrams and formation disks.

  For example, under the current imperial city, there are hundreds of arrays buried, intertwined with each other, which can burst out the strength of the holy realm, and it is also a rare treasure in the human world.

  But the array board that Baidi took out was really extraordinary, because even Zhang Jing felt a sense of danger in it.

   Such a treasure is very extraordinary, Zhang Jing can confirm this.

  Bai Di smiled lightly and nodded:

   "That's right. This is a set of formation disks, inherited from ancient times. It was a treasure obtained by Bai by accident. It's just that the formation disk was damaged at that time. It took Bai a hundred years to repair it."

   "There is also some perception of Bai on the way of space."

   "The Emperor's Bell is the treasure of true immortals, and it is a very strong level among immortal soldiers. This array." Zhang Jing didn't say it clearly, but the meaning was already very obvious.

  Even if this formation can threaten him, it is still far behind the Immortal Armament.

   "Your Majesty, don't worry. Bai has some reasons for daring to take it out. This disk can explode with the strength of a real fairy!" Bai Di said softly, saying something astonishing.

  Bai Hong, who was sitting upright on the side, stood up straight, staring at the array.

  He is half of the origin that Baidi cut out more than a hundred years ago, and he didn't know that he still holds such a treasure in his hand, the true immortal combat power!

   Simply scary!

  The joy in Zhang Jing's eyes was fleeting, and he said in a deep voice:

   "Brother Bai's words are true? True immortal level. Just rely on these ten arrays?"

   It's not that he doesn't believe it, but that it's too shocking for him to be careless.

"These ten formation disks alone are naturally not enough. In Bai's hands, this formation disk can only display the strength of the third level of the domain at most, but if it is placed in the hands of His Majesty, these ten formation disks can be compared to real immortals. The powerhouse of the level."

  Bai Di looked very confident.

   "Why?" Zhang Jing frowned slightly.

   "Before Bai asked about His Majesty's million soldiers, did His Majesty ever feel confused?"

   "You mean, these ten formation disks can be connected to the military formation?" Zhang Jing's eyes flashed.

"That's right. If there are nine great powers in the realm of manifesting sages, and a strong man in the second level of the realm, each holding a formation plate, and supplemented by ninety-nine and eighty-one million soldiers, under the blessing of luck from the human world, absolutely Can stop a real fairy!"

  Bai Di's gaze was firm.

   "Ten powerhouses at the level of the Holy Realm and above. Supplemented by 810,000 elite fighters, the luck of the human world can stop the true immortal!"

  Between Zhang Jing's eyebrows, there flashed a look of not knowing whether to be sad or happy.

  The conditions required for the formation disk in Baidi's hands are very strict, but it is precisely this that makes Zhang Jing basically believe in Baidi's words.

  True Immortal Powerhouse, Wan Zai Shou Yuan, Master Dao. How could it be possible to resist it casually? If it was really that easy, the Four True Immortals of the Human World wouldn't have to suffer so many casualties, and the Human Sovereign wouldn't have to pay the price of breaking the rules to keep the Human World immortal.

  Yes. In the Dayu Dynasty, there are only ten strong men at the level of manifesting sages and above. Among them, Bai Hong, the national teacher who will merge with Bai Di at some point, is also counted.

  Based on this calculation, there are only nine strong men Zhang Jing can use. Of course, Zhang Jing is not without other ways to make up for it. The Sanqing Dao Sect also has several strong men at the sage level, and Taoist Tianxu will not be stingy.

   In addition, in the human world, there is also the sword demon. This strong man who surrendered to the court, Zhang Jing issued an oracle, and the sword demon dare not disobey.

  If this is the case, more than half of the power in the court will be gone.

  Zhang Jing's subordinates seem to be as strong as a cloud, and there are millions of elites, who can display the strength of nearly a hundred powerful men. However, with a large formation, the strength of Zhang Jing's subordinates will have to be weakened by 70%.

   Without these powerhouses at the level of manifesting sages, those powerhouses in the primordial spirit and even the realm of dharma can't withstand the attack of the powerhouses in the ghost world.

  However, this formation is very helpful to Zhang Jing and even the human world, because this formation is equivalent to a real immortal!

   Even if this strong man is a castrated version, he can only defend in the human world, and cannot go to the starry sky to fight!

   "Brother Bai's deal is really a great help to the human world. It's a pity that with such a limited formation, it can't compare to a fairy weapon, right?"

   Zhang Jing was silent for a long time.

   "Bai still has some treasures in his hands, you can give them to His Majesty as much as you want." Bai Di seemed to be very proud.

   "You don't need the treasure in Brother Bai's hands. You can also give Brother Bai the immortal clock. It's just that it's borrowed, not exchanged," Zhang Jing said.

  The array disk has a lot of flaws. Although Renhuang Zhong didn't help Zhang Jing much, it is a treasure that contains the way of time and space after all, and Zhang Jing can't make a loss-making business.

  Friendship belongs to friendship, interests belong to interests.

   "Borrow. Even though the value of this array is not as good as that of Renhuang Zhong, it cannot be offset by a simple "borrow"."

  Bai Di was not angry, but stated that it was obviously impossible to agree to Zhang Jing's request.

   "Brother Bai, don't worry. The borrowing I said is that before the foreign enemy retreats, there is no need to return it. After the foreign enemy retreats, what can Brother Bai do?"

  Zhang Jing looked at Baidi with a faint smile.

  The chances of surviving the catastrophe in the human world are very low. This loan is actually equivalent to giving it to Baidi, but the ownership is still in the hands of Zhang Jing.

   Zhang Jing is not worried that Baidi will not return it, let alone mentioning that Zhang Jing's own strength is invincible in the human world. It is impossible for Baidi to go back on his promise just because Baidi made the oath.

  The higher the level of cultivation, the deeper the comprehension in the Dao, the higher the price of breaking the oath will be. In the Realm of Immortals, Bai Di can completely refine immortal weapons by himself, and there is no need to abolish such a big risk to break the contract.

  Of course, if Zhang Jing unfortunately died in battle, then the Human Emperor Bell in the hands of Baidi would not need to be returned.

  Bai Di and Zhang Jing looked at each other, then chuckled:

   "Your Majesty really won't suffer any time. That's right, Bai agreed!"

   As he said that, with a movement of Baidi's mind, ten formation disks slowly hung in front of Zhang Jing, and they were taken away with a single wave of his hand.

  Afterwards, he gave the Human Emperor Bell to Baidi. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that this set of arrays was so powerful, Zhang Jing would not be willing to lend it to Baidi.

  Because, in addition to being a defensive treasure, the Human Emperor Bell also has a hole in it, which is enough for Zhang Jing to hold millions of soldiers.

   After carefully looking at the space pattern on the Human Emperor Bell and the space Tao Yun contained in it, Baidi flashed a gleam of joy.

   It was not in vain for him to come here, and he even suffered some small losses. The treasure he borrowed has a very strong effect on him. His combat power can even be said to be the Emperor's Bell, and he will immediately increase his combat power.

  Combined with the Tao of space contained in it, it is enough to make him go further in the way of space!

  He even had some faint regrets. If he had known that Li Xuantian had this thing in his hand, he would have killed Dong Qi. Otherwise, today's set of arrays can be exchanged for more things from Zhang Jing.

  Put the Human Emperor Bell away, Baidi waved his hand, and three **** emitting a faint white light appeared on the stone table, about the size of a fist, with mysterious lines engraved on them.

   "Your Majesty, these are the three gadgets refined by Bai, which can be regarded as magic weapons for storage. Although they are far from a cave, they are also hidden secrets."

   "It is almost comparable to the size of the harem."

   Baidi said so.

   "Brother Bai can refine weapons?"

   "It's just a rough knowledge, but I can only refine some things related to the way of space."

   "Brother Bai may refine a secret realm to the size of a round bead?"

   "Yes, in fact, these three orbs are the three small secret realms."

   "Okay, Brother Lao Bai will help me refine it." A smile appeared on the corner of Zhang Jing's mouth.

  The secret realms of Southern Jin and Beiyan are in the hands of Zhang Jing, the secret realm of Western Chu was destroyed by Chu Renxiong, and the secret realm of Taixuan Daomen.

   All in all, Zhang Jing really has no shortage of secret realms.

  (end of this chapter)