MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 5 salty sweet

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Huo Jue realized that Qu Shuang was being controlled again, and there seemed to be a fresh scent of grass and trees that belonged to the other party in his words, and he felt that he had already been tricked.

The lower jaw of "Qu Shuang" rested on the top of Huo Jue's head, and lightly pressed on the top of his head.

Wen Sheng said: "Brother, the inner palace is broken, so don't use your spiritual power rashly in the future."

"Brother, did it hurt just now?" A gentle voice rang above Huo Jue's head, and Huo Jue's hair stood on end.

"Qu Shuang" touched Huo Jue's abdomen with his hand, and there was a soft, bluish aura, just like spring rain moistening the earth, and scattered into Huo Jue's broken Lingfu.

Huo Jue was so comfortable that he almost wanted to sigh.

This kind of pure spiritual power is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary monks. The opponent's cultivation base is unfathomable, and the purpose is even more unclear.

Huo Jue clenched his robe sleeves tightly and sat up straight in fear. Although he couldn't see, he tried his best to turn his head in the direction of "Qu Shuang".

"Qu Shuang" circled him Xuxu, supported him, and let him turn his face away.

The two "looked at each other".

"Qu Shuang" slowly stretched out his hand, and his fingertips hooked the white gauze over Huo Jue's eyes.

Huo Jue met Huo Jue, although his shape was very beautiful, but his eyes were gray and unfocused. "Qu Shuang" couldn't hold back, and once again his fingers separated from his body to condense a phantom, and then solidified the phantom, pressing on Huo Jue Jue's eyebrows.

The light white fingertips slowly traced Huo Jue's eyebrows like the mountains in the painting.

"Brother... your eyes are so beautiful."

Even if it lost the clean and snow-like clarity at the Mu family's banquet, it was still as hazy and charming as the misty June.

Huo Jue's lips moved, and the phrase "Which senior are you, what exactly do you want?" reached his throat, but he still swallowed it.

He has no ability to fight back now. If the opponent appears in such a sneaky way, if he takes the initiative to expose it at this time, it will only make the opponent act faster.

So Huo Jue pursed his lips again, without moving or speaking. He quickly thought about how to counterattack.

Probably because Huo Jue didn't even dodge for a moment, "Qu Shuang" was stimulated by the appearance of allowing others to do things. After carefully describing Huo Jue's eyebrows, "Qu Shuang" raised his hand, hooked Huo Jue's shoulder tentatively, and Huo Jue hugged.

Huo Jue has never hugged anyone in his life, so he won't move.

His mother died young, and his seniors were always in awe of him because he was the son of the head of the sect. Even his father Huo Yuanfei never hugged him so intimately in Huo Jue's memory.

Huo Jue couldn't see with his eyes, and his five senses became sharper than he hadn't seen in a long time because of the pure spiritual power entrenched in the inner palace.

When he heard the sigh beside his ear, he felt as if he had lost his mind. In this hug, he felt the feeling of being cherished that he had never experienced before.

Huo Jue was as stiff as a long-rotted log, and the increasing force on his shoulders was so strong that it was about to bind his rotten log into pieces.

Huo Jue couldn't hold back a painful snort.

The "Qu Shuang" who was holding him immediately relaxed, and turned his head, probably wanting to talk, but the two of them were hugging too close.

"Qu Shuang" turned his head, just as if Ruowu was swept by Huo Jue's warm breath.

Huo Jue didn't notice at all, he was very confused, he was thinking about how to save Qu Shuang if the Soul Imprint didn't work.

As a result, "Qu Shuang" froze, and stretched out his hand to touch his face in a daze, thinking that the warm breath was Huo Jue's lips.

"Qu Shuang" let go of Huo Jue and ran off the ground.

After running two steps, "Qu Shuang" slapped straight to the ground—and passed out again.

Huo Jue suddenly lost his support, and fell back on the bed limply all over. His head couldn't rest on the pillow accurately, and fell on the somewhat hard bed board, with a "clang".

Huo Jue's head was shaken, but his thoughts cleared up. He thought of a desperate solution!

He heard the sound of Qu Shuang falling to the ground, presumably the other party left again.

Huo Jue was about to ask someone to come in, but Qu Shuang stood up from the ground again.

"Brother, did you hurt from the fall?"

"Qu Shuang" quickly helped Huo Jue up, rubbed his palms on the back of Huo Jue's head, and said with a creepy and coquettish tone, "You scared me, why did you...kiss me all of a sudden."

Huo Jue: "..." What?

"Stop kissing!" This is not my body! Panic!

Huo Jue: "..." What...thing?

What exactly is occupying Qu Shuang's body? !

Fortunately, "Qu Shuang" didn't continue talking, and slowly put Huo Jue down, and when Huo Jue was blocked by chaotic thoughts and was about to explode, he began to rub Huo Jue's whole body.

Start with the shoulders and arms and work your way down.

Huo Jue was tense like a piece of wood, but the palm of "Qu Shuang" carried an undeniable pure spiritual power, which could be said to be crazily poured into Huo Jue's meridians.

It made Huo Jue instinctively weak all over, and he couldn't tense up at all.

After a while, Huo Jue was sweating profusely, and his whole body was submerged in the fragrance of plants and trees, as if he had fallen into a dense forest and was lying on the soft and fluffy grass.

Huo Jue didn't know what this man was going to do, he even thought that this man came here to humiliate him.

But he didn't have the ability to resist directly, so he could only bear it passively. He was amazed that the opponent's spiritual power was so deep that it was almost endless, and saddened that his body was like a bamboo basket with leaks on all sides.

After half an hour of massaging and infusion of spiritual power, if a normal low-level monk is lying here, he can be injected into the realm.

But these spiritual powers are like river water in a broken jar, it will never be full in his meridians, and it is wasted in vain.

This kind of extravagant waste made Huo Jue couldn't help but said, "That's it."

Huo Jue raised his hand to hold "Qu Shuang" and the hand on his shoulder, and used a pun to prevent "Qu Shuang" from continuing.

"Qu Shuang" stopped and asked Huo Jue, "Is senior brother feeling better?"

Huo Jue hasn't been this comfortable for a long time.

But he didn't even know who or what it was that made him so comfortable.

Huo Jue didn't say anything.

He thought of the decapitated meal in the mortal world. It is said that the last meal of the condemned prisoner is always very good.

He expected that no matter what the person occupying Qu Shuang's body wanted to do, he should do it.

But Huo Jue lay there and waited for a while, until he got a cleansing spell that made him more comfortable.

Then I waited until a glass of water with a suitable temperature was delivered to my mouth.

Huo Jue drank it obediently, thinking of ways to fight back and save Qu Shuang, he stood still, anyway, he had already hidden in the rebirth pool.

"Brother, are you hungry? Shall I go and make you some pancakes?"

Huo Jue Lingfu was entangled and comforted by the remaining pure spiritual power, and the previous feeling of being stabbed by a knife was completely gone.

He sat up with his arms propped up, turned his head to the direction of "Qu Shuang", paused, and said, "I'm a little hungry."

Huo Jue's heart beat a little faster.

He said: "I want to eat some cakes and some porridge. And yesterday's refreshing side dishes."

Pancakes are easy to make, but porridge needs to be boiled. He wanted to send "Qu Shuang" away as soon as possible, and then try to get the storage bag on the desk.

Huo Jue now only regrets that he didn't wear the storage bag close to his body because it was too cumbersome to take a shower twice a day.

There are spirit stones of various grades, a large number of thick talisman seals, and some small magic tools, which are all of Huo Jue's net worth.

Now the monk Elder Yushan who can be used by him is not there, and the senior sister also took her disciples down the mountain to catch the monster that fled to Beisong country when the underworld star sea was upside down.

He must use the shortest time to find and drive away the person who is occupying and controlling Qu Shuang's body.

Otherwise, after a long time, Qu Shuang's meridians will be torn apart, and his cultivation will not improve, and at worst, he will become a useless person with a broken spiritual palace just like him.

Huo Jue wants to eat this and that, because he wants to take "Qu Shuang" away for a longer time, so he can arrange it.

This strategy is really not clever, but "Qu Shuang" seems to have not noticed it.

He was quite happy to hear that Huo Jue asked for a lot of things.

Full of promise: "Okay brother!"

"Qu Shuang" asked, "What kind of cake do you like, brother? Salty or sweet?"

Huo Jue's mind turned into a pot of porridge, and he instinctively replied: "Salty and sweet."

"Qu Shuang" patted his chest even more when he heard the words, and assured him, "Don't worry, brother, I am best at salty and sweet, brother wait for me!"

After "Qu Shuang" finished speaking, he was very unsteady, and ran away in a flash.

Huo Jue followed the voice and turned to look at the door, confirming that "Qu Shuang" had really left.

Only then did he get off the ground, fumbled for the wheelchair, moved himself up, and went to get the storage bag.

After that, Huo Jue called the disciples outside the door to come in.

"Take your disciples out of the Cedar Courtyard, and don't come in if you hear strange noises later."

Huo Jue handed the jade token he took out from the storage bag to his disciple, and said, "Unless I call you on the jade token."

"Sect Leader, what happened? Brother Qu Shuang, he..."

"Go." Huo Jue said, "Your brother 'Qu Shuang' will be back in a while."

Huo Jue didn't know what the result would be when he met "Qu Shuang", the opponent's cultivation was unfathomable. These juniors are not good at cultivation, if they were there, they might hurt their lives.

Even if Huo Jue has become a **** now, he still takes it as his duty to protect his disciples habitually. It is impossible for him to tell his disciples and let them take risks with him.

After all the disciples left the Cedar Courtyard, Huo Jue began to push the wheelchair, took out the high-grade spirit stones in the storage bag, and set up formations in the room.

If he wants to fight head-on, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg, but if he deploys a formation, there is still a way to lightly injure the opponent's soul.

As long as the soul of the monk in the cocoon state is damaged, it is difficult to descend to others in a short period of time.

Huo Jue turned the wheelchair to arrange the spirit stones and talismans, and then took out the soul thread that he hadn't used for so many years.

This thing has always been in Huo Jue's storage bag. He actually doesn't need it at all, but he doesn't know why, so he never throws it away.

This kind of soul silk is made from shark tendons, and as long as the cultivation level is strong enough, it can trap all living creatures with souls.

But this kind of thing has great limitations. For example, in order for the silk to bind the soul to work, it must have the breath of the soul that it wants to bind.

But all intelligent creatures know that they should not leave their soul aura easily, so as not to be used by others. Some evil cultivators can even use the soul aura to pretend to be the master's magic weapon and manipulate the magic weapon to devour the master.

Therefore, this bundle of soul silk is basically useless, and Huo Jue has completely forgotten where he got it from.

Not only that, but at the bottom of his storage bag, there is also a soul restraining cauldron.

This kind of thing can only be used to restrain the soul, but for all the disciples who have a mountain gate, there is a life token in the mountain. If they accidentally die, the life token will extradite the soul to the sect for convergence.

Therefore, this Soul-Suppressing Cauldron is something that monks can't use at all, and even something that only evil cultivators can use.

Huo Jue touched the soul-detaining cauldron in his hand, but he didn't remember when and where he got it. It comes in a storage bag, and what is it for.

But today, these two useless instruments came in handy.

Naturally, he was no match for a cocoon soul cultivator who could descend on others, but the soul-binding silk could restrain the opponent for a short period of time, and with the help of talisman seals, he tried to injure his soul, so he didn't have to worry about Qu Shuang being descended again.

This is very risky. In his heyday, Huo Jue might be able to save his life under Cocoon Soul's master, but now he is a useless person. His time... must be a disaster.

But he had to save Qu Shuang, the senior sister is coming back soon, and Huo Jue also left a way out for himself, if his body is destroyed, as long as he gets into the soul-detaining cauldron in time, he can save his soul.

At that time, he can continue to wait for the whereabouts of the rebirth lotus in the state of a soul.

Huo Jue was planning while setting up his formation.

His eyes were not covered with white sand at the moment, and his misty light gray eyes made him look bleak and sad.

He used to be the leader of the young generation of sword repairers in Beisongshan, and he was full of vigor and hatred.

Now this body... Huo Jue began to hate himself while he was dying.

He always had the urge to self-destruct. If it wasn't for the heavy burden of the Tianyuan Sword Sect, he would have lost his spirit and entered the snow-capped mountains long ago.

At this moment, Huo Jue felt an unspeakable joy in his heart as he planned to die with the cocoon soul monk who occupied Qu Shuang's body!

It is better to let go of his dilapidated spiritual palace and weak body.

He arranged the formation, used almost all the talismans, sat on the chair, turned his head towards the window, and waited quietly.

The afternoon sun shone through the window, Huo Jue could feel the light, but he couldn't see a trace of warm yellow at all.

His face was bathed in the sun, shining like a jade statue.

His straight back was the backbone that he would not bend when he died as the young master of Tianyuan Sword Sect.

Different from his tragic and majestic situation, he managed to become a "Qu Shuang" who walked back after eating and eating. He never expected that what was waiting for "him" was not a good senior, but a trap carefully arranged by a good senior.

When "Qu Shuang" walked quickly into the room with the food box in hand, he keenly noticed that the disciples guarding the gate were gone.

Huo Jue's arrangement was really not very detailed, he was blind after all, this trap was almost a few feet away, and he was beating drums and drums to tell others that it was a trap.

"Qu Shuang" stood still at the door, clutching the food box tightly in his hand.

Huo Jue was sitting in the room, facing the door, and when he heard the footsteps of "Qu Shuang", he turned his head from the window and looked at "Qu Shuang" calmly and as if death was at home with those foggy eyes.

He felt what "Qu Shuang" had discovered, and sighed in his heart, it didn't work out.

Even if Huo Jue didn't know what he drank before, he was able to set up this formation because he got the soul breath of the person occupying Qu Shuang's body.

But it was still too crude to be discovered.

It seemed that today could not end well, Huo Jue clenched the soul-detaining cauldron in his robe sleeve tightly.

But he still opened his mouth, and his tone could be said to be gentle, asking you to enter the urn, saying: "You are back? Come in."

"Qu Shuang" stood at the door, knowing that she was exposed, she didn't intend to hide the fact that she was not Qu Shuang.

She could have easily destroyed the rough formation set up by the blind man, but when she heard Huo Jue gently calling her in...

How could she not go in?

Huo Jue probably never imagined that he had set up this rough formation, but he himself became the most irresistible bait in the formation.

As long as he sits there, it's like a bunch of fire burning in the dark night, which can attract moths to jump on it at any time.

"it is good."

Holding the food box, she stared straight at Huo Jue, slightly curled her lower lip, and walked steadily into the formation carefully arranged for her.