MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 34 pretend to be

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The woman threw down her black cloak and walked into the main house, and Xie Xiu and the rest quickly followed in.

There were no disciples inside, and Elder He Ze reminded behind her, "It's too quiet, it's impossible for Huo Jue to have no disciples around, be careful of traps."

The woman smiled, stretched out her hand and flicked the robe on her body, and strode into the room.

Her magic robe is made of merman scales, and the guardian runes drawn by all the high-level monks of the Mu family. In today's world, there are really few powerful people who can hurt her.

She strode into Huo Jue's room.

I saw a thin man with half-draped hair and white gauze over his eyes, sitting on a wheelchair. The man turned his head slightly when he heard the voice, and turned his head towards the door.

The woman chuckled lightly, her elegant appearance was completely destroyed by this mocking smile.

She walked in front of the man and said frantically, "The young master can't see it, but I can't bully the blind man. At least let the young master know who killed you."

"Speaking of which, you and I once had a marriage contract. The Mu family sent a side branch to fulfill the oath. It is true that my Mu family did something wrong. Wanran apologized to the young master here. But since the young master has already declined five times, but It really shouldn't be occupying the position of master and magical artifacts such as the rebirth pool."

"Wanran is bold, please go out on your own, the young master, to save face."

The person on the wheelchair turned his head, his green eyes were covered by white gauze, and he was quite surprised when he saw the woman uttering wild words.

This woman is none other than the real eldest lady of the Mu family, Mu Wanran.

She has been hanging out with monsters for a long time, and now it seems that she is completely crazy, and she went up to the mountain to **** the magic weapon herself.

Mu Qinglan transformed into Huo Jue's appearance, sitting in the wheelchair without moving or speaking. In the sleeve of the robe, fingers clicked and tapped slowly.

The pine spirits in Xueyuan have been summoned by Mu Qinglan to the basement of the Cedar Courtyard. Just waiting for her order, all of them will come out of the ground—just like the disciples who trapped the law school, trap these reckless trespassers. it's here.

But Mu Qinglan was not in a hurry to act. These people suddenly launched an attack, and even the start of the battle was rampant, so they must be in a hurry.

When Mu Qinglan thought of Duan Qinxuan who had been transferred from the mountain, she knew that these people were looking for a quick solution, and it would be best for her to delay for a while. Huo Jue was escorted into the forbidden area and needed time to rearrange the formation.

"Young master, I advise you to be aware of current affairs." Mu Wanran was very impatient, seeing that Huo Jue was like a log, her tone was a little angry. They had to do it quickly, and the people down the mountain couldn't delay for long.

She originally wanted to wait for Beisongshan to find the rebirth lotus, and then seize the magic weapon rebirth pool, but now she can't wait anymore. She needs a magic weapon equivalent to a spiritual vein to warm and nourish Cangling's body.

Cang Ling's fishtail scales began to fester and ooze pus, and if it continued, he would definitely not be able to persist in her attempt to obtain the rebirth lotus to reshape his body.

Mu Wanran thought of Cang Ling, and looked at Huo Jue with a serious expression.

This sword cultivator has been engaged to her for many years, but Mu Wanran has no affection for him. She doesn't like a man who looks like an ice sculpture to be her husband and Taoist companion. She has her own heart, and the person she loves is pitiful and lovely, tender to the bone. She would rather be punished by heaven, and suffer bad karma, than marry him in fulfillment of her vow.

However, Mu Wanran said that she would give away someone to marry her, because the Mu family was sorry for Beisongshan, but she didn't feel guilty at all, otherwise she wouldn't be here to force Huo Jue to kill.

Seeing that "Huo Jue" was still silent, Mu Wanran drew out the long sword from her waist, placed it across Huo Jue's neck, and said in a cold voice, "Sect Master, where is the rebirth pool?"

"Huo Jue" pursed her lips, and Mu Qinglan's eyes were glued to Huo Jue's body every day, imitating Huo Jue's stubborn and unyielding appearance ten to ten times, "You should die, I will not give up my rebirth!" pool."

Mu Wanran was also ruthless, and immediately pressed the long sword hard, this is to open "Huo Jue"'s neck first!

At the same time, Mu Wanran yelled at the people behind him: "What are you doing standing there, come in and search!"

The people behind quickly entered the room and searched everywhere. Mu Qinglan parted her neck at a critical moment, avoiding some force. There was only a thin bloodstain on her neck.

A group of people rushed in and quickly searched the house.

Elder He Ze knew about formations, and soon discovered that in a cabinet next to the bed, an exquisite mustard space had been set up, presumably for storing important things.

It's empty now, obviously something has been taken out!

"Maybe it's on him!" Elder He Ze said.

Mu Wanran looked at Huo Jue upon hearing this, and seeing that he seemed to be wearing something on his neck, she immediately reached out to lift the collar of "Huo Jue".

Mu Qinglan pretended to be a person, so naturally she didn't let go of such details. The rebirth pool was indeed worn around the real Huo Jue's neck.

Mu Qinglan grasped Mu Wanran's hand with quick eyes. She had always pretended to be weak, but suddenly she became **** because of Mu Wanran's action.

"what are you doing?!"

"Wouldn't your father teach you whether men and women can kiss each other?!"

"What are you, dare to touch Huo Lang... Cough, my Huo Jue's neck?!"

Mu Qinglan's appearance is perfect, but her voice is not good. Huo Jue's voice can be as clear as broken jade, but also lingering like water, Mu Qinglan can't learn it.

When she opened her mouth, although her voice was male, it was very harsh and sharp, like an old **** who had been eccentric for many years, even if Huo Jue was beaten to death, she would not be able to make such a voice.

Mu Wanran was taken aback by the yelling, she was slapped **** the back of her hand, and was thrown away.

She had an extremely bad impression of Huo Jue at first, but when she heard Huo Jue's voice, she almost felt like she was getting married. Is she engaged to such a person?

How dare a dying **** be so arrogant!

Her long sword was about to wipe "Huo Jue"'s neck directly, but when "Huo Jue" raised his hand, a long sword came out of his cuff like a snake—it directly collided with Mu Wanran's long sword. Together, there was a "Zheng", gold and jade collided, and the surroundings of the two of them swayed.

It was like a signal of throwing a cup as a sign. Before everyone had time to shock Huo Jue, a crippled man with a broken spiritual mansion, why did he have the ability to confront Mu Wanran with swords, something swirled around in the ground.

The cracking sound of "click" can be heard endlessly. In the blink of an eye, vines as thick as bowls emerged from countless corners of the room.

With the bitter wind and snow and the rich rosin, these vines drilled out of the ground and quickly wound up towards the nearest monk.

"What is this!"

"It's... vines, my God, cedar vines!"

"Elder Heze, what should the elder do, elder save me!"

"I got it! It's Lingshan who got angry, that's how the disciples of Xiulu Yuan were trapped!"

"Ahhh—let go, I won't fight anymore, I'm going down the mountain!"

The vines do not carry any attack power, they are just pure vines. It is easy to be chopped off, or even shattered into powder.

Several evil cultivators in black robes manipulated puppet threads to jump between these vines, and some even tried to manipulate the vines.

The guards of the royal family are rich and powerful and have magic weapons to protect them, but the magic weapons are so low that they can be ignored, and even some ordinary people who have no cultivation at all are consumables. So soon, the small open space they opened up with their weapons was occupied by trees and vines.

Their first reaction was to run, but the door was already surrounded by dense vines and vines, and they had no way to escape.

As for Elder He Ze and his disciples, the disciples followed him to practice formations and were not good at attacking. Moreover, the disciples of Hezeyuan are generally low-level in cultivation and have not yet cultivated the Dao Spiritual Shield. They cannot raise **** on the Dao Spiritual Shield like Elder Heze, so their defense power is not enough, and they are quickly restrained.

Only when Elder He Ze sacrificed the spiritual pet on the Dao Spiritual Shield again, the red gold runes on the turtle's back kept inciting, and rampaged between the cedar trees and vines like when they broke the formation, did they barely have a safe place.

"Miss, we have been tricked, don't you have a teleportation magic weapon? Take it out!"

There was constant screaming in the room, like a new kid in hell.

"You!" Mu Wanran took a step back from the spiritual pressure of "Huo Jue", clenched the long sword in her hand, and her heart was terrified.

Some vines entangled towards Mu Wanran, but they were quickly pushed away by the protective formation of her cassock and smashed to pieces.

She turned her head to take a look at the appearance of the crowd, and then looked at a room of trees and vines, as if she had fallen into a python's nest, almost biting her silver teeth.

"These are monsters!" Mu Wanran roared, "Elder He Ze, what kind of monsters are these, is there a way to deal with them?!"

He Ze shook his head while manipulating the Dao soul to pet the tree and vines, but he was speechless.

The problem is that he can't feel any evil spirit at all, and these vines didn't hurt anyone, they just trapped them and exhausted their spiritual energy.

Originally, these mortal objects could not easily trap monks. But precisely because all the monks in this room knew that there was no evil spirit, what they smelled was the clear spirit rosin they were familiar with when they were cultivating in the snowy field. Thinking that the disciples of the Law School were trapped because of Lingshan's anger, their fighting power seemed to be pulled away by the cause and effect of heaven.

If Lingshan is angry, does it mean that Huo Jue is destined?

Elder He Ze was stunned, and accidentally tripped over a tree vine. Although he got up quickly and continued to resist, his face was panicked.

"Trash!" Mu Wanran scolded Elder He Ze, then turned to scold Huo Jue.

"Despicable!" Mu Wanran said to Huo Jue, "You are the majestic young master of Beisongshan, and you are allied with a monster!"

"Huo Jue" hovered in front of Yingying, Yingying's sword body was shining brightly, surrounded by guardians, she was extremely fierce. Mu Wanran's cultivation in the mid-stage of breaking the delusion state did not dare to move forward easily.

And those tree vines all went around the wheelchair, obviously they were with the person in the wheelchair!

Mu Qinglan used Huo Jue's face to slant her lips, smiling like a demon.

"Nonsense." She said slowly, "This is the spirit of the mountain. It is the spirit of the mountain that is angry. The mountain wants to keep all of you monsters here."

"Huo Jue" slowly turned his gaze to those who were tied up, deliberately threatening. "Make fertilizer."

"Miss," an evil cultivator flew over and said behind Mu Wanran, "These vines cannot be controlled completely, we must leave as soon as possible."

The vines themselves don't attack people, they just entwine, but there are too many, too many to count. These evil cultivators can control the tree spirits of one or two trees, but they can't control the thousands of tree spirits in Beisong Mountain at all. Having exhausted his spiritual energy, even if the Heavenly King Lao Tzu came, he would have to be tied up.

Mu Wanran gritted her teeth and said, "I haven't found the rebirth pool yet!"

She glared at Huo Jue again, her eyes filled with dissatisfaction while her heart jumped.

She can't just go back like this, her Cang Ling needs the warmth of her spiritual veins!

Isn't Huo Jue's Lingfu broken? Why can you still use spiritual power to fight.

Putting on Huo Jue's skin, Mu Qinglan looked at Mu Wanran, remembering that she was going to touch Huo Jue's neck just now, like a cat whose tail was stepped on.

Yin-Yang snorted and said: "Miss Mu, but that's all, she's ugly, ugly from the inside out. Fortunately, I didn't marry you!"

A few evil cultivators struggled to resist, and Mu Wanran's body armor swung layers of protective runes, but the light gradually weakened.

The entire Cedar Courtyard became a "boa constrictor ball", the courtyard collapsed and the ground cracked, just like the Law School back then, it was about to collapse.

But Mu Wanran was not reconciled, she didn't care about it, and raised her sword again as if desperate for her life—this sword exhausted all her spiritual power.

Her beautiful face was distorted by Dasheng's aura, and she shouted, "Where is the rebirth pool!"

Mu Qinglan was in a bad mood, she was just putting on airs, and went to the snowy field to communicate with the tree spirits, and Mu Qinglan's spiritual power had been exhausted.

She was still giving birth to Huo Jue, and it was only when she communicated with the tree spirit that she realized that the weaker she was, the more and faster she would give Huo Jue life.

She's really getting sucked out.

She was unable to catch Mu Wanran and Elder He Ze. The reason why Duan Zhen was also captured after capturing the disciples of the Law School was because Duan Zhen didn't want to run away at all. Where would he go if his disciples were gone? Where is he going when his daughter is on the mountain?

But in reality, the vines couldn't trap the high-level monks at all.

I thought I could scare Mu Wanran away and scare her away, but who would have thought that Mu Wanran is also crazy!

When Mu Wanran struck with the sword, Yingying blocked it on her own, and the blade was strong, but this drained Mu Qinglan's spiritual power even faster.

Mu Wanran's clear and beautiful eyes were slightly red with the blood of a demon. She quickly noticed the complexion of "Huo Jue", because she turned pale.

Mu Wanran suddenly let out a "ha" laugh, and shouted: "The end of the battle!"

Then he summoned up his spiritual power to attack again!

In the nick of time, a spiritual light erupted from Mu Qinglan's body. Her complexion was pale, and the phantom flickered slightly on her face, and she almost couldn't maintain her blindfold.

Mu Wanran's long sword stayed in front of her, blocked by the aura.

Seeing blood slowly gushing out from the corner of "Huo Jue"'s mouth, Mu Wanran exerted her strength even more crazily, and at the same time let out a ferocious laugh.

"Hand over the rebirth pool! Otherwise, you will definitely die without a whole body!"

Mu Wanran never doubted that Huo Jue wanted to live. If he didn't want to, why would he hold on to the position of young master of Beisongshan with his disabled body? So that he could not convince the crowd, causing the elders to betray one after another?

If he didn't want to live, he wouldn't hold on to the rebirth pool and send people everywhere to look for the whereabouts of the rebirth lotus!

So she threatened Huo Jue's life to make Huo Jue hand over the rebirth pool.

But "Huo Jue" was full of stubborn eyes, raised his hand slightly, and countless vines were summoned by her, and sprang up from behind her, heading towards Mu Wanran——

Layers of protective runes burst out of Mu Wanran's body, and the evil cultivators behind her saw this, and immediately manipulated the vines controlled by them to wrap up to resist.

Mu Wanran didn't pay attention to "Huo Jue"'s stubborn resistance at all. She gritted her teeth and mobilized her spiritual power again, forcefully breaking through the spiritual shield in front of "Huo Jue".

With a "buzz", the spirit shield shattered and fell to the ground, making a clang, as if crying because he couldn't protect the Lord.

The smile on the corner of Mu Wanran's mouth widened, and the long sword pointed directly at the throat of "Huo Jue".

This vicious woman!

Mu Qinglan put her palm on the wheelchair and turned it around quickly. The wheelchair turned sideways, but after all, it was only a little bit sideways, and she couldn't avoid it.

The long sword pierced through her shoulder, blood gushed out from the corner of Mu Qinglan's mouth, and she let out a weak groan.

Seeing that "Huo Jue" was injured, the vines also stopped. Mu Wanran smiled again, her face full of confidence in victory. Then she mercilessly pulled the sword from "Huo Jue" shoulder.

Mu Qinglan grinned her teeth in pain, and said to her mother, just wait! This revenge is not a gentleman!

Mu Wanran is not Huo Lang!

Not even Huo Lang, who she pretends to be!

Mu Qinglan pressed Huo Jue's face, showing a weak and fearful look, and said, "I'll give it, I'll give it, fairy, don't kill me."

Pretend to touch his storage bag, pretending to fetch the magic weapon.

Mu Wanran's killing intent towards "Huo Jue" boiled over, and she had no intention of keeping him alive. Hold the long sword tightly in your hand, and just wait for him to hand over the magic weapon, and he will be decapitated!

Everyone was staring at the "Huo Jue" magic weapon, but no one noticed that Yingying, who had fallen on the ground, was quietly moving to Mu Wanran's feet.

Mu Qinglan simply felt that Huo Jue's natal sword was forged for her, and that she and she were so connected that they could communicate without holding the sword handle. It felt very strange, as if the sword was a part of her, and it could be driven with only thoughts.

Mu Qinglan fumbled in the storage bag a few times, her eyeballs slid behind the white gauze, and found that Yingying was already in place, and suddenly took out a large handful of talismans from the storage bag, and like a goddess scattered flowers, Throwing towards Mu Wanran and the lackeys beside her—

"I'll give you a big head ghost!"

The talisman melted into flames in mid-air, and the flames condensed into sharp sword blades, moving towards Mu Wanran overwhelmingly—no matter how good her magic robe was, it couldn't resist the dense and tyrannical sword light like Ling Chi.

These were all written while sitting on Huo Jue's lap. No matter how excited Mu Qinglan was when she wrote it, the spiritual power filled with it was just as powerful.

"Ah!" Mu Wanran screamed, but it wasn't because she was injured, but because her cassock was torn open by the sword blade.

She didn't know what kind of rare material this cassock was made of, but Mu Wanran didn't care about resisting the blade, she just stretched out her hand to cover the cassock.

Immediately, there were several scars with deep bone visible on the arm.

The evil cultivator who was protecting her by her side helped her block a lot, and when Mu Qinglan made a move, the vines that had become agitated again stirred more fiercely.

The entire main house was already crumbling, the roof collapsed and the beams fell down, turning the world upside down.

"Huo Jue!" Mu Wanran screamed.

Mu Qinglan said angrily, "You called Huo Jue too!"

She saw the opportunity, manipulated Yingying, and raised her fingertips.

Yingying's sword stood up from the ground, directly following the hem of Mu Wanran's robe, and got into her robe.

"Ahhh—" Mu Wanran let out a scream.

Mu Qinglan was leaning on the wheelchair, pulled backward by the vines, with blood still dripping from the corner of her mouth and shoulders, but she was smiling happily.

She said in her heart that it was not because of her insidious tactics, but that Mu Wanran's guardian runes were all on the shoulders of the robe, and she could only wait for an opportunity to hurt people from underneath.

As for where the injury was, Mu Qinglan didn't know if her skirt was blocking her, but when Yingying broke through her robe and flew out, the sword was covered in blood.

It is reckoned that if her buttocks hadn't been cut into quarters and her thighs hadn't been cut into pine tree towers, Mu Qinglan's sword would have been for nothing.

"Despicable! Shameless!" Mu Wanran was supported by the evil cultivator behind her, her legs were trembling, her face was pale, and she stared fiercely at "Huo Jue".

Mu Wanran was seriously injured and was about to raise the sword again, but Mu Qinglan grabbed the hilt of Yingying's sword in her hand, she really couldn't do it this time, and was about to run away.

But at this moment, Duan Qinxuan's roar sounded from outside: "Junior Brother!"

"Disciples follow me to kill!"

"Miss, we have to go!"

When Elder He Ze heard Duan Qinxuan's voice, his legs trembled in fright. Of course, he had resisted for so long, and his spiritual power was exhausted immediately.

Mu Wanran stared at "Huo Jue" viciously, she didn't know that Huo Jue was a fake from the beginning to the end, she wished she hadn't planned to kill Huo Jue long ago.

Such a despicable villain, who colluded with evil spirits, is worthy of living in the world!

Mu Wanran raised her long sword tremblingly, pointed at "Huo Jue" and said, "I, Mu Wanran, swear, I will take your life!"

"How dare you! If you say one more word, I'll cut you into a stick!" Although Mu Qinglan's body was weak and she protected herself with a bunch of vines, even though her whole body was weakened, her mouth was still firm.

Mu Wanran was so angry that she spit out a mouthful of blood.

The sound of cutting trees and vines can be heard outside, and a group of people will rush in soon. Mu Wanran didn't dare to delay any longer, she sacrificed the magic weapon, and the moment she landed, the only remaining group she brought jumped in.

The spiritual light was so strong that it overwhelmed several people, and the other people trapped by the trees and vines in the room also wanted to follow, but unfortunately they couldn't get away.

"I will kill you!" Mu Wanran roared when she disappeared.

"If you die, you die first!" Mu Qinglan yelled, regardless of whether she could hear her or not.

At this time, Duan Qinxuan also cut off the vines and broke in. Mu Qinglan fell backwards with her wheelchair, and landed in a large group of squirming vines.

The tree vines swallowed Mu Qinglan and quickly pulled her into the ground.

Duan Qinxuan led people to rush in, and saw a room full of royal guards and Hezeyuan traitors trapped by trees and vines, and her junior brother was nowhere to be seen.

Duan Qinxuan couldn't find his eyes tearing apart, and was about to go mad when Qu Shuang led someone to rush in and said, "Senior Sister! You're back!"

"Huo Jue was arrested!" Duan Qinxuan saw the wreckage of the teleportation magic weapon when he entered the door, and knew that the thief had left.

If Huo Jue is not here, he must have been kidnapped.

Qu Shuang was stunned for a moment, and said, "Senior sister, what are you talking about, the young master has been in the forbidden area!"

Duan Qinxuan's anger about to rush out of Tianling Gai was captured by Qu Shuang's words.

At the same time, Mu Qinglan came out from the ground, borrowed some tree spirit energy, and transformed into a human form. The blood on the corner of his mouth was not even wiped off, and the front of his shirt, which was stained red by the sword, was not only untied, but also splashed with water to make it look more exaggerated.

She carried Yingying outside the forbidden area and said to the guarding disciples: "The thief has already been punished, and Lingshan is angry again. Let me go in and report to the young master!"

Mu Qinglan is now also a well-known disciple in Beisong Mountain, and was soon put in.

As soon as she entered the forbidden area, she howled immediately when she saw Huo Jue sitting on the rock.

Not only did she howl, but she also "limped" suddenly, walking towards Huo Jue with one foot high and one foot low, crying, "Huo Lang..."

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I was stabbed with a sword and bled a lot..."

Forbearance to report good news but not bad news?


She wants Huo Jue to feel sorry for her mercilessly, and then love her even more!

When Mu Qinglan spoke, Huo Jue suddenly stood up from the stone.

It was a burst of vigor, and it was also because he had absorbed too much of Mu Qinglan's vitality through the birth offering ring in this short period of time.

"Qing Lan..."

Mu Qinglan, covered in blood, threw herself into Huo Jue's arms like a roc spreading its wings.

Huo Jue smelled the strong smell of blood and touched the sticky stickiness with his hands. He was frightened out of his wits and almost broke his heart.

His legs gave way, and he rolled to the ground with Mu Qinglan. The two of them piled on top of each other, hugging each other tightly, both of them looked like they were parting from each other, one was pretending, the other was real.

Huo Jue held Mu Qinglan's face in his hands, and kissed her between the brows uncontrollably from the bottom of his heart to comfort her. I don't care about etiquette, righteousness, honesty, and shame, but a pair of eyes that are clearly invisible, but tenderly revealing distress, self-blame, wishing I could replace it with my body, and so on.

The scene was very unsightly.