MTL - Marrying the Useless Man whose Spiritual Platform is Broken-Chapter 11 come on

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Of course Mu Qinglan wanted to have a good time hugging someone.

All of them walked up to Huo Jue. Huo Jue raised his hand between the two of them, almost pressing on her chest. She just had to move forward a little bit to make sure Huo Jue reacted and retracted his hand, and then Can't resist either.

The scene was about to get out of control, mainly because Mu Qinglan couldn't control herself.

The sweetheart is right in front of your eyes, without resistance or even invisible, who can hold back? who? !

But the problem was that Mu Qinglan was standing in front of Huo Jue, seeing Huo Jue's flustered expression, she soon couldn't bear it anymore.

Her beloved fairy's spiritual mansion was broken, and she endured the pain of being cut by the knife every day, pretending to preside over the overall situation of the sect indifferently, guarding the magic weapon, and looking for vitality everywhere, just to pass on the sect and live up to his title of young master.

Every day he is stern and stubborn to support this precarious sect. Mu Qinglan sees it in her eyes and feels pain in her heart. How can she be willing to really bully him, make him worry more, and make him feel humiliated?

So Mu Qinglan stood and looked at him for a while, imagining fiercely in her heart after a while, but did not move forward, but raised her hand, and covered Huo Jue's head with a cleaning technique.

Huo Jue was so nervous that the wet nose and back suddenly felt dry.

Huo Jue loves cleanliness very much, especially after the five declines, Mu Qinglan suddenly performed a cleaning technique on him, which made Huo Jue's whole body a meal, and then slightly raised his head, as if looking at Mu through a white gauze. Seiran.

Huo Jue suddenly thought that that day...he used formations to control the soul of the person occupying Qushuang, and that person was also inappropriate, so he gave him a cleansing technique.

However, this subtle and inexplicable coincidence is not enough to support Huo Jue to think of Mu Qinglan as a "superior person". After all, he has only touched Mu Qinglan's bones, and she is human.

She is an offshoot of the Mu family. Before she married, Huo Jue sent someone to find out that she basically didn't stay in the Mu family in recent years, but a merchant who did business under the banner of the Mu family's fairy family. .

Running around all over the world, selling some poor-quality fairy artifacts and herbs, and not relying on the Mu family for a living.

She only has the initial stage of Shattering Delusion Realm, and she can't even retain her face.

Therefore, Huo Jue denied the hypothesis that Mu Qinglan was the person who occupied Qu Shuang's body in just a split second.

The two were silent for a moment.

Mu Qinglan looked at Huo Jue's guarded look, sighed, and said with a bit of anger, "Don't be afraid, I'm not a hungry ghost, what can I do to you."

"But I really like you." Mu Qinglan said softly, "I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. It's amazing."

"Have you ever heard of love at first sight?"

Mu Qinglan said, "I think I fell in love with you at first sight, and after that, I dreamed of you. I always dreamed of you... That kind of feeling is like, um, I think I must have liked you hundreds of years ago, maybe in my previous life. you."

Huo Jue was not moved by this bombardment of sweet words, he only felt that Mu Qinglan was lying a lot. When they first met, Mu Qinglan was just a child.

Maybe the Mu family taught her this way?

And hundreds of years ago...

Huo Jue calmly retorted: "Miss Mu, stop talking nonsense. I am only 170 years old now. How did you and I come hundreds of years ago?"

Mu Qinglan choked again. Hundreds of years ago was just an exaggerated statement from a long, long time ago, and Huo Jue was taking it too seriously.

But she didn't care, she laughed and said: "Anyway, meeting is fate. It is said that after ten years of cultivation, we can get on the same boat, and after a hundred years of cultivation, we can become husband and wife. Anyway, I..."

"Miss Mu," Huo Jue said, "I'm not in the mood for love. Miss Mu will definitely meet someone better in the future, at least she won't be a **** like me."

Mu Qinglan immediately retorted: "I have met many people, but I only like you!"

Huo Jue wanted to refute again, but Mu Qinglan immediately said: "Huo Lang, if you contradict me again, I will really kiss you!"

Huo Jue immediately shut up, and at the same time grabbed the wheelchair and moved back slightly.

Seeing him like this, Mu Qinglan whispered again: "You won't lose a piece of meat if you kiss him. You haven't kissed anyone before in your life, have you?"

Mu Qinglan was moved, "I didn't either, why don't we give it a try?"

"You touched it too. I don't look bad, right? You said that your spiritual mansion is broken and the heavens and humans are in five decays. Anyway, if this is the case, there is no need to abide by the Taoist heart, right?"

"Huo Lang...come on." Mu Qinglan discussed.

"No." Huo Jue has always been a self-restraining and self-respecting gentleman. No matter what kind of scenes he encounters in slaying demons or how he is seduced, he will always slash his sword without changing his face.

He is by no means a man of Meng Lang, and it is even more impossible for him to discuss snow, moon, wind and flowers with others under this brilliant sky.

But now he was really forced by Mu Qinglan to the point of no choice, so he had no choice but to refuse her ridiculous proposal, otherwise he was afraid that Mu Qinglan would really kiss him, but unfortunately he didn't even have the force to refuse.

Huo Jue's tone was extremely cold and firm, "I don't want to try."

As long as he thinks about getting close to someone, just thinking about it, he feels... It hurts.

Huo Jue didn't think about it before, but today he was forced to think about it. He was in so much pain that he couldn't help stretching out his hands to hold his stomach, but there was no exact place for the "pain". Huo Jue thought that love is terrible.

It's more terrifying than the shattering of the Lingfu.

"What's wrong with you?!" Seeing that Huo Jue's complexion turned pale, Mu Qinglan hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Huo Lang, you..."

"Who trespassed?" Mu Qinglan walked to Huo Jue and was about to reach out her hand, when a sharp voice came from outside the door: "Let go, back off! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qu Shuang was called back urgently by his disciples. On the way, he asked his young disciple Huo Jue's condition. He knew that the young master had no guests at all today, and the young master was always polite, so it was absolutely impossible for him to entertain guests in his room.

So even if he didn't see his face, Qu Shuang knew that Mu Qinglan, who was facing the door, was the villain who broke into the Cedar Yard! Maybe it was the one who got on him a few days ago!

Qu Shuang yelled violently, making Mu Qinglan shiver.

When Huo Jue heard Qu Shuang's voice, he seemed to have found a savior!

He has always been calm and prudent, and now he even lost his composure and said: "Qu Shuang, invite this Miss Mu out!"

Mu Qinglan was a little upset when she saw Qu Shuang, such an eyesore!

She could have asked for warmth, even if she couldn't kiss her, she could still touch her again. But Qu Shuang came in aggressively, with his hands on the saber at his waist, as if he was going to make a move.

Mu Qinglan was not afraid of him, but she couldn't hurt Qu Shuang in front of Huo Jue.

So Mu Qinglan had no choice but to withdraw her hand, and Qu Shuang quickly approached. After seeing Mu Qinglan clearly, she was startled for a moment, and then sharpened again.

How could it be a puppet of the Mu family? how did she get in

Qu Shuang forced her to stay away from Huo Jue, and then asked: "Miss Mu, tell me, how did you come in, you trespassed on the Xuesong Courtyard, do you know what crime you will be convicted of in my Tianyuan Sword Sect! "

Mu Qinglan was yelled at and wanted to scratch her ears, but she didn't seem guilty on her face, she had already thought about what to say.

She said: "A young disciple from Xuesongyuan brought me in. I just wanted to meet Huo Lang."

When Huo Jue and Qu Shuang heard it, their expressions sank.

Huo Jue asked, "Madam Mu, which disciple in the courtyard brought you in?"

Mu Qinglan spoke softly to Huo Jue: "I don't know his name, but the servants around me told me that a young disciple of Xuesongyuan thought I was pitiful, so he could accommodate me."

"Full of nonsense!" Qu Shuang scolded bluntly.

Inside the Cedar Courtyard are all inner disciples who swear allegiance to the young master, and they will risk their lives for the young master, and they cannot be driven away. How could anyone dare to bring someone to the young master's room?

Huo Jue also looked even uglier.

Mu Qinglan didn't want to let Huo Jue worry too much, and said, "Although I don't know his name, I can recognize him."

Huo Jue remained silent, Qu Shuang furrowed his brows fiercely, and finally said: "Sect Master, why don't you gather your disciples in the courtyard and let Miss Mu identify you."

They are now in a difficult and dangerous situation, and they would rather kill by mistake than let them go. If the traitor is not caught in time, it will be too late to make a big mistake.

Huo Jue thought for a moment, then nodded.

Qu Shuang said to Mu Qinglan again: "Miss Mu, with all due respect, if you falsely accuse the disciples of your sect, it is impossible to leave this Xuesong Mountain. It may not be easy to leave Shuangge in the future. "

This is clearly to imprison her.

Mu Qinglan was suddenly excited when she heard the words, and turned to Huo Jue, "If I'm imprisoned, will Huo Lang look at me personally?"

Qu Shuang frowned, not knowing what Mu Qinglan was up to, and even laughed.

Mu Qinglan quickly said again: "Then can I move here? Lock the bed?"

"Where to move? If you falsely accuse the disciples of the sect, you will never go anywhere!" Qu Shuang couldn't see Mu Qinglan's playful smile, scaring Mu Qinglan.

Qu Shuang didn't understand Mu Qinglan's meaning, but Huo Jue, who had been poured into Meng Lang's love words by Mu Qinglan, quickly understood what Mu Qinglan was talking about. She was willing to be imprisoned as long as he watched it personally. ...and want to be imprisoned in his bed.

Huo Jue felt an inexplicable feeling in his chest, he was a little embarrassed and burned, his ears were red.

He really didn't understand what was wrong with this puppet of the Mu family!

As a result, Huo Jue's face was quickly filled with frost and cold, only his half-tied long hair covered his ears, and his ears were red.

His voice was steady, like broken jade and ice, and said: "Miss Mu, if you lie, there are many cold cells in Beisong Mountain that are still empty."

Mu Qinglan clicked her tongue inwardly, she could already see Huo Jue's embarrassment with excellent eyesight, and even started to scare her.

Knowing that you can't be funny if you get to this point, and it will be counterproductive if you go deeper.

So he said honestly, "I'm not lying. If I point out someone, can you make him tell the truth?"

Qu Shuang answered: "Of course there are."

Every sect has such a magic weapon, which is used to distinguish the words of the disciples. Even if they don't have it, let the other party swear on the spot, and it will be a thunderbolt if they lie.

The instrument of discernment on Beisong Mountain is called Punishment Heart, which was made by Youchen, the chief disciple of the Punishment Hall of the Hengjue Sect. It is made according to the magic weapon Punishment on his soul shield, Punishment is a steelyard, the weight can distinguish the true from the false, and it can also be used for heavy pressure during the battle, crushing the opponent into a pulp.

Punishment is not so severe, but if the person being questioned lies, he will feel his heart being squeezed by a heavy object, which is unbearable.

Qu Shuang went to gather the disciples in the courtyard, while Mu Qinglan waited in the room, seized the last bit of time with Huo Jue, and talked to Huo Jue.

"You look bad, are you feeling uncomfortable? Where does it hurt?"

"You're a little skinny, so you should eat a little more for each meal. The rice I cook is delicious, or I'll cook it and send it to you later, okay?"

"Huo Lang, I really like you. I like you even more when I see you. Believe me."

"Huo Lang... Should I carry you to bed to rest? I have great strength."

Huo Jue remained silent, pursed his lips and sat quietly, silently reciting the spell of pure heart.

But the effect was negligible. This girl Mu spoke alone, but it was as if more than ten thousand frogs were croaking in unison. The effect was astonishing.

Finally, Huo Jue couldn't bear it anymore and said: "Miss Mu, I appreciate your kindness, but I have no heart for love. Now that the Lingfu is broken and life is impermanent, there is nothing worthy of Miss Mu's infatuation."

Huo Jue was just an excuse. Every time Mu Qinglan said a word, Huo Jue felt that she was even more suspicious.

If it's just being controlled by the puppet Gu, the magic finder is enough, why does she have to talk about liking him?

Do you like a useless person who has today but no tomorrow? What can she do?

She is afraid that she has other plans. Could it be...does she also want the rebirth pool?

That's right, who in the world doesn't like a rebirth pool that is comparable to a small spirit vein? Huo Jue had investigated Mu Qinglan, and knew that because she was too deep in the world, she had not made any progress in her cultivation for many years.

She also bluntly said that her mother didn't need him to worry about it, so she must have come here for the rebirth pool.

Otherwise, she herself said that she is in her prime, and she looks... not bad. Huo Jue has touched her personally. Her eyes are big and her nose is straight. Apart from wanting to be reborn, Huo Jue never thought that a woman like her would want to fall in love with a useless person. reason.

After Huo Jue figured it out, he felt sad.

He even wanted to laugh. Now, because of the rebirth pool, he still has to resist the temptation?

Mu Qinglan didn't know that Huo Jue's thoughts were turbulent and completely lost her mind. Hearing that Huo Jue himself was not worthy of infatuation, she immediately said: "Hey, you are not allowed to say that about yourself."

Seeing that Qu Shuang hadn't come back, Mu Qinglan seized the time to squat beside Huo Jue and knocked on the armrest of his wheelchair.

Say: "Did you not like to look in the mirror before? Do you know how charming you are?"

"Is there no one who praises you for your beauty and youthfulness? Has no one confessed to you?"

Huo Jue didn't know why, but his mind flickered because of Mu Qinglan's words.

This feeling is hard to describe, like a gust of warm wind blowing past his ears, he suddenly felt that this was not the first time he heard this sentence.

But Huo Jue settled down, and his mind froze again. He clearly didn't have any memory about this, but why was he in a daze?

Could it be that this little puppet of the Mu family has practiced sorcery and illusion? !

Huo Jue bit his cheeks vigilantly, and stopped listening to anything Mu Qinglan said, and closed his eyes behind the white gauze, like an old monk in meditation.

When Mu Qinglan saw what she said, Huo Jue ignored her, simply scratched her head, and stopped talking.

She squatted on the ground, and her fingers climbed up Huo Jue's wheelchair, little by little, toward his fingers.

Touch it again, today is enough.

But just when Mu Qinglan's slender fingertips were about to touch Huo Jue's slender, jade-white fingers, Huo Jue seemed to sense something, and moved his hand away and put it on his lap.

He seemed worried about putting it on his lap, and even clenched his fists, retracting his cuffs, completely out of sight.

Mu Qinglan: "..."


Sooner or later, she will not only touch these hands, but also touch them hard! Still need to knead! Still pinch! Still want to bite! Still need it!