MTL - Make You Happy-Chapter 369 to look ahead

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  Chapter 369 to look forward

  In the past few days, there have been some more topics in the capital, making people discuss with great interest.

  One is that the brother-in-law of the capital governor and a few of his cronies were beaten up on the way to have fun.

   And the beating was not light, at least he had to lie in bed for several months to recover.

   It stands to reason that with his identity, the murderer should be able to find out soon.

   It's just that... this matter was ignored by the governor of the capital.

  Even his powerful wife failed to say a few words for his own brother this time.

   As a result, people began to speculate that they had offended some high-ranking person, and they dared not speak up after being beaten.

   Another thing was that Ruan Youqing, the youngest daughter of the General Protector's family, was suddenly adopted by the emperor as a foster daughter, and named Princess Changning.

  The emperor treated the Ruan family so favorably, no one dared to say anything wrong.

   After all, the Ruan family contributed a lot to defeating the Jie people. It seems that it is only natural for the young lady of the Ruan family to get the award because she loves the house so much.


  After the emperor made her the princess, he even rewarded her with a mansion. Say her as a dowry.

   After this, Lord Shoufu suddenly handed over a memorial, impeaching Yin, the prefect of the capital, for his bad family style. After some investigation, the emperor fined the prefect of the capital one year's salary as an example.

   After all, these things basically started because of Ruan Youqing.

   At this time, Ruan Youqing was stopped when he saw the emperor about to leave the palace.

   "Young Qing!"

   Xiao Deyin ran towards her with her skirt in hand, grabbed her hand and walked to a place where there were no people.

   "Deyin? Why did you enter the palace too? What's the matter?" Ruan Youqing asked in confusion.

   Xiao Deyin dragged her for another distance before stopping, and said with a serious expression, "Did you see An Ge when you came back?"

  Ruan Youqing was taken aback, shook his head and said, "I haven't had time to see her yet."

   "An Ge these days... She still stays in her bedroom. Just now I came to visit the Queen Mother with my mother. The Queen Mother knew that we have a good relationship, so she asked me to look for you, saying that we should go and see her."

  Hearing Xiao Deyin's answer, Ruan Youqing pursed her lips, feeling a little confused.

  She was involved in the imprisonment of the Queen and Li Yi. Although Li Ange didn't know it, she knew it in her heart.

   Now that she is asked to see Li Ange, she always feels a little weird in her heart.

   "Young Qing?"

  Seeing that Ruan Youqing didn't answer, Xiao Deyin moved his face closer with some doubts.

   After looking at each other with Xiao Deyin, Ruan Youqing finally sighed in his heart, and said slowly: "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

   Fortunately, Li Ange's bedroom is not too far from their current location, so the two arrived without wasting too long.

  The maid outside the door often followed Li Ange, so when Ruan Youqing and the others walked over, the little maid was already very excited to greet her.

   "Miss Ruan! Miss Xiao! You guys are back!"

   Li Ange didn't seem to know about Ruan Youqing and Gu Changan's marriage in Changzhou City. They didn't even know that Ruan Youqing was named princess.

   "Tell the princess quickly, we are coming to see her."

  The little maid nodded vigorously, turned around and opened the door and walked in.

   After a while, the little maid came out with red eyes, and said cautiously: "Miss, you... you should go back. The princess... still doesn't see anyone."

  After Xiao Deyin heard this, he frowned tightly and raised his voice, "An Ge, let us in! We haven't seen each other for so long, don't you miss us?"

  But Xiao Deyin yelled several times regardless of his appearance, and there was no movement in the room.

  Ruan Youqing's eyes darkened, and without saying a word, he pushed the door sullenly and walked in.

   Li Ange's little maid opened her mouth in shock, not knowing whether she should stop it.

  Xiao Deyin was also stunned for a moment, recalling Ruan Youqing's vigorous and resolute actions in Changzhou City, and soon smiled clearly, and raised his heels.

  Looking at the two people who broke in without permission, the little maid rubbed her hands helplessly and then continued to stand at the door, pretending that she didn't see anything.

  I hope... these two ladies can comfort the princess well.

   After Ruan Youqing entered the room, he soon saw Li Ange sitting curled up by the window.

  At this time, she was only wearing a white underwear, and her scalp was disheveled.

   "Princess..." Ruan Youqing's cold and stern expression just now softened his tone after seeing Li Ange's appearance.

  From beginning to end, Li Ange was innocent.

   After hearing the familiar voice, Li Ange slowly raised his head to look at Ruan Youqing and the others.

  Ruan Youqing saw Li Ange's eyes were red and swollen.

  「Princess, we are back, how can you bear not to see us?」

  Li Ange pursed his lips, his eyes dimmed: "Youqing, Deyin, I..."

   The words came to my lips, but I didn't know what to say.

  After the queen mother and the emperor's brother were locked up, she felt that she could not be as carefree and unscrupulous as before. Even, she felt that she was guilty.

   After grief, she felt ashamed to see anyone.

  But Ruan Youqing and Xiao Deyin came to her side, and they both knelt down and looked at her.

  At this time, Ruan Youqing said patiently: "An Ge, remember, it's not you who are wrong. It's...they. You don't need to lock yourself in the house all day because of this."

Li Ange shook his head and said, "I...I know they are wrong. But...but I was also wrong...I still wanted to plead in front of the father, but I forgot...the emperor...for his own selfish desires ...Even disregarding the life of the emperor...Even...the queen indulged the emperor's brother...why...why...why did the whole family behave like this...why...why!!"

   At the end, Li Ange gradually lost control of his emotions, and roared with tears on his face.

Seeing this, Ruan Youqing quickly hugged her in her arms, and said in a very soft tone: "An Ge, we don't want to comfort you, because we are not you, so we cannot empathize with your sadness. But you have to know, although... things have developed You are now like this, but the person who loves you still loves you. We... are all here."

   "Aren't you going to stay away from me because the queen mother and the emperor brother did something wrong?" Li Ange gradually calmed down in Ruan Youqing's arms, but his thin body was trembling uncontrollably.

   Seeing this, Xiao Deyin's eyes gradually became moist.

   Li Ange has always been glamorous and flamboyant. She has never seen such a fragile and humble time.

  Holding Li Ange's hand, Xiao Deyin also lowered his voice and said, "An Ge, we are all here, we will not leave, and it is impossible to stay away from you because of... such things that you have nothing wrong with."

  Ruan Youqing nodded and took over the words: "An Ge, you have to look forward. On the road of life, there will always be better scenery after the ups and downs."

  After the words fell, Li Ange lay on Ruan Youqing's arms like a bank burst and began to cry.

  (end of this chapter)