MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 21 : World War I became famous 1, mocking the forest

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The mission of the Mage Network, the reward mana 1 to 9 points is a primary task, the same level of power as the primary mage. 10 to 99 are intermediate, 100 to 999 are advanced, and so on. The mission of the Master Network must be related to the 'degree of danger' and has nothing to do with the level of the individual. For example, the blood count actually paid more than two thousand points, but because it is the task of resurrecting him, the default is that the intermediate task is completely ok.

Because the resurrection is the most important thing, he paid so much.

Only by the degree of danger, the blood count can be applied for success with only 1 mana.

"Capture, save, ship... the mission of the Warcraft Wilderness, ask the helper to send the heart of the bronze dragon near death to his hometown and release it to the book's secret room. Don't be a simple task. Maybe you don't know, the place where the bronze dragon is called the Tongling Continent is the danger of Warcraft. There are no human beings, no high-skilled races, and only countless magical creatures. The bronze dragon built countless magical springs throughout his life, making copper Spiritual Continental has produced countless Warcraft."

Upon receiving the invitation, Qingyan Fox and Lei Shi naturally came to talk.

Lei Shi is the first friend to know.

The Blue Eyed Fox is the first alchemy material merchant to give gifts.

When you hear the ‘lucky little Tang’ appointment, they certainly don’t want to miss the opportunity. As the Scarecrow said, the most important thing about the Master Network is not strength, it is luck. Who can live longer, who is definitely stronger. Make friends with a lucky person, no Master will refuse.

I heard the advice of the blue-eyed fox.

Tang Shidao also nodded: "I know the task is very difficult, my eyes are friends. This time is an important experience in my life, so my mind has been decided. I can explain that I have a tiger deformation can fight, there are invisibility and flash surgery can hide There are treatments that can be replied, and there is a group of quick auras. I will be safer if I have teammates to help."

Lei Shi and Qingyan Fox heard the aura of quickness and couldn't help but look bright.

Aura in the spell.

The cheapest is also 100 points, it is called the night vision aura. More expensive is the cold resistance or the flame resistance to the aura, which takes 200 points. These are all useless, and the aura is really helpful for combat, such as the aura of power, which requires 1000 mana to buy.

Therefore, the aura is the most wonderful existence of the Master.

There are cheap, super expensive, but... no one likes to buy a halo spell.


The reason is very simple: one world and one mage!

In the case where there is only one mage in a plane world, the halo is really nothing. For example, the 100-point night vision aura, instead of the dark visual spell, is only one manpower, one hundred times cheaper than the night vision aura. Even if team missions, Dark Vision, a teammate casts a teammate, it can also be put a hundred times. In other words, unless your group has 101 people, dark vision is cheaper than night vision aura.

Is there a group of 100 people in the Master Network?


But not necessarily once in tens of thousands of years! The wizards of the two worlds still have difficulty in believing each other, and the group of 100 wizards in the world is really more difficult than throwing stones into the stars in the sky. Therefore, the Master does not like the aura... The purchase value is too expensive.


The wonderful thing is that the Master likes teammates with aura!


There is no reason, as long as the normal mage knows the benefits of the aura. In the halo effect, not only your own, your own summoned beast, 傀儡, 偶 偶 tools, etc. can get bonus. Think about the effect, the picture should not be too beautiful. Tang Shidao understands very well that this mentality does not want men to have too much clothing for their girlfriends, but hopes that women all over the world wear swimsuits to go out.


Buy it yourself, it’s too expensive and too painful!

Others have it, too cool to use!

"I am participating in this mission, I only need to divide 10 mana and tenth of material. I am good at summoning beasts and crickets, not to participate in near-attacks." The blue-eyed fox heard the aura of quickness and agreed immediately. In good faith, it also explains its own fighting role.

Lei Shi thought for a while.

Asked about Tang Shidao: "Tang Shidao friends, the last mission is grateful. I can participate, the request is also one tenth, but I need to pull a 'friend' to come. I am good at melee defense, it is good at melee attack, I need a teammate who can trust and cooperate. I guarantee that it will be the same as me. In addition, it is best to have a team member who is good at spells, otherwise it will be very difficult."

Tang Shidao nodded.

After the three people negotiated, everything went on.

A ‘war is about to begin, everyone must have their own preparations. Tang Shidao is not afraid of death, but they are cautious. The benefits of a team task are clear to everyone. In addition to harvesting and remuneration, the most important thing is to make a group of friends. In the Master Network, friends who can be trusted are extremely important, and often represent a life guarantee.

Why is the blood count so generous? Not because he needs Tang Shidao to save his life.

"Give me a light feather and a magical jump. In addition, upgrade my storage ring to the intermediate level." Tang Shidao began to purchase.

"Happiness 3 points. The storage ring can be upgraded by using the spell itself. It can be upgraded to the intermediate level at 10 points and advanced to 100 points." The Scarecrow is really friendly to the guests and pours a stinky face to those who do not spend money.

"Good." Tang Shidao spent 10 mana and upgraded the intermediate storage ring.

Received a purchased spell.

Turn around and check the information in the big library.

Not long after.

“Hey!” A charming voice sounded.

Tang Shidao turned around and looked.

My heart is speechless: Nie Ni girl! In this uninhabited place, I saw a man who has no sharp corners, no wings, no tail, no claws. You are not afraid of being a demon... Well, it seems that something is wrong. Forget it, don't pay attention to these details.

"who are you?"

"Magic charm." Devil beauty charm: "I came here specifically for you. I just heard that someone picked up the mission of Warcraft Wasteland, I want to join. I have done it once before, but I gave up in the middle of the distress. It seems that you still Missing a spell turret, I recommend myself to participate. How, lucky Xiaotang? I only need one tenth of the reward."

"I have two questions. First, have you gotten the information that the scarecrow has pitted your mana?"

"2 o'clock." Charm said that this dark injury.

"Sure enough, pit. Second, the real reason you joined?"

"Because the Green Eye Fox is personally involved. As far as I know it is a mage of merchant flow, very little personally involved in the mission. It believes in you, I believe it."

"Sure enough, reputation is very important. I agree, welcome to join the team."

"Hey." Charm can not help but laugh at the death team.

Tang Shidao is a bit worried, seeing the beauty of the charm, the beautiful buttocks, and a naughty little tail, the heart can not help but a bold idea.

The charm is not at all strange, open the mouth, revealing the devil's unique sharp tiger teeth.

Gently bite, indicating that you are not afraid to come.


The teammates are all collected, and the magi friend of Lei Shi is a stone-eating monster. Tang Shidao feels awkward. Lei Shi is a stone man. Its friend is a stone-eating monster. It feels like a cat and a mouse are mixed together. Before accepting the task formally, Charm said some intelligence she knew. Then, accept the task and get 99 points of mana compensation for each intermediate task in advance. Another mysterious gift needs to be extracted after completing the task.

Because it is a five-person group, 99 points of mana ray, stone blame, blue-eyed fox and charm, each takes 10 points, and Tang Shidao takes 59 points.

It seems that Tang Shidao is a big bargain.

This is not the case.

This mission was initiated by Tang Shidao, so he must be the main force of the pillar, and others are just assisting. For example, the last time Lei Shi and Tang Shidao scan the maze, Lei Shi took 90% of the Tang Shidao accounted for a cheaper. In the mission, the team also has the primary and secondary points.

"Give me a plant to grow." Tang Shidao got 59 mana, and began to purchase crazy in order to complete the task.

"Happe 1 point."

"A new rat."

"Happe 1 point."

"A local shakes the mountain."

"Happe 10 points."

"A natural disaster."

"Thank 20 points."

"The last one is a spider turned and a water scorpion turned."

"The spider turned into a point, the otter turned into 5 points, and the reward was 6 points." The Scarecrow came to the hand to reach out and never let go.

After Tang Shidao finished his consumption, he said to his teammates that he hopes that everyone will have a magical spell that can be active in the water. Everyone nodded, and the average small animal turned out to have only 1 mana. They didn't mind buying a fish for the mission. Tang Shidao spent another 10 mana, buying two handles to return to the ring, an ice and fire property, can be thrown and can fly back automatically.

This weapon is a half-meter-diameter circular blade that can be used when the tiger is transformed.

Everything is ready.

A team of five people officially entered the mainland of Tongling.

First sight.

They are just a dragon that is nearly 100 meters long and looks like a metal ore. Most of its body has collapsed, like a broken statue. The bronze dragon saw no one to speak, only to float its heart from the broken chest. The mission is to pick up and save its heart and bring it back to its designated Master Chamber. It is already nearing death, and there is no power to go home.

Charm and whispered: "Let's go, it won't talk. Just send its heart back to the hometown, it has a way to send it back."

Tang Shidao nodded and gestured to leave.

Charm Mo again reminds: "Because there are many magic springs in the copper spirit continent, the World of Warcraft that can fly is the most beneficial and powerful. Our strength can't beat the sky, we can only hurry on the ground. Lucky Xiaotang, we have to face The first difficulty in the right is... laughing at the forest."

The bronze dragon fell in the middle of the forest.

Want to hurry, the first level is to cross the forest.

"Oh, look, there are idiots."

"Haha, what monsters are they, not like us."

"It's stupid, stupid is coming."

"Do you want to eat fruit, poisonous cockroaches."

Tang Shidao just walked into the forest with five people, and the voice immediately sounded from all directions. These trees are contaminated with the energy of the magic spring and become a wise tree demon. They don't need language and can talk directly from the heart. Tang Shidao ignored them and walked through the middle. After half an hour, come out again, it’s awesome... It’s the place where the bronze dragon sleeps.

"Walk back, fool, fool."

"Too funny, a bunch of idiots."

"Would you like to go? I can give you a way."

Forest changes, some tree demon can really climb out of the ground and slowly move a position.

Charm smiled: "They have no lethality, but they like to make fun of people."

"Well, set fire." Tang Shidao told me that this time the contract did not have provisions that could not damage the environment. Just send it back and plow the surface of the star.

"Okay, but it's useless." Charm is arrogant.

In a flash, the fire snake swept through a large forest and lit hundreds of trees.


"Ha ha ha, so comfortable."

"A fool fool."

"Thank you, I grew up a little."

Forest tree demons are not afraid of flames, they can absorb the growth of magical energy. Fire is just a nutrient to them.

The charm is stopped.

The whole forest sounded a foolish scream. The stone geek listened uncomfortably, and an axe cut off one. The tree fell, and soon withered, another green shoot on the stump, and soon grew into a small sapling, and said: "Stupid, stupid. Cut again, I can grow longer. Want to dig me out? Come and dig."

Charm gently shook his head, indicating that the tree demon did not dig, and did not dig.

at this time.

The ridicule of the whole forest seems to mean that we just don't let you go, you can't help it.

At this time, Tang Shidao also laughed.