MTL - Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again-Chapter 3969 Don't you know?

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  Chapter 3969 Don't you know?

   "Wait!" Ye Maoshan frowned and stopped, his tiger eyes fixed on him, and his tone was full of disbelief: "You said he was injured?"

  When did Ye Fanchuan go to the illegal area, why didn't he know?

  That brat never told him!

  Ye Maoshan's face was completely dark, and he couldn't control the increasingly ugly expression on his face. The veins on the back of his clenched fists were bulging. He looked at Vancouver and said, "Is he seriously injured? When did he get hurt? Who did it?"

   "???" Vancouver was confused by his three consecutive questions, and was even more astonished than him: "Don't you always know?!"

   "Hehe." Ye Maoshan looked at him with a half-smile: "What do you think?"

   "..." It seems that I really don't know.

  Vancouver was stunned for a long time, not knowing what to do. When he received a call from Mr. Xue from the hermit family, Ye Maoshan should have known what he heard from the other party's tone.

  But now Ye Maoshan clearly told him that he didn't know, how could he be a lobbyist in the middle?

  Nobody knows about it!

  Vancouver faced Mr. Ye's aggressive gaze, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and give a general account of what he knew.

  He didn't know much, he heard it all from Mr. Xue, only a rough story. It was nothing more than a conflict between the two sides. The queen injured Ye Shao in the illegal area, but she was also detained by others.

  The matter is not complicated, otherwise he would not agree to act as a middleman.

  The hermit family is willing to make concessions.

   Now it mainly depends on the attitude of the Ye family.

Vancouver thought that Mr. Xue's offer was attractive, and Beijing had no reason not to agree. Seeing that Mr. Ye was lost in thought, he confidently persuaded him: "Young Master Ye is not seriously injured. The most important thing is that his girlfriend Qiao Nian I don't want to let go, that's why I came to your old lady to talk to her. After all, it's a hermit family in M ​​state, and it's better to settle enemies than tie them up. There's no need for everyone to get too tense. Ye Lao, what do you think?"

   "Hmph!" Ye Maoshan sneered and said with a sneer, "I let you finish talking, what else can I say."

  Vancouver stood there touching the bridge of his nose in embarrassment, and said with a smile: "I'm wrong, don't be angry."

  He was afraid that if he continued talking like this, Ye Maoshan would not even listen to his words. Immediately said again: "Let me tell you about the conditions offered by the Hermit Family..."

  Ye Maoshan was so angry that his chest heaved violently. According to his temper when he was young, he would definitely walk away without listening to a word.

   It's just that he is no longer the violent temper he was when he was young. The years of troubled years have polished his temperament and made him learn a more tactful way of dealing with things.

  So even though his face was not good-looking, he still listened to the meaning conveyed by the hermit family in Vancouver.

  The more he listened, the calmer his expression became.

  The fierce aura around him eased somewhat.

"You mean that State M is willing to give up 60% of the chip market in State Y unconditionally. As long as we are within this share, they will not do things behind the scenes, and they are willing to withdraw from this competition and put the previous Return the items that were stolen from us?"


  Ye Maoshan walked away with his hands behind his back, pursed his lips, and thought about it with emotion in his eyes.

   It is said that the members of their Ye family were schemed so that they almost lost their lives and were even injured. The Ye family would definitely not forgive the other party.

  Even if the other party offers the best conditions, they will not accept it.

  (end of this chapter)