MTL - Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again-Chapter 3935 Catch alive or kill on the spot

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  He was accidentally shot in the right shoulder, **** flowers bloomed on the shirt immediately, and the color of the rose-colored thin lips quickly faded.

   Someone below saw it, and immediately shouted excitedly: "He's been shot! Quick! Continue to suppress him with firepower!"

  The young man's eyes were bloodshot. Hearing the good news, he made a 'continue' gesture and said solemnly, "Don't give him a chance!"

   No wonder they were so excited.

   This Y is really good at playing.

  Many of their brothers were folded here, and if this continues, they might all have to stay and be buried with them.

   This defeats their original intention.

  They originally wanted to rely on the large number of people to control the loss within 1-3 people.


  The young man looked at the brothers who had fallen all over the ground, not to mention more than a dozen. Greatly exceeded psychological expectations.

  Thinking of this, his heart sank, and he became more threatening: "Suppress me!"


  Countless bullets shot towards the stairs on the second floor. They seemed determined to take advantage of Ye Wangchuan's shot and kill him in one fell swoop.

   Seeing a burst of intensive fire suppression, there was no sound on the second floor.

  The young man immediately called a few people, leaned over and took up the weapon, and said solemnly: "You guys follow me upstairs."

  The people he named happened to be Nie Qingru's confidantes. They glanced at each other and raised their weapons to follow.

  Ye Wangchuan is more difficult to solve than everyone knows. In this case, it is difficult for them to distinguish who is who. Now they are all under the command of Sans.

  The young man has a kind of aggressive spirit. While leading Nie Qingru's men to charge to the second floor, he didn't forget to order the people below to continue to suppress with firepower to give them a chance to go up.

   Even so, it was very difficult for them to go up.

  Ye Wangchuan had just sent the others out and occupied the stairway by himself, forcing them from the 4th floor to the current 2nd floor.

   They backed away again, and they were about to be driven into the living room by Ye Wangchuan, and they beat them out. This is not a result they can accept!

   After all, they have an absolute advantage in numbers, and they are suppressed and beaten by others alone. No one feels aggrieved by the pressure.

   Young men are no exception.

  Since he was lured into the illegal area by Lu Zhi, he has always been quick to do things and rarely misses. Facing Y this time, despite his fear, he is actually very confident in taking on the opponent.

   As a result, he had the absolute advantage but was at a disadvantage. He was extremely annoyed. Seeing that he was about to reach the stairs, the young man turned his head and solemnly told the people who brought him.

   "Be careful when you go up later, he was shot, but we don't know where the injury is and what kind of injury it is. It's always a good thing to be careful."

   "Then did we see him alive or..." People from the Hermit Family have already asked him for his opinion habitually.

  The young man pursed his lips, remembering Lu Zhi's order, and said without hesitation: "Kill him on the spot!"

  Nie Qingru and his confidants showed a clear expression.

   Several people stopped communicating, and rushed up after waiting for Sanz's order.

   However, at this moment, an accident happened.

  I saw a small drone flying out from the stairs on the second floor. Sans looked up and saw something tied to the drone.

  It was only when the drone flew closer that he saw clearly what the black round object tied to it was. Immediately, his expression changed, and he lay down on the ground and shouted: "Don't shoot! Stop! Stop now!"