MTL - Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!-v5 Chapter 719 719 Moon into the Heart of the King

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719 Chapter 719

"However, Lu Shao is very fond of her?" Gu Mingsheng looked at Lao Zhang who was sitting side by side, thinking for a while, and said again.

Lao Zhang played the dice silently, and said briefly: "Yes."

"Understand, but ..." A man whispered his head and looked at Tong Yan, who was playing darts alone. "What do you do when you see your rival?"

Lu Zhaoying did not invite Tong Yan, she came by herself.

Gu Mingsheng thought to himself that Tong Yan was afraid of Xin Huan. After all these years, what can the Tong family have with the Lu family?

But he didn't say anything, just shook his head slightly.

His movement was basically understood by everyone else.

Most people went to play darts and air guns again. After Lu Zhaoying returned, they stopped and greeted Pan Mingyue warmly.

Lu Zhaoying followed Pan Mingyue and did not take the initiative to introduce Pan Mingyue. Gu Mingsheng immediately spoke and introduced Pan Mingyue to others: "This is Miss Pan."

"Oh oh, Miss Pan." Lu Zhaoying is still here, they can't give Lu Zhaoying face.

He also greeted Pan Mingyue with Lu Zhaoying for playing darts and air guns.

This pedestrian usually plays more openly. Lu Zhaoying rarely brings Pan Mingyue to such a place. For the reason of Pan Mingyue, he has always paid attention to Pan Mingyue's status and asked to look down at her, "Are you playing?"

This is probably the first time in history that they have seen the incredible Lu Zhaoying so humble.

Pan Mingyue shook his head.

Lu Zhaoying waved his hand and sat on the table playing dice with other people, ready to stay for ten minutes before leaving.

Tong Yan also came here, but Lu Zhaoying and Cheng Ye did so. Both of the underground casinos had visited them, and they didn't add up enough for him to play.

After a few hands, he gave all the winning chips to Pan Mingyue, ready to leave.

Opposite, the dice in Tong Yan's hand was almost crushed into pieces.

Pan Mingyue was still thinking about the SLR. Lu Zhaoying asked her to leave, and she followed, reacting for two seconds.

Lao Zhang immediately lowered the white water glass in his hand and followed them away.


A dart flew obliquely from the back, was blocked by Lao Zhang with a cup, and was inserted directly on the table in front of Pan Mingyue.

The noise of the noisy conversation with Lu Zhaoying and Pan Mingyue disappeared around Pan Mingyue.

Everyone looked in the direction of the dart, and only saw Tong Yan standing in front of the target. Instead of looking at Lu Zhaoying, she looked directly at Pan Mingyue, looking like a torch: "Can't afford it?"

This sentence seemed to detonate, the air seemed to condense, and the sword was tense.

Don't say anything else, don't even dare to move.

Lu Zhaoying didn't say anything either. He just bowed his head and reached out to pull out the dart nailed to the table. The dart reflected the cold light.

The people around them took a step back and shivered.

Lu Zhaoying may not show up in Beijing for many years, and it seems that everyone is forgetting. In the early years, Lu Zhaoying and Cheng Ye were in the city when they were scared.

Even Tong Yan shrank his eyes.

"No." Just as the atmosphere was freezing at freezing, a quiet voice broke the silence.

The others looked in the direction of their voices, and saw the girl holding the milk raised her head, her face was very well-behaved. She took off the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and her clear black eyes were exposed.

Pan Mingyue looked at Tong Yan with a smile and thought: "Left hand or right hand?"

Only then did Tong Yan react, she glanced deeply at Pan Mingyue, "What?"

"That's it," Pan Mingyue took the darts that Lu Zhaoying handed to her, wrapped a wreath in her hand, and looked at the only Gu Mingsheng who could speak to her. "Do you play with your left or right hand?" ? "

Gu Mingsheng looked at Pan Mingyue with a headache, "Don't take it seriously, Yan Yan is like this character," and then frowned and looked at Tong Yan, "Don't play with the lady's temper, and apologize."

Tong Yan purses her lips. In fact, she is also afraid of the current Lu Zhaoying. If she wanted to be aggressive, she did not export it.

Gu Mingsheng was relieved. He was crying and being a peacemaker. He walked to Pan Mingyue and said very quietly: "Miss Pan, this boy face is such a hot character. Don't be fooled by her. When she first entered the barracks, did the female soldiers evaluate the first special soldier to go in. "

Pan Mingyue didn't say anything, but took the dart to the shooting location.

"Hey, Miss Pan?" Gu Mingsheng saw that Pan Mingyue had really gone, and he quickly spoke to try to stop him. He had seen Pan Mingyue twice, and Pan Mingyue had never played these. He naturally felt that Pan Mingyue might not have played. After these, it is too bad for Tong Yan.

Seeing Pan Mingyue not listening, he looked at Lu Zhaoying again, "Lu Shao, don't you stop ..."

This is not the same as ordinary shooting. Below is the target. You can see a faint single hole. There are bags hanging on the wall above the target. There are almost twenty bags from top to bottom. The ropes are thick to thin.

As long as you hit the rope and shoot down the cloth bag, you can get all kinds of big colorful heads inside.

Because the difficulty is too great, most people can only hit the target, and the two hit ropes are hit by children.

Instead, Lu Zhaoying had some time to relax. He drew his hand into his pocket and looked in the direction of Pan Mingyue. "No."

He obviously didn't want to say more. Gu Mingsheng didn't say anything. He just looked at Pan Mingyue and Tong Yan who were standing in front of the target with anxiety. He wanted to land and take photos that were not as fancy as Pan Mingyue imagined.

Others looked at each other and did not dare to participate in the war between the two men, neither of them could provoke them.

"You first." Tong Yan threw an air gun to Pan Mingyue.

Pan Mingyue stunned the weight of the air gun in his hand, "You go first."

Tong Yan took a step back impatiently, hands around his chest, "Hurry up."

Pan Mingyue glanced at her, "OK?"

Tong Yan was too lazy to return to her this time.

Pan Mingyue sighed, she went to the other side, picked up another spare air gun, raised her hand, and squinted at the rope behind the target.


In less than ten seconds.

When everyone hadn't returned to God, the twenty colored heads hanging above the target all fell to the ground.

Pan Mingyue lowered the air gun, nodded politely towards the child, and left with Lu Zhaoying.

Lao Zhang didn't leave, but first went to pick up all the 20 colorful heads, which were all good things. After picking up, he turned to look at Tong Yan and the group who seemed to have become a stake, saying seriously: Don't look for a play gun named Pan. "



(End of this chapter)