MTL - Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!-Chapter 1 001 first arrived in Yuncheng (for collection)

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Chapter 1 001 Early in Yuncheng (for collection)

At the end of August, the sun was shining, and the town's heat wave rolled.

On the second floor of the town center health center, a slightly shabby door leaned lazily against a girl. She wore a simple black and white plaid shirt, and her neckline was crooked when she lowered her head.

The two sleeves rolled up uncontrollably.

Down is a pair of low-rise jeans, a bit old, because of her movements, a thin and delicate waist is exposed.

The look is dazzling.

When the nurse saw a man passing by the girl for the third time, she handed the girl a lollipop and snorted towards the ward. "Well, are your parents here?"

Qin Yue lowered her head to tear the sugar coat, her long eyelashes drooped slightly, and when she bit her mouth, she squinted. "Yes."

The nurse snorted, "I can't see it."

After saying a word, he hurried away with the medical record.

Inside the ward are Qin Yun's biological parents, Ning Qing and Qin Hanqiu.

The two had divorced more than a decade ago. Qin Yue has been following her grandmother. She was sick half a month ago and now needs to be transferred to hospital. Ning Qing and Qin Hanqiu only returned.

Qin Yue leaned against the wall, one leg curled slightly, and listened expressionlessly.

Ning Qing's voice was heard indifferently across the door. "Qin Hanqiu, my mother is in serious condition. I will take her to Yuncheng for treatment."

Qin Hanqiu looked at her, wondering whether it was ironic or something else. His eyes were complicated. "Yan was dropped out of school and Ninghai Town did not accept her. You happened to take her back to Lin's house. There are many ways in Lin's house. She will always find a good school for her. "

"I've brought Yuer into the Lin family. Would you like me to bring another towing oil bottle? What does the Lin family think of me?" Ning Qing was annoyed by him, just like Qin Yue, the school can find it if he wants to find it ?

Speaking of this, Qin Hanqiu was clearly resentful, "I originally wanted to take the language away, you should push it to me without hesitation?"

They have two daughters, Qin Yuan and Qin Yu, only one year away, but they are different in every way.

When the two divorced to fight for Qin Yu's custody, they turned upside down. Later, Qin Yu himself wanted to follow his mother.

At that time, no one asked for Qin Yuan, and the two shied away from each other in the end.

Grandmother Chen Shulan looked pitiful and raised Qin Yue for twelve years alone.

In the ward, Ning Qing looked at the mocking face of Qin Hanqiu and took a sigh of relief. Compared with Qin Yu, who wants to bring a daughter who fights? In particular, it is necessary to bring in the giants, and people will be joked at every turn, and Ning Qing is reluctant in every possible way.

Qin Hanqiu was abducted into their town when he was a kid. A poor boy, Chen Shulan liked Qin Hanqiu. Ning Qing couldn't stand Qin Hanqiu's inability to advance after he was married for a few years. He moved a brick except for a construction site. Ning Qing simply divorced.

After divorce Ning Qing married Qin Yu to a rich man in Yuncheng.

Qin Hanqiu quickly remarried and gave birth to a son with his current wife.

Qin Han Qiu barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes, Ning Qing is afraid that he will really go to Lin's house at that time, it will only make her ashamed, can only swallow a bitter bitter water, unwilling to take Qin Hui back to Yuncheng.

"Well, you too" Qin Hanqiu came out of the ward door and saw Qin Yun, he paused and sighed, "The Lin family is rich, you go with your mother, they will definitely find you a good school for you to go to the senior year. Maybe I can go to a university in the future. "

Can Qin Yun's grade be admitted to the university ... Qin Hanqiu also said casually.

Qin Hanqiu now has a son, and the burden is not small. The house in the city has not yet been bought, so he always plans for the future.

His current wife had greeted him before coming and could not take Qin Hui back.

Qin Yue leaned back. There was no air-conditioning in the corridor of the hospital. The sultry air was almost condensed. She lowered her head halfway and wrapped her fingers around the second white jade-like button on the collar.

The fingers are slender and free of impurities, like frozen jade grease, wrapped in coldness.

Eyebrows that are so pretty are cold and dry.

She didn't care about Qin Hanqiu, and after unbuttoning the button, she narrowed her eyes and looked towards the window facing her in the hallway, her eyes were cold.

A few meters away from the window was an office.

Opposite the office.

The young man sitting on the chair was dressed in a white coat of asceticism, with a clean face and a handsome figure.

The new director of the hospital recently, Jiang Dongye.

Jiang Dongye glanced at the high-definition sofa opposite the hospital.

There was a man lying on the sofa with a cigarette between his fingertips, which was long and clear, and the pale smoke rose thinly, with his arms folded randomly, his eyes seemed to freeze for half a minute.

Jiang Dongye looked out of the other person's eyes, "What is it?"

The man was wearing a black silk shirt, nestled on the sofa, leaning back on the sofa, smiling, "The waist is thin."

He turned his head to the side, his nose was very high, his skin was extremely white, his eyes were half squinted, and his very long eyelashes covered the bottom of his eyes.

It seems to be just sober, and the voice is low and dull, and it brings inadvertent clarity.

Carry a bit clear.

"Huh?" Jiang Dongye flipped through the pages of his medical record and didn't understand.

Looking up, seeing the romantic color, it is not difficult to understand that the men and women in Beijing are crazy for the third master.

"It's nothing for you." Cheng Yan straightened his long legs, leaned on the sofa, chuckled, and then said, "You will return to Beijing in two days after the mission is over."

"Where are you?" Jiang Dongye turned back.

The fingers of the bony joint pressed the cigarette into the ashtray.

Cheng Zheng stood up, his legs were straight and long, and his eyes narrowed with mist. He reached out and patted the ashes that did not exist on his clothes. He casually said, "There are other tasks."


Ning's car is just downstairs from the town's hospital.

It is a black BMW with the license plate number of Yuncheng.

After negotiating with the doctor, Ning Qing directly took Qin Hui and Chen Shulan back to Yuncheng.

"The Lin family has a lot of rules. Don't bring your bad habits to the Lin family, you hear?" Ning Qing tilted her head and rubbed her brows.

Qin Hui only carried a black backpack and put it on his lap. He squinted a little, and nodded indifferently.

Bent a pair of thin and straight legs.

There was an uncontrollable bandit on her body, and she did not know if she could hear it.

"Have you been so sleepy? Did you go thief last night?" Ning Qing, who has been a noblewoman for twelve years in the Lin family, is now graceful with her hands raised.

What she hated the most was the banditry that Qin Yue had in common with Qin Hanqiu.

Qin Min found out a pair of black headphones from his pocket and put them on. He didn't care much. "Going to the internet cafe for a night of games."

As she looked up, the half-hung headset slid into the collar and placed it around her neck.

"You ... you are not allowed to go to the Internet cafes in the future!" Ning Qing looked at her unprofessional appearance, gritted her teeth, "Don't be dissatisfied, if you take one tenth of the words, I don't need to talk to you like this The Lin family is not your grandmother's. Your words and deeds affect your younger sister. You don't want to be good, so don't bother you. "

As soon as I thought of having to find a relationship, and let Lin Qi get Qin Hui into the senior year, Ning Qing became more and more irritable.

In the present situation of Qin Yun, I am afraid that I have searched the entire city of Yuncheng and could not find a school willing to accept her.

She married Lin Qi, a real estate businessman who lost her wife with good looks.

Qin Yu was extremely clever when he was young, and he looked good and pleased.

Excellent grades and outstanding talents, never let the Lin family worry about her studies.

No matter where they are placed, they are "children of other people's families" in other populations.

The Lin family was not satisfied with Qin language.

Ning Qing was naturally happy to bring Qin language to the Lin family.

But think about taking Qin Yun to the Lin family next.

Ning Qing had no appetite for lunch.


At four in the afternoon, the black BMW stopped in front of Yuncheng Lin's villa.

"Madam." A middle-aged woman in a blue shirt opened the door. She was surprised when she saw Chen Shulan and Qin Yun behind Ning Qing.

Ning Qing's chest was a little stuffy, and she was upset. "Zhang Huan, you take my mother in with her, and the language is going to be out of class. I'll pick her up."

Qin Yu has always been picked up by Lin's driver.

Today Ning Qing went to pick it up in person, and said that she was still annoyed because she didn't want to face Qin Hui at home and had to go out to catch her breath.

Zhang Jian watched Ning Qing leave, and then he turned his head to look at the two with suspicion in his eyes.

"Old lady, Miss Qin," she glanced up and down with extremely subtle eyes before she said, "Come in."

Speaking, when he turned his head and led the way in the front, he slanted his lips at an angle that the two could not see.

Chen Shulan walked all the way and saw exquisitely decorated European-style buildings.

Fingers clinging to the corners of the clothes unconsciously.

Stopping by the hall door, Zhang Ye was about to take out his slippers.

But she saw Chen Shulan wearing her shoes and walking through the door.

After Chen Shulan stepped in, she felt Zhang Ye staring at her amazement.

Although she is a countryman, she always loves to be clean, and there is no dust on her heels and clothes.

Zhang Huan's eyes were like a man's back, but his granddaughter was beside him. Chen Shulan tried to ignore Zhang Huan's sight and straightened her waist.

She took a step back and wanted to change her shoes, but saw Zhang Ye shove the slippers back again.

There are a lot of rooms in the Lin family. Zhang Ye couldn't understand Ning Qing's current attitude and took the two to a room on the third floor.

At the corner of the second floor, I saw a half-open house with a precious violin in it.

Qin Yue glanced more.

Zhang Huan glanced at Qin Huan and said blankly, "That's Miss Er's piano room."

Qin Yue raised his eyebrows, followed Lazily lazily, thinking casually, it seemed that Qin Yu was very favored in the Lin family.

The rooms upstairs are tedious.

"This is the bathroom, will the water heater be used?" Zhang Huan opened the door of the bathroom and introduced it, as if the two people across from her were cavemen.

Qin Yue sat on the low table with one leg slightly bent, and fiddled with the flowers on the low table with one hand, his sleeves rolled up.

Bare white wrists.

"The two rest first. What do I need to say, I'll go downstairs first." Zhang Yan said a few notes before going downstairs to help the kitchen.

After she left, Qin Yue locked the door.

Chen Shulan looked at the beautiful spotless room, thinking for a moment, for a long while, and smiled, "This Zhang Huan looks pretty ... well, and gets along with you ... you and your mother, alas."

Qin Yue dumped the contents of his backpack onto the table.

Wen Yan raised his eyebrows and did not speak.

Chen Shulan watched Qin Yun playing with her stuff without disturbing her. This granddaughter has a lot of weird things.

Last time I came to see the chilling gun on the table, Chen Shulan was really scared, but Qin Yue later said that it was just a simulated toy gun.

Qin Min was sitting on the table with her legs bent, fiddling with the contents of her backpack, a laptop without a logo, which looked quite new and did not have a brand. She just put it on the table without care.

He took out a very heavy mobile phone.

She continued to throw it on the table.

She was always messy and picked out a white plastic bottle among a pile of items.

When it was picked up, it also made a shaking sound, and the water was inside.

A messy Q was drawn with a black pen outside, and a note was attached.

Qin Yun tore off the sticky note, and wrote a mess of characters on it. People seemed to be just a bunch of garbled characters. She looked at it for a while, and threw it aside.

Holding only a white plastic bottle in his hand, he tilted his head and took a look at Chen Shulan, and tugged it back into his pocket.

After a while, Zhang Ye came up and knocked on the door—

"The sir is back with the young master. He is downstairs and wants to see the two."


Downstairs, Lin Qi and Lin Jinxuan were whispering.

After all, he had to bring another daughter back. Ning Qing didn't have the courage to take the initiative and called Lin Qi when he was in the hospital.

"I heard that I left school for a year, and I remembered it too much in the original school. It was a thorn. It was a bit embarrassing to send in one." Lin Qi thought about Ning Qing's request and frowned anxiously.

He originally thought that Qin Yu was so obedient, and her sister couldn't be any worse, so she didn't ask much at that time.

It's troublesome right now, and the Lin family has never had such bad people.

Lin Jinxuan frowned, put one hand on the sofa, tilted his head and pressed the phone as if chatting with someone.

When Lin Qi talked, he didn't even lift his head, and was intrigued by Qin Yue in Lin Qi's mouth.

Only when he heard the movement of the stairs, he inadvertently raised his eyes and glanced.

Hold on.

New texts in Zhankeng, serialized after the year, favorite babies order a collection!

Every time I write, I'm nervous and tangled. I didn't sleep last night. I hope everyone can leave a message to collect. I can continue to support Huahua for 19 years.

(End of this chapter)