MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 434 Desperate 9 dragons

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Liuxinwu? It's all here, who is not a Liuxinwu, egg use.

There was also a lot of discussion in the contestant area. If it was a pilot battle against Xilian, Chao Qinglong would probably win 30-70 against Qinglong. It's not that outrageous, and there is hope for conservative estimates now.

The power of Shadow Whistle is due to Xilian leading a group of strong men, which is also the consensus of everyone.

Therefore, no matter what the result is, everyone can see Xilian's cards.

Combat environment - Kepler desperate battlefield.

Different from Kepler's regular battlefield, the first tide of giant worms appeared in five minutes, and then appeared from time to time, and each time was stronger. This was a nightmare battle scene that only appeared in the finals in previous years.

Chao Qinglong chose his own super mobile suit, Dragon King Creed, which is a highly difficult super mecha designed by North Carolina Rose Academy. , with this mobile suit, last year's North Carolina Luo Sai was led by Chao Qinglong all the way through, and in the final, he met Eternity. After the battle, they made full use of the terrain and tactics, and of course had some luck to defeat them one by one. In the end, they defeated the Dragon King Creed and won the championship. In terms of strength, most people still think that the Dragon King will win the championship. One session is the strongest.

Dragon King Creed, USE, 85 tons.

Five-drive nuclear fission system, K23 titanium dragon halberd, titanium shield, laser gun.

Retinazer, retractable shoulder missile system, embedded chest photon cannon.

This mobile suit is also the most powerful and most powerful mecha on earth.

Hillian chose Zeus, the super signature of the moon.

Thunderfire Zeus, NUP, 80 tons.

Leihuo four-wheel drive nuclear fission system, Leihuo mimic system, K23 Leidao, titanium gold shield.

Retinazer, Retractable Shoulder Missile System, Thunderfire Laser Gun.

Two mobile suits landed in the Kepler jungle, and the dragon halberd popped out, and the dragon king Creed grabbed it and drew an arc to Zeus.

Hillian's Thunder Knife was drawn out, and the two mobile suits faced each other and made eye contact. It has been five years.

"Do you regret your decision back then?" Xilian asked suddenly.

Chao Qinglong looked deeply, "Never!"


The golden zones of the two were fully opened, and the black flames spread along the Long Yanji to the entire mecha, suffocating the pressure like a **** dragon, and rushed towards the Leihuo mecha. The thunder knife blooms, the thunder knife sweeps away, wave.

The two flames shot straight into the sky, circling and facing each other, and directly entered the state of Liuxinwu. The huge Kepler jungle has been divided into two distinct parts, one is the Black Flame Hell, and the other is the Zijin Dynasty. In the confrontation, the ground rolled up the vanguard, and then began to tear, but neither mobile suit moved.

It is true that the new mechas of the Meraphis family were not used this time, but the top pilots have been able to fully upgrade their gold zone through the K23 in the weapon as a medium. This is also a terrifying evolutionary ability of human beings. The new power will soon be pushed to new heights.

The engine roared, and in the next second, there was a sound of thunder on the ground. Two mobile suits shot at the same time, and they came to the midfield in an instant.

There was a deafening explosion, every blow was accompanied by the vibration of the ground, black flames and purple golden flames were constantly squeezed, last year's Chaoqinglong killed all directions with a single-handed dragon halberd, even if Fan Liweitt was facing Chaoqinglong's multiple Playing less is also playing with embroidery, but it is obvious that Xilian's Thunder Fire Mecha is planning to head-to-head with Chao Qinglong with a thunder knife, which also makes the moon people on the scene very excited.

Who doesn't like a macho?


Thunder Knife and Titanium Spear blasted together, the mechas of the two sides wrestled with each other and did not want to give in to each other, rattling.

The ground collapsed, two mobile suits flew into the air at the same time, the Longyan Ji suppressed strongly, one inch long and one inch stronger, the tip of the spear punctured crazily, the thunder knife continued to defend, one fell back, the Dragon King mecha took advantage of the situation, and the thunder fire mecha in midair Yan Fei turned back, swung the titanium golden gun, and directly blitzed the dragon king mecha towards Qinglong, and the mecha cut into the top of the left hand and blasted past.


The Thunder Fire Mecha disappeared suddenly, and appeared behind the Dragon King Mecha in the next second, and the Thunder Saber swiped out.

Reverse Flash - Yan and Fly together!

Long Yanji swayed forward and turned its back, blocking the deadly harvest without any time, and the mech rushed forward and landed almost at the same time.


The Leihuo Mecha killed the Dragon King Mecha on its back in half a second, and at this moment, the Dragon King Mecha suddenly leaned back, and Long Yan slammed out to grab the Leihuo Mecha's head.

The thunder fire mecha instantly drifted backwards, and the whole mecha almost flattened. It barely escaped the fatal blow. The engines of the two mobile suits roared at the same time, and the powerful zone directly pulled up the mobile suits forcefully, and they bounced up almost at the same time. , Dangdangdangdang...

The Thunder Knife was even faster, quickly pressing down on the Titanium Spear to prevent Chao Qinglong from gaining power. Facing Xilian's attack, Chao Qinglong's defense was impeccable. The Long Yanji spins crazily, da da da da...

Dozens of knives attacks were all blocked, when.

Another blow was blocked by the Titanium Gun, the Dragon King Mecha punched out, and the Thunder Fire Mecha also punched out.


The two mobile suits trembled at the same time, but in the next second, boom boom.

Another pair of punches, Long Yanji slashed out, the Thunder Fire Mecha did not retreat but advanced, dodging by the slightest margin, the Thunder Saber went straight to the Dragon King, and the Dragon King Mecha directly retreated and kicked.


The two mobile suits opened a distance of more than 20 meters at the same time, and the battlefield suddenly became quiet.

Tick, tick, tick.

Three seconds later, the Kepler battlefield, which had been completely scorched, suddenly began to collapse, with ravines and ravines.

buzz buzz.

The alarm sounded, and the first batch of dozens of giant worms poured out from all directions and rushed towards the two mobile suits, but neither Zeus nor Creed moved, their breath locked onto the opponent until the giant worms approached.

The Thunder Knife flashed, the golden light burst out, the Thunder Fire Mecha still did not move, but the giant worm that rushed over had already separated its body, and the stumps were still struggling. One of the razor heads flew over and bit the Thunder Fire Mecha, but it was touching the Zijin Guangyan The moment was distorted and melted.

On the other side, the Dragon King Creed's Longyan halberd swept across the entire army, black flames billowed, and the giant worms that rushed in struggled and screamed as if corroded by strong acid, but the nature of the giant worms was still rushing forward, but they hadn't arrived yet. The Dragon King Mecha had already fallen in front of it.

The entire scene was silent, not to mention the audience, the contestants were all dumbfounded. They expected that the abilities of these two people were extraordinary, but they did not expect that they had reached this level. Has full control over the use of elements.


Long Yan's halberd aimed horizontally at the Leihuo Mecha, "Xilian, Long Yan's eight moves are ready for you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Xilian's mouth, and the thunder knife in his hand pointed obliquely at the ground, "It's a great honor."

bang bang.

The ground was steaming, and the dragon king mecha, which was burning with soaring black flames, suddenly shot towards Leihuo Zeus with a thunderbolt.

Long Yan's sinful prison fire one by one!

Long Yanji charged towards the Leihuo mech with the momentum of Mount Tai. Xilian's eyes were full of aftertaste and excitement. At the same time, the Dragon King's mech had already been killed in a flash, and the black fire on Long Yan's halberd was like a huge mouth that devoured everything.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the sky was filled with rubble, the thunder and fire mecha had disappeared, and a huge pit appeared on the spot, covered with burning black fire. No one knew what kind of flame it was, just like the magic fire from hell.

The figure of Thunder Fire Mecha in the sky just flashed, and the Dragon King Mecha on the ground suddenly held the halberd with both hands, the mecha suddenly paused, as if time stood still, and the next second, Long Yan's halberd was swung out.

At this time, Creed, the dragon king facing the green dragon, was completely shrouded in the light and shadow of the huge black dragon.

Long Yan's two forms, one and one magic refining black dragon wave!

The black flame opened its huge mouth like a five-clawed black dragon and directly swallowed the Thunder Fire Mecha. At this time, the Thunder Fire Mecha was shining brightly, resisting the black fire's attack, and the Thunder Knife was tightly sealed and directly pushed to the sky.

The center of the Dragon King Creed mecha is lowered, and the engine is constantly accumulating energy. It has the strongest five-core nuclear fusion engine in the solar system.

Long Yan's three moves, one of which is Dawei Tianluo!

Boom..., the Dragon King Mecha soared into the sky like a rocket launcher. Long Yanji was in his hand, and the moment he entered the attack range, the halberd shot out. The space seemed to be distorted for a moment, and a huge gravitational force was formed centered on Long Yanji field.

Xilian's eyes also moved slightly, and the thunder knife in his hand was suddenly reversed, and the knife was swept out.

The force field was cracked, but the Longyan halberd had already hit the Thunder Knife. The energy in mid-air exploded like a rainstorm in the clear sky, and the energy ripples swept out. The two mobile suits were bounced off at the same time, scattered on the ground The fire was still burning fiercely, and at some point the entire battlefield was enveloped in black fire, which was omnipresent and never extinguished.

The last card of USE, the black dragon soul is originally facing the green dragon, omnipotence + hellfire!

However, Xilian, who wanted to distance himself, suddenly found that the mecha was being pulled. At this time, the Dragon King mecha stretched out his left hand, and the violent gravity was holding the Thunder Fire mecha tightly. Only then did Xilian realize that He made a mistake. At the moment of the fight, his thunder knife was also stained with black fire. Although it was directly extinguished by his own golden zone, it opened up Chao Qinglong's gravitational field.

The power of Leihuo Mecha found a sudden reversal, followed the gravitational force to directly kill Dragon King Creed, the light of Thunder Saber condensed, facing the difficulty of Qinglong, thinking that he was afraid of going head-to-head?

Long Yan's Four Styles, One Universe Upside Down!

When the Leihuo mecha rushed towards the Qinglong area, a force field with both gravitational and repulsive forces suddenly appeared, which made Xilian, who wanted to use his strength to fight, almost vomit blood. Pulling back, Zijin's light suddenly expanded in a circle, but it still couldn't get rid of it. At this time, the entire battlefield has been controlled by Hellfire.

I don't know when a wave of giant worms appeared, but these giant worms fell into the black fire before they started struggling. Not only did their bodies not consume the black fire, but they helped to ignite the hellfire.

This place has become the world of Chaoqinglong.

Xilian had just stabilized the mech, and the Dragon King Creed was already in front of him, and Long Yanji was in front of him. Suddenly, Xilian raised his sword and shield. Inspired by the golden zone, a golden giant shield with a thickness of one meter blocked the mecha. In front of A.


Like a nuclear explosion, Zijin paused for a second, and Long Yanji killed in a series of high-frequency, each blow succeeded the previous blow, so that the reaction had not yet rebounded and killed again!,

Long Yan's five moves one by one Long Yan's three folded waves!


The huge zone energy shield exploded directly, and the titanium gold shield also buzzed. The real dragon went straight to the sky, followed by the thunder fire mecha, which was directly blown out.

Everyone was dumbfounded, everyone knew that Chao Qinglong was so fierce that he could be called the number one duel king in the solar system, but who would have thought that he would be so fierce after he comprehended the golden zone.

"The third brother didn't use all his strength when he was competing with the second brother?"

"Nonsense, what kind of effort do your own people use!"

"Fuck, the third brother has the hope of overthrowing Xilian, our time has come!"

"Damn it, don't be milky, hold back, hold back, smash him into scum with a halberd!"

The eyes of all the hunters are wide-eyed. If Chaoqinglong can defeat Xilian, the era of the earth will truly come. With Li Hao and Chaoqinglong here, there will be no room for other theaters to overturn. Ryan.

Chao Qinglong's pupils were completely shrouded in hellfire, and he didn't chase blindly, because Xilian was completely protected, and the key was that the titanium shield was not broken, as expected of Xilian.

Xilian saw that his opponent was not fooled, and the Thunder Fire Mecha suddenly stopped, hovering in an extremely chic manner.

At this time, everyone discovered a problem. The super mecha's ability to stay in the air, which can only be used to a certain degree of suspension, has been broken by the two of them. They have already performed operations in the air that look down on the ground.

Black flames billowed and began to revolve around the Longyan Titanium Halberd, and the blackness gradually became darker, like an abyss that swallowed everything.


Dragon King Creed rushed towards the Thunderfire Mecha like a dark giant, and looked huge, as if driving the entire battlefield. In fact, he appeared in front of the Thunderfire Mecha in an instant, and the huge black dragon enveloped the entire field.

Long Yan's six moves, the Abyss Opening Halberd!


With a loud bang, UU Reading this time the Thunder Fire Mech's purple gold light shield and titanium gold shield shattered together, and those fragments were instantly absorbed by Long Yanji, and the flame became even darker.

At this moment, everyone realized that Chao Qinglong was absorbing the essence of using K23, and the Leihuo mecha was directly smashed to the ground like a meteorite.

Rumble rumble.

There was an explosion on the ground, and a huge meteorite crater appeared. At this time, Creed, the dragon king facing Qinglong, was suspended in the sky, and the Longyan halberd in his hand was raised high above his head. For a moment, the sky was surrounded by black fire and clouds, as if he was the ruler of the abyss.

At this time, everyone in North Carolina Rosa was staring at their **** of war, the strongest Chaoqinglong. They knew that Chaoqinglong would not give up, and would definitely win a championship for them, definitely!

The whole city stopped, everyone looked at the screen around them, Tianxun, everyone was looking forward to, praying, their children, their warriors, the sons of the city, their Chaoqinglong can contribute to this great The city gets a championship.