MTL - Ma’am, Your Little Dragon Cub is Four and a Half Years Old (Lady Is a Dragon)-Chapter 890 Hard-spoken and soft-hearted 1

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  Chapter 890 Hard-mouthed and soft-hearted 1

   "Okay, then when the team you recruited develops it, we will go back to live in Night City. I like the feeling of waking up every day and sunbathing my butt, but in the underwater world, sunbathing has become a luxury."

  Si Mingjing also likes to bathe in the sunset and take a walk on the beach. She loves that the sunset turns the beach into a golden color, and the sunset is also beautiful. In short, she likes everything on land, and she prefers life on land.

  Mo Yinhe made up his mind to develop any door that can teleport instantly, even at any cost!

   Just thinking about it, the phone rang.

  Si Mingjing was drowsy and was about to fall asleep when she was suddenly awakened by the ringing of her mobile phone. She frowned and asked, "Who is so ignorant to call you in the middle of the night?"

   It's almost twelve o'clock now.

  Si Mingjing not only gets angry when she wakes up, she usually has symptoms of insomnia, and the most annoying thing is that people wake her up when she feels sleepy, because it will take one to two hours for her to fall back asleep after waking up.

Mo Yinhe knew that she had difficulty falling asleep, touched her face comfortingly, and said, "It's my uncle calling, you drank a lot tonight, don't worry if you can't fall asleep, if you can't sleep, I will do exercises with you .”

  Si Mingjing blushed, kicked him, and said, "Pick up the phone, brother won't call you in the middle of the night for no reason, it must be something important."

  Mo Yinhe rubbed the ring phone, connected the phone, and pretended to be unhappy: "Calling in the middle of the night?"

  Bo Leng ignored Mo Yinhe's complaints, and his cold voice was succinct: "I heard that you have formed a research team to specialize in any door? Let's cooperate."

  Mo Yinhe narrowed his black eyes, hearing his uncle's tone, he couldn't believe it, he laughed: "Cooperation is fine, what can you provide?"

  Bo Leng didn’t speak official style to Mo Yinhe, and said bluntly: “A few years ago, I asked someone to study the space tunnel that you discovered. If you provide the venue, I can provide everything else.”

  Bo Leng has been sending people to secretly study the space tunnel, but now the space tunnel is heavily guarded by Mo Yinhe, without the site, Bo Leng's research team is deadlocked.

  Mo Yinhe’s back felt cold, and he asked: “Uncle, tell me the truth, are you planning to attack Atlantis by surprise when you send a team to study space tunnels?”

  The thin and cold tone was as calm as ever, and even when someone punctured the purpose, he was disconcerted, and he just said: "You want to settle accounts after the autumn?"

   "Of course there is no need for that. I can provide a venue. Let me share your existing research success, and let my research team join your research team. In the future, the research results will also be shared."

  Bo Leng was very straightforward: "Okay, in the team you excavated, there are a few people who I didn't even find."

   After speaking, he cut off the phone directly.

Mo Yinhe is also very satisfied. Since the uncle's team has been researching for several years, there must be some results. He doesn't need to start everything from scratch, and the uncle obviously not only values ​​the venue, but the key point is what he mentioned at the end. That is to value the talents he has tapped.

  Si Mingjing also heard their conversation and asked curiously, "How many people did you dig?"

   "Fifty." Mo Yinhe said.

   "Just a few days?"

  Mo Yinhe hugged her in his arms, kissed her, and said, "How many days? Baby, it's been half a month."

   In half a month, fifty people were excavated. Some of them were difficult to deal with, but Mo Yinhe sent people to deal with them. Each one was carefully selected by him. People with average abilities could not get into Mo Yinhe's eyes at all.

  Si Mingjing added: "My brother's research team has made no progress in research for several years. It seems that this matter cannot be rushed."

In the morning of the next day, Mo Yinhe and Bo Leng had another phone call, discussing the specific details, and planned to meet the two near the space tunnel. When Mo Yinhe was about to leave, Su Chaoyang's little baby hugged Mo Yinhe Yinhe's thigh, living himself as a small pendant on Mo Yinhe's long leg.

  Mo Yinhe hugged the baby girl, and the baby Su Chaoyang immediately hugged Mo Yinhe's neck, and said in a super clingy voice, "Daddy, the baby is going too."

   "Do you know where Dad is going?"

  Su Chaoyang nodded his head in a childish voice, and said, "Got it, the baby is going too."

   Fearing that his father would not approve, Su Chaoyang said again: "Dad, the baby won't cause trouble. Daddy will take the baby, okay? The baby will be super obedient~~~"

  Su Chaoyang's **** grape-like eyes blinked and blinked, and his clear eyebrows made people's hearts soften into puddles.

  Mo Yinhe was moved, unable to resist the longing eyes of his daughter, so he took the child on the plane together, and called Si Mingjing on the plane to explain about his daughter, so that Ming Jing would not be worried.

  Si Mingjing received the call and thought for a while, "Did Yang Yang count something?"

  This child is not missing anything, and he is not self-willed at ordinary times, but now he is determined to go with Mo Yinhe, probably because of something.

  Mo Yinhe looked down at his daughter sitting on his lap playing games, and said, "Maybe, I'll take her out for a walk. If nothing happens, I'll be back the day after tomorrow."

   "Well, go early and come back early."

  Mo Yinhe did not hang up the phone in a hurry, and asked her: "What are you doing today?"

"I'm going to Bai's house to see grandma later. The housekeeper just called me and said that grandma is not feeling well recently. She doesn't want to go to the hospital to see a doctor. She only trusts my medical skills. I will take the children to see grandma later. .”

  After Mo Yinhe's plane left, Si Mingjing took the children to Bai's house in a small submarine.

  Old lady Bai is not seriously ill, just a minor ailment. The main reason is that the old couple feel that the house is deserted, and they find an excuse to ask Si Mingjing to take the child back to the lively scene. The old man hopes that the child will be happy.

  Si Mingjing saw through the truth, and spent the whole day with Mrs. Bai at Bai's house with the children, making Mrs. Bai smile.

  Later, she took the children to have dinner at Bai's house before returning to the palace.

  As soon as he returned to the palace, he saw Si Lisao sitting in the living room, as if he was waiting for her.

   "Uncle~~" Ye Nianbai had a sweet mouth, and ran over to ask, "Is uncle waiting for you?"

  Si Lisao's deep voice was restrained and steady: "I'll wait for your mother."

  Si Mingjing asked: "How long have you been waiting, why didn't you call me? Is there something wrong?"

  Si Lisao nodded.

  Si Mingjing called the housekeeper to take the children to take a bath.

  After the children left, she sat across from Si Lisao and asked, "What do you want from me?"

   "Still angry?" Si Lisao asked her.

   "No, Yinhe and I analyzed the pros and cons of third-party market cooperation last night. I know that you and he both want to fight economic warfare, control Gendaya's economic lifeline, and jam Gendaya's throat."

After Si Mingjing figured it out, he felt relieved, and asked, "But I posted on Weibo, which seems to have ruined this cooperation. What does Qu Liushang say? He probably won't exchange any door, right? I see today's Weibo The public opinion is still fierce, and domestic opposition in Gendaya is surging like a tsunami..."

   Secretary Mingjing

  (end of this chapter)