MTL - Lovers Always on the Counterattack-Chapter 204

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Twelfth World (7)

Because he doesn't want to kill people, white satin has always adhered to the principle of "eat less and eat more." At first, because he was worried about being discovered by the vampire hunter, he reduced the number of hunts as much as possible, but now the vampire hunter is in trouble and relaxed the hunting. In order to quickly recover his strength, White Satin has boldly acted, and the hunting frequency has suddenly increased.

With the hunting of white satin, Daniel also quickly caught the rule of his predator selecting and hunting. The selection of prey by white satin is very simple and rough. As long as he is a human being with a good virgin, clean life, and beautiful appearance, he comes Those who refuse.

In this regard, Daniel was dissatisfied and confused. Although he is a big aristocrat, he doesn't care much about the men and women around him. He is very clean and healthy. He is physically and mentally clean. His appearance is incomparable. He is much better than the civilians selected by his sweetheart. Fully meet the hunting requirements of white satin.

However, my sweetheart is dismissive of his own blood, but he "prefers" those who are not as good as himself in all aspects. Daniel can even wake up dreaming!

After thinking about it, he finally figured out the only possibility, that although he was more beautiful and clean than his sweetheart's prey, his mind was more complicated, insidious and insidious, indifferent and treacherous. Is it because the "mind" is so impure that it affects the taste of blood?

——I have to say, Lord Lord Daniel is very accurate in positioning his character.

In short, although very aggrieved and unable to “satisfy” his sweetheart in person, Daniel did not give up his determination to “feed” his lover.

Whenever White Satin appeared in front of the prey, Daniel would follow him. Sometimes, before the white satin met the prey, the other party was brought to him by Daniel with a smile.

Later, Daniel even directly selected the prey for his sweetheart, and took out their blood in advance, and held it in front of his sweetheart. As for the "blood donors" themselves, Daniel gave him a lot of money and sent them away. See your sweetheart.

After all, Daniel did not like the hunting style of white satin at all, and was unwilling to radiate his charm to other people.

Regarding Daniel's idiot and tough approach, Bai Sang had a headache and madness, but no matter how cold he was, and how he was driven away by words, the other party didn't care, just smiled and scorned, and repented.

Because it is still under the control of the vampire hunter, white satin does not dare to fight too much, and he is afraid to attract those hunters who are not scattered, plus he is not a waste of "food" temperament, and can only do nothing. Tolerate it anyway-anyway ... even if he is alone, he can still get enough food, but now it just saves the complicated and boring "repeated labor", shouldn't it depend on the other party?

White satin soothed himself, and then accepted Daniel's feed happily and entangled-of course, even if the food is currently, his verbal sarcasm is indispensable.

After eating again, the white satin looked coldly at Daniel's diligently holding up the white silk handkerchief, raised his noble hand, lifted it, wiped his lips. Wipe off the blood on the lips, loosen the white satin, drop the handkerchief on the ground, indifferent tone: "How did you do it? Why do I always know my hunting target and hunting place?"

"This is about the fate of fate." Daniel glanced at the handkerchief, and smiled back to the white satin. "I seem to have a strange and mysterious induction to you. It seems that God, no, it should be said that Satan is Guide me and tell me that when you come here, you will see your beautiful and distinguished figure. "

White satin: "………………………………"

——Okay, I see. This must be the impact of that **** "private contract". But please do n’t say so disgusting, okay?

"Do you know that you are really annoying like this?" Bai Sa felt that she could hardly resist the lover's urgent staring and diligence. "Every time I see you, I feel very annoyed."

Hearing White Satin's rude words, Daniel froze and opened his dark blue eyes in shock.

There was a "suck" in Bai Sang's heart, and the subconscious wanted to take back what he had just said—if there was no memory loss, this sentence must be a kind of interest in Guan E's eyes (?), But his lover now has memory loss. If he said so, would he ... be sad? Will it be painfully lost? Will you ... give up your pursuit?

Bai Sang's heart was up and down, but before he tossed to his lover, he first made himself panic.

Unfortunately, he clearly underestimated Daniel's mental capacity.

After recollecting the words of the sweetheart in his heart, Daniel's wide eyes narrowed slowly, revealing an undisguised smile.

A cold white satin: "…………………………"

--what happened? Is your lover ... really driven by your indifference?

Just when the white satin was in doubt, Daniel finally converged a little on his "weird" smile, but his tone still rejoiced: "I'm so happy to hear you say that!"

White satin: "………………………………"

-Are you really crazy? Dear?

"It's true, please don't look at me with such lovely skeptical eyes." Daniel could not help but, "Do you see that I feel irritable, does it just prove that I am different in your eyes?" He looked at Bai gently Satin made him goosebumps, "You may not know it, but I have been following you and seeing everything very clearly. When you look at other people, there is no half in your eyes Fluctuations, those people will not cause any of your mood and anger fluctuations, just like humans do not induce emotions for an ant. And since I can make you feel irritable, this shows that you have really taken me into In the eyes, it sets me apart from other human beings ... "With one hand over his chest, Daniel's voice was low and gentle, as if it were the most affectionate aria," It really makes me ... makes me want to cry ! "

The white satin with a proud expression was almost unable to be stretched by the disgusting: "………………………………”

Looking at Daniel for a long while, he didn't want to say a word, turned his head into a black mist and left, but Daniel did not confess the sadness of being ignored, but squatted down with a smile on his face and picked up the handkerchief that had just been discarded by his sweetheart. Then kissed on that faint bloodstain.

——Obviously disgusting blood, but because it used to hang on the lips of the sweetheart, it became more fragrant and delicious than the most expensive wine ... Daniel is looking forward to one day he can really taste on the lips of his lover it.

After "indecently" finished the handkerchief, Daniel folded it carefully, put it in his pocket, and turned away in a happy mood.

Although the attendants around him had already been surprised by the abnormal behavior of their own master, they still couldn't help but silently voicing a face—every time they thought that their own master was enough idiot, they would refresh themselves again. The lower limit of cognition is really ... an eye-opener.

For the entanglement of these poor servants, white satin felt the same. So, when he quickly recovered his strength under the feeding of Daniel, he immediately decided to cross the river to tear down the bridge-leaving his lover who can compete in the show and continue his main task.

Carrying delicious blood, Daniel was "dating" with his sweetheart, but was released by the other party Daniel: "………………………………”

"... Master, isn't the **** lord in danger?" Daniel's personal servant Tom looked at his iron-faced master and asked carefully.

Daniel closed his eyes, explored the connection between himself and his sweetheart, and then shook his head: "No, he is not in danger."

No danger was encountered, that is, the adult blood race left alone. Tom mourned for three seconds for the host who had been abandoned for the first time when he tasted the taste of love. He was ecstatic and relaxed in his heart, but his face was anxious: "What is this ...?"

"How is that good?" Daniel sneered. "If the monk can run, he can't run the temple! Even if he leaves without saying goodbye, I can go to his house!"

Tom doesn't know what "monk" and "temple" are, but he has been with Daniel for a long time. He has been used to the strange words that his master suddenly popped up, and he has learned to ignore things he doesn't understand, and then contact Contextual understanding-that's why he can stay with Daniel as a close attendant.

This time, however, Tom would rather have no such "smart" head. He drew a corner of his mouth, and almost couldn't help showing a terrified expression: "You mean ... you want to go to the **** place ?!"

"Naturally." Daniel raised an eyebrow, his tone of arrogance and confidence, "He thought he had no choice but to leave my territory? Oh, it doesn't exist!"

Tom: "……………………………………”

——Being evil! How could he live with such a wayward and dead master? !!

——As a human, but want to run to the vampire's territory, isn't this a sheep to enter the tiger's mouth to deliver food? !!

Tom and the attendants were broken, and they didn't want to be sucked into a vampire. But if their own owners want to die, they can only give up their lives to accompany the "snake disease". After all, Daniel is definitely not a benevolent owner and will understand their desire for life.

After writing the testament and arranging the funeral, the servants escorted their master to the vampire's territory with a sad mood. And the white satin that wrestled with the vampire hunter and wrestled with his wits, and finally returned to his place, also met the other side of the road on the way to his castle.

He twitched his lips, and the white satin showed his figure, staring at the carriage on the side of the road with a speechless expression.

——What are your lovers doing? Worried about the blood hunting difficulties, so "good intentions" to send home delivery? !!