MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 31

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Squinting to see Yin Yan'e again, she couldn't help but praise herself: She hasn't lost her housekeeping skills yet!

In the chaos, she vaguely saw Yuan Shen with a worried face, the young man named Lou Yao was like being struck by lightning, as if he had completely broadened his life knowledge, Yin Shi, who came in a hurry, was angry and angry Jump quickly. Then, in a hurry, Shao Shang and the crying Yin Yan'e were sent to a wing in the back hall of the Yin mansion, where there were Mrs. Yin, Mrs. Xiao, and Mrs. Wan's mother and daughter who had just arrived.

Mrs. Xiao looked calm, but her breathing was also a lot faster. Although Mrs. Wan was not the party involved, she couldn't stay out of it, and she was embarrassed and didn't know which side to stand on. Wan Qiqi made up her mind that Bo Yuntian was right!

Yin Shi hurriedly reported the scene to her mother's ear, and Mrs. Yin breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s good that not many people see it, the two maids are their own slaves, and she can completely control them. Yuan Shen and Lou Yao are men in the end, and they have a good reputation. Please ask your husband to please, so as not to gossip about little girls fighting outside.

The only thing that is a little strange is that Yuan Shanjian seems to be inexplicably enthusiastic about this matter. Injury is not as good as what her husband said, "Although he is young and successful, he often serves His Majesty, but he is cautious in his words and deeds, and he is alone in his actions." - So, everyone has quirks, so Yuan Shanjian likes to watch little girls fight?

As a mother who also has a daughter of the right age, Mrs. Yin has not coveted Yuan Shanjian as her son-in-law, but her husband is not optimistic, saying that Yuan Shanjian 'seems indifferent, but in fact has deep meaning', what will happen in the future The choice of a wife and family must be a big consideration—perhaps marrying a family of a totalitarian and powerful family, or simply choosing a daughter of a senior who is far away from the court but has a prestigious school of classics, it is not impossible.

In the beginning, Mrs. Yin was half of Yuan Shen's heart, but after today's events, she was seen by her daughter beating up a young girl, and she completely put out that thought.

"Don't worry, little sister, no one will see it, this matter will not spread." Mrs. Yin wiped away sweat, comforted Mrs. Xiao, then turned her head and scolded her daughter angrily, "You evil obstacle! The elder is the master of the family, and actually beats the little lady of the Cheng family! All the books are read for nothing! The etiquette is also learned for nothing! I will tell your father to go and see how to punish you! "

Shao Shang felt a joy in his heart: It turns out that the parents at this time were angry and scold their children with 'Nie Barrier'.

After scolding her daughter, Mrs. Yin said softly to Shaoshang: "My son, Shaoshang, you have been wronged! Don't worry, Auntie will give you justice. When the feast is over today, you must Let this evil barrier taste the family law!"

The two fighting girls who were pulled away were in a mess, but Shaoshang was obviously worse, with a blue nose and a swollen face like a pig's head, and a nosebleed on the front of her clothes; Yes, my face and hands are fine. In addition, one is tall and big, and the other is young and slender, and the situation is self-evident.

He comforted Mrs. Yin tolerantly, and at the same time ordered the maid who was with him to check on Shao Shang's injury.

Hearing the accusations coming, how could Yin Yane admit the guilt, crying tears and snot, repeatedly saying that she was wronged, but she couldn't show the evidence, it was really wrong she is! Unexpectedly, Shao Shang suddenly said, "I beat Sister Jia'e first."

Yin Yan'e looked at Shaoshang with a blank face.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the wing was shocked.

Mrs. Yin felt relieved, thinking that although this little girl has a bad temper, she is still honest, and she has one thing to say.

Mrs. Xiao thumped in her heart. She looked at her daughter with a hurt face, but she didn't care, and her mood was very complicated.

Wan Eqi, who was beside her, was in a hurry, she tried her best to open Mrs. Wan's tightly grasped arm, and said loudly, "Sister Shaoshang is the most reasonable, she will never hit anyone casually, there must be a reason. Shaoshang, you say it, you say it!"

Upbringing, I don't even know a few words, so vulgar!"

Yin shi saw Mrs. Xiao's face sinking sideways, and she had a headache: beating a guest or speaking ill, I don't know which one is less harmful to her sister's reputation. She looked at her mother-in-law again, but found that Mrs. Yin was stunned there, with tears in her eyes.

Yin Yan'e can't complain this time, because she did say these words. But she wanted to say, this is not true! To be honest, there is something wrong! But facing the ugly faces of the elders above, she knew that it was even worse.

Yin Shi came out to smooth things out and said with a smile: "My sister just can't speak, I don't know how many people have offended, this time even if she said the wrong thing..."

"Sister Chu'e is right, she is right about every word." Shao Shang's voice was full of weeping, mournful and pitiful, "It is precisely because she is right. , I can't argue with that, so I can only do it..."

Wan Qiqi listened to the anger, and the blood rushed to the top.

She pushed Mrs. Wan's pull away, jumped out, pointed at Yin Yan'e and said: "Beat people without slapping people in the face, and expose people without exposing shortcomings! Could it be that the younger sister of Shaoshang is lazy and stupid, so she didn't Do you study well and know the etiquette? You always show off the good upbringing of the boudoir in the capital. Knowing that others have hidden pains, you have to ignore them. Is this your upbringing?!"

Yin Yan'e was stunned, this time Wan Eqi's mouth was full of high-sounding, she couldn't refute it. I can only continue to shout in my heart that what she said is really the truth, the truth!

At this time, everyone except Mrs. Xiao glanced at each other and felt that the matter was very clear - it should be Yin Yan'e who made a rude remark first, Cheng Shaoshang was young, and when he was in a hurry, he drew his fists to face each other, but it's a pity He was small and weak, and was beaten by Yin Yan'e. No matter how you calculate it, it is all less businessmen who suffer.

Wan Qiqi ignored her mother's wink, added a fire, and told all about Shicai's 'golden bird's nest jujube', and then said: "Aunt Yin, it's not my provocation, But sister Cheng Cha also taught her to bully her!"

Mrs. Yin looked sad and said: "That Cheng Cha grew up in her grandfather's house, and she didn't have her parents by her side."

Wan Qiqi couldn't prevent Madam Yin's reaction, she was stunned for a while, and then said: "That's right!"

Seeing this, Mrs. Xiao turned her head and covered her sleeves and wept: "It's all mine, isn't it, if I hadn't left Shao Shang, it wouldn't have happened..." Shao Shang secretly praised Xiao The director has good acting skills, can be soft and hard, can bend and stretch, and can get on the stage and play on the stage.

At this time, Mrs. Yin calmed down, saluted Mrs. Xiao in an upright manner, and said in a well-organized manner: "This matter is that my goddaughter is not strict, don't worry, I will give two Every child has an explanation. You and I have made friends today, we are in good spirits, and we will grow up in Japan. It is not good for my sister to leave the table at this time, which is a joke. It is better to send someone to send Shaoshang home to recuperate. "

How alert Mrs. Xiao is, she immediately saw that Mrs. Yin looked strange, there must be other hidden feelings, but when it comes to other people's family affairs, she does not do much entanglement, and immediately leads her daughter and goes out.

Wan Qiqi was worried that the handle would be broken in the future, so she left her mother and followed him out, saying, 'My family has a good Jinchuang medicine, I will call someone to go home to get it '.

Yin shi was shocked. She had a very good relationship with her mother. She hurriedly knelt down in front of Mrs. Yin and asked anxiously, "Mum, what's wrong with you."

Mrs. Yin hugged Jinpa and cried without saying a word.

Only Mrs. Wan knew about her past, she stepped forward and said softly: "Auntie, it's gone, it's all gone, you... You are now a happy family and a big mother. , must... must..." She also covered her sleeves and wept softly.

Mrs. Yin wiped away her tears, walked up to her dumbfounded daughter, and slapped her with a slap in the face. Yin Yan'e's face quickly turned red, showing how hard Mrs. Yin was exerting herself.



—Yin Shi and Mrs. Wan exclaimed at the same time.

Yin Yan'e was beaten stupidly. Since she was born, she has been spoiled by her parents, loved by her brothers and sisters, not to mention beatings, not even a single heavy word. This is the first time in her life that she has been slapped on the face, and she can't even cry.

Mrs. Yin glared at her daughter and said coldly, "I have no father or mother since I was a child. I didn't read a few books before I was twelve, and I didn't know a few words. I was also vulgar. You don't deserve to be your mother! Don't recognize me in the future, I don't dare to be!"

With tears in her eyes, Mrs. Yin recalled that she had been born in a blessed nest like a daughter and had a happy family. She even watched helplessly as her father and brother were beheaded in Wanshi, and her mother hid her in Wanjia with all her might, and passed away soon after.

Later, the situation changed, and the enemy's family also suffered retribution. Only then did Mrs. Wan's father dare to lead her out and send her to her uncle's house in the distance.

Uncles and aunts are loving people and treat her as their own. But even so, in the middle of the night, she was still desolate and confused, missing her parents, not to mention that the girls who bullied her sneered at her "no parent, no mother and no education" many times.

Yin Shi and Yin Yan'e had never heard of this, and stayed for a while.

In the other room, Mr. Yin was banqueting in the front, listening to the servant girl preaching, and his wife was crying. With a loud slap in the face, he first scolded the 'I don't know the heights of the earth' and so on, followed by a reprimand, handwriting, and fine copying...just not kneeling in the ancestral hall.

The little girl Yin Yan'e, who has lived for fifteen years, has taken all the punishments in one go.

Compared with Yin Shu'e, who is in a dreadful and bitter rain, Shaoshang here is just a gentle breeze.

After returning to Cheng Mansion, Ah Li saw that her face was hurt and her heart ached, and she silently shed a basin of tears. Who knew that when Shaoshang changed dirty clothes, She also found that there were very few injuries under her clothes, and her delicate skin was almost flawless.

—Technology! The key is technology! The little girl surnamed Yin didn't look serious at first glance, but Shaoshang knew that he was ruthless. Even if his body was not strong, he had to make Yin Yan'e uncomfortable when sitting and lying down, and eating something was not good.

Especially the kick she kicked on Yin Yan'e's leg and the pinch on her waist, the former followed the thick and mellow path of the Shaolin school, while the latter followed the breeze of the Wudang school The essence of the brush, the technical content is simply beyond the table, the little girl surnamed Yin will be in pain for at least three days, one day less, and her name is written upside down!

Shao Shang knew that Mrs. Xiao had a tough battle waiting for him after he came back. After grooming and having a rich lunch with vegetables and meat, he quickly went to bed and rested. I slept all afternoon with the quilt in my arms, and when I woke up, the sun was already in the west, and only then did I know that everyone in the Cheng family had returned home. Sure enough, Alime said worriedly that Mrs. Xiao told her to go to Jiuyutang as soon as she woke up.

Shao Shang first took out the small target mirror that the second brother Cheng Song just sent, looked left and right, and praised the exquisite and lovely pig head in the mirror, feeling that he was really in control this time. Great, that's what it needs to be.

Now she is more confident.