MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 165

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I made it clear with Yuan Shen that day, Shaoshang wrote a letter back to the Cheng mansion on the same day, and asked Father Cheng to quietly retreat with the Yuan family; Shaoshang sincerely apologized to his parents in the letter , Because of her marriage, the family was disturbed in peace.

Mrs. Xiao's reply was neat and tidy: It's okay, you are the only marriageable girl in the family now. Cheng Cha is married, and Cheng Mi has long been given to Bailu Mountain. The youngest daughter born by Yin Chae is still learning to walk. In short, the Cheng family will have no worries about marrying a daughter for more than ten years. Daughter, you can continue to work.

Shaoshang read the reply letter, full of apology, secretly determined that this is the last time to cause trouble to the family.

The Queen Mother asked her if she would regret it in the future, she sat in front of the couch, thought about it, and replied: "I always wanted to be independent from home when I was a child, to be independent, and to be free from the constraints of my parents. So, I first hoped that Lou Yao would take me out, and then I hoped that someone else would marry me and let me do my own thing. But now I think about it, why do I have to rely on others? Thanks to the goddess, I Now that the wealth and silk are abundant, and there are guards, Your Majesty will not pick up the road of the governance of the society. If so, why don't I go to the end of the world by myself and be happy."

The Empress Dowager Xuan looked at the girl's indifferent confident face and sighed indistinctly.

"So, Niangniang hurry up to take care of her body, so that she can go out and play with me. If Niangniang is always sick like this, I can go by myself." Shao Shang smiled. Intentional harmony.

"Whether I can go outside with you or not, you have to take care of yourself." The Queen Mother Xuan stretched out her thin and withered hand and patted the girl - in fact, both of them knew that this One day is impossible.

I don’t know the age in the mountains, and the years in the palace are slow, the young merchants calmed down and came to serve the Empress Dowager Xuan. The palace turned around in a hurry, and the young merchants gave birth to a sense of leisure.

I don't want to think that this morning, the second prince rushed over sweating profusely, pulling the young merchant and shouting: "Something happened, something happened to the Yuan family!"

Shao Shang was nervous: "What's wrong?"

"Have you heard of Uncle Weng Jun, the general of the army?"

Jealous of Yingcai, General Weng was stabbed to death during his expedition to Shu last year; at that time, His Majesty was crying like he was crying, and he even wore filial piety and went to Weng's house to pay homage."

The second prince wiped his sweat and said, "Do you know who assassinated Uncle Weng Jun?"

"Of course it was the tyrannical king of Shu, Gongsun. He was afraid of the momentum of the imperial army, so he resorted to such indiscriminate tactics. Later, didn't he assassinate the successor General Wu, fortunately that Back on guard."

Shao Shang was startled: "Who?"

"It's the fifth percent!"

Shao Shang propped up the floor with his hands with difficulty, and broke down in cold sweat: "...Then this matter has something to do with the Yuan family? Is it because Yuan Zhoumu and Wucheng are sworn brothers?"

The second prince pulled Shao Shang aside and explained the cause and effect in detail: "This incident happened early today—last year when the army marched on Shu, a scholar in Shu asked Uncle Weng Jun to meet him and said his wish To persuade the imperial court to surrender the Gongsun clan, Uncle Weng Jun went according to the appointment..."

"Wenggong is resolute and resolute, and Longtan tiger den is not in his eyes. Besides, he has also recruited local princes before, so he agreed immediately. When Uncle Weng went to the appointment, he brought a full body of guards and entourage. What he chose, if he felt something was wrong, he could retreat to the rear in an instant. Especially his confidant, the cavalry guard, was a hero against ten. Alas, who would have known that a group of masked assassins broke into the tent that night, and one of them was a tall man. Assassin's magic skills are unparalleled in the world. No one can match a pair of flesh palms. He can crack stone tablets with his bare hands. He has cut a **** path when surrounded by cavalry guards. At this time, another assassin shot with an arrow in his arm. Uncle Weng was immediately hit by the arrow, and he was seriously injured a few days later. Not cured!"

He died cleanly, and after detailed inquiries, I found out that it was the person sent by the Yuan family. At that time, General Wu didn't think about it, and thought that the same hall was a minister. Yuan Zhoumu regretted the death of Weng Gong, but, but... "

Shao Shang murmured: "But now that I know that the assassin is the leader of the fifth percent, what Yuan Zhoumu did was not to avenge his colleagues, but to silence his righteous brother."

General Wu grabbed Yuan Zhoumu's shirt and questioned him. Yuan Zhoumu's face was ashen and he didn't say a word. His father's hands were shaking with anger, and the father and son of the Yuan family will be imprisoned.

"A Shen was also arrested?!" Shao Shang exclaimed.

"Shan Jian is Yuan Zhoumu's only son, and he has already reached the top of the official position, how can he escape!"

There was a huge fear in Shao Shang's heart, even though Huo Budo killed the Ling family overnight, she was not so afraid, because she vaguely knew that as long as Huo Budo did not raise troops to rebel, the old man would always be To save his life, it's just the difference in how much he suffers.

However, Yuan Shen is different. They are not wealthy heroes, and they are not old uncles of the emperor. If they really want to act in accordance with the rules, Yuan Shen will have to peel off his skin if he does not die. Amitofo, don't rush to torture, old man Ji!

Well, fortunately, the matter between you and Zisheng..." He couldn't say anything, "Fortunately, the Yuan and Cheng families were discussing the divorce a few days ago, and everyone did not count your family as a henchman of the Yuan clan."

Shao Shang shouted in a low voice: "Oh, I have caused trouble for my parents again, and I made up my mind not to cause trouble for the family again!" Then she thought of something, "No, fifth Cheng, although Lu Zhi is confused, is not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong, how could he assassinate the commander-in-chief of the imperial court!"

The second prince sighed: "Let's not say who the fifth percent is, Yuan Zhoumu will kill all the people who went to assassinate him, and always take care of the aftermath for the fifth percent! Confused, I sneaked over here, you hurry out of the palace and inform your parents about it before Tingwei's mansion goes to your house to fetch someone!"

Shao Shang got up and bowed deeply to the second prince: "Your majesty's kindness, the concubine's body is in my heart, and I will repay it in the future!"

The second prince waved his hands again and again: "Don't say that. You leaked fluid and went to the Changqiu Palace to knock on the door, and what a risk it was to invite a doctor for your deceased wife... Alas, the Weng family was in the courtroom just now. Shi Shanjian is also unprepared and at a loss. Okay, go and go! Clean up the Cheng family first, and think about the Yuan family slowly!"

Swagger home. Out of breath, she ran into the house. Father Cheng was still at work. She told Mrs. Xiao about the matter. Mrs. Xiao was shocked, and hurriedly called the fifth percent to ask if there was anything.

Fifth was completely confused: "When did I assassinate General Weng? Gongsun is mean and ignorant, and I also hate it. Brothers on the rivers and lakes once invited me to work for Gongsun. refused."

Shao Shang asked: "Then you may have assassinated someone last year!"

The fifth percent thought about it and said, "Yes, last fall, a close friend invited me to **** with us. He said that the enemy was a former courtier who was hiding in the middle of Shu, and he was hiding in the mountains with valuable treasures. , surrounded by heavily armored guards to defend themselves, so they can't get close easily. They are determined to kill the traitor, please help me. The guards around the traitor are really powerful, and the brothers brought by my best friend are more than half of the dead and injured. Waiting for the opportunity to shoot that traitor with an arrow, I don't know if he took his life."

Shao Shang sighed, Mrs. Xiao helplessly said: "The fifth hero, you have been deceived, I have always heard that the Gongsun family in Shu loves to buy the heroes of the rivers and lakes with a lot of money, your best friend must have been taken by Gongsun. I bought it, so I'm trying to stab you."

Fifth Cheng's face changed greatly: "Could it be that the traitor is General Weng?!" He sat down, bewildered, "What do I say, I always feel that something is wrong..." The brothers who came had gloomy eyes, taciturn, neat and sturdy actions. They didn't look like people in the arena, but like well-trained dead men.

"That's my best friend for 30 years!" Fifth Cheng shouted in disbelief.

Fifth percent repented on her face: "I was also seriously injured that night, and the pursuers were biting too hard. I didn't dare to go home, so I had to flee into the vast mountains, in a deep and cold valley. It took two or three months for the hunter to recuperate at home... Well, it was actually the old servant who saw that I hadn't come back for a long time, so he had to go to Yuan Pei, and it was Yuan's scattered people who found me—in short, when I left the mountain, the imperial court The army has broken through the first two lines of defense of the Gongsun clan, and I heard people say that the coach's surname is Wu."

Hearing this, Mrs. Xiao knew the cause and effect, and sighed.

Shao Shang saw Wucheng's unwillingness to accept the death of the Yuan family's good intentions, and he was angry: "The fifth hero is happy with his revenge and acts freely and easily, but he doesn't know that Yuan Zhoumu is about to take care of the aftermath for you. The whole family is taken in! Now that the Yuan family is about to be destroyed, the fifth hero can finally get his revenge, concubine here to congratulate the fifth hero!"

The fifth percent was startled, and after hearing Shaoshang explain the reason, his face turned red and white.

Mrs. Xiao reprimanded her daughter for being 'not rude' and asked: "Fifth Hero, this is the end, how are you doing?"

Fifth percent gritted his teeth: "One person does the job and one person is responsible! Since it was me who caused the catastrophic disaster, I will go to the Tingwei Mansion to plead guilty, and I will never implicate the Yuan family, let alone the Cheng. Family!"

Shao Shang waited for his sentence, and said loudly: "Alright, I'll accompany the fifth hero."

Before the two of them left, Mrs. Xiao suddenly said: "The fifth hero, curl up, you two must not be impatient with Lord Tingwei later. I really want to discuss it in detail, the fifth hero is Being used by others, Yuan Zhoumu's guilt instead..."

She didn't go on, she didn't understand the meaning, but Shaoshang already understood, she gritted her teeth and said: "It's a matter of human effort, you have to give it a try. Even if you don't marry Yuan Shen. , I can't watch him die in prison for nothing!"

Mrs. Xiao looked at her daughter's back, remembering the way a young businessman tried to defend Huo Buyu when he was ill, she sighed - how could she have thought that her daughter was inherently cold and selfish.

Shao Shang and Fifth Cheng rode their horses out of Cheng Mansion. When they arrived at the entrance of the alley, they met a group of vigorous guards with light armor and bows. The current one is black clothes and feather armor, and his eyebrows are stern. Huo doubted.

Shao Shang was stunned for a moment, and the fifth percent shouted: "Are you sent by the imperial court to arrest me? No need, I will go to the Tingwei Mansion and surrender myself!"

Huo Budoubt saw the girl's hairpin and slanted forehead sweating, frowned slightly, turned back and made a gesture, the guards quietly retreated to one side, he said: "Just now, I see King Huai'an taking advantage of the He slipped away quietly, and guessed that he went to tip off you."

"Did His Majesty send you here!" Shao Shang stopped his horse and looked nervous.

Huo Buzhu didn't answer the question: "You are going to bring the 50% to surrender, what are you going to say. Even though the 50% killed the wrong person..."

"The fifth hero didn't kill people, he just opened a **** path in Wenggong's cavalry guards; someone else shot and wounded General Weng." Shaoshang himself felt that this distinction was very important. Boring, but better than nothing.

Huo Budo looked at the girl with a very soft gaze: "At this time, you still want to save 50%, but Young Master Yuan wanted to kill this person several times...but that's right, If this foolish man had been eliminated earlier, there would have been no more troubles."

Fifth Cheng blushed: "It's okay for me to be confused, but I didn't mean to implicate the Yuan family... How would I know that I would be recognized."

"If you have been in other states and other counties, you may not have the catastrophe today, but you just won't listen to Yuan Zhoumu's words." Huo Budo glanced at him lightly, "That night you assassinated General Weng, your palms can break knives and swords, open monuments and crack stones..."

Shao Shang interjected: "Hey, I remember that you can also crack stone tablets with your bare hands. Is this a rare stunt in the world? I thought all masters could do it."

This time even the fifth Chengdu threw a contemptuous look at her, and in her eyes it was clearly written that 'women's knowledge is shallow': "My righteous brother... Yuan Pei also practiced this kung fu, back then We learned it from the masters in the mountains together. As far as I know, there are no more than one palm in the world who has such skills."

Shut up.

Huo Budo couldn't help laughing, and continued: "You entered the capital a few days ago, in order to make people feel injustice, you have shown this stunt in front of the local ruffian, but asked the passing Weng Jiajiading to see- The Weng family was cautious, and they found several cavalry guards who had fought **** battles with you back then to identify. The scar on your forehead, and your burly stature that is different from ordinary people, these three factors add up to determine it is you. Originally, the Weng family I wanted to arrest you immediately, but who knew that you hid in the Cheng family, and the Weng family began to investigate the Yuan family after searching all over the place to no avail."

That night, I should have thought of the fifth success.

Young merchants think this is a dead end - if you leave the 50% outside, the Weng family will catch him, and the Yuan family will be implicated; if you hide the 50%, the Weng family will investigate the Yuan family, and the Yuan family will still suffer. She bit her lip and said, "Dare to ask Huo Hou, what are you doing here today?"

Huo Budoubt said: "You give me the fifth deal, I will take him to Tingwei to surrender, and then you go back to Yong'an Palace, don't do anything, just wait."

Shao Shang frowned and said nothing, Huo Budo stared at her: "I know you don't want to believe me, but this is not something you can interfere with, if you get involved, the Cheng family will be dragged into the water. ."

"No." Shaoshang turned his head to look away, "You are not the one who fell into trouble." Then he clenched his fists at Wucheng, "Please follow this Huohou to Tingwei. ." It is estimated that Liang Zhoumu will have a plan, she will take a look first and then do it, if she can't, she can only ask the Queen Mother to intercede, Yuan Shen is not aware of it, at least he should be protected.

Fifth Cheng was dumbfounded. He wanted to say that he could go alone.

"Shao Shang..." Huo Budo tentatively said.

I'm being rash and impatient... I'll tell you when I think about it."

The Empress Dowager Xuan is running out of time. She wants to concentrate on serving the Empress Dowager Xuan during these days, and then deal with this mess with Huo Buxuan after she passes away. And before that, she didn't plan to see Huo Budo, who would have expected to meet unexpectedly today, so she was caught off guard.

Huo Budo smiled and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Shaoshang pursed her lips, turned her horse's head slightly, silently passed by Huo Budo, and galloped away without looking back - she tried her best not to look at Huo Doubt a glance.

Fifth Cheng looked at the stone on the ground, and suddenly remembered the situation when his younger sister, the Fifth Harmony, got along with Yuan Pei. Junhou, does the little lady of the Cheng family like you?"

Huo Budo lifted the reins lightly and did not speak-the problem between them was never whether they liked it or not, but whether she was willing to take another risk for him.

The author has something to say: 1. Don't guess, Huo Budo didn't defend the Yuan family a word

In addition, Yuan Shen's role will continue to the end, not only Huo Cheng will grow up, Yuan Shen will also become a better version of himself.

2. I know that the comment area is full of fire and smoke, but so far, everyone has maintained their demeanor and etiquette. Explain that I wrote well.

In fact, during the initial serialization of "Shooting the Condor", Jin Yong's conception of the character Huang Yaoshi was ironic. Jiang), so that the masses made up Huang Yaoshi's brain into a peerless good man who was infatuated with no regrets and acted without restraint, forcibly ignoring the master-disciple relationship that was clearly evident in the serialized version.

I vaguely felt that Lao Jin was very dissatisfied, so in the new revision, I directly pointed out what Huang Yaoshi meant to Mei Chaofeng (for this reason, I gave up Lao Jin's usual implicit aesthetic), many Readers are very angry, thinking that Lao Jin is too wretched and has to destroy the male **** in their minds. In fact, I want to say that people don't want the masses to continue to misunderstand. Lao Jin never intended to portray Huang Yaoshi as a male god.

Therefore, I don't have a big opinion on everyone's own understanding of the characters, as long as you don't compare Huo Budo to Fu Shenxing like a certain person, this is beyond the bottom line, and I can't bear it.

3. In the end, although I think that I have become steel, I still have to thank the many relatives who have spoken for me - Lu Ye Anada, yes, it is you. Thank you, thank you for defending my writing intent and characters.

No matter how you understand it, please believe that I am writing with kindness and warmth, please do not identify me at will.

In the last article "Knowing or Not", because the social environment I set was relatively depressing, there were inevitably many unfortunate women, so I was scolded a hundred and eight times, haters , vicious, feudal stench, dark soul, abandoned...

So this time I changed it all. Widowhood can remarry, divorce can remarry, after remarriage, you can marry three times and four times, and you can also take the initiative to divorce, plus half a dozen women who got happy second marriages... No one will call me feudal stench this time.

If everyone is dissatisfied with the emotional entanglement in "Xinghan" - this article cannot be changed, I must write it down the outline, because my original intention is to write about feelings and character growth. No, I will write all the careers in the next article. The male protagonist and the female protagonist will all engage in their careers, and let the emotional line help. It doesn't even matter if there is any.

It doesn't matter, I'm good at speaking, but once the outline is drawn up, the general direction will never change. Unacceptable parents, it is recommended to abandon the text.

Thank you for understanding and bowing.

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