MTL - Lovable Package-Chapter 30 Little vampire 10

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Su Shi is like his name. The whole body is sweet and soft. It is like a strawberry milk-flavored marshmallow. It also has a sweet and fragrant smell. He is pressed against him, and he is shallow. His lips opened his mouth and began to taste the taste of Su Shi.

Su Shi’s courage is very small, just hit by the sinking tongue, his face is red and hot, and he wants to sneak back, but he is hooked up by the other side, sucking hard and squeezing, seems to make Su Shi delicious. Sugar.

During this period, Shen Yu has been focusing on Su Shi. His facial features are very beautiful. The coldness of the week has been softened. It seems that the ice water after the melting of the ice sheet is deeply tender and Su Shi is stared at him. The heart beats faster, and my heart is ashamed to breathe. I just want to close my eyes, but I bite it with a slap in the face.

"Look at me." He had Su Shi's lips, and his words were filled with squeaky water.

Su Shi opened her eyes in pain, and a thin layer of water mist was covered in her pupils. It seemed to be being bullied. The most indulging in him was that he had a fire in the lower abdomen. Can rely on the sweet water in Su Shi's lips to quench his thirst.

The soft kiss became deep and hot, and the sound of the water rang in the bedroom. Su Shi’s body was soft and soft, like a pool of water lying under the sinking, his eyes were helpless, like a lost person, only From the guidance of indulging, no resistance, no power to resist.

In the confusion, Su Shi feels aggravated breathing, and her legs are squatting, gradually swelling, and rubbing from time to time.

Su Shi was also soft and hot, and the air in his mouth seemed to have been taken away. The brain began to lack oxygen. Like being forced to paste, everything could not be thought of. He snorted a few times. The voice is poor and delicate.

Shen Yu was awakened by this scream, knowing that Su Shi was not ready yet, and couldn't bear to continue to bully him, but the desire in his heart could not be calmed down, so he sucked a lot of Su Shi's tongue and hands. Kneading on the other's soft buttocks, finally lifted up and opened some distance with Su Shi.

"Oh..." Su Shi opened his mouth and had not reacted from the kiss. His lips had been sucked red, covered with water stains, like a little red cherry with a dew, no matter who I couldn't help but kiss and kiss.

Sinking throat knot rolling, already some endurance to the limit, simply can not afford Su Shi's little temptation, barely removed his eyes, took a deep breath, the fire under the belly still did not annihilate.

Su Shi was able to breathe. After a while, she eased her mind and her mind gradually became clear. He was ashamed and happy in his heart. He wanted to look up and see Shen Shen, but found that the other party was not watching himself.

Su Shi was a little wronged. He pouted and kicked his kicking leg with a small kick. He said, "Why don't you look at me?"

His voice is a bit soft, like coming out of the nose, sly, not annoying, but it makes people feel squeaky and painful. Shen Shen is made a bit hard by this sentence, so he sighed. The hand was covered in Su Shi’s eyes and he said, “How can I not look at you?”

"Then you still lick my eyes." Su said with a sullen hand, and he was wronged and said: "Do you think I am ugly?"

"How come." Shen sighed and sighed, and had to take the hand that covered Su Shi’s eyes and open it. Seeing that the other eye was already moist, he quickly explained: "Don't cry, you are not ugly, you are very Looks good, especially good-looking, in my eyes you are like a little angel."

"Then you..." Su Shi was praised for being sweet, but still pouting, want to ask.

After seeing it, I couldn’t help myself. I had to lean down slightly and put myself on the Su Shi’s leg. I saw that the other person’s face was red, and he got up again.

"Do you understand?" Shen Yu whispered.

"I don't understand." Su Shi was shocked, and then reacted again. The whole person was embarrassed, but he did not admit it, so he simply put the small head on one side and pretended not to know.

When he listened to it, he couldn't help but laugh. He reached out and touched it under Su Shi. He lowered his voice and said, "I still don't understand. How come you are here?"

Su Shi was so shy that he couldn’t say anything, but he refused to let him go again. His hand was taken back, but his mouth was attached to Su Shi’s ear. His voice was low and he was hoarse, unlike usual. It’s so cold, only **** that can’t be said.

Sinking while holding a small earlobe of Su Shi, he said: "The baby is so cute, but not at all honest, to be punished."

"What is the penalty?" Su Shi vaguely felt that the "penalty" of Shen Yu was certainly not the same.

Sinking but not answering, just looking at him meaningfully.

Su Shi is not stupid, and she can't help but start thinking about it. Isn't it necessary to punish himself to do that? Or do you want to talk to each other first, and then wait for that later?

When he finished thinking, he couldn't help but be shy, and quickly patted his little face, trying to make himself look calmer.

Sinking on the side of a low smile, Su Shi took his eyes and smashed him, he immediately took back his smile, sat up from the bed, turned his head and touched Su Shi’s hand, and said: "Don’t be nervous, let me go first. Take a shower, wait until you come back and punish you."

After the sinking, Su Shi was still lying in bed, and she was so sad that she felt stunned and licked her face. I am sure that I am not really dreaming, but I am blind and buried my face in the quilt.

"I don't know if I don't know what to say." The system suddenly said.

Su Shi heard it and suddenly understood it. He said, "I don't think you can talk about it."

The system froze as soon as it is heard: "How do you do this, you don't even know what I want to say in my heart, let me not tell you."

"Who said that I don't know." Su Shi turned over and said with a quilt: "You will definitely tell me, Su Xiao sugar your mission failed, mad at me."

When the system thinks, it is really, it has to be silent to express sorrow.

Su Shi saw that the system was not screaming, and he knew that the other party must be very sad. He had to comfort himself: "It doesn't matter if the mission fails. I can work hard in the next world."

When the system heard it, I felt very sad. Su Shi said this in the last century. Then the world said this again. He even had a hunch that Su Shi would say the next world.

Every world's mission is not completed, what can he do, he has been desperate to cry.

The current Su Shi is like a happy primary school slag. Every time the score of the red cross is single, he is happy to say: It doesn't matter, I will try again next time. At this time, the system is an old mother who hates iron and is not a steel. What kind of children can I raise?

"Forget it, the emotional line is like this." The system sighed and said to Su Shi: "You don't forget the world and the plot line. Now the female owner has been targeted by the vampire, and will go to participate next Wednesday. The costume ball, which is full of vampires, your indulge will accompany her."

Su Shi listened and suddenly sat up and asked, "Why do you want to go to Shen."

"He is a blood hunter, let him protect the woman in the organization." After the system explained, he told Su Shi: "I guess the invitation has already reached the sinking hand, you touch his pocket."

Su Shi actually smelled the faint blood smell, but he didn't think about it. Until the system reminded him, he couldn't help but ask: "Why didn't he tell me?"

"It is estimated that I don't want to take you there." After the system was finished, seeing Su Shi's face was a little awkward, he whispered comfortably: "You don't think too much, maybe just worry about you."

Su Shi ignored the system and stared at the suit hanging on the hanger. He wanted to look over it. He felt that it was rude to flip the things, and the left eyebrows had to be twisted together.

When Shen Xiaogang just went out, he saw Su Shi’s bitter and deep hate sitting on the bed staring at his suit. He was very strange. He sat down and hugged him and asked, “What happened to the baby?”

"What is in your pocket?" Su said with a grin.

I sighed and said, "A banquet invitation, um, have you turned my clothes?"

Su Shi’s heart screamed and shook his head and said, “I smell it.” He said, and he was afraid of indulging in misunderstanding, he added: “I never turn over other people’s things.”

Sinking and raising his eyebrows, he didn't look at Su Shi with a deep look. He got up and took out the invitation and put it in his hand and said, "Don't be afraid, I didn't say you want to blame you, just...Is it someone else?"

"Ah?" Su Shi looked up and stared blankly at him. Shen Shen kissed his forehead and began to swear: "Are you being kissed by others?"

Su Shi shook her head and said no.

Shen Yu said: "Have you been taken by someone else?"

Su Shi also shook his head, he was only picked up by the sinking.

The smile on his face became thicker and he said, "So I am not someone else."

Su Shi did not respond a little, but asked: "Who are you?"

Suddenly hugged him and pressed Su Shi to the bed and said, "I am your husband."

He put Su Shi’s invitation in his hand aside and asked: “The baby’s nose is so spiritual, what is your husband’s taste?”

Su Shi blushes, her heart beats, and she is surrounded by the grassy fragrance of Shen Shen, but he is so shy by the words of the other party, and quickly shakes his head and says, "I don't know."

"That smells tonight." Shen Yan got closer and squeezed Su's little nose and whispered.