MTL - Lost In Azeroth-Chapter 1180 Doomsday (six)

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   Chapter 1180 Doomsday (six)

   Now is the best time to attack Deathwing, but those giant dragons looked at Su Chen in demon form, all of them in a state of shock and loss.

Alexstrasza was shocked when he saw Su Chen turned into a demon, but he calmed down quickly and rushed to Ysera's side to clean up those ancient gods for her tentacle.

   "You already knew his identity?" Alexstrasza secretly transmitted his voice to Ysera, his voice was somewhat solemn.

   "Hmm... Sister, are you saying that he has turned into a demon now? That's just a means of using fel energy. He used it the last time he saved me."

   "Are you sure? Arthas is good, but he has risen so fast that he doesn't look like a human..."

"I'm sure, if it wasn't to save me, he wouldn't need to change into a demon at the moment, sister, I know what you're worried about, but I believe him." Although Ysera was still in the shape of a giant dragon, her eyes were full of eyes. is tenderness.

"I believe in you, and naturally I believe in him. In fact, even if he is a real demon, as long as he is willing to deal with Deathwing, I will believe him." Alexstrasza nodded slightly, and his eyes fell on Su in the fierce battle again. Morning and Deathwing.

"We have to help him. The **** armor on Deathwing was finally destroyed by him. Now is the best time to deal with Deathwing." Ysera said anxiously, she had already seen the battlefield on the battlefield. The situation, although it seems that Su Chen is taking the initiative at present, but when it comes to combat power, Deathwing is definitely stronger. Once the stalemate continues, Deathwing will definitely win.

   However, she was injured too badly, and although she wanted to force the soul of the giant dragon, she was already more than enough.

   "Okay, you hurry back to the Emerald Dream to recover your body, and I'll help him." Alexstrasza whispered, and at the same time he fluttered his wings and rushed towards Deathwing.

Su Chen has already fought with Deathwing. Since he has only transformed into a doomsday lord, his strength is still far inferior to Deathwing who is at his peak, so he can only rely on Deathwing's own weak point of instability. to beat this guy.

Apparently, Alexstrasza had already seen this. He retracted his wings and roared towards him, but his target was no longer Deathwing's neck and heart and other vital parts, but just like Su Chen to destroy Those Elementium armors.

  Deathwing, who had already had a great advantage, is now under siege, and the Elementium armor on his body is constantly being destroyed, and he has long been anxious and angry.

   It's just that Alexstrasza, as the king of the red dragon, although his combat power is not as good as Deathwing, but under his desperate attack, he can still cause great damage to the source material armor.

  Deathwing had to temporarily give up dealing with Su Chen on his back, and instead opened his metal jaw made of Elementium ore, biting frantically towards Alexstrasza, ready to kill him completely.

  Su Chen saw Ysera's figure dissipate again, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. As the king of dreams, Ysera will definitely not die as long as she successfully returns to the Emerald Dream.

   It's just that Alexstrasza in front of him seems to be in crisis again, and he has to continue trying his best to attract Deathwing's hatred.

  Fortunately, with his current body and strength, just using Frostmourne to perform physical attacks can keep this demon transformed state for a long time.

  When another piece of Elementium armor was destroyed, the wound on Deathwing's body was already very obvious, and the boiling blood and lava had spewed out, which caused the scale of the wound to expand rapidly.

  Deathwing let out a roar of pain and anger, had to abandon Alexstrasza, and turned his head again to attack Su Chen who was on his back.

  Su Chen desperately attacked the damaged armor, causing the wound to expand further.

However, seeing that the wound has begun to collapse towards the surroundings, a large amount of energy and magma gushed out from the wound, and suddenly a large number of black tentacles gushed out from the wound that had begun to collapse. Although it was extremely hideous, it happened to make the wound no longer. Collapsing, and those tentacles flying around, actually have a very powerful attack.

  Su Chen's heart suddenly sank. He didn't expect that Deathwing in this world had been eroded and influenced by the ancient gods just after returning from Outland.

   Of course, it's likely that these tentacles were buried in Deathwing's body long ago.

   In this way, it is impossible to defeat Deathwing by destroying the Elementium armor on his body. Those black tentacles can completely replace the Elementium armor on his body.

  Alekstraza was surprised at the same time. She was even entangled in a few tentacles who were fighting at close range with Deathwing.

   In fact, if Bai hadn't been paying attention to Su Chen at the moment, I'm afraid she would be hurt more than Ysera.

"Deathwing, your body is full of things buried by the ancient gods. Sooner or later, you will be swallowed up by them, and then you will no longer be you!" Su Chen swung his sword and cut off a few of them. The tentacles came, thinking quickly how to defeat Deathwing in this state, but there was no good way for a while.

  Unless he used Archimonde's flesh and blood to transform, and then used the powerful magic brought by the magic net to forcibly suppress Deathwing in combat.

What surprised Su Chen was that when Deathwing heard his words, there was an obvious pause, but soon another breath of dragon was sprayed at him, and at the same time, the roar like rolling thunder also came: "This is not Possibly! I am who I am, and no one can control me! I am the most powerful being in Azeroth, and I am the Terminator of all things!"

   "No, you are just a slave of the ancient gods. The power you seek has already controlled you. You actually know this in your heart, but you just dare not admit it." Su Chen shook his head, even with some pity in his words.

  Despite the pursuit of power, Deathwing and Illidan have very different endings.

Although Illidan gave up a lot of things for power, and even gave up his identity as a night elf to become a demon, he always knew what he was after in his heart, and the purpose of his power was always to fight against the Burning Legion. Historically, its final outcome lived up to its original ideals and could be called a true hero.

   And Deathwing has completely lost himself for the sake of power, and is a **** in the hands of others from beginning to end. Whether it succeeds or fails, its final outcome is self-destruction.

   This should be related to personal willpower. Although Deathwing is a guardian dragon, his willpower is not strong, and he is easily seduced by the ancient gods.

   (end of this chapter)