MTL - Lost In Azeroth-Chapter 1124 Demon Soul

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   Chapter 1124 Devil's Soul

   "Your Majesty, don't be impulsive, Deathwing is likely to be on the spaceship and attack rashly, we may not be his opponent." Su Chen discouraged.

   "This fortress has strong defensive capabilities, of course... If the defensive weapons above are also very powerful for attacking, the energy cannons above can easily destroy the dragon's defense." Velen said with a complicated expression on the side.

   This Storm Fortress originally belonged to the Draenei and Naaru, but they were defeated by Deathwing in Outland and had to lead their clan to escape in a small spaceship. Now that I see this Storm Fortress again, I am naturally full of emotion.

   "Huh, is it possible to let Deathwing be so provocative? He parked the storm fortress above the Longmian Temple, doesn't it mean that he can attack us at any time." Alexstrasza said with some resentment.

After Deathwing returned to Azeroth, it flew all the way from south to north. It was very ostentatious, but it never launched an attack. It just gave people endless pressure, and seemed to want to slowly torture and mentally. Destroy your opponent.

   "Let me go up and have a look." Onyxia was speaking, and she had been looking up at the storm fortress emitting a gorgeous light in the sky.

   "You go up... that's too dangerous." Su Chen frowned, he naturally believed in Onyxia.

   However, although Onyxia is the daughter of Deathwing, but now Deathwing has become crazy, and even wants to destroy himself, and may not care about the safety of his daughter.

Seeing the concerned look on his face, Onyxia couldn't help but smile and said: "It's alright, I didn't feel my father's breath, maybe he didn't come over, the one on the spaceship should be my brother, He won't do anything to me."

   "Really, Deathwing didn't come?" Su Chen couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, but it didn't seem like he was lying when he saw Onyxia's expression.

   Ysera and Alexstrasza were also shocked when they heard the words, and looked at the storm fortress in the sky with some disbelief.

   "Well, my brother parked the spaceship here. I guess he just wanted to see me. I'll go up and have a look..." Onyxia said.

"That's right, if your father came and saw me here, I'm afraid he would rush over and tear me to pieces as soon as possible." Su Chen showed a wry smile as he blocked Deathwing in Outland for so long. , I am afraid that the old black dragon has long wanted to eat him all the time.

   And only Nefarian can explain his series of actions.

   The surrounding dragons seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and their gazes towards Onyxia also eased a lot.

   Onyxia's body began to float, ready to fly to the storm fortress in the air.

   "I'll go with you." Su Chen said and grabbed Onyxia's little hand.

   Regardless of whether it was Nefarian or Deathwing, he finally managed to change her fate, and he absolutely did not want to see her in danger again.

   Onyxia glanced at him, then smiled and nodded slightly.

   The two slowly flew towards the storm fortress in the air.

   In the dark of night, the entire storm fortress glows red... Soft and powerful.

   When Su Chen and Onyxia landed on the edge of the storm fortress, a loud and arrogant voice sounded immediately.

   "My sister, you are finally here, and you... Prince Arthas, I really didn't expect you to dare to come here with my sister, aren't you afraid that I will kill you at will?"

   That voice was indeed Nefarian's, which made Su Chen secretly relieved.

   However, he was also very surprised why Deathwing did not use the Storm Fortress to return to Azeroth. After all, in the absence of the Dark Portal, this seems to be the best way to return to Azeroth.

"Brother... don't fight again, okay? If we fight again, we will only destroy ourselves." Onyxia pleaded, and at the same time clenched Su Chen's hand worriedly, as if lest Nefarian really Attack Su Chen.

"My sister, when did you become so kind? Have you forgotten the discrimination and hostility we faced back then? And this guy also destroyed the Dark Portal and trapped me and my father in Outland!" Farian's voice revealed a strong sense of anger. Obviously, the Black Dragon Legion was strongly rejected by other dragon clans, and his loss to Su Chen in the cursed land made him always hold grudges.

When Su Chen heard the words, he could only sigh to himself. In the eyes of Heilong, they were treated unfairly, but in the eyes of other dragons, after Deathwing betrayed the five-colored dragons, it was the biggest thing that they did not completely eliminate the black dragons. gift.

   "Of course I remember... but if we are intent on destroying this world like my father, our Black Dragon Legion will also be unable to escape the fate of extinction, brother... let's stop." Onyxia whispered.

  After going through many things, the black dragon princess has matured a lot.

   "Father...he is indeed too extreme, of course I will not be like him..." Nefarian's voice also lowered, obviously he has not lost his mind like his father Deathwing.

   But his voice soon became severe again: "I won't try to destroy everything like my father did, but the human prince by your side can't forgive me!"

   "Brother, if you have to kill him, kill him with me." Onyxia said and clenched Su Chen's hand, which made Su Chen quite moved.

"Onyxia! You want to oppose me for a humble human being? You are my only sister. Have you forgotten our oath to avenge the enemy by relying on each other and swearing revenge?" In Nefarian's voice Filled with anger, like losing something most precious.

   "I haven't forgotten..." Onyxia lowered her head involuntarily.

   "It's too tiring to stand here and chat like this. Let's go in and sit down and chat slowly." Su Chen interrupted the two brothers and sisters, and then pulled Onyxia forward.

  The door of the Storm Fortress was originally closed, but when Su Chen pulled Onyxia closer, it suddenly opened, and even the protective barrier made of energy behind the door was automatically closed.

"This... how is this possible, I didn't give the order to open the door! Who is it? Who is secretly controlling my spaceship?!" Nefarian's extremely angry voice came immediately, but this time there was still a hint of anger in the voice. terrified.

   "This is obviously Naaru's spaceship, when did it become yours." Su Chen took Onyxia's hand indifferently and walked into the gate of the storm fortress, walking through the passage made of crystals.

  The surrounding wall made of energy crystals emits all kinds of light, which are inexhaustible and extremely beautiful.

   "It's so beautiful..." Onyxia couldn't help looking around, her eyes were also intoxicated by those beautiful and gorgeous rays of light.

   "Hmph, you can stay in this spaceship forever as long as you want, and then we'll be at ease together." Nefarian's voice came from the front of the passage, and he seemed to have calmed down.

   "Brother." Onyxia couldn't help but quicken her steps.

  When the two walked out of the crystal passage, a group of orc guards stood in the hall in front, and Nefarian was surrounded by them.

   It's just that although the hall of this Storm Fortress is very beautiful and magnificent, the orc guards are in ragged clothes, which are out of tune with the gorgeous style of this Storm Fortress.

  Su Chen couldn't help being a little speechless about this. It seemed that Nefarian's situation in Outland was not very good. He could only find those orcs hiding in the corners of Outland as his subordinates, and it was difficult to even have armor and weapons.

"Humble human being, you are really brave enough to break into my spaceship." Nefarian glared at Su Chen angrily, especially at his man who was holding Onyxia tightly. hand.

   "Humble? I remember you lost to me as a human at the Dark Portal not long ago." Su Chen smiled lightly.

   " are courting death, sister, come to me quickly, I want this guy to taste the power of my spaceship!" Nefarian was so angry that he finally couldn't help roaring.

   "Brother, don't fight anymore." Onyxia said and stood in front of Su Chen, as if lest Nefarian use the weapons on the spaceship to make a sneak attack.

Su Chen was not very afraid of this. While talking with Nefarian before, Zhinao had initially obtained some control rights of the fortress, and thus easily opened the gate of the fortress. The weapon system of the fortress, but there is no problem with some interference.

   "Onyxia! Is this humble human being more important than me in your heart?" Nefarian stared fiercely at Su Chen, his amber pupils full of anger.

   "Brother..." Onyxia's beautiful face showed pain and tangle.

   "Onyxia, don't worry, I'll be fine. I think your brother is just trying to scare you. If he really wanted to fight, he would probably have shot already." Su Chen smiled and comforted.

   Nefarian in front of him was full of anger, but he had no killing intent.

Nefarian immediately became angry when he heard the words: "You... hum, I just didn't do it for my sister's sake, otherwise I would have turned that small human kingdom into a sea of ​​fire when I passed through Lordaeron long ago. already."

"I know, so I've always been very grateful to Onyxia, she paid a lot for me." Su Chen nodded, her position of being close to the five-color dragons has always made Onyxia very embarrassed, but she has always been Helping myself, since I was very weak.

"It's good that you know, my sister is the princess of the black dragon clan! Far more noble than you, a prince of a human kingdom, if you dare to let her down, I will definitely set fire to your palace!" Nefarian said viciously, It looked like ordinary people on the street who were desperately trying to protect their loved ones.

   Onyxia couldn't help but blushed when she heard the words: "Brother... How did you say this..."

"Brother, I'm worried about you... Sigh, how shrewd you were back then, and the entire Black Rock Mountain depended on the money you earned to maintain it. Now... I think you'll be sold by this kid in the future and help him count the money." Naifa Lean shook his head in frustration.

"How could it be, I also have a lot of business in Lordaeron... and Arthas also said that he would let me manage the business of Lordaeron, and he was also going to help us rebuild the Black Dragon Legion, brother, you came back just in time, we In the future, the Black Dragon Legion can be built directly in Lordaeron." Onyxia laughed.

"I have no interest in rebuilding the Black Dragon Legion. I'm about to leave Azeroth. This planet is too small. My goal now is the Star Universe!" Nefarian said and stretched out his hands, as if to embrace the gorgeous starry sky.

   "Brother, are you leaving this planet?" Onyxia couldn't help but look surprised.

"Yes, I used to think that if I controlled the world, I was in control of everything. It wasn't until I took control of this spaceship that I realized how small I was. In fact, the whole of Azeroth was just a drop in the ocean..." Nefarian With just a wave of his hand, a splendid star has appeared in this gorgeous hall.

   That should be the star map left by the Naru. Su Chen had seen it in the Lightning Hall before, but the star map in front of him should be more detailed and complete.

"See, there are too many stars in this universe, each one is a new world, I want to conquer one by one, it is far wider than Azeroth, and there are various kinds of stars on this spaceship. Novel technologies and materials, I have recently researched, and my horizons have widened." Nefarian said quite proudly.

When    said that he was excited, he even showed a phantom of a room full of instruments.

"This is my newest laboratory. See if there are any instruments in it, it's all up-to-date! Here I can do all kinds of scientific experiments at will! I'm preparing to study and transform those demons, sister, you can take a look My plan list, in the future, I will definitely be able to create a super demon that combines the advantages of all demons!" Nefarian was already in a state of excitement, and his mouth was splashing.

  Su Chen looked at Nefarian in front of him and couldn't help but be speechless.

   This guy looks more like a mad scientist these days.

   But the original Nefarian did like to study those messy things, especially biochemical experiments.

   Onyxia should not be very interested in those experiments, but seeing Nefarian's happy appearance, he was also smiling.

   These black dragon brothers and sisters do not seem to have high demands on life...

"Sister, do you want to leave with me, let's go to conquer the stars along the way, this world is not friendly to our black dragons, and... my father will return to Azeroth sooner or later, you will be in a bad situation. It will be extremely difficult, and this kid may not be able to protect you." Nefarian glanced at Su Chen with distrust.

   "I..." Onyxia hesitated when she heard the words.

   She grew up with her brother since childhood, and it can even be said that they depended on each other for life, and together they rebuilt the Black Dragon Army in Black Rock Mountain. The relationship between the brother and sister is very deep.

   And what Nefarian said was right, her father would definitely return to Azeroth, and her position would be extremely embarrassing, just like the complex gazes seen today at Wyrmrest Temple.

   Finally, all the chapters I owe have been revised and updated, and my mood has also relaxed a lot... The feeling of being in debt all the time is really bad.



   (end of this chapter)