MTL - Los Angeles Detective-Chapter 495 as a result of

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  Chapter 495 Consequences

  Luke made a note in his notebook and continued to ask, "What's the second part of the plan?"


  Craigie took advantage of his position to find out the file of the kidnapping case ten years ago.

  The way we kidnapped Isa Redman was a complete parody of the kidnapping from ten years ago, in order for the police to connect the two cases.

   If I were caught by the police, the police would mistake me for Sophia through DNA testing.

  Craigie also emphasized that let the FBI investigate by itself, rather than me voluntarily saying it.

   Also, a month before the kidnapping was officially carried out, I told Hugo to change my name and let him call me Sophia.

  Prevent him from slipping up. "

  This is consistent with Luke's speculation, "Hugo Choudhury was killed, is it also in your plan?"

   "Yes, Craigie knows that Hugo is a desperado, and he has other cases on his back. Once he is arrested, he will definitely fight back, and there is a high probability that he will be shot dead by the police."

   "It was your idea to kill the kidnapper Tom and another Mexican kidnapper?"

   "No, that's entirely Hugo's own idea.

   Craigie had a good plan, but we don't have full control over Hugo, Hugo doesn't know our real plan, what he wants is the six million dollars.

  He has taken the six million dollars as his own and will not share it with anyone. "

   "You were arrested by the police as part of your plan?"

   "That's the third part of Craigie's plan." Irene Regan sighed, with a complicated expression on her face.

   "Based on Craigie's speculation, after I was caught by the FBI, they would be able to discover my identity. I am not only a kidnapper, but also a victim of a kidnapping case ten years ago.

  Whether it is the FBI, prosecutors, or judges, they will treat me differently. As long as I have good acting skills and can win the sympathy of the jury, there is a high probability that I will be acquitted.

  At that time, I can become Sophia, accept the inheritance left by her father, and become a real rich man.

   No need to run away, no need to worry about being caught, you can enjoy life in the sun. "

   "This plan is indeed good, but it is not easy to implement." Luke felt that there should be loopholes in it.

   "Yes, that's what I said too.

  Craigie told me to take good care of Isa Redman, trying to make Isa Redman feel good about me.

  Isa Redman is a kidnap victim, and her attitude can affect the attitude of the court towards me.

   As long as she treats me differently from the other kidnappers and has some nice words for me, we're halfway there. "

  Luke thought of Sophia's stepmother and nanny again, and asked, "Haven't you ever thought about the possibility of being found out by the hostage's family?"

  "Craigie thought about it, and he said he would find a solution. Now it seems that he obviously didn't solve it."

  Luke pressed, "How does he want to fix it?"

  "In our original expectation, the kidnapping case should be investigated by the FBI. But who would have thought that the case would be handed over to the police department, and Craigie would not be able to directly check the case files.

  He didn't understand the progress of the investigation of the kidnapping case, so he couldn't secretly influence the investigation. "

When it comes to handing over the case, Luke also has doubts in his heart. Just like Irene Regan said, this kidnapping case should have been investigated by the FBI, but because the kidnapping case of the real estate tycoon's son Gary Sane Jr. was on the news, Irene Sha Redman's father questioned the ability of the FBI, so he asked the police department to take over the investigation of the case.

  If the kidnapping of Gary Sane Jr. hadn’t been in the news, the FBI should still lead the investigation of this case, so Craigie Hoskin could easily access the information of the case.

  In this way, Craigie Hoskin has no reason to disclose the news of the kidnapping of Gary Sane Jr.

   But according to Anthony's investigation, Craigie Hoskin did see the information files on the kidnapping of Gary Sane Jr.

  Luke asked the doubts in his heart, "Did the news of Gary Sane Jr.'s kidnapping be revealed to the media by Craigie Hoskins?"

  Irene Reagan shook her head, "No."

"Who is that?"

  Irene Reagan bit her right nail with her teeth, "It's me."

   "How did you know? Why did you do it?"

   "We originally decided to carry out the kidnapping in the near future, but we didn't expect a kidnapping case to come out first.

  Craigie is more cautious. He is worried that this kidnapping case will affect our plan, so he used his authority to view the information of that case.

   Later, he told me about the kidnapping, and I kept it in mind.

   Later, after thinking about it for a long time, I called and told a reporter about it. "

  Luke was a little puzzled, "Why are you doing this?"

  “I think the exposure of this kidnapping case can draw more energy from the FBI, which is more conducive to the implementation of our kidnapping case.

  In addition, if Gary Sane Jr. is torn apart because of the exposure of the case, Isa Redman's family can also be given a warning so that they dare not call the police and pay the ransom honestly. "

  "Since you know about the kidnapping of Gary Sane Jr., you should know that the letter V was left in blood on the yacht."


   "Hugo Choudhury claimed that Mr. V asked the family for a ransom, was it also your idea?"

  Irene Reagan nodded, "Yes.

  Because I thought Isa Redman's family would call the police.

  When the police are investigating, they will link Mr. V with the letter V in blood. I think this will mislead them, making them think that the two kidnappings are the same group of kidnappers, and interfere with their investigation direction. ",

Luke frowned slightly, and Elena Regan's words were contradictory, "According to the previous plan between you and Craigie Hoskins, being arrested by the FBI is also one of the links in the plan, so that you can pretend to be Sophia and clean up your crimes." Later inheritance.

  But these two operations of yours are indeed interfering with the FBI's investigation. Isn't this superfluous? "

  Irene Reagan pinched her forehead with her hands, and after a long silence, she sighed, "Actually, I always thought there was something wrong with Creckie's plan, it was too risky.

  I admit that I want to become a real rich man and hope to live as luxurious a life as Isa Redman.

   But I don't want to be caught by the police, I hate the police, I don't want to be judged, and I worry about being recognized by the family.

  I was too scared to sleep.

   Just like now, you guys have figured out my identity, which proves that my concerns are justified.

   This plan is simply not going to work. "

   "Does Craigie Hoskin know about these two things?"

"have no idea.

  He was very careful. After the kidnapping was carried out, we did not contact him again. "

   "So what's your plan?"

   "I think the kidnapping case ten years ago was perfect. The kidnapper was simply a genius. He actually used a black market dealer to transfer the risk of paying the ransom. The family members of the hostages called the police, but the kidnapper was still not caught.

  If they can, why can't we.

   Moreover, as long as I put more pressure on the family members so that they dare not call the police, the chances of success in the kidnapping case are very high.

   I'd rather get $6 million than get caught by the police.

  With this money, I could go anywhere and be fine. "

   "Have you ever told Craigie Hoskin about your idea?"

   "Yes, I told him early on, but he didn't think six million dollars was much.

   And even if the kidnapping is successful, we will be scared and hide everywhere.

   Only when I become Sophia can I truly enjoy the life of a rich man.

  I know what he said has a point, but anyone can say it, and it's me who really does it all.

  I'm afraid of the police, I know I can't do it, I can't be the real Sophia.

   I still want to walk away with $6 million.

  I have been trying very hard to convince him, but to no avail, he is a very assertive man.

   So I decided to change it my way and get a six million dollar ransom if the cops don't catch me.

   If the police catch me, it will follow Craigie's plan.

  I think this is the real perfect plan. "Irene Regan shrugged helplessly, "But I didn't expect that things still got messed up.

   I regret it now...

  Why is this world so unfair?

   What would my life be like if I lived in a wealthy family like Sophia or Isa Redman? "

   Now, Luke finally understands why there are so many tricks in this seemingly meticulous kidnapping case. The fundamental reason is that there are differences between Elene Reagan and Craigie Hoskins, and their thinking is not unified.

  If Craigie Hoskin's plan is to use the kidnapping case to get rid of Hugo Choudhury and let Irene Reagan become a real rich girl, then the two can enjoy life openly and aboveboard.

  Craigie Hoskin's plan is risky, but the rewards are even greater.

  Irene Reagan was worried that the police would find out her identity, so she hoped that the kidnapping would succeed and leave with six million dollars, which would be less risky.

   But she couldn't convince Craigie Hoskins, and decided to micromanage Craigie Hoskins' plan in private.

   It was these two micro-operations that made Anthony realize that the FBI might have an insider, and then Anthony designed to track down the insider.

  At the same time, it was also because of her micro-management that the family members of Isa Redman no longer trusted the FBI and handed over the case to the police department.

   This caused Craigie Hoskin's follow-up plan to be completely disrupted.

  After the case was handed over to the Robbery and Murder Division, Craigie Hoskins would not be able to use his position to understand the case, and he would not be able to help Elena Reagan complete the follow-up plan.

  If Luke hadn’t learned that the FBI had an insider and had access to the information resource database, Luke would not have applied for an exhumation.

  This plan is likely to succeed.

   I have to say that Craigie Hoskin's plan was indeed unexpected, but because the two had their own ideas, the plan eventually failed.


   Robbery and Murder Division.

  Luke and Xiao Hei returned to the first squadron office.

  Xiao Hei pushed open the office door and said hello, "Hey guys, Irene Reagan has pleaded guilty. Guess who is the boss behind the scenes?"

  However, no one in the office paid any attention to him, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the TV on the wall, and the deputy team made a gesture to mute him.

   Luke's eyes were also attracted by the TV.

  【Hello viewers, this is Faye Kasey, a news reporter from CBS TV station.

  We received the latest news that not long ago a black Tesla car lost control on the viaduct and hit the stone pier next to it. The driver of the car was unfortunately killed.

   It is reported that the owner of the Tesla is an FBI. It is not clear whether he is on a mission. Let us express our deepest condolences to him. "

  Tesla, as the world's highest-selling electric car, has frequent car accidents.

  I think Musk should reflect on this, whether highly intelligent cars are a help to people, or a threat...]

  Jackson said, "It was an FBI who died. Musk is in trouble. It is not easy to be the richest man in the world."

  The deputy team pouted, "Why do I smell a conspiracy."

  Luke also frowned and asked, "Did you announce the name of this FBI?"

  Jenny said, "No, I guess the journalists either didn't get it, or they didn't dare to broadcast it."

   "Comeon, what else are they afraid to broadcast?

  I don't think so. The deputy team snorted and looked at Xiao Hei beside him.

   "Marcus, what did you just say?"

   "We just interrogated Sophia, no, she should be called Irene Reagan. She confessed that the mastermind behind the kidnapping was Craigie Hoskin, the head of the FBI Information Resources Department."

  Jackson said, "Wow, it's the FBI again, it seems that their recent luck is not very good..."

  Luke returned to the office, took out his mobile phone and dialed Anthony's mobile number, "Hi, I'm Luke."

  Anthony's deep voice sounded from the phone, "Dude, I was just trying to contact you. Is the interrogation going well?"

   "The suspect impersonating Sophia confessed that her name is Irene Reagan.

  She confirmed that Craigie Hoskin was the insider of the FBI and the mastermind of the case.

  The purpose of their planning for the kidnapping case is to pretend to be Sophia and inherit the inheritance left by Sophia's father.

  Have you arrested Craigie Hoskin yet? "

   "I was about to tell you, that guy killed himself?"

   "How did you die?"

   "Driving his beloved little trolley... crashed."

   "It's the unlucky guy who got into a car accident on the overpass reported in the news."

   "Yes, that's him.

   He was on vacation today, and when we went to his house, there was no one there, and then we got the news that he had crashed his car. I also feel very sudden. "

   "Are you sure it was suicide?"

   "Yes, we found a suicide note at his house, and he knew that he planned the kidnapping and tampered with the FBI database.

   These two felonies are enough for him to live in prison for a lifetime.

  He is more worried that his FBI identity will be exposed, and he will end up miserable in prison.

  He felt that he had no way out and decided to commit suicide. "

   "Can you confirm that the suicide note is real?"

   "It's certain, we asked experts to identify the handwriting.

   In addition, he has admitted the facts of the kidnapping case, and you can convict him as usual. "

   Looking for a handwriting identification expert to identify it so quickly? Luke expressed doubts, "Any time? Meet and talk."

  Anthony hesitated for a while, "Not today, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with."

   "I see." Luke hung up the phone.

  He sat in the office and was silent for a long time...

  Craigie Hoskin committed suicide?

   Luke wasn't sure if it was true, either.

   Before he even met Anthony, he wasn't sure if Anthony was lying.

  Of course, even if Anthony lied, it might not necessarily be cheating him.

   It may also be a white lie, sometimes knowing more may not be a good thing.

  Luke guessed that there should be two situations for Craigie Hoskin's death.

  In the first case, Anthony told the truth. Craigie Hoskin was worried that he would be retaliated against in prison as an FBI, so he chose to commit suicide in fear of crime.

   In the second case, Craigie Hoskin committed suicide.

  The FBI took the initiative to conceal the fact of the homicide, indicating that they may have done it themselves.

   As for the motive, it is not difficult to guess. Although Craigie Hoskin's position is not high, he is very sensitive.

  As the team leader of the FBI Information and Data Department, he knows too much.

  There is no way the FBI will let him out of control with these secrets.

  No matter what the reason is, Luke feels that there is no need to delve into it.

   On the last day, the monthly pass is doubled.

   Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!



  (end of this chapter)