MTL - Lords Trying to Survive: Strategizing from a Rundown Yard-Chapter 20 : Improve the attributes

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  Zong thought carefully, and before he knew it, he returned to the outside of the courtyard.

   reached out and touched the old travel horse's head.

   Smooth fur, feels good to the touch.

   "Smart old guy."

   The old traveling horse snapped his nose, turned his head slightly, and stared at Zong Shen with a big eye.

   From this look, Zong Shen saw friendly, intelligent, and harmonious emotions.

   said that the old horse knows the way, this is not false.

   In Zong Shen's opinion, this old traveling horse is much smarter and more sincere than the three stupid peasants.

   Zongshen got off his horse, tied the traveling horse to the gate of the yard, and let it eat the grass by itself.

   At this time, Luna and the others have not yet returned.

   Among the three buildings, the construction progress of [Level 1 straw shed] has passed halfway.

   If the resources on hand are sufficient and the population is sufficient, the initial construction will soon be possible.

   Tomorrow's goal is still to collect resources, and Zong Shen is going to divide the farmers into groups.

   Each group is responsible for different resources to increase efficiency.

   As the gathering team increases, the gathering range expands.

   Colby and Luna must stay behind to protect the farmers who gather and help transport resources.

   The trees and resources here are too scattered.

   If you can find a forest or a mine.

   Zongshen can directly build a [Level 1 Logging Field] or [Level 1 Mine] next to it. After the farmer has collected it, he can directly put wood and ore into it, and it can become a variety of resources.

   There is no need to transport it back to the small yard, which can save a lot of efficiency.

   Zongshen sat down on the territory storage box, he had already regarded this place as his lord.

   "Next, let's put on the new equipment. In addition, after killing the rogues just now, I have been upgraded by two levels, and I nodded my skills and attributes."

  Zongshen muttered to himself.

   then opened the [Personal] function.

   Start adding points.

After    has been upgraded by two levels, he will have 2 assignable attribute points, 2 skill points, and 10 weapon proficiency points.

   The excellent equipment Zongshen obtained before [Emerald Legplates] requires 8 points of agility to equip it, but now Zong Shen is still a little bit close.

   So decisively 1 point was added to agility.

   He hesitated in strength and wisdom for the remaining 1 point.

  The power increase is his personal strength.

   Wisdom increases team strength.

  Four attributes also determine the upper limit of the skill level.

   The level of passive skills cannot exceed one-third of the four attributes.

   Zongshen’s current wisdom is only 6 points, and all wisdom-type skills can only be added to level 2.

   Unless, he can train an intelligent hero to be responsible for the overall march and internal affairs.

   Charm is also very important, which determines his upper limit of dominance.

   This really made Zong Shen a little entangled.

   Limin is biased towards individuals.

   Zhimei is more inclined to the team.

   just when Zong Shen struggled.

   The golden guide appeared again.

(No need to entangle, the development should be the focus in the early stage. I recommend adding points to Zhimei, and I will emphasize it again. Don't worry about adding points in the early stage. After you have a hero who can stand alone, you can add points according to your preferences. In addition, the lord is also You can strengthen yourself through study or full-time)

   Looking at this strategy, Zong Shen finally knew it.

   He added another attribute point to wisdom, and the assignable skill point increased by one point.

   3 assignable skill points.

  Zongshen wanted to add engineering, but engineering has reached the upper limit.

   So, he added 3 skill points to the three skills [Healing], [Item Management], and [Guide].

   In the next step, his goal is to increase his wisdom to 9 as quickly as possible, so that the upper limit of passive skills can be increased to the third level.

   He did not regret choosing the power flow at the start.

   Now, after changing his outfit, his combat effectiveness is equally impressive.

   If he had chosen the Wisdom and Charm attribute at the beginning of the game, he might not even be able to kill the underage prairie wolf now.

   Being blocked by a wolf, he can't explore as freely as he is now.

   Then, he added all the weapon proficiency to the one-handed weapon.

After    added points, Zong Shen put on [Emerald Leg Armor], and his attributes improved again.

  Open【Lord Profile】

   Zongshen's attributes were immediately refreshed.

   [Name: Zong Shen]

  [Age: 21]

  [Race: Earth/Humanity]

  [Level: LV3]

  【Experience: 55/100】

  【HP: 182】

  [Number of people in charge: 14/39]

  【Power: 12】

   [Agility: 8]

  【Intelligence: 7】

   [Charm: 9]

  【Remaining assignable attribute points: 0】

  【Remaining weapon proficiency that can be allocated: 0】

   [Detailed attributes: (click to expand)]

  【Weapon Proficiency: (click to expand)】

   directly expand the detailed properties.

  【Lord: Zong Shen】

   [Equipment: [Unkempt leather short-sleeved shirt] [Emerald green leg armor] [Tattered leather boots] [Sharp Germanic sword] [Bow hunting] [Curved crossbow arrow] [Indented simple koto shield]]

  [Cleave damage: 29×(1.12+0.32+0.099) (strength + strong attack + weapon proficiency) = 44.63]

   [piercing damage: 33×(1.12+0.32+0.057)=49.4]

  【Head Armor:0】

  【Upper body armor: 13】

  【Leg Armor: 37】

  [Magic Resistance: 13]

   [Skill: None]

  [Territory Level: 1]

   Zongshen waved his hand to disperse the system subtitles in front of him.

   He is very satisfied with his current attributes.

  On the pure slashing attack ability, it is comparable to the wolf cavalry.

   It's just that he doesn't have as many skills as Colby and Luna.

   "Not At least it is self-protection."

  Zongshen stretched.

   is very satisfied with the current attributes.

   After all, today is the first day of landing.

   The future is full of hope!


  Zongshen squeezed his fists and poured himself a bowl of chicken soup.

   It's five o'clock in the afternoon.

   At sunset, the sun began to no longer be dazzling and dazzling, and it began to soften.

   Luna finally returned to the territory with eight farmers.

   Colby has not returned yet.

   This seems to be a bit later than the agreed time.

   However, Zong Shen didn't see the prompt about Colby's death in the system prompt, there should be no major problem.

   He got up to meet Luna.

   "Luna, thank you very much."

   Then, he said to the eight farmers.

   "You are very lucky, there is not much work you need to do today."

   "Now, go outside the yard. There are two [Level 1 straw sheds] waiting for you to build, in addition to six iron axes and six iron pickaxes."

   "The territory currently lacks wood. Collect as much wood as possible."

   "You can rest until dark."

   These farmers have been imprisoned by gangsters for several days, and their physical condition is very poor.

   But Zong Shen is not a philanthropist, and the role of population needs to be played out in labor.

  Every time you increase your progress, you get an extra point!

   His words caused these farmers to complain a little, but they did not reduce their loyalty.

  According to the instructions, under the leadership of the farmer Sanpang, he picked up the tools outside the small courtyard, and then collected them obediently.