MTL - Lord Wei’s Fiancee is a Mystic Arts Expert-Chapter 23 Borrow

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Tian Fang's family, who live next door to Weng Chunsheng, never dreamed that someone would pay for their small one-story house, even though the one-story house had no shortage of tiles or bricks.

In front of the house buyer, Tian Fang asked three times if she wanted to buy their house, and read the purchase contract five times before signing her name with trembling hands. If the bungalow can be sold, the family can move outside, and the children can also live in a household in the city. Studying is no longer a problem, and life has hope.

Maybe it was because they were worried that the buyer would suddenly change their minds and not buy it, or maybe they were eager to leave this poor Wengjia Village. In just two days, Tian Fang's family moved out of the bungalow.

Xiao Jiasheng paced back and forth in Tian Fang's bungalow. It was the first time he had seen such a house with tiles on the roof to keep out the wind and rain. Feng Nian took the compass to measure the direction.

After walking back and forth in the bungalow a few times, after the novelty wore off, Xiao Jiasheng moved to Feng Nian's side, looked at the compass in her hand, and asked, "What do the words on it mean?"

"The directions on the compass are Renzigui, Chougenyin, Jiamaoyi, Chenxunsi, Bingwuding, Weikunshen, Gengyouxin, Xuganhai; I am looking for a location. Stand beside you, don't disturb me." After Feng Nian explained the function of the compass, he lowered his head to watch the changes of the compass.

After a while, the pointer on the compass stopped.

"I found it," Feng Nian had a happy smile on his face, as long as he started digging from this location, he would be able to find Fan Lingling.

Counting it, Fan Lingling died six years ago. To find its body, it cannot be found when there is yang energy, otherwise its body will be injured by yang energy, and the body will be injured, which means that Fan Lingling's spirit body It will also be damaged, so the best time to dig is after the sun goes down.

When Tian Fang moved out of the bungalow, she had already greeted the neighbors around. Someone wanted to buy her house and land, demolish her original bungalow and rebuild it, so Xiao’s family was in the fourth bungalow early in the morning. Protective cloth was put up around the bungalow, and no one in the village cared when digging behind the bungalow, thinking that the person who bought it was building the house in a hurry.

"Xiao Jiasheng, tell them to be careful, don't hurt Fan Lingling for a while," Feng Nian warned while watching. If her guess is correct, they will be able to meet Fan Lingling soon.

According to Feng Nian's instructions, the Xiao family used a shovel to dig behind the bungalow, and several people took turns. Soon, a pile of waste soil was piled up next to it.

"Boom," a shovel went down, and the original ground collapsed without warning, revealing a pothole about one meter by one meter.

The raised dust made the people present dazzled. After the dust dissipated a bit, Feng Nian relied on the light of the flashlight to see that there seemed to be something at the bottom of the pothole, but because of the distance, he couldn't see what it was.

"The two of you go down and have a look first." Xiao Jiasheng signaled the two bodyguards of the Xiao family next to him to go down to the pothole to see what happened, but Feng Nian stopped him, "No, I'll go, they don't understand, so as not to disturb you for a while Fan Lingling."

Xiao Jiasheng did not continue to insist, his grandmother told him to obey Feng Nian's arrangement early in the morning. After he had someone find a thick rope, Feng Nian tied it around his waist, and walked slowly down the pit.

The air in the pit is not good, and it is also mixed with sand. When his feet stepped on the ground again, Feng Nian looked up, and the depth should be close to seven or eight meters. She took a flashlight and looked forward, and found that there seemed to be something lying and standing in front of her. She sighed softly and walked forward.

A pair of white bones, just lying quietly on the dusty ground, keeping the posture of protecting the abdomen with both hands. It is said to be a white bone, but it is really a skeleton as white as jade, and fragments of the skirt are scattered on the skeleton, but the original snow-white color of the skirt is long gone, it is gray. This pair of bones is Fan Lingling.

"Fan Lingling, I'm here to take you home." Feng Nian muttered softly, firstly to reassure Fan Lingling, and secondly because she knew that there was something weird about it.

In five or six years, normal human bones would turn gray-black, but Fan Lingling's bones were just the opposite. She carefully put Fan Lingling's skeleton in the bag, and brought it out of the pit after a while.

After restraining the bones, she walked to the throne according to the arrangement of the directions, and sure enough, there was a small seal on the ground. The bronze seal is still clearly visible in the dim light.

"Sure enough, it's good luck to bury the corpse."

The so-called burying corpses to borrow luck means to bury the people who still have a chance of life in the position with the best luck, so as to achieve the purpose of borrowing luck. It's just that this prescription is vicious, and the backlash is deep. Fan Lingling was buried by life when she was still alive, and she borrowed the fortune of Wengjia Village for several years, and the village gradually fell into decline.

"Break!" Feng Nian relied on the magic weapon of the bracelet, and directly broke the formation of burying the corpse for luck. She was angry, so angry that she disregarded the taboo of breaking the formation. How can someone watch a living person being buried in the ground just for the sake of his own destiny?

After the formation was broken, she directly picked up the seal, and Yu Meiqiang's name and his time were impressively engraved under the seal. Yu Meiqiang took advantage of the fortune of Wengjia Village to make great achievements in Zuncheng's transportation industry; otherwise, with his sour face, how could he become a leader in the industry.

Suddenly, Feng Nian touched the edge of the seal, where an ancient text was engraved, "This is—" Just when she was about to take a closer look, UU Reading www.uukanshu. There was a commotion over the com.

Feng Nian didn't hesitate anymore, he put the seal in his pocket, pulled the rope wrapped around his waist, and signaled the person above the pothole to pull him up.

With the bag containing Fan Lingling's bones, she returned to the top of the pothole.

A familiar face appeared in front of her, it was Yu Meiqiang.

"Brother, the girl from that day." The people beside Yu Meiqiang recognized Feng Nian, that day when he was downstairs at Fan Rui's house, Yu Meiqiang was suddenly thrown into the air, and it was this girl who took out a wooden sword, which saved Yu Meiqiang from danger. They all guessed that they had seen a ghost, and they went to the temple to ask for a safe talisman to wear with them.

"Feng Nian, are you ready?" Xiao Jiasheng only brought six Xiao family members here today, and if he was definitely at a disadvantage against the twenty or so people brought by Shang Yu Meiqiang, he decided to let someone take Feng Nian away first . He whispered his thoughts to Feng Nianzhi.

But Feng Nian rejected Xiao Jiasheng's kindness. She handed the bag containing Fan Lingling's bones to Xiao Jiasheng, "Keep the contents of the bag." She walked to the front and faced Yu Meiqiang directly. She only had one thought now, Just to beat this man up for Fan Lingling.

"We met again," Yu Meiqiang's face trembled, and a smile with ulterior motives hung on his face. When he was in the old Tongzilou last time, he had a crush on this girl. She was good-looking and juicy. She looked like a poor student. It would be nice if she could keep her for fun. To raise a student, he can still afford tens of millions of dollars.

Feng Nian slowly walked towards Yu Meiqiang, without saying a word, he punched him in the face with lightning speed.

Everyone was shocked, they didn't expect a girl to strike so hard, they didn't react for a while.