MTL - Lord of Souls-Chapter 98 With the myth, have 2 strokes

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Black Wind Village.

In the underground base.

The sudden sound exploded, resounding in Long An's ears!

"Attention all officers and soldiers, please come to the square immediately to gather!"

In the bedroom, Long An was silent for a while, then quickly sorted out his clothes.

He took out the suicide note from under the pillow and stuffed it into his chest. Long An strode out the door.


Crowded and crowded.

Heifengzhai is located in Jingguo. Although the location has not been revealed before, a large number of soldiers are still stationed to prevent accidents.

In fact, it was the first time that the emergency assembly order appeared in Heifengzhai.

The others walked forward in silence, with a bit of panic and confusion on their faces.

Long An was well aware of this.

Jing Guo is coming.

One myth, fifty legends, hundreds of thousands of spirit masters.

And he, and even most of the soldiers, are only bronze or silver.

A general sense of panic exploded in his heart, which had completely paralyzed Long An's mind.

He was terrified, numb with fear.

He was flustered, so flustered that he couldn't express it with words or actions.

He wanted to run, but the sense of mission and responsibility in his heart was like a rope, binding Long An firmly in place.

Until he stood in front of the square.

Tens of thousands of legions gathered together, making the square a little crowded.

Standing in the crowd, Long An was like everyone else, silent and silent.

Up to the highest point in front, that flag-like figure appeared.

Fangzheng has a dignified face and piercing eyes.

"Soldiers, soldiers, I am the **** of war."

"The so-called "training troops for a thousand days and using them for a while, I think the moment you officially join the army, you should understand your mission and your responsibilities."

"Defend the family and the country!!" Everyone below shouted in unison, and the voice shook the world.

But Long An didn't shout...

He wanted to cry a little.

But he said nothing, nothing.

The **** of war was waiting around the field, his eyes fell on Long An, and he didn't stop there.

Until a moment later, the war **** spoke again.

"Yes, protect the family and the country!"

"Remember our mission! When the enemy invades, we are the shield that stands in front of the people, and we are the Great Wall that guards the country! We are the sharp blade that kills the enemy!"

"Now, I officially inform everyone. It's time to defend the family and the country!"

"It's time to kill the enemy!"

"The time for sacrifice has come!"

"Let's go!!"

"Let's go!"

Following the slogan of the war god, the soldiers solemnly shouted and fought with high spirits.

Long An, still didn't speak.

Defend the country.

These four simple words contain too much weight.


Except for a few people, most people don't know.

If the sacrifice is in vain, if the enemy is so powerful that we have no room to fight back! If the end of the war, it must be doomed from the beginning...

can only say.

He knows too much.

So much that Long An in the Silver Age couldn't bear it at all.

The collective will gradually overwhelms the individual reason.

Long An followed the large army, walking numbly like a zombie.

Soon, he came to the passage between the two realms.

At this moment, Long An was suddenly in a trance.

Looking at the two-world passage leading back to Earth, looking left and right, he couldn't see the shadow of the war god, Long An suddenly shook his head.

"Two-world channel?"

"Return to Earth!?"

"That's not right! Isn't that right!?"

Long An looked around blankly, but someone behind him took the initiative to push him.

He left Heifengzhai in a daze, passed through the passage between the two realms, and returned to the First Military Academy.

Outside the door, the loudspeaker frantically broadcasts: "All units, act now, target Ice City!"

"All units, act immediately, target Ice City!"

The company commander's voice sounded quickly.

"Let's go to Bingcheng immediately, there is a big event going to happen there! Quick, quick, Long An, what are you doing standing there stupidly!"

Long An: ...

So the information I brought back from the Soul Conclave was wasted, right?


About an hour later, the Black Wind Village was completely emptied.

In Nuoda's Heifeng Village, there is only one God of War left.

He stood in front of the entrance of the passage between the two realms, and his whole person was as straight as a javelin.

After a while, light flashed in the channel.

The same tall, but old figure appeared in front of the war god.

"Master Guan."

The war **** bowed slightly, expressing his respect for the old man in front of him. Guan Chao smiled kindly.

"Xiao Qin, I haven't seen you for a long time. You have suffered for the past two years in Heifeng Village."

"It's not hard work."

The God of War was like a stuffy gourd, he didn't speak too much, and his voice seemed a little stiff.

Mr. Guan stepped forward, and the military **** turned around and followed Mr. Guan.

He said again, "I don't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"I don't understand your order."

"You asked me to clear Heifeng Fortress... Clearing Heifeng Fortress under the premise that Jing Guo was coming. I don't understand."

Mr. Guan was silent.

He just slowly, like a real old man, walked up slowly and leisurely.

After a while, he said, "What can I do? One myth, fifty legends. Are these children here to die?"

The military expression did not change, but calmly said: "Death is our destination."

"But of no value."

"Being able to kill an enemy, even one enemy, is worth it!"

"You take yourself too lightly."

"In such a situation, death is our whole meaning! I don't know what's the point of being a soldier if we can't die to defend our family and our country. Mr. Guan... Your order makes me feel like a clown."

"No, the whole army looks like a clown!"

Hearing these words, Guan Chao sighed He turned his head, looked at the military spirit, and there was a heartache in his eyes.

"You are under too much pressure."

"You are more stressed than me."

"Your personality is too straight."

"Soldiers, you should be straight!"

"Forget it, Xiao Qin, your wings are hard, you can't listen to your advice..."

"Master Guan, I admire you as always. But this time, I really don't understand."

During the conversation, the two had already come to the surface.

On the surface, simple cottages come into view.

Guan Chao spoke again: "This is Tianyu's arrangement."

God of War: "I have heard about him before, but I can't believe him. That kid is talented, but he is too selfish..."

The adjective selfish made Guan Chao smile and shake his head.

In the distance, dark clouds are faintly pressing down.

The surrounding temperature, unconsciously, began to drop.

The bodies of Guan Chao and the war **** slowly floated up.

In front of the dark clouds that filled the sky, the figures of the two of them looked extraordinarily desolate.

Guan Chao said again, "I have to gamble. If I don't gamble, there is only a dead end... This time, I bet everything on Bai Yu."

The God of War said nothing.

Until Guan Chao said again: "But we also have to show value... Xiao Qin, let me ask you, how many legends can you fight?"

"Two will lose, and three will die."

The military **** of the military has relatively ordinary strength. This response is actually suspected of exaggeration.

Master Guan sighed and shook his head.

"Forget it, look at it, this time, I'll come."

The God of War asked puzzled, "What are you going to do?"

Guan Chao chuckled: "Follow Shinhwa, have two moves."