MTL - Lord of Souls-Chapter 107 significance

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Outside the Black Wind Village.

The military **** stood in front of Qin Wenfeng's body, silent.

Mr. ruffian, he who is born does not know whether he is great or not, and he who dies also says whether it is glorious or not.

At this moment, he was lying on the ground, and he could no longer see his human form...

He is indeed dead.

The injury was already serious, and it ushered in the violent lore of the legendary powerhouse.

Even with the eyesight of a military god, he was deeply aware of one thing—people can’t be saved.

Squat slowly on the ground.

The military **** looked at the puddle of minced meat on the ground, but the expression on his face was extraordinarily calm.

Until he lightly raised the corner of his mouth, he seemed to laugh and cry, and muttered to himself.

"You're smart since you were young... How did you end up doing such a stupid thing?"

"You've apologized... just get away from me, you idiot!"

"This is so..."

As he spoke, the military god's body trembled uncontrollably.

Until he coughed twice and stood up.

Reaching out his hand, five-colored soul light splashed out, and slowly caught something on Qin Wenfeng's corpse.

It was a thin piece of soul light...

Soul Master Skill: Spirit Gathering.

There has always been such a tradition in the military.

If you can keep the whole body of your comrade-in-arms, try to bring your comrade-in-arms home.

But there are only a few who can keep the whole body.

Even those who can leave a corpse are rare.

Most of them are just a rotten puddle, looking terrible.

Spirit gathering came into being.

With the technique of gathering spirits, a thin wave of soul power is condensed - this is not a soul, it is useless, and the meaning is just a thought.

Integrate the captured soul into a low-level soul crystal.

The military **** turned his head, and did not look at Qin Wenfeng's corpse again.


Outside the deserted city.

The armies of the five kingdoms rushed to the pioneering city in waves.

somewhere in the jungle.

Wang Tiansheng and Sun Hongyu led the competition team and walked silently in the direction of Pioneer City.

The faint roar of the soul beasts and the amazing energy fluctuations in the distance made the students in the competition team look gloomy-because if they didn't believe everything Xia Lin said before, then at this moment, the facts have already been told they answer.

Pioneer City is at war!

Terrible battle!

Even destroying the country, the war of destroying the country!

As for the ancestor Dragon City, Tianyu Legend also used his own strength to resist all the legends in the nearby five states.

It doesn't take much information, everyone knows it.

This time it's a big deal...

"But not a bad thing."

Sun Hongyu spoke softly and said so.

"As long as Tianyu Legend can win, we will use the strength of China in Kaiyuan City, and there is a high probability that we will be able to eat the territory of five countries."

The territory of the soul world is equivalent to resources, and it is equivalent to a place more suitable for soul masters to live.

Of course, resources are only basic resources - just as the Holy Son of Star said, the territory of the soul world cannot support the spiritual things of the legendary period. But for China, basic resources are also resources, and they cannot be lost.

It's too poor here.

Wang Tiansheng didn't have so many ideas.

He said softly: "Mobilizing troops to open up the city means that the defenses of the other two worlds are lax. I don't know if this is good or bad."

The king-level powerhouse does not know everything in Tian Yu's plan.

At this moment, Wang Tiansheng spoke like this, causing Sun Hongyu and the students to fall silent.

Until Sun Hongyu broke the embarrassment with a gentle tone.

"Don't think so much. The above arrangement has the above reasons. All we can do is to do our own thing well."

For continuing to go to Pioneering City.

But the closer you get to Pioneer City, the more enemies there will be.

Until Wang Tiansheng and Sun Hongyu, Qi Qi stopped.

"It can't go any further. Going forward, it's all the armies of the Five Kingdoms."

Just like Wang Tiansheng and others who don't know the legendary plan.

The army of the five states did not know the battle of the ancestor Longcheng.

They just received an order to attack Pioneer City, and the others had nothing to do with them.

King-level vision, faintly allowed Wang Tiansheng and Sun Hongyu to see the distance and the fierce battle in the pioneering city.

They saw the spirit masters on both sides fiercely competing for every inch of territory.

I also saw that Yonghui Legend has transformed into a huge golden dragon, fighting dozens of kings alone with the power of one person and seven beasts.

Pioneering City started from outside the city, every inch of land was dyed red with blood, every minute and every second, there were soul beasts, soul masters, and died in battle!

The situation is not so bad.

Gathering the strength of the entire country, the two sides fought back and forth.

However, death and sacrifice are inevitable.

This made Wang Tiansheng and Sun Hongyu look at each other.

Soon, the two made up their minds.

"We're going back to fight."

The two king-level combat power can have a great impact on the battlefield.

After speaking, Wang Tiansheng looked back at the two top master-level tutors.

"The two of us can go back from here, but with the students, we can't."

"Two, the safety of the students is left to you. Hide, hide, we win, take them home, if we lose, we will leave the soul world and leave the fire, remember?"

The two masters nodded quickly, signaling to lead the order.

However, the students seemed to be rushed to the head by the blood.

Anton: "We also have to go back! Go back to the war! Defend the family and the country!!"

Wang Tiansheng ignored him at all...

The two of them and Sun Hongyu moved forward quickly, and soon, a king-level soul light burst out from the front.

The students are at a loss.

I saw the two top masters look at each other, pulled the students to turn their heads and walked towards the deep mountains - they are not young, although they still have blood, but they are not impulsive.

In this situation, with the students rushing hard, it's just a dead end.


After about ten minutes.

The legend of the Golden Dragon, Yonghui, drove back the enemy kings.

Released from the possession of the dragon soul, Yonghui stepped into the discussion hall, and saw the war **** sitting on the main seat, nodding lightly to himself.

"I am coming."

Yonghui hummed softly and sat down next to the military god.

Gently spitting out the **** breath, Yonghui spoke calmly.

"Bai Tianyu, are you done?"

"It should be, anyway, the Jing Army from Heifengzhai has withdrawn."

"What about the old man?"

"After a few tricks with Shinhwa, the injury is very serious."

"So, it's just the two of us here?"


"Where's my grandson? Old man Guan told me that Bai Tianyu will bring the competition team back safely... If I had known Bai Tianyu's abacus, I would not have let my grandson join this **** competition team. Now, Bai Tianyu's business is over... Where is my grandson?"

For Yonghui, the span is huge.

Let the **** of war be stunned for a moment.

Soon, the military **** spoke.

"Wang Tiansheng said that the members of the competition team are safe, but they can't pass through the war zone. So they arranged for the other two mentors to take the children into the jungle to hide."

Yonghui slowly narrowed his eyes.

The military **** pretended not to see it, but continued to speak.

"In the next round of offensive, the enemy will most likely mobilize the kings to attack and kill you. You are in the open, I am in the dark, and we two will kill most of the kings on the opposite side in one wave. This battle can be easily settled."

The Soul Realm, the five kingdoms near Kaiyuan City, have a total population of about 2 billion.

The site is about twice the size of China.

Due to the different rules of the world, soul masters are more likely to appear here, and the level of soul masters is relatively higher.

Although there are only six legends, the birth of legends requires too many chances and coincidences, and has little to do with the site.

But the site determines the number of king-level and low-level soul masters.

In other words.

The number of kings and masters in the Five Kingdoms far exceeds that of China.

"Where's my grandson?"

The **** of war stopped talking.

He just looked at Yonghui, and saw the burly old man sitting upright, but his face was dark and uncertain.

"I'm asking you why Wang Tiansheng didn't bring my grandson back."

War God: "...I explained it to you just now."

"But I'm not satisfied with your explanation."

Saying that, Yonghui sneered suddenly.

"I'm thinking, what do Guan Chao and Bai Tianyu think of me as Yonghui?"

"Before, Bai Tianyu engaged in this competition, and he personally led the team. He pulled my grandson in without notifying me... Okay, no problem, the legend leads the team, and it's good to go to the soul realm to gain insight."

"But then there are problems..."

"Old Man Guan didn't say that the fountain of spirituality was put there on purpose by Tianyu! I didn't say that this competition was a hook! I didn't say that this time the Ancestral Dragon City would break out a legendary battle! I only learned about Guan Chao and Tian Yu's calculations! And my eldest grandson ran off to the deserted city!"

The **** of war hurriedly interjected: "Legend of Guan Chao didn't know Bai Tianyu's plan before. At the time of the 18th National Congress, Legend of Guan Chao really thought that this competition was just a competition."

Yonghui clapped the table.

"Okay, that's okay too! Then Tian Yu and Guan Chao told me that they would bring my grandson back completely and safely! What's the situation now? The two escorting kings ran back, leaving the two masters with them. On my grandson's side. It's an enemy-occupied area! You told me that Yongxuan is definitely safe, Lao Qin, can you believe me?"

Before he knew it, the war **** had already clenched his fists.

His tone also became a bit louder.

"Then what do you think I can do!? Yonghui, this is a great opportunity that has not been seen in a century! Bai Tianyu sold himself to the Holy Son of the Star, in exchange for our side not being invaded by Jing Kingdom for three years! In the legend of the six kingdoms, the five surrounding countries have all become enclaves! This time, we have eaten these benefits, and our country will usher in huge development in the future!"

"Children no longer have to go to the soul realm with all their life and risk their lives!"

"There won't be so many people who will not be able to make an inch for life because they can't get resources!"

"This opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! The most difficult part, Tian Yu, has already been leveled, and we can't finish the rest, so it's all a joke!!"

In response to the war god, it was just Yonghui's cold snort.

"Tell me about this again..."

"You guys, always talk to me about this!"

"I ask you, what is the benefit to me to conquer the Five Kingdoms?"

The military **** was silent for a moment.

The land of the soul world does not actually produce spiritual things of legendary level and above.

Legendary-level spirits and myth-level spirits are all special products in some precious secret realms.

In this area near the pioneering city, there is no secret realm that produces legendary spirits.

In other words, the region where the Five Kingdoms are located has no direct interest to the legend himself.

As for the existence logic of the five states, it is actually easy to understand.

First, Xiao Hua and other legends established or occupied city-states in order to collect resources, accumulate less, and exchange low-level resources for high-level resources that are useful to them.

——There is indeed a channel in the soul world to exchange low for high. Of course, the premium is very serious, but this is also the most important way for most legends to obtain legendary spirits.

Second, these legends use the state as a springboard, striving to embrace the thigh of a stronger force, and thus go further--to put it bluntly, to add some united front value to themselves.

Thirdly, even if a legend has no further ambitions, it is very cool to have a city-state to be a land tyrant and play in the harem.

But the land of the soul world has a different logic to China.

The greatest significance of the land of the soul world is that it can give birth to low-level spiritual resources. On the other hand, Blue Star does not produce any spiritual resources!

After acquiring this piece of land, Huaguo will not concentrate resources for the legendary use in exchange for the legendary spirits like Xiao Hua and others did, but instead cultivate the next generation, the new generation.

If this land can be obtained, the campus environment of Bingda University will definitely change a lot... The students will no longer have to squeeze and plunder each other for that little bit of sporadic resources.

Gold diamonds can also benefit.

The average rank of the army can also be mentioned above.

The kings also have the possibility of using the king-level spirits produced by their own land.

Perhaps because of the addition of these basic resources, the strength of the new generation is stronger. In the future, if you go to the soul realm to explore, you will also be able to find an opportunity for legends and add new legends to China.

For a country, a country that values ​​equality and in the true sense of the word, such a distribution method is reasonable and has the greatest interests.


But only, it is not helpful to the legend of China!

Just as the Three Sons do not care about the land.

Things like land and ruling area are meaningless to the real powerhouse!

Legends may still need land and civilians to work for themselves and exploit themselves, but the significance is actually not much. Not to mention mythology...

Lack of basic resources? I'll go around the city-state and the I don't care what you want, will you give it?

Do you dare not give it!

This is still the powerhouse of the soul world.

The strong people in China can't get any benefits from it - because those fragmented benefits have to be distributed to the people below...

"So, what is the benefit for me to lay down these five states!?"

Yonghui's roar swayed far away.

The God of War just remained silent and spoke hoarsely.

"For the next generation..."

"The next generation of Lao Tzu is in a special enemy-occupied area!!"

The **** of war stopped talking at all...

"Three hours, within three hours, I have to see my grandson, all beards and tails, appearing in the pioneering city."

Yonghui stood up and looked at the silent war god, but his tone calmed down.

"Thirteen years ago, my eldest son and second son died in the Soul Realm on a special mission for the country."

"Let's not mention it for now."

"It's been fifteen years since I became a legend. I fought for my country and suffered seven souls, and seven pets died in battle. It's almost a full round of my soul pet replacement..."

"Old Qin, it's not that I don't want to pay, and I don't want too much in return. But at least, my grandson, you have to bring me back safely. My grandson is the only one who has a soul in addition to me in my Yong family. Teacher qualification, he is my hope."

"If this person has no hope, what's the point of bloodshed?"

After Yonghui finished speaking, he turned his head and left.

Until the military **** nodded lightly and tugged at his collar, as if he was out of breath.

For a moment, he spoke hoarsely.

"it is good."