MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 957 lotus river?

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The latest website: The next morning, Longhe Camp.

The soldiers looked up at the sky and watched a military helicopter coming from the north. It did not stop at the Longhe camp, but flew directly into the snow vortex.

The soldiers who received the order early did not intercept it, and the transport mission continued until the helicopter that cut the queue disappeared into the vortex.

Under the surging cold currents, the helicopter flew to Baisui Hancheng and landed slowly.

Rong Taotao looked at the human camps built around the vortex, and couldn't help feeling full of emotion.

Back then, when he and the Qingshan Army broke the game, there were only endless snowstorms and snow rivers that rolled like an ocean.

In the apocalyptic scene, only Patriarch Bai Suihan and her tree girl village are the only shelters people can find.

As for now...

Buildings rose from the ground, and the camp was crowded with people and traffic, and the figures of the Snow Burning Army and the Snow Realm Soul Beast were everywhere.

Animal taming pens, farms, tribesmen, snow-burning army.

This is a racially mixed camp and an orderly ancient city.

Wisdom, let the soul beast tribe and the snow burning army unite together.

They meticulously nurtured the cubs of the soul beasts of their own destiny, and together they cultivated brutal beast soul beasts.

Carloads of resources continue to be transported out of the vortex, and a steady stream of resources also pours into it from human society.

Clothing, food, water, houses.

The food, clothing, housing and transportation of the soul beast tribesmen are no longer much different from those of the human race.

They go to the school opened by the Snow Burning Army, which enlightens the mind, and learns knowledge technology, martial arts and soul skills.

It is especially harmonious that the female village of the cypress tree is also included in this expanding city.

The towering cypress is integrated into the human city, and it is natural.

It is said that there is no longer a sanctuary, but an amusement park for spirit beast cubs.

In the past, the girls of the cypress tree who sheltered the weak and the little creatures from the wind and snow have changed their bodies, from the living Bodhisattva who rescued the suffering to the amiable kindergarten aunt...

If the martyrs saw today's snowy realm, they would definitely feel more gratified.

In fact, Baisuihan City is still more focused on military defense, material transportation and other aspects. Most of the soul beast tribesmen living here are young adults.

The real existences like the First Empire and the Second Empire are cities that are more lifelike and have undergone earth-shaking changes.

Rong Taotao stepped off the military plane, admiring the achievements of the Snow Burning Army, full of admiration and a little pride.

Well, just a little.

"Tao Tao."

"Huh?" Rong Taotao came back to his senses and looked at his wife, Mei Zi.

Mei Zi and Xia Fangran have not left since yesterday.

This female general Longchung, who has been out for many years, has taken a rare vacation. It is estimated that she is ready for a protracted war and has a confrontation with her father Mei Hongyu.

In the early years, Mei Zi had been indifferent to Mei Hongyu, and the two sides seemed to have a deep hatred.

After the First Empire Guard War, as the relationship between the father and daughter eased, and the father was getting older and weaker, Mei Zi could be considered to have let go of her former suspicions.

The sudden departure of Mei Hongyu made Mei Zi completely change her mentality.

She also regretted and blamed herself, thinking that she would never see Mei Hongyu again in this life, and she didn't even know where he was buried after his death.

Fortunately, Rong Taotao took out Mei Hongyu with legitimate reasons and the power of all China.

Seeing her father again, Mei Zi doesn't plan to let go.

In her words, at least she had to send him away and find a piece of land to bury herself, so that she would know where to burn the paper in the future.

Last night, when Mei Zi said these words at Rong Taotao's house, Mei Hongyu was so angry that she was almost sent away by her daughter...

Xia Fangran was so cowardly that he didn't dare to breathe.

Rong Taotao has benefited a lot from it.

Master Shi Niang is playing a role for him!

Rong Taotao also knows what to do with Xia Fangran in the future...

"Over there." Mei Zi tilted her head to the side, and Rong Taotao also saw Wang Tianzhu with his eyes closed.

Rong Taotao hurriedly approached: "Professor Zhu, do you have any special feeling?"

Wang Tianzhu slowly opened his eyes: "The energy aura of the new system is the same as the energy I absorbed from the Snow Realm Dragon Beads yesterday."

"Oh, that's it." Rong Taotao was a little disappointed and said, "We have the right to call it Xingli.

There is star power between heaven and earth, but it is very thin, and the star power inside each vortex will be slightly more intense, which is a normal phenomenon.

You should have felt it before, the closer you get to the sky vortex, the stronger the star power. "

"Yes, I know." Wang Tianzhu slowly stretched out his hand and pointed to the north, "But the star power over there is far stronger than the star power in other directions."

"That's because there is... ah?" Rong Taotao said subconsciously, but suddenly realized that something was wrong!

Rong Taotao looked at the direction of Wang Tianzhu's finger, that was the direction of the empire!

Before killing the snow vortex, every empire had crystal dragons stationed there. Why?

Because there are snow lotuses blooming there, and the rich soul power released by the snow lotus is also mixed with rich star power that soul warriors cannot perceive.

It is this energy that brings the dragon creatures together.

Rong Taotao originally thought that star power, like soul power, filled the sky and the earth, and was the product of this planet.

Then the question arises. In this snowy planet, why is there no strong and thin soul power, but there is star power?

You know, the three major empires now have no snow lotus!

Aside, Rong Yuanshan frowned and pondered, and suddenly said, "Hoshino Vortex, Professor Zhang Shanzhi."

Rong Taotao's eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what his father meant.

Zhang Shanzhi is also a person from the old world. During the period of his disappearance, he entered the interior of the Xingye Vortex in search of the aura of star power.

Moreover, without knowing the dark abyss base, he just found the dark abyss base with his own perception, according to the concentration of star power!

There is no doubt that the old professor Zhang Shanzhi was attracted by the Dark Abyss River, which is the source of star power.

Could it be that there is also a place like "Dark Abyss River" in the snow planet?

"Let's go!" The more Rong Taotao thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible. He hurriedly arranged for a plane to reach the empire as quickly as possible.

Soon, the six-member group of Xia Zitao from Meizhushan boarded the military plane again and flew to the First Empire.

During the flight, Rong Taotao asked Wang Tianzhu several times, all of which were answered in the affirmative.

The direction is correct, and the aura of star power is getting stronger and stronger.

The transport plane is far faster than the helicopter, but even so, it took a long 20 hours for everyone to land on the First Empire.

I saw Li Meng, the general defender of the city again, but Rong Taotao was no longer in the mood to greet him.

He didn't care about Professor Zhu's travel fatigue, and asked the source of the star power on the spot.

What he got was a surprising answer.

"At your feet?" Rong Taotao blinked and looked down at the runway.

Wang Tianzhu looked at the sun hanging in the east and said softly: "The source of the breath is an area.

Not only our feet, but also the First Empire, and the places you can see now, are the source of the aura of star power. "

Rong Taotao: "Yes! The Anyuan River is also very wide, and its length can even stretch for dozens of kilometers!"

"More than that." Rong Yuanshan shook his head, and as he entered the first empire, his cloud treasure also began to function, "far bigger than you think, this energy source covers my entire range of perception. "

Wang Tianzhu agreed: "Maybe all three empires are included."

Rong Taotao: "Oh?"

The three empires with obtuse triangles are all built on the land that produces star power?

In other words, the snow lotus that was divided into three in the past did not grow at will, but grew in this specific area?

Rong Tao Tao Qiang suppressed the excitement in his heart and turned his head to look at Mount Rong Yuan: "I'll find a place and go down and have a look!"

Rong Yuanshan nodded lightly, but he was muttering in his heart, so what was hidden underground?

lotus river?

Xia Fangran suddenly said, "Tao Tao."

This is a novelty, after all, since the meeting, Xia Fangran has been living in the crack between Old Ghost Mei and Little Ghost Mei, and he hasn't even said a few words.

"What's the matter, Xia Jiao?"

Xia Fangran: "You told me that your star dragon comes from the Xingye Vortex-Dark Abyss River.

That being the case, you have to be more careful, maybe there are snow dragons hidden underground. "


Rong Yuanshan shook his head: "I haven't felt the energy source of the dragon race for the time being. Compared to the land under my feet, my perception range is still too small."

"It doesn't matter, I'll go down and have a look first!" Rong Taotao made a decisive decision and said solemnly, "I'm not afraid of the Snow Realm Dragon Clan, come one to kill one, two to kill one pair!"

After some words, the officers and soldiers who received the plane were stunned secretly, but these words came from Rong Taotao's mouth, so there was no problem.

In addition, the Snow Realm Dragon Clan has a racial characteristic and is spiritually connected within the clan. They must all know Rong Taotao. Shouldn't they dare to clamor with Rong Taotao?

While speaking, Rong Taotao had already turned on the Snow Speed ​​Drill and flew out of the airport.

It can be seen that Professor Rong has not lost his mind. Knowing that the construction of the airport is not easy, he has gone to find the wilderness outside the city.

"Slow down, slow down!" Rong Yuanshan shouted, but without Xue Ji, how could he keep up with Rong Tao Tao's speed?

"I'll go." Xia Fangran said hurriedly, and Xue Jizuan also started driving. I don't know if he is worried about Rong Taotao, or if he is eager to stay away from the ghosts of the Mei family.

But this chase, Xia Fangran was dumbfounded!

He couldn't hang on his face, and he scolded: "I wipe! I haven't seen you for a few days, you are going crazy, so fast?"

Xia Fangran drove Xue Zhiwu and Xue Ji drill to the maximum, and maximized his own speed. He saw Rong Taotao's figure continue to enlarge, but in the next second, a strange thing happened.

Xia Fangran's brows were furrowed, and he always felt that something was wrong?

Suddenly, the distance between the two sides remained stable?

Lao Tzu's riding on a horse is an epic snow dance and a legendary snow drill!


Xia Fangran was stunned for a moment. Has this kid's Snow Dance advanced?

Chasing and chasing made the cut?

Nanny, did he do it on purpose?

I haven't seen you for such a long time, you didn't advance early, you didn't advance late, but you chose this time?

The more Xia Fangran thought about it, the more annoyed he became. Looking at the figure that was not far or near in front of him, always hanging from him, Xia Fangran always felt that his apprentice was mocking him.

Immediately, Xia Fangran saw lotus growing under Rong Taotao's feet, and the bones of the royal lotus blossomed rapidly. Rong Taotao flicked his tail and plunged into the ground.

Xia Fangran drilled in along the tunnel entrance and shouted angrily, "Go away, thief!"

In the rumbling sound of the lotus drill, Rong Taotao's seemingly non-existent shout came: "Xia teaches you not to follow, there may be a snow dragon below, I'm afraid you can't bear it!"

Xia Fangran: "I'm so %#*%¥!!"
