MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 900 Despicable's Pass

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In the Dongcheng District military camp, in a conference room, the generals of all parties gathered together.

As Rong Taotao explained everything that happened in the guest house clearly, the huge room fell into silence.

For a long time, rude curses resounded through the room.

"Damn, it turns out that someone is really behind the scenes!" Tu Yanwu's mouth stinks as always, and his broken gong voice also vibrates everyone's eardrums.

In front of the long round table in the conference room, there are not many people who are qualified to take a seat.

Haihan Army Liu Zeyuan, Rong Yao Army Tu Yanwu, Xingzhu Army Nancheng, and four members of the Rong family.

There was also a special person sitting at the table, the old professor Zhang Shanzhi who accompanied Xinglong.

Nan Cheng turned to look at the old man beside him, and asked, "Professor Zhang's opinion on this matter?"

Zhang Shanzhi stroked his gray hair. Although he was woken up in the early hours of the morning, he was still in good spirits: "If I hadn't hung up the phone, maybe I would have been invited to join them."

Nancheng: "Professor Zhang thinks that Usail and the person who called you at the time belong to the same camp?"

Zhang Shanzhi looked solemn and nodded: "That phone call made me feel the other party's resentment towards this world, and it was a very deep resentment.

With such emotions, anything is possible for them.

Piff was furious and blood spattered five steps.

If it is a group of big soul schools, or even soul generals, if they are angry..."

Zhang Shanzhi's words stopped, and he didn't say everything, but the meaning was clear enough.

With disbelief on his face, Tu Yanwu said, "Professor Zhang, you are also someone who has awakened your memory. The resentment of such people towards this world can really make them so extreme?"

Zhang Shanzhi hesitated for a while, and finally nodded: "I don't think they are playing a small game. Their target is probably the entire lava planet."

On the side, Rong Yuanshan said, "Professor Zhang, destroying the lava planet means destroying the world."

"Well..." Zhang Shanzhi nodded lightly and said nothing.

It is difficult for the world to estimate what kind of disaster the explosion of a planet will bring to the earth through the vortex gap.

To put it back ten thousand steps, even if the destruction of the lava planet has a small impact on the earth, don’t forget that the world lives in a world where the nine attributes coexist harmoniously.

If one attribute is suddenly missing and the overall structure is destroyed, what kind of disaster will it cause?

What will the world look like?

Liu Zeyuan raised his hand slightly, attracting everyone's attention.

The dignified soul commander even raised his hand to speak. Such a regular action made Rong Taotao feel ashamed.

It is always said that the stronger a person is, the more humble he is to maintain. Liu Hun will indeed teach Rong Taotao a lesson!

Just listen to Liu Zeyuan and say: "Mr. Rong's statement is not unreasonable, the world we live in has a total of nine attributes.

Aside from the mysterious void that we know very little about, the most unstable internal structure of the planet is the lava planet.

This group of people specifically chose to play tricks in the lava vortex, probably because of this. "

"Wait." Tu Yanwu's face was ugly, and he scolded, "Are they enough to live, they are seven or eighty years old, and they want to drag us on the road together before leaving?"

Rong Taotao's mouth suddenly came out: "I don't think they are simply venting their anger, venting their anger against the world."

Tu Yanwu: "Continue talking?"

"Just now at the guest house in Xicheng District, Usaiel told me something very interesting."

Rong Taotao recalled the old man's words and tried to translate them with accurate words: "When the beautiful shell of this new world falls off piece by piece, one day, you and I will meet in truth.

His so-called truth is the world he remembered when he was young, right?

The world we live in now is just an ivory tower wrapped in a beautiful shell.

In our conversations with me, Ursaïr used words like ivory towers, unreal, false, etc. to describe the world we live in right now. "

"Indeed." Nan Cheng agreed with a serious face, "He should not just vent his anger, but should use some means to find the so-called real world."

Zhang Shanzhi said softly, "Before my life was stolen for a few years, the world I lived in did not have a sky vortex, and there was no such thing as Soul Wuyi.

Yes, it is another power system. "

While speaking, Zhang Shanzhi slowly unfolded a star map on his chest. The broken star map looked a bit miserable, and it was obviously only half a face, only half a drop of water.

"Crack!" Tu Yanwu clapped a pair of huge palms on the table, and looked at Rong Taotao with copper bell-like eyes, "Anyway, they must be making a fuss about the lava planet. Now, the lava planet is becoming more and more unstable.

Taotao, open your lotus, let's cool down the lava planet first! "

"Report!" Wan Chengwu's loud voice suddenly came from the door.


For a while, everyone turned their eyes to look, but they saw Wan Chengwu holding a small note in his hand, and said, "Someone sent a note to our military camp post, saying it was for Commander Rong. ."

"Oh?" Rong Taotao couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, "Who is the other party?"

Wan Chengwu responded: "It's a young woman who has been controlled by us, and we have also investigated her identity information.

She is an ordinary citizen of Spark City, an administrator of an Internet cafe, not a soul warrior.

According to the woman, a strange old man gave him the note and paid her 500 yuan as a reward for delivering the letter. "

Rong Taotao frowned, and hooked at Wan Chengwu.

As he took the note and spread it out, a string of Russian came into view.

After just a few seconds, Rong Taotao's expression collapsed, his face was very ugly, and he said solemnly: "Don't let that network manager leave, and find out all her information.

In addition, contact Xinghuo City Soul Police Orange, and now go to the Internet cafe to adjust the monitoring and see if you can find the trace of Usail. "

Although he said so, Rong Taotao didn't have any hope, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Tu Yanwu asked, "Usaiel?"

Beside him, Gao Lingwei faintly felt that something was wrong, and whispered: "Tao Tao?"

Rong Taotao had a dark face and read the Russian on the note: "Hello, General Rong.

For the next 30 days, I want you to stay within the city of Ys.

If you choose to leave, bad things will happen to this city, and many people may die because of it.

—Usael. "

"Grass!" Tu Yanwu's face was ashen, and he immediately scolded the street.

Not only Tu Yanwu, but everyone in the conference room was not very good-looking.

Xu Fenghua didn't like her son being threatened, so she took the note from Rong Taotao's hand, looked at it carefully for a while, and said coldly, "Do whatever it takes."

Rong Yuanshan put one hand on Xu Fenghua's shoulder and said softly: "Since his goal is to destroy a planet, he obviously doesn't care about anyone's life or death."

In the world of soul martial arts, there is an unwritten rule that disasters are not as bad as ordinary people.

Although soul warriors and ordinary people live together on the same planet, they are divided into two distinct worlds by various factors.

Strict laws and relatively complete education constrain most soul warriors.

The remaining very few soul warriors are powerful enough to destroy the world and will not be bound by the rules of the world.

But it is precisely because of this that such soul warriors have their own pride and dignity, and they will most likely not go to trouble with ordinary people, let alone threaten others with their lives.

Of course, the premise of all the above is that you are still a "human".

If you are a soul martial criminal who has gone astray, there is nothing to say.

"Xu Hunjiang?" Tu Yanwu stood across from the table, leaning over and begging for a note with one big hand.

Xu Fenghua silently handed the note over, slightly raised his shoulders, and Rong Yuanshan put his palm down knowingly.

Tu Yanwu looked at the note repeatedly, turned around and walked out: "I'll deal with this matter, Taotao, for me to come back!"

Nan Cheng said softly, "Everyone take a rest first."

With that said, Nan Cheng glanced at Xu Fenghua secretly.

Due to the particularity of Xu Fenghua's past experience, she, who is stationed in Longhe, needs to show her force and momentum as much as possible.

As a result, unlike other powerful soul warriors, Xu Fenghua would try his best to disguise himself as an ordinary person.

Under her sullen eyes, everyone in the conference room was frightened, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

Rong Yuanshan had just put down his hand, and it was not very good to move any more. He turned his head and glanced at Rong Taotao with a wink.

Rong Taotao understood, leaned over to his mother's chair, squatted down, and held Xu Fenghua's cold palm in both hands: "Mom, calm down, we'll find a solution."

Xu Fenghua looked at the child under his knees and sighed silently in his heart.

This idiot didn't realize the seriousness of the problem.

Usail's actions are likely to nail Rong Taotao to the pillar of shame.

This world is very realistic, no matter how brilliant Rong Taotao's past experience is and what kind of contribution he has made, once ordinary civilians die because of Rong Taotao, then this stain will be enough to overwhelm Rong Taotao's life.

Even if Rong Taotao doesn't care about the harassment of the outside world, or the official suppresses this message, and does not let the domestic and foreign media make a big fuss... The question is, can Rong Taotao survive this hurdle?

Xu Fenghua knew Rong Taotao, a very responsible child.

Not to mention that a city was destroyed because of him, just to say that several innocent civilians died because of him, can Rong Taotao be so focused on the rest of his life as he is now?

For growth, the state of mind of a soul warrior occupies a very important position.

The key is that the Huaxia Army will not compromise with criminals, let alone negotiate conditions with criminals!

Rong Taotao is a soldier, and the orders of his superiors are on his head. It is inevitable for him to go to the lava vortex to perform his mission.

And it is inevitable for a soul warrior to reach the level of Usaiel.

If Usaiel does enough things, this Starfire City may really fall into war.

Ordinary people are really inferior to ants in front of such people, how can they have any self-protection ability...

"Mom?" Rong Taotao called softly, shaking Xu Fenghua's palm slightly.

"Heh." Xu Fenghua sighed softly, his momentum slowed down, and he stretched out his hand to take care of the child's natural head, "He really knows how to get to the point, even Jinglongqun doesn't care, he only recognizes the lotus flower in your body. "

I have to admit that Xu Fenghua was really moved when he saw the contents of the note.

More than ten minutes ago, on this table, she listened to all the conversations between Rong Taotao and Usail.

Unexpectedly, what Usaiel said, "I gave you enough respect and gave both of us a chance", the consequence turned out to be this.

Zhang Shanzhi looked at the pair of powerful mother and son from Xuejing. He shook his head helplessly and sighed: "For an extremely angry person, anything is possible."

Despicable, really is the passport of the despicable.

Noble, it is indeed the epitaph of the noble.

In the face of such an enemy and such a dilemma, how should we break the situation?

"Dad, Mom." On the side, Gao Lingwei stood up and whispered, "I have to go out and pick up my avatar."

Xu Fenghua patted Rong Taotao's palm lightly and comforted: "Let's go out with Ling Wei, and let's get some air by the way."

"Oh, good." Rong Taotao nodded immediately and stood up.

Watching his wife and children Rong Yuanshan did not get up, his heart was equally heavy, and he was as experienced as Xu Fenghua.

"Strengthen the pursuit and security." As Rong Taotao and others left, Nancheng looked at Mount Rongyuan, "Let's see if we can catch them out."

From the beginning to the end, Nancheng was as firm as always, and her aura determined every detail of her life: "This is not a multiple-choice question, it has nothing to do with the choice between a city and a world.

There is more than one Ys city, every city in the world can be used to blackmail us 'Ys city'.

Today, Rong Taotao's footsteps are stagnant here. Tomorrow, all of us will stop at the next city of Ys. "

Rong Yuanshan, Liu Zeyuan, and Zhang Shanzhi all looked at Nancheng, some nodded lightly, and some nodded secretly in their hearts.

At the same time, outside the small building, Wan Chengyan was already driving a military vehicle, waiting at the door of the building.

"Mom, Tao Tao, let's go out of the city." Gao Lingwei opened the jeep door for Xu Fenghua.

Xu Fenghua: "Out of the city?"

Gao Lingwei nodded: "Yes, the Thunder Control clone brought the Thunder Dragon Clan back. The Thunder Dragon is entangled in my Thunder Control current in the form of shattered currents.

I can absorb the current of Thunder Rider and other treasures, but that Thunder Dragon, I'm not sure if it will go directly into my body.

If the Thunder Dragon Clan pieced together the prototype, it would be so huge that it would destroy the barracks. "

Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment: "The Thunder Dragon Clan shattered into electric current, mixed with your lightning current, and returned together?"

Gao Lingwei: "Well."

Rong Taotao: ? ? ?

Awesome my Dawei!

The dragon has always taken me to fly, are you flying with the dragon?


It's the end of the month~ I want some tickets~