MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 824 will be out!

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The time spent on the night road was enough for Dalia to inform Rong Taotao a lot of information.

And when Rong Taotao heard that four young Vikings had raided Dalia, he was stunned.

How strong is Dalia?

That is to say, Rong Taotao is not easy to ask, but deep down, since Dalia has owned the treasure for so many years, then she may have entered the rank of soul commander.

What Xu Fenghua did this night was the best interpretation of the crushing by force!

Colonel Jielon is so strong that there is no limit to it, and the dignified soul school, his strength must go to the benchmark Songhun Si Li Xiao Ziru.

But in front of Xu Fenghua, the Great Soul School can only be a lamb to be slaughtered.

Not to mention resisting, Colonel Geron didn't even have the qualifications to beg for mercy. Even if he was given a chance to beg, he couldn't even open his mouth!

The mere 4 soul warriors dare to rob the soul general?

Hmm... Maybe it's because my definition of soul commander is too vague, maybe for Xu Fenghua, Dalia is no different from a lamb?

Who knows.

Dalia emphasized a few points. These four young people looked at most in their early 20s. They possessed both Yun Dian and Lei Teng soul skills, and their skills were of extremely high quality. Among them, the two girls were quite similar in appearance, and they were most likely twins. .

Dalia used all the family resources and searched day and night, but still did not find so many people in the Viking Empire.

With such a level of strength, it is impossible to remain silent.

From this, Dalia deduced that these four people were most likely transformed and disguised.

In this regard, Rong Taotao strongly agrees.

Rong Taotao is more willing to believe that the other party is a middle-aged and elderly person who can rob Dalia.

20 years old is the age to go to college, which is the age group Rong Taotao is currently in!

What are you kidding?

In this world, among Rong Taotao's peers, can you find 4 who dare to fight with the soul? Even slaughtered Dalia's soul pet?

Rong Taotao thought that he was too strong to be shameless, and he didn't dare to clamor with the soul general?

"It must be an illusion!" Rong Taotao said, his tone was very determined!

Seeing Rong Taotao's reaction, Dalia couldn't help but raise her eyebrows slightly.

People may not believe it, but under the pursuit of the six terrifying snow dragons, Dalia is not only not afraid, but secretly snickered in her heart at this time.

Rong Taotao's real reaction finally allowed Dalia to see his young and proud side.

A child has been ahead of his peers for too long, standing alone at the top of the pyramid for too long, and suddenly he finds how many people are still standing on the top of the pyramid next door?

This is undoubtedly a huge impact on Rong Taotao!

"Well, let alone age, we can't even judge each other's gender." Dalia said softly, she was expressing the facts and comforting Rong Taotao.

"Yes~" Rong Taotao nodded again and again, Auntie's words won my heart!

Do you think they are young people? Do you think they are men and women?

In front of God Yun Dian, everything is uncertain.

Take Rong Taotao as an example, although his Yun Dian Soul Technique is only worthy of four stars, he can already disguise his appearance and even change his voice!

As long as Rong Taotao thinks about it, he can completely become an old witch with a quirky temper. It is impossible for the world to think that this mysterious old witch will be one of the five good young people in China...

"It's hard to do." Rong Taotao's face collapsed, unable to find the enemy, and the opponent would always hide in the dark.

There is only a thousand days to be a thief, how can there be a thousand days to prevent a thief?

Dalia was also dragged back to reality and sighed helplessly.

Cloud Peak Soul Warriors are so strong that sneak attacks and assassinations are naturally their best.

In the first confrontation, maybe the opponent didn't look at Dalia directly, so he chose to come over directly.

After the robbery plan is foiled, the enemy will inevitably focus on Dalia.

There are many people in the Manlie family, and it is not difficult to kill a family member quietly and then pretend to be a Manlie family member.

Rong Taotao's soul skill, Ever-changing, is obviously not up to the standard, he can only conjure up an appearance similar to his height and body shape.

As the quality level of Yunyun Dog rises further, the ever-changing operability becomes greater and greater.

"Auntie, you and Katya must be careful, robbery can be done, it's also possible to kidnap Katya to blackmail you." Rong Taotao said, "Especially Katya is competing in Sam Country, surrounded by People are mixed up."

"I have tried my best to strengthen the protective measures for her." Dalia pondered for a moment, then said, "Tao Tao, we have to find a way to not live a life of anxiety like this all day long."

In order to express the meaning of the words, Dalia deliberately switched to Russian, for fear that she could not pass the Chinese language and did not convey the most important appeal.

Rong Taotao's face was embarrassed. Suddenly, for a moment, he really wanted to put a lotus flower next to him. In this way, Rong Taotao could complete the identity conversion between prey and hunter.

At this point, the topic came to an end.

The two of them who didn't come up with a solution were all preoccupied with each other, and they were left silent and hurrying on their way.

I don't know since when, the crystal dragons chasing behind have stopped smashing ice cubes.

Rong Taotao has always been puzzled about how the crystal dragons fill their energy.

Since Xingye Dark Abyss is the only area for supplying energy to Xinglong, where is the supply point for the Crystal Dragons?

Next to Snow Lotus?

However, his mother and a crystal dragon imprisoned each other on the banks of the Dragon River, where there are obviously no snow lotus petals.

In the past 20 years, hasn't the energy of that crystal dragon been exhausted long ago?

What about mutual threats?

Rong Taotao has a bold assumption.

The answer is snow lotus, but dragons don't need to be next to snow lotus.

Snow Lotus is undoubtedly an extremely special existence. When it exists in the world, it spreads frost and snow all the time, and even reaches the point of changing the environment of the entire planet.

Therefore, even if there is a crystal dragon far away by the Long River, it can be taken care of by Yu Xuelian.

Now, the problem arises.

The snow lotus petals, which were divided into three, have been divided up by the human race.

One was in Gao Qingchen's hands, one was in Xiao Ziru's hands, and the other was in Rong Taotao's hands.

Since the energy-filled area is gone, the crystal dragons...

Aren't they about to become waste dragons?

At this time, Jinglong, who was under the glacier, has not been taken care of by the snow blowing from the snow lotus petals for a long time. Has it become a waste dragon?

That's why it cooperates so well and listens to Da Wei's words.

There are still many things that make Rong Taotao puzzled.

Why did the snowstorm environment disappear after the snow lotus petals were absorbed by the human race.

And after the dark star fragments were absorbed into the body by Rong Taotao, the dark abyss river is still there?

The existence of the two treasures is the same, and they are divided into three parts, which can be regarded as providing energy supplies to the dragon family.

But these two treasures that change the environment, after being acquired by the human race, the results are diametrically opposite.

Facts have proved that the Dark Abyss River is connected with the fate of Xinglong. The other two dark abyss rivers suddenly disappeared because the star dragons living in their respective rivers died.

Whether the dark abyss river disappears or not has nothing to do with whether the dark star fragments are robbed.

After the dark star fragments disappeared, the only change in the dark abyss river was that there was no star mist wave that hit people's souls.

But after the snow lotus petals disappeared, the change was huge! There is no snow on the entire planet, and the supply environment for the Crystal Dragons is completely gone!

what is this?

Since it is a treasure with similar effects, it should be able to compare horizontally.

But the world slaps and slaps me in the face, because I am too affectionate for you, making you so fearless...

Rong Taotao was really distressed.

He thought that as his strength continued to increase and his knowledge became more and more abundant, the veil of this world would be lifted layer by layer.

Who would have thought that the deeper Rong Taotao was in contact and the more he knew, the more secrets he discovered?

If this soul martial world was compared to a girl, Rong Taotao tried her best to see her true face. After going through all kinds of difficulties, she finally took off the girl's mask, only to find that she was still wearing a veil.

When Rong Taotao finally lifted her veil, she thought she could see her true face, but found that the girl's face was still covered with human skin?

Who can stand this?

Let me give you a nice word if you don't want to see it~ I don't have to chase you, so who are you going to deal with here?

Thinking about it, Tao'er with a dignified mind also turned into Tao'er, a deeply resentful woman.

Until the long journey was about to end, Rong Taotao was unable to escape from his sorrowful emotions.

"We're almost there." Rong Taotao said, only to feel the flower petals getting closer.

"All parties in the camp are ready, everyone is nervous!" Colonel Yuri said ambiguous words. The situation on the front line has already passed the mouth of the soldiers and spread within Russia.

In the soul martial world, brothers and sisters are the best passers-by.

Due to the extremely long journey, it was enough for Colonel Yuri to think over and over again before making a decision.

Whether it's Rong Taotao, Xu Fenghua, or the six crystal dragons in the rear that destroy the sky and destroy the earth, Colonel Yuri has no right to make his own decisions.

In particular, Dalia, the owner of his family, had already tacitly agreed that Rong Taotao would guide the crystal dragons back to the snow planet.

As a Russian soldier, Colonel Yuri was powerless.

As the general of Manlie's family, Uncle Yuri obeys the head of the family.

For public and private, things are a foregone conclusion.

Colonel Yuri made a symbolic opening and discussed with Rong Taotao the possibility of hunting crystal dragons and taming the crystal dragons.

Rong Taotao, who was cooperating with the performance, had a firm attitude, saying that he would use a special lotus flower as a bait to lead the crystal dragons back to the snow vortex and return to the place where they originally existed.

There, there are environments and battlefields that Rong Taotao is familiar with, as well as more support, so he can deal with problems more properly.

Besides, your Russian Federation has more snow vortexes than us, and the snow is your territory!

Let's solve the problem of the cloud top planet first, and keep people from other countries out. After that, we will close the door and solve the problem in private~

Facts have proved that Rong Taotao's "technical support" was very successful, and the planet of the top of the cloud was completely restored to its original appearance, and the crystal dragon group that was occupying the magpie's nest was also "supported" by Rong Taotao and returned to the snow vortex...

When approaching the North Pole Camp, the team met a group of servants who had been waiting for a long time, and Dalia said goodbye.

At present, the army at the North Pole Camp is heavily guarded and has come to support from various parties, and Dalia, who has a fog dragon, is not good to appear in the official field of vision like this.

"Aunt Dalia, be very careful. Before Yun Dianlong's injury is healed, you'd better replace the eyeballs as soon as possible, and be sure to find more spirit warriors who specialize in spirit to guard."

Rong Taotao looked at Dalia, who was flying by his side, and continued: "It's really impossible, you just let Yun Dianlong sleep for a while, and I will come back as soon as possible to **** you."

"I'll change it right away, don't worry." Dalia said with concern, "You also have to be careful, after all, someone is hunting us. If you think of a solution, let me know as soon as possible."

"Okay!" Rong Taotao nodded heavily, while speaking, a pile of broken lotus flowers suddenly rushed towards his face, like a beautiful river of lotus flowers, pouring into Rong Taotao's body.

Obviously, Yaoliantao's mission in the camp was over, his body was broken, and he returned to Rong Taotao's body.

Dalia and the cloud top dragon coiled above her head stopped immediately and joined the Manlie family who came to pick them up below.

Several crystal dragons with their teeth and claws passed by Wulong, and the picture turned out to be so harmonious...

At the same time, in the Arctic Cape camp a few kilometers away, the Russian bear soldiers who were on full alert could faintly hear the terrifying roar of the crystal dragons.

What followed was also under the instruction of Rong Taotao, the crystal dragons again summoned the sound of ice bombing.

For a time, everyone's heart trembled violently.

For Rong Taotao and Gao Lingwei, the Crystal Dragons are just their servants.

But for ordinary soul martial soldiers, the crystal dragon group is likely to be the end of their lives.

Regarding Rong Taotao's decision, no matter how vaguely the Russian side expresses protests and dissatisfaction, no matter how other ways to solve the problem are discussed, Rong Taotao is determined to lead the crystal dragons back to the vortex of the snow.

What's even more terrifying is that The people who spread the word in Rong Taotao's team have always been Manlie's own people...

Rong Taotao's meaning is also very clear: If you attack the crystal dragon group without authorization, you will be responsible for the consequences!

I have pulled the hatred of the Snow Realm Dragons to the extreme!

If you insist on shifting the target of the Snow Realm Dragons, then I will not stop them.

If you are dissatisfied, go and discuss with our superiors.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly, Xu Hun and I have already come up with the best solutions for the interests of the world!

I throw my head and blood for this world, and give you Russian bears technical support to this level. The world doesn't give me a peace medal. I'm not convinced...

In a short while, the Arctic Cape camp was completely covered by small ice crystals suspended in it.

In the sight of the soldiers, in the mist-shrouded air, Rong Taotao and Xu Fenghua took the lead, flapping their white wings frantically, as if they were fleeing, ignoring anyone, and rushed out of the vortex gap.

In the back, the roaring crystal dragons were chasing after each other, spraying thick fog, summoning huge ice cubes to smash down, and they rushed out of the vortex gap one by one.

attack? stop?

Soldiers' defense is a problem, what can they do to stop them?

Below the vortex gap, in the real Arctic Cape camp, the soldiers also saw a shocking picture.

The two little humans fled in desperation.

In the gap in the sky, huge crystal dragons probed their brains, rampaged, and roared out from the gap in the other world.

This picture is beautiful, but no matter how you look at it, it feels like the end of the world...

Chapter List of the Lord of Nine Stars by High-speed Text Handwriting https://