MTL - Longevity-Chapter 57 prophecy

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Fa Kong stretched his waist: "Lin Shizhu, didn't you meet at Kong Kong Temple?"

Lin Feiyang stood like a javelin in the center of the yard, motionless, staring at him coldly.

"The sun's drying your ass, it's still early! ... I said, monk, are you a monk? Shouldn't a monk get up early, and do morning classes? Why don't you see you doing morning classes?"

"My practice method is different." Fa Kong came to the well, filled a bucket of water and poured it into the basin to wash: "Sleep well, eat well, recite sutras well, and live well, this is cultivation."

"You're just lazy, right?" Lin Feiyang pursed his lips when he heard it: "If you're lazy, you're lazy, but you have to say it so nicely? Do you think I'm being fooled?"

Fakong washed his face and wiped it lightly with a towel: "You can go to King Kong Temple, you don't have to come to me."

"Let's go together."

"Could it be that you don't know the way?"

"...No... What's wrong with not knowing the road!" Lin Feiyang became weak, and then said proudly, "How many of you know where the King Kong Temple is!"

He inquired about it at night, but no one knew where the King Kong Temple was at all. The Daxue Mountain was so big and so cold, no one would go to King Kong Temple if there was anything.

However, there are a lot of people who know about Daleiyin Temple, but not at King Kong Temple.

He can only come to find Fakong.

In case he didn't rush over, Fa Kong thought he was reneging on his debt.

"So..." Fa Kong said slowly: "Then let me draw a map, just follow the map to find it."

"Aren't you going back to Kongo Temple?"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to keep up." Fa Kong smiled.

He was going to use the magic power to go back directly, so why delay on the road for two or three days, maybe there would be any trouble.

He is most afraid of trouble now.

"I can't keep up..." Lin Feiyang's face was ugly, and he stared at Fakong in dissatisfaction.

Which pot can't be opened and mentioned, this monk is not being kind!

He gritted his teeth: "Don't worry, I can keep up!"

"...Alright." Fa Kong smiled: "Then we will set off after a while. You can wait for me outside Ziyangmen first."

Lin Feiyang turned around and left.


Under the bright sun, the lake water is swaying and sparkling.

The breeze brought the fresh air of the lake water, flicking the curtain of the small pavilion on the lake.

In the Guanlan Pavilion, on the half-height couch, Princess Xu Miaoru wore a moon palace dress, her skin was like jade, her face was like a hibiscus, she was graceful and gorgeous, she was really like a fairy concubine.

Her graceful body was lying on the reclining couch, her head was propped up in one hand, and she was holding a scroll of Buddhist scriptures in the other, absent-mindedly.

Glancing at the lake from time to time.

The maids Xiao Tao and Xiao Xing stood aside, handing melons and fruits from time to time, or sending the peels away, very busy.

Xu Miaoru stood up suddenly, and when she saw that Chu Yu was transferred out of the forest, she shook her head in disappointment.

"Miss, I'll go and call Master Fakong."

"No need." Xu Miaoru waved her hand and looked at Chu Yu who entered the small pavilion: "Yuer, were you drunk yesterday? Why don't you sleep more."

"Mother." Chu Yu gave a gentle and graceful salute, and said with a smile, "I'm not very drunk, and Fakron hasn't arrived yet?"

"It should be soon." Xu Miaoru said, "Yu'er, are you not sick again?"

"It's completely good." Chu Yu took a few deep breaths and patted his chest: "It couldn't be better."

Xu Miao smiled like a flower.

"Miss, here we come." Xiao Tao hurriedly said.

Fa Kong was leaving the woods, went to the corridor by the lake, and then slowly came to Guanlan Pavilion.

Entering the Guanlan Pavilion, Fa Konghe smiled.

Xu Miaoru got up and returned the ceremony.

Fakong nodded to Chu Yu and said with a smile, "Princess, let's start."

After that, he directly activated the Rejuvenation Mantra.

Sure enough, Xu Miaoru's power of faith arrived only after seeing himself, which was really troublesome.

After casting the tenfold rejuvenation spell, he shook his head secretly.

Just as he was about to leave, he saw Chu Xiang hurried over.

Chu Xiang was wearing a brocade robe and moccasin boots, and his crown-like face was gloomy, but as he approached, the gloomy face slowly faded, and when he reached the small pavilion, it turned into a smile.

Xu Miaoru had no cultivation, so naturally he couldn't see it.

Fa Kong laughed secretly.

This Prince Xin was also too affectionate. When he arrived at Xu Miaoru, he put aside all his troubles and never let troubles interfere with Xu Miaoru's mood.

Ordinary people can't do it, so I have to admire it.

"My lord." Xu Miaoru smiled sweetly: "From now on, you don't have to be so careful, I am a normal person, no longer a patient."

"Okay." Chu Xianglang smiled and said, "Congratulations, Madam! Thank you, Master."

He did what to do to France.

Fakong He even returned the salute, and couldn't help but cast the Heavenly Eyesight.

He was curious about what happened to Chu Xiang and what would happen in the future.

Chu Xiang felt that Fa Kong's eyes suddenly became strange, as deep as an ancient well, and he wanted to see through himself.

It's uncomfortable.

But looking at the kindness of curing his wife, he suppressed the discomfort and said with a smile, "Master won't hang around for a few more days?"

Fa Kong retracted his gaze, thoughtful.

Fa Kong fell into thought, but Chu Xiang didn't bother and looked at him quietly.

Xu Miaoru and Chu Yu also looked at Fa Kong quietly.

Pharaoh sighed.

I have a lot of work.

Unfortunately, I have seen it.

The troubles and troubles in the world are often just because they cannot bear it. It is good to remember this lesson deeply!

As he reflected on himself, he wondered whether to say it or not.

"Master is saying goodbye, but what's your advice?" Chu Xiang asked with a smile.

Fakong sighed and said, "My lord, the road ahead is difficult."

"Actually, it's nothing," Chu Xiang said with a smile: "The big deal, I don't want to be this nine-door admiral anymore. It's not bad to be a rich and idle person."

Fakong shook his head: "The prince wants to retire, but others may not let you retire. The people who have been contacted by the prince are fake."

Chu Xiang's face changed slightly.

Fa Kong said: "In the end, you will be bitten back, and you will almost lose the position of admiral."

"Just throw it away." Chu Xiang smiled indifferently.

Fakong looked at the sky.

Chu Xiang knew that he still had something to say and looked at him quietly.

Fa Kong sighed and secretly said that his heart was still too soft, but he really couldn't be tougher.

"If you have anything to say, Master just say it." Chu Xiang said.

Now that Fakong decided to say it, he no longer hesitated, and said slowly: "There will be a major drought in the world, and tomorrow's rain may be the last rain of this year."

Chu Xiang frowned.

Fakong said mildly: "During the severe drought, we wanted to provide relief to the people, but at that time, the government's Jimin Warehouse could not produce food."

"Impossible!" Chu Xiang said solemnly.

Fa Kong said: "It may be too late to mend the prison after a dead sheep. Your lord might as well check it out and make sure that you are fully prepared. That must be boundless merit, Amitabha!"

After he finished speaking, he said to Xu Miao, "Princess, the poor monk will leave. If my words today are leaked out, I am afraid that the crime of blasphemy and calamity cannot be escaped, and my life will not be guaranteed... Amitabha!"

In fact, for the sake of life, you shouldn't talk too much.

Misfortune comes out of your Trouble is endless.

But the future scene that Tianyantong saw had a great impact on him. If he really wanted to hold back like this, he would probably also feel guilt and defeat him, and his mind would not be able to understand.

This is a severe drought that has spread for thousands of miles and is a natural disaster.

But because the Jimin warehouse was empty, the original natural disaster turned into a man-made disaster.

Starved to death all over the world, changing children to eat, tens of thousands of people starved to death.

Under starvation, countless beasts happened, which were horrible to watch.

If I said a few words, I could have avoided this tragedy, but I didn't say it because I was afraid of causing trouble, and I really couldn't bear the blame of my conscience.

But these few words can get you into big trouble, or even lose your life.

Demon monks and demonic words deceive people's hearts and disturb people's hearts, and their crimes should be punished.

If the imperial court issued such an order, King Kong Temple may not be able to keep itself.

If you want to survive, you must improve your cultivation as soon as possible to ensure that you can jump out of any danger calmly, including the imperial court’s encirclement and suppression, and if you can’t do it, you have to escape to Dayong.

At this moment, his thoughts diverged and he began to look for a way out.

Of course, the situation is not necessarily so dangerous, I think too extreme.

But when it comes to life and death, it's better to think badly.

He thought about this, and his figure disappeared in place.

Chu Xiang frowned and said nothing.

Kongoji Temple

Medicine Valley

Fa Kong stood by the small lake in Medicine Valley, looking at the messy valley, at the medicine garden that was more than half destroyed, his face was solemn, and he said nothing.

Lin Feiyang stood beside him and looked around curiously.

PS: Guys, asking for a monthly pass, it seems that a thousand votes can be drawn once, but I haven’t tasted the lottery yet, asking for a monthly pass, I want to try my luck.