MTL - Longevity-Chapter 49 rescue

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Fa Kong smiled without saying a word.

Seeing his appearance, Chu Yu shook his head helplessly.

At such a young age, he has been living in a barren and uninhabited place like the Daxue Mountain, and suddenly encountering such a prosperous scene, how could he not be at all tempted?

It seems that the Buddhist Dharma is profound and not visible in appearance.

"What a powerful concealment skill." Lu Xuanming said lightly.

He found that Fakong's cultivation became weaker and weaker as he approached the Shenjing. Now, he couldn't even see the traces and breath of his cultivation.

Like someone who doesn't know martial arts.

This is also a bit too fake. How can a disciple of Kongo Temple not have any martial arts skills?

But no matter how I sense it, I can't sense the breath.

He was extremely unwilling, that his dignified Grandmaster of the Divine Origin Realm couldn't even sense a master of the Heaven Origin Realm?

"Mr. Lu won the prize."

Empty road.

All the cultivation bases have been placed in the statue of Medicine Buddha, only the Vajra Indestructible Magical Art remains in his body.

However, the Vajra Indestructible Magic is not the same system as the current martial arts, and cannot be sensed.

When you arrive at Shenjing, if you want to be less affected by karma, then keep a low profile, and don't think about appearing in front of people, otherwise there will be endless trouble.

Shenjing is Vanity Fair, and once you become famous, it is endless trouble.

The group walked slowly along the bustling street.

Zhao Huaishan and his party were very nervous.

If it was the original, they would relax when they arrived in Shenjing. Who would dare to assassinate the son of the nine-door admiral in Shenjing?

But the last assassination of Tian Crudao broke their common sense and became suspicious.

The disciples of the Heavenly Remnant Dao acted extremely, and dared to assassinate outside the city of Shenjing, but it was difficult to say that they did not dare to assassinate in the city.

Fa Kong's eyes wandered and he carefully observed the surroundings.

He wanted to figure out how prosperous Shenjing was and the level of productivity in this world.

Based on the fineness of these commodities, the materials used, and the price level, he slowly speculated that it should be about the level of development in the Ming Dynasty in the previous life. The handicraft industry has developed rapidly, but industrialization has not yet begun.

After all, the world has no electricity, and it is indeed difficult to industrialize.

But the handicraft industry has been extremely developed. Take a look at the handicrafts in the shop next to them. They are exquisite and gorgeous, which is enough to be admired.

After crossing the bustling avenue for about two miles, turn right and come to a quiet and clean street.

It is as wide as the main road, and the bluestone floor is replaced by white marble, which is spotless.

Several sweepers were cleaning diligently, and even a leaf fell and was immediately swept away.

The south side of the street is a flowerbed, and the north side is a magnificent mansion, separated by more than 20 meters from each other, and there are big trees or ancient wells in the middle.

Under the setting sun, it is both majestic and flamboyant.

The specifications of each mansion are different.

Some mansions have guards in front of them, some have no guards, some are stone lions, some are other strange beasts, strange beasts that Fakon has never even seen.

Some had four lanterns, some had six, some had eight.

The patterns on the lanterns are also different, some with characters, some with drawings, and the patterns are mostly birds.

Fakong felt the strict hierarchy.

Before finally arriving at the Xinwangfu, there were eight guards standing with swords in hand, their faces solemn and cold.

Fa Kong secretly shook his head.

These eight guards are all evil spirits.

It must have been through the battlefield, killing at least twenty or thirty people, in order to form such a solid evil spirit.

"I have seen Third Young Master." The eight guards bowed in awe.

Chu Yu nodded lightly: "It's hard work."

The eight guards bowed back in awe without saying a word.

Chu Yu led them into the mansion from the side door next to them.

Fa Kong sighed.

The outside of the street is clean, tidy and spotless, but it is still far worse than the inside of the Xin Wang Mansion.

As soon as you step into the mansion, you will feel neat, whether it is flowers, plants or buildings, everything is neat, neat and orderly.

"Father, the king rules the mansion with military law." As soon as Chu Yu stepped into the palace, his expression relaxed, and he said lazily, "The rules are very strict, but you don't have to obey the monk, you are a guest."

Fakong nodded.

He had imagined what the Xinwangfu would look like.

But I never thought that the Xinwangfu would be like this.

Even if I stayed in an international ultra-luxury hotel in my previous life, I didn't feel so clean and tidy.

From time to time, I met a servant who was walking lightly, bowed his knees slightly, and then went to work on his own.

The group finally passed through the two courtyards and stopped outside the gate of a courtyard.

"Zhao Huaishan, you all go with your work."

"Yes, son."

"Monk, this is my residence." Chu Yu pointed to the courtyard behind him.

Fakong nodded quietly.

The three words "Youlan Ju" are ancient and heavy.

Chu Yu knocked on the door.

An old man opened the courtyard door, his eyes widened in surprise, and he hurriedly shouted, "Young Master is back!"

The courtyard door opened.

Chu Yu waved his hand: "Old Dong, how is the mother-in-law?"

The old man was skinny, as if there were only bones left, but his eyes were bright and piercing, showing a sad expression: "The princess's condition is getting worse, and the young master came back just in time. Go to the son, can you see?"

"No." Chu Yu shook his head with an ugly face.

He probably missed it because of the diversion.

His father, who has always disliked him and regarded him as an enemy, sent someone to look for him. Obviously, it was the intention of the concubine. I was afraid that the concubine would...

Thinking of this, he was so anxious that he turned around and left.

Hearing the news, the two brocade-clothed maids who ran over to greet them immediately caught up, but they were two beautiful little maids.

The two women are beautifully dressed, one smart and the other innocent.

"Master, change your clothes and go, wash away the dust."

"No need." Chu Yu frowned and waved his hand impatiently, "Don't follow."

"Yes." The two women could only stop.

They looked at Fa Kong with bright eyes.

Fakong nodded as a greeting.

Chu Yu hurried forward.

Pharaoh followed.

After passing through the six-layered courtyard, Fa Kong followed Chu Yu to a garden. The lush trees were full of vitality, making people wonder if they were in the wild.

After walking more than 200 meters along the forest path, the eyes suddenly opened up, and there was a lake in front of me.

It was more than three times bigger than the lake in his Medicine Valley, and it felt vast.

There are corridors, pavilions, and waterside pavilions on the clear lake.

There are four water pavilions in total, one in the east, west, north and south. The windows of each water pavilion are open, and the light gauze curtains are blown out of the window by the wind from time to time, and drift with the wind.

Chu Yu came to the waterside pavilion on the east side, lightly, not making a sound, for fear of disturbing the people in the water pavilion.

The curtain of the water pavilion was lifted, and a plump and graceful girl walked out lightly, with a coquettish and charming face, almond eyes and peach cheeks, she came out lightly, holding up her pale fingers in front of her plump lips.

Fakong sensed that there were ten people in the water pavilion.

When a cultivation base reaches the Divine Origin Realm, the suffocating aura is so strong that it is like a beast entrenched, ready to pounce and devour people at any time.

The two cultivation bases in the Tianyuan realm are also magnificent.

The rest can be ignored.

But there is a particularly weak breath, full of vitality, like a candle in the wind that will go out at any time.

Fa Kong pondered for a while and waved to Chu Yu.

Chu Yu's lips trembled slightly, and he was about to walk in. Seeing his gesture, he could only come closer.

Fa Kong pointed to the kiosk.

The two came to a small pavilion not far away.

The small pavilion was also surrounded by light gauze curtains, apparently for fear that the wind would be too strong and hurt the people in the pavilion.

When he came to the small pavilion, Fa Kong glanced at the water pavilion, and knew that this distance could not be concealed from the people in the water pavilion.

His voice rang in Chu Yu's ear: "Brother Chu, you don't have to speak, just think in your heart, I can hear it."

In order to keep a low profile and avoid contamination with cause and effect, he also fought hard.

Directly use a little faith to stimulate his mind.

You can directly sense what Chu Yu is thinking, and you can also directly project your own thoughts into Chu Yu's mind.

He is more powerful than he imagined.

It's just a pity that he lost a little bit of faith, which made him feel a little pity.

But in order to avoid trouble, you can only use it, and use it when you should. Isn't the power of faith just to save your life.

To avoid trouble is to save lives.

He comforted himself.

"What kind of magical power is this?" Chu Yu was surprised.

Chu Yu said softly: "Buddhism is boundless, just a few tricks, don't disturb the princess."

In fact, he didn't want others to hear it.

Chu Yu nodded.

Fakong's voice sounded in his ear: "Princess is dying. In order to prevent anyone from obstructing, I will cast a spell here."

"Mother, she...?"

"Well, fortunately, we're here." Fakong said in a low voice, "I'm about to start."

Chu Yu tightly grasped Fa Kong's wrist: "Monk..."

He stared straight at Fa Kong, not knowing what to say.

Fakong was all his hope.

He couldn't imagine how he would live without his mother-in-law. If the mother-in-law really went like this, his sky would collapse.

Fa Kong smiled and gave a tithe.

Chu Yu let go of his hand and solemnly saluted.

Fa Kong turned towards the waterside, his hands formed a seal, his lips moved, and he cast a rejuvenation spell.

There is a jade bottle pouring jade syrup in the sky, and UU Reading is pouring it into the woman lying on the couch in the water pavilion like a waterfall.

This woman is absolutely beautiful and moving, even if her face is sick and pale as paper, not only does it not damage the beauty of her face, but it is even more beautiful.

It was Xu Miaoru, Princess Xin.

The current rejuvenation spell is no longer the rejuvenation spell that saved Ning Zhen.

As soon as the jade slurry was injected, Xu Miaoru's vitality was like adding lamp oil to a lantern, and it suddenly became much more vigorous.

After ten rejuvenation mantras, the vitality will flourish.

Xu Miaoru's pale and beautiful face became ruddy. It looked like she was in a coma, but now she looked like she was in a deep sleep.

She opened her eyes slowly.

Miao eyes turned bright, and the inside of the water pavilion seemed to light up.

"Mother!" A young warrior hurriedly called softly, "The third brother has arrived at the house, come over immediately!"

Another handsome young man nodded busyly: "Third brother is just outside."

The two white-haired old men stroked their beards and frowned.

They shook their heads lightly, sighing to themselves but did not speak.

A middle-aged heroic warrior was holding Xu Miaoru's slender jade hand tightly.

Her skin was white, as if translucent, and faintly blue blood vessels could be seen.

He held it tightly, for fear that if he loosened it, he would leave him.

He has experienced the battlefield, and he has been numb after seeing too much life and death, but he is not afraid of his own death, but afraid of Xu Miao's death.

He would rather die in front of him than accept Xu Miaoru dying in front of him. Without her, what is left in this world?

Seeing Xu Miaoru's ruddy face and clear eyes, she seemed to have returned to the time of thirty years ago.

He felt distressed, but bit his lip tightly, not allowing himself to make a sound, lest the trembling of his voice be heard by her.

Back light reflection.

That's the word that popped into everyone's mind.