MTL - Longevity-Chapter 31 round valley

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The next morning, Fakong came out of the warm bed as usual, got out of bed and went to the small courtyard.

The crisp air penetrated into his lungs, and the bright sunlight shone on his face. He stretched his waist long, thought about it, and decided to go to Xixinfeng first.

Say goodbye to the two white eagles.

Although I couldn't tame them as pets, they were familiar after all, and I wanted to say goodbye before leaving.

After preparing to say goodbye to them, go to say goodbye to Cheng Yan.

Because of Master Yuanzhi's relationship, Cheng Yan took great care of him and came to see him every two days.

Cheng Yan's attitude is often impatient and eager to drive people away, but Fa Kong knows that he really cares about helping him.

There is also the Tibetan Bookstore.

Now that there is Leiyin Washing Sutra, there is no need to wait for an eminent monk to pass away in Daleiyin Temple, and I have only read a small part of the books on the first floor of the Sutra Collection Pavilion.

He was worried about the Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Daleiyin Temple, the eminent monks and monks hiding, and did not dare to use the Khalun Pagoda.

It can only be read slowly in reality and read one by one.

Even if I don't forget it and turn it through very quickly, compared to the vast collection of books in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, it is still like an ant moving a rock.

Two hours later, he returned from Xixinfeng back to his own abode with a helpless expression on his face, feeling a little melancholy in his heart.

After all, the two white eagles were never seen.

They no longer went to Xixin Peak for food, and completely disappeared in front of their eyes.

It may be impossible to see them again.

It made him sad.

These two white eagles are unusual and full of spirituality. He likes them very much.

On the way back from Xixinfeng, he had already said goodbye to Chengyan, and returned to the Jingshe to clean up before leaving.

This Abode will always be empty, ready for him to come at any time, so there is no need to take anything with him.

But still reluctant.

He looked left and right, finally gritted his teeth, opened the courtyard door and stepped out.


Just as he took a step, there was a scream from the sky, resounding through the sky.

When Fa Kong heard the voice, he felt familiar and looked up.

The familiar eagle shadow is high in the sky, and it is one of the white eagles.

This white eagle grabbed the other white eagle with its two claws and dived down towards the Jingshe.

Fakong closed the courtyard door and stepped back two steps to make way for the open space in the courtyard.

The white eagle roared with the wind.

Immediately, the sand and stones flew away.

Fa Kong flicked the monk's sleeve.

The invisible power spreads, subduing the sand and stone, and dispelling the gust of wind.

He is now in the fourth-grade Tianyuan realm, and his manipulation of gang qi is so consummate that it is so subtle. This is the beauty of practicing in the Prajna Kalachakra Pagoda.

For the 192 days of lifespan that increases every day, he will burn and stimulate the Prajna Kalachakra Pagoda, enter it to cultivate, and accumulate continuously.

Each time for more than half a year, he quickly entered the fourth rank from the fifth rank. The Astral Qi was accumulated deeply and manipulated delicately, which can be described as profound and exquisite.

He has already practiced the Little Ruyi Divine Art, entered the Tianzhu Divine Sword Art, and also entered the Great Vajra Palm which is one of the Eight Vajrasques of the Vajra.

However, King Kong's indestructible magic has no progress.

The way of cultivating the indestructible magic of the King Kong is bizarre. It requires external force, and it is impossible to practice **** your own.

It takes the power of a hundred schools of thought to temper the body, in order to reach the realm of vajra, immortal and indestructible, and forever in the world.


The falling white eagle let go of the other white eagle, turning his head and whistling lightly.

The two white eagles are one big and one small, with little difference, but they are one female and one male, one male and one female.

Gongbaidiao had a blood hole in his chest, and the wound had coagulated, dyeing his feathers red.

But it whistled powerfully, no problem.

The mother white eagle lay motionless on the ground as if dead.

The male white eagle stared at the mother white eagle, Shen Jun's eyes dimmed, and Fakung saw worry.

Fakong didn't even go to see the life and death of the female eagle, so he applied the Rejuvenation Mantra directly.

The rejuvenation mantra was repeated one after another, and it stopped after ten spells were cast in one breath.

The wound of the female eagle was in the lower abdomen, which was similar to that of an animal horn stabbed in its heart, almost directly killing it.

Fakong secretly speculates what kind of strange beast the wound is, it can't be a cow, right?

The feathers of the two eagles are bizarre, as tough as soft armor, and the swords are hard to hurt. Those who can directly pierce their feathers are definitely not ordinary beasts.

By the way, there are also two for Gong Baidiao.

The rejuvenation spell becomes stronger and stronger as the number of casts increases, far from the weak effect on wounds that it used to have.

After ten times of the Rejuvenation Mantra, Mother Baidiao's eyelids trembled several times, slowly opened, and then turned over and stood up.

The two white eagles came together, with their wings half-spread, they collided lightly, making a "clang-clang" sound, and the joy was beyond words.

He stretched out his hand slowly, wanting to touch it.

The two white eagles were busy drawing their wings.

Fa Kong touched the air.

The two white eagles stared at him vigilantly.

Fakong smiled and shook his head.

The two white eagles spread their wings, and if an invisible force holds them up, they sway up to a dozen meters, and then gently flap their wings, accelerating their rise like an arrow from a string.

Fa Kong quickly cast two heart-clearing spells and fell on them respectively.

This is to wake them up a little, and don't take revenge impulsively.

They circled twice above the 300 meters above the sky, and then disappeared into the sky.

Fakong shook his head and smiled.

When I was saving my life, I thought of myself, and after I was rescued, I walked away. These two white eagles are really amazing.

He was in a very good mood.

In any case, the two eagles will think of themselves after they are in distress, which shows that they still believe in themselves.

He was happy that he could save them.

People are ruthless if they are not plants and trees. After playing with them for so long, they have feelings for them, and I can't bear them to die.

As for what kind of beast hurt them, Fa Kong has something to do and has no time to find out.

His sleeves were fluttering, hunting was making noises, and he was scrambling.

Compared with driving a sports car at high speed, light work is more energetic.

Especially when using Gang Qi to activate Qinggong, the strong impact made the adrenaline surge, blood boiled, and I couldn't help but want to scream.

He decided to practice Qinggong well in the future, as well as his body technique. This sense of speed is too high.

He rushed back to King Kong Temple in one breath, met Hui Nan first, and reported that he had promised to trust the princess of the palace.

Hui Nan nodded and didn't say much. After all, the rejuvenation mantra was to be cast on outsiders, and it couldn't be used by the disciples of King Kong Temple all the time.

This is too outrageous.

He returned to Medicine Valley and was warmly welcomed by Faning.

When Faning was excited, he couldn't help complaining about Fa Kong, and then dragged him to the medicine field, pointing out several sick herbs.

He was frightened and anxious these days.

He kept talking about why Senior Brother Fakong didn't come back, he didn't come back, they would die if they didn't come back.

If you really die, your sins will be bigger.

Fakong carefully observed the six medicinal herbs and pointed out the mistakes Fanin made one by one.

Because these medicinal materials will be taken care of by Faning in the future, he may not be able to stay in Medicine Valley all the time.

Fanin took it seriously.

After casting the Rejuvenation Mantra twice, Fa Kong sat on the green grass by the lake.

The breeze swept across his face with the fresh air of the lake, and he sniffed the familiar fresh air and relaxed.

Still at home.

No matter how extravagant the shrine of Daleiyin Temple is, and the more luxurious and exquisite the food is, it is still more friendly and relaxed here in Yaogu, and it is entirely up to you.

Of course, it would be perfect if the two could be combined.

After dinner, Fakong bathed in the setting sun, walked ten laps along the lake, and then came to Faning who was practicing Da Fu Moquan and asked Faning to beat himself.

Faning stopped his fists and widened his eyes, so he didn't know why: "Senior brother, shall I hit you?"



"Fight if you want!"

"...Okay." Fanning saw that he was serious, so he punched lightly.

A hammer-like fist hit his shoulder, and it was brushed softly like cotton.

Fkong suddenly slapped it with a palm.

This palm was fast and ruthless, and there was a faint golden flash in the palm, as if it had been coated with a light layer of gold paint.

"Bang!" Faning subconsciously punched to meet him.

After the fists and palms met, Fanin was shocked, and his small eyes were about to pop out of their sockets.

He stared blankly at his fist, and then at Fa Kong's left palm.

"Come again!" Fakong shot out with another palm.

Fanning's body's instinct punched again to meet him, and the fists and palms intersected and made a dull explosion of "bang".

The Great King Kong's palm is to the yang to the Gang, and the same is true of the Da Fu Mo Fist.

"Bang bang bang bang..." Fakong slapped one hand after another.

He found that the Donkey Kong Palm still practiced faster.

Every time the palm is shot, he will have new discoveries and new insights by colliding with him, so as to improve one point.

The Taiye Heaven Repairing Art has improved his talent too much, the coordination of body and mind, coupled with a keen sense of feeling, made him reborn and became a superpower.

"Come on!" Fa Kong said.

This time Faning completely understood that Fakong was not the old Fakong, no longer a senior brother who needed his own protection, but a master who could be on par with himself.

"Bang!" He smashed Fakong's left shoulder with a big demon-busting fist.

He suddenly felt a flexible force blocking his fist, and there was a faint strong rebound.

Fa Kong stood firmly on the spot, smiled and shook his head: "It's too light, it's tickle!"

"Bang!" Another big demon-busting fist smashed into Fakong's right shoulder.

Fa Kong still stood firmly on the spot and shook his head: "It's still too light, not strong enough!"

"Ah-!" Faning roared, punching like a mountain.

The void was beaten to the point where the lake water was rippled, and the layers of ripples spread out.

His fist was like a stone, breaking through the layers of ripples, and slammed into Fakong's right! "Fa Kong shook his head slightly, still shaking his head: "It's not enough!" "

"Senior brother, then be careful, I'm really working hard!"

"bring it on."

"Bang bang bang bang..."

Faning wanted to see how many punches Fkong could take and how strong his strength was, one punch followed one punch.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang bang!"

"Bang bang bang!"




"..." Fanning was panting, sweating profusely, and stopped with sore hands and feet, looking at Fa Kong helplessly and in amazement.

Fakong's skin faintly shone with golden light, and then disappeared.

Fanin kept staring at him, noticing the flash.

After seeing this flash, his original suspicion was completely confirmed, and he exclaimed: "The King Kong is not bad!"

Fa Kong smiled and nodded slowly.

"Senior brother, have you really practiced the King Kong Indestructible Magic?"


"Have you really gotten started?"

"What do you say?"

"Senior brother..." Faning was so excited that his eyes lit up with excitement.

Fa Kong smiled and said, "Junior brother, it is difficult to get started with the Indestructible King Kong, and even more difficult to cultivate, there is nothing to be happy about."

"It's not the same, it's not the same." Faning shook his head hurriedly: "Senior brother, King Kong is not bad!"

He was also preparing to practice King Kong's Indestructible Magic, but it was extremely difficult, and the entry was far away.

"I have practiced King Kong's indestructible magic, and I don't want outsiders to know about it, so I keep it as a killer."

"...Alright." Faning was stunned, thinking of Fa Kong's temperament, he was not surprised.