MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 254 grudges and trials

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Xiao Ping looked at the introduction of the Golden Mao Bamboo magic weapon, and gradually became suspicious.

One of the core functions of refining Jinmao bamboo into a magic weapon is to warm and nourish the magic weapon, add and strengthen the power of the gold system to kill the magic weapon, and make it continue to advance.

Among them, the sword-type magic weapon is the most suitable, also known as the "special sword".

And Guo Shishu's scabbard magic weapon is like a weakened version of the golden grass bamboo sword!

Do not,

It just absorbs the concept and initial raw materials of this treasure, and it cannot be compared with the original version at all!

"Could it be that Uncle Guo has seen the introduction of this treasure?"

This is too much of a coincidence.

After all, the inheritance of jade in the "Tai Ling Jing" has been restored to the early stage of the Jindan chapter, and it is only natural that the introduction of the magic weapon chapter was recorded.

In addition to being surprised, Xiao Ping began to think carefully.

"How to exchange this thing from the hands of Jindan cultivator..."

He was certain that Master Guo had roots or seeds.

After all, Jin Mao bamboo is also an extremely precious treasure. Anyone would want to cultivate it by themselves and carefully preserve the seeds.

"The cultivation base is high at the level of Jindan, what other spiritual things can make them tempted, and I can easily take them out?"

Almost without thinking, an optimal choice comes to mind:

Millennium Elixir.

If five hundred years of elixir is useful to Jindan cultivator, seven or eight hundred years of elixir can make him tempted, but it is still far from comparable to top spiritual plants such as Jinmaozhu.

Only the elixir that has been around for thousands of years has the value of exchange.

After all, in the world of immortality today, the valuable elixir in the wild has long been exhausted, and the self-cultivated medicine garden simply can't wait for that time, and none of the thousand-year-old elixir has been seen for a long time.

Although the value and preciousness of the thousand-year-old elixir are completely incomparable to those of the golden grass bamboo, the rarity is not much different.

But the question is, which Millennium Elixir to choose?

Lingzhi is also a living creature and naturally has a lifespan.

Of the elixir that can grow to the millennium level, one counts as one, and all of them are high-end varieties.

Especially in today's decline of spiritual energy, it can be said that it is rare.

Although he does have it in his hands, there are still many problems, such as which one can survive in the wild, the environment is not dangerous, the rest can be harvested by him, and it is useful to the Jindan cultivator... All these need to be compiled appropriately. The story can avoid the doubts of Jindan cultivator.

In the end, Xiao Ping picked a thousand-year-old Huang Jingzhi.

Huang Jingzhi didn't have such a long lifespan originally, this one in his hand was mutated by chance, and it was the only one.

Compared with other thousand-year-old elixir, this strain does not have high requirements on the growth environment, and it is relatively common. No one can tell the mutation. Ordinary monks tend to think that it is ordinary Huang Jingzhi and ignore it, so that it grows to a size. Three hundred and three decades, it is more reasonable and normal...

Xiao Ping practiced the "Tai Ling Jing" in the foundation-building period for a few days, and after he cultivated a few drops of liquid mana, he completely stabilized his realm, and then ordered Yan Yuzhou to fly to Guo Zheng's cave.


"Is this Junior Brother Wang?"

"It's down."

"The tutor has promised to see you and is waiting in the cave, please come with me."

Xiao Ping followed an old man to the top of the mountain step by step.

This small mountain is all the territory of Guo Zheng's cave.

"Junior Brother Wang, my teacher is waiting in front, and I will send it here."

Not far away, Guo Shibo was meditating on the edge of the cliff facing Chaoyang.

"Thank you, brother."

Xiao Ping walked forward, stopped not far behind Guo Shibo, and waited quietly for the other party to speak.

After a while, Guo Zheng's body blew a cool breeze out of thin air. When the cool breeze dissipated, he also opened his eyes from the meditation.

"What's wrong with me?"

Seeing it straight to the point, Xiao Ping didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took out the red jade slip given by the library:

"Reporting to my uncle, this junior is somewhat interested in kendo. I want to borrow silver leaves for a look, and I hope that my uncle will be successful!"

"Are you interested in Kendo?"

Speaking of kendo, Guo Zheng seemed to be interested, stood up and turned around and asked.

"I don't dare to expire my master!"

When Guo Zheng saw the red jade slip, he seemed to frown slightly, stretched out his hand, and photographed it out of thin air.

After opening it and looking at it for a while, the unpleasant color on his face was obviously getting stronger and stronger.

Xiao Ping's heart thumped, and he thought that he was really being used.

However, this is also impossible.

Even if he knows something, he can't interfere with any decision of the two golden cores.

Guo Zheng put away the jade slip, and when he looked at him, his brows furrowed even more, and he literally wrote the word "rejection" directly on his face.

"Since you are interested in kendo, you should know that sword qi cannot be cultivated overnight.

Of course, if there is a talent in kendo, ten years is naturally more than enough. But you obviously have ordinary aptitude, and you can only use diligence to make up your clumsiness, and it took decades to initially use sword qi.

You only borrow for ten years, it is not enough. "

"Please complete the master, the younger generation has confidence in this."

Guo Zheng heard the words and sighed.

"For most things, confidence is just optional.

What's more, this leaf is extremely important. The one in my hand is only half, and the other half is in Jianshuangge's hand.

If it is loaned to you, but you have no results due to insufficient qualifications, most of you will go to the people from Jianshuang Pavilion, and it is very likely that they will be taken away by their people.

Since you can't train in ten years, I naturally don't need to give it to you. "


"You want to say that the people in the library have promised to give it to you?"

Xiao Ping was silent for a while.

Is this what Uncle Bookstore said, "I won't be embarrassed"?

Guo Zheng was a little angry when he heard this, and snorted slightly:

"My nephew doesn't know, this silver leaf has been preserved and passed down by my line since ancient times, and the library is only responsible for regular inspections and determines the right to refer to it.

The library can only open the seal of the silver leaves, and I have the right to decide whether to lend it to you or not.

It's normal that you don't know this, because they always wanted to take away the silver leaves, so they deliberately kept it After so many years, they have used a lot of contemptible methods..."

Xiao Ping never imagined that he would actually be used as a gun!

Seeing him so shocked, disappointed, and even slightly frightened, Guo Zheng said helplessly:

"I'm not a stingy person either, as long as you have hope in kendo, I will naturally be willing to teach it.

It's just... alas, kendo is not easy! "

Guo Zheng watched him hesitate, and finally shook his head and sighed.

Xiao Ping felt a little helpless.

It seems that I have already cultivated the matter of sword energy, I am afraid that I can't hide it!

"Reporting to the uncle, please forgive the junior for concealing something, the junior has successfully cultivated sword energy based on other copies!"

Guo Zheng paused, and when he turned his head again, his eyes gradually became cold:

"What did you say?

Do you know the sin of deliberately deceiving the elders and deceiving the secret techniques of the sect! "

Xiao Ping hurriedly salutes:

"Yes or not, please see the seniors to know!"

Guo Zheng was stunned when he heard the words, his eyes were hesitant, his tone was not as angry as before, and he threw a wood attribute sword-shaped spiritual tool:

"You use this thing to run your sword energy and attack me with all your strength."

"This... junior..."

"Stop talking nonsense, do you think you can hurt me?

If you don't want to, you can wait to be regarded as a meticulous work by him, and your cultivation base will be completely useless. "

"In this case, please forgive the disrespect of the younger generation!"

Xiao Ping raised the spirit tool, used the mana, moved the sword, and said something in his mouth.

In an instant, the cyan spirit sword vibrated rapidly, and the sword energy gushed out.


The surging sword qi seemed to have found a vent, and they all rushed towards Guo Zheng!

The next moment, a shocking scene happened.

The powerful sword qi that used to be extremely sharp and cut through gold and jade was now just like a breeze, blowing gently around Guo Zheng!