MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 251 library

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"This is the Taoist Hall, and it is a place where all the brothers and sisters usually discuss their magical powers and exchange their cultivation experience."

After leaving Renzongyu's cave, you should take him around the valley casually.

In such a big place, apart from Ren Zongyu and Ying Suihe himself, he has not encountered anyone.

Only then did Xiao Ping know that Master had accepted a total of 14 apprentices, and counting him was 15.

For his stunned expression, the eldest brother was just a little amused, as if not surprised, and patiently explained the reason.

The disciples of Jindan cultivator receive a small amount of training allowance every month.

If a disciple achieves certain achievements every year, or progresses in cultivation, or improves alchemy or other aspects, not only will they be rewarded at different levels, but even the master will have certain rewards.

There are also some other rules, such as the "Apprenticeship Ceremony" in the secret realm of immortality, etc., all to encourage Jindan cultivators to carefully teach their disciples, to cultivate good talents and beautiful jade for the sect, and to ensure the prosperity of the sect.

This is a positive response to the sect by his own master.

When Xiao Ping asked tentatively, he had officially apprenticed to the teacher, why didn't he see the reward issued by the sect,

The other party just left him a mysterious smile, shook his head and walked forward.

Xiao Ping looked inexplicable, so he had to press on the topic and hurriedly followed.

It was only later that he learned that all the above-mentioned rewards were issued and kept by Master.

These "masters" are elders, and they have the crushing strength of Jindan stage. Which apprentice dares to ask for it?

Where these things end up has always been a mystery, after all, no one dares to argue about it...

Of course, that's all for later.

After Xiao Ping saw the valley almost, he was taken to a guest room.

"Junior brother, if he stays in the valley in the future, he will be in this room."

"Thank you, brother, for the arrangement."

The other six brothers and sisters also have their own rooms.

It's just that they have their own caves outside, like Xiao Ping, who usually only comes to visit occasionally, so he has never been in the valley.

Senior Brother Ying Sui was Ren Zongyu's apprentice in the early years. He had been with him since the foundation-building period, and his feelings were extraordinary, so he stayed here and did not open a mansion independently.

In addition, there is another person in the valley, Ren Zongyu's third-generation great-grandson, Ren Daoming, who is being ordered to retreat.

Although theoretically it has nothing to do with Yufeng Sect, it was only left under the shadow of the ancestors, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that Renzongyu will use resources to pile it up to the foundation-building stage sooner or later.

"Demon Museum"

At that time, with the help of the rules of the Yufeng Sect, they can make an exception to become the official disciple of the Yufeng Sect and the disciple of their great-grandfather with the cultivation base of the foundation period.

Although Ren Daoming is called "little junior brother" by everyone, he is actually the second generation of immortals, and his status is far from that of their apprentices.

Ying was very thoughtful and generous throughout the whole process, arranged everything, and asked many details before leaving with confidence.

Next, Xiao Ping began to read the jade slips that introduced the exercises.

Even if they are both fourth-order or fifth-order exercises, they have different characteristics.

The first category is that the mana accumulation is slightly lower, and the accompanying magical powers are poor, but the cultivation speed is faster.

After all, if the spiritual root remains unchanged, the higher the mana accumulation requirement, the longer the cultivation time will be.

Cultivating this kind of cultivation method can only become the weak in the same rank, but it is the choice of most people. Because of this method, it is easier to advance to the next great realm.

In this way, this level of strength has become normal, and it does not matter whether it is weak or not.

The second category is the exercises with high mana accumulation and powerful supernatural powers, but the cultivation speed is relatively slow.

The third category is those who occupy the advantages of the above two aspects at the same time, but are limited in other aspects, and at the same time it is very difficult and dangerous to cultivate, such as gradually isolating emotions and six desires, such as requiring a certain kind of constitution, such as...

Xiao Ping secretly weighed that the "Tai Ling Jing" should belong to the second category.

The reason why there is a requirement for consciousness is also because the mana accumulation has reached a limit, and it is not a special restriction. In itself, it is upright and peaceful, except that there is too much mana itself, there is no danger, and it can even be called the safest righteous way.

Early the next morning, Xiao Ping and the two met Ren Zongyu and went to the library.

The Book Collection Hall and the Zongmen Hall were located on the same peak, and they arrived quickly.

Although there are some copies of the classics that can only be borrowed by foundation-building cultivators, the most important place is the teleportation array leading to the core collection of books.

Perhaps it is to keep secrets and avoid inheritance accidents. Only the cultivation base above Jindan can know the real location of this place.

At the same time, even as a Jindan cultivator, he must enter from the teleportation array in the temple.

"Junior Brother Wang, go in, I'll wait for you here."

"Thank you, brother!"

Deliver the spirit stone and enter the teleportation array.

In the dazzling aura, Xiao Ping closed his eyes subconsciously, and then his whole body lightened, as if he was in the void and could not feel any gravity, and immediately became dizzy.

But in the next moment, the feeling of being down-to-earth came again, and the dizziness gradually disappeared.

This is a small room, and it seems that there is only one teleportation formation.

It didn't take long for an aura of formation magic to erupt around the room.

When the aura is a middle-aged man in the Golden Core period.

Xiao Ping hurriedly salutes:

"Junior Wang Fan, meet Uncle Shi!"

The middle-aged man glanced at him and guessed his purpose:

"Looking at your breath, you have just broken through the foundation building. Could it be that you are here to choose a cultivation technique?"

"Master Uncle is wise!"

Xiao Ping quickly took out Ren Zongyu's token and handed it over respectfully.

The middle-aged man took the token, blinked his eyes and pinched a set of tricks, and the token suddenly floated a lifelike light and shadow——

It is Ren Zongyu.

Renzong's mouth opened and closed, not knowing what to say, the middle-aged man nodded slightly, and then received the token.

"It turned out to be Lao Ren's disciple, so there is no need to do the rebellious investigation, come with me."

After saying that, the phantom flashed, and before Xiao Ping could react, he grabbed his right arm, and then an aura of formation burst out again.

When he opened his eyes again, Xiao Ping was already deep in a cave.

The cave looks ordinary, but it is actually full of formations, and every inch hides a huge danger.

Of course, what surprised him even more was the huge stone pillar in the center that penetrated the top and bottom of the cave.

On the outside of the stone pillar, there are light curtains evenly distributed with secret books. The images include jade slips, books, animal skins, bones and other items, all of which seem to carry some kind of profound secrets.

Rao is that Xiao Ping had already made a choice in his heart, and at this moment, it was not only dazzling!

"Junior doesn't want other Ren to know about the exercises he has cultivated. Can Shishu keep it a secret for this junior?"

"This is one of the most critical secret places in the entire sect, only me and your master know about the situation here, and no one else has the right to intervene.

And I am limited to the door rules, and I cannot leave this place, let alone reveal the details of this place.

So as long as you don't say it, no one knows what you chose. "

Xiao Ping breathed a sigh of relief:

"Thank you, uncle!"