MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 236 medicinal power

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At this time, Xiao Ping was driving a flying instrument, shuttled fast among the clouds, and was in a great mood.

Recalling the process of foundation building, I can't help but be afraid of luck.

Xiao Ping practiced all the materials in his hand into a foundation building pill, and decided to start building foundations.

Naturally, there is no need to mention the closedness and aura concentration of the alchemy room, it is the best foundation building spiritual ground in the door.

A Flawless Foundation Establishment Pill was taken, and it immediately used the power to carry the medicinal power.

As the medicinal power circulates in the body, it seems to be squeezed by a huge force when it reaches nowhere, and then the flesh and blood "resist", generating more and more heat, and at the same time, other parts appear "cold"!

In this hot and cold, dense pain, the medicinal power spread to the limbs little by little...

The moment the medicinal power entered the dantian, there was nothing unusual, as if it did not exist.

Just when Xiao Ping was puzzled, his face suddenly changed greatly, his hands were holding Dantian tightly, his face was pale, and the sweat was dripping down.

In the dantian, a scorching high temperature suddenly erupted, and at the same time, it was like being punctured back and forth by countless needles, and the pain was incomparable!

Xiao Ping, who was defenseless, fell to the ground all of a sudden, groaning in pain with a hideous face.

The medicinal power of the Foundation Establishment Pill can cause such great pain, whether it is the foundation building experience given by Ren Zongyu, or others, they have all mentioned it to him!

Xiao Yuan closed his eyes in pain, gritted his teeth, and was ready to endure it for a long time.

Because generally speaking, it takes at least three months for the medicinal power of the Foundation Establishment Pill to be exhausted.

Who knew that this pain would last for five days!

Unexpectedly, the medicinal power of the Foundation Establishment Pill was completely consumed!

Even so, his mana is only slightly condensed, far from the level of liquefaction!

When Xiao Ping discovered this, he was in such pain that he lost his strength and collapsed into a ball, almost vomiting blood on the spot.

After resting for more than half a day, he gradually recovered.

Xiao Ping couldn't understand why the medicinal power that would take at least three months for ordinary people to be exhausted was only used for five days with him.

Not to mention, after countless trials, the Foundation Establishment Pill he refined is probably unparalleled, regardless of its medicinal power content or purity, it is among the best.

After thinking about it, it can only be attributed to the poor spiritual roots, too much mana, and the soul and essence are also far beyond ordinary people...

If the foundation is too strong, it is not surprising that a huge number of Foundation Building Pills are needed.

When the state returns to the peak again, it will be another Foundation Establishment Pill.

Still the pain and heat, but it seems to be a little lighter.

What made him speechless was that the two foundation building pills still could not make him build foundations.

Then, the third Flawless Foundation Establishment Pill, the fourth, the fifth...

Gradually, Xiao Ping found that although the pain was indeed decreasing, the medicinal power of the Keji Dan was also gradually decreasing!

This made him panic and panic!

You must know that all the raw materials for refining the Kidney Building Pill have been consumed. If you want to get enough flawless foundation pills again, you need to wait at least another year or two!

And when that time comes, he won't be able to enjoy a foundation-building spiritual ground as good as the alchemy room!

In his uneasy mood, the gaseous mana became more and more viscous as each flawless foundation-building pill was swallowed and compressed continuously.

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When the medicinal power of the eighteenth flawless foundation pill was exhausted, Xiao Ping's face became extremely serious.

Although the mana in the dantian is greatly compressed and very close to liquid, it is still a line behind!

What's worse is that after the medicinal power of the eighteen flawless foundation building pills, the medicinal power of the nineteenth has become extremely small, and the power to completely liquefy the mana is only five or five!

That is to say, if the nineteenth pill fails to build the foundation, the medicinal power of the flawless foundation building pill will drop to a qualitative level, and the probability of foundation building will only get smaller and smaller...

He never thought that it would be this breed!

Xiao Ping looked at the only two flawless pills left, his face was tangled and hesitant for a long time, and finally his expression was horizontal, and he swallowed both of them into his stomach.

"Success or not, it's a desperate fight!"

The huge medicinal power suddenly erupted in the body, and the huge pain and high temperature blinked all over the body!

Xiao Ping was overjoyed at first, but soon passed out due to the torment of Dantian...

When Yoyo woke up, Xiao Ping realized that he was still alive, and he couldn't help but relax instantly and was covered in cold sweat.

What surprised him even more was that in his dantian, there were many cyan light droplets floating quietly! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!