MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 224 Jindan Disciple

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On the way back to the sect, although Zushi Ren stood in front and turned his back to everyone, he was obviously in a good mood. The first sentence was directed at Xiao Ping:

"What's the name of the disciple who has handed in the most spirit medicines? It's been a few years since he started."

When the others heard this, their faces were full of eagerness and envy.

It is bound to have a great chance to be asked by the name of this high-ranking, Shenlong Jindan cultivator!

Xiao Ping had expected this for a long time. Hearing this, he took a step forward without any hesitation, and said respectfully without hesitation:

"Disciple Wang Fan, it's been two years since I started."

"Wang Fan?"

Ren Zushi repeated the name Tantan in his mouth, as if he was searching for memories, and he seemed to be thinking about something. He didn't specify the reward or punishment. All the disciples were confused for a while, and they didn't know what the ancestor was thinking.

But the next sentence of this golden core made Xiao Ping's heart shudder, and he responded with 12 points of spirit.

"Tell me about the picking process."

Although Xiao Ping was extremely vigilant in his heart, he had long known that someone would intervene, so his face did not change at all, and he moved out his prepared remarks:

"Yes, Master!"

"Speaking of which, it was a fluke. The disciples had nothing to gain for the first two days, and on the third day, seeing that there was no one in the surrounding area, I took the risk of collecting medicine.

As they went deeper, they saw two people from Qingming Valley and one Jianshuang Pavilion fighting for a rare elixir from afar, so they quietly hid...

I came to the center on the fifth day, and found that the entrance was **** but unguarded, and ventured into the mountain... Later, I encountered two dead bodies, so I picked up the storage bags of the two..."

In this way, Xiao Ping began to tell a series of stories of avoiding danger or even picking up leaks due to time misalignment, and exaggerating his own **** luck as much as possible.

The female cultivator and the other disciples next to him heard it, and they were all jealous and jealous, and their expressions of envy but slight anger were undoubtedly revealed!

After listening to Xiao Ping's remarks, Ren Zushi nodded secretly, thinking that this would make sense.

Otherwise, with a mere tenth level of Qi training and the lowest cultivation base in the field, how could they be able to overwhelm everyone and collect so many elixir?

This child is purely due to the subtlety of timing, and then caused by chance and coincidence, and the lucky stars are shining.

Dispelling the little doubts in his heart, Ren Zushi naturally no longer needs to ask questions.

But he still pondered for a while, and finally said to Xiao Ping with a serious expression:

"Wang Fan, on this trip to the secret realm, you have collected a lot of elixir for this sect, made the future development of Chiliang Kingdom unrivaled, and let this sect win the gambling game and have two treasures in your pocket, which can be said to be a huge credit!

I plan to take you under my sect as a registered disciple, I wonder if you are willing? "

When Xiao Ping heard this, he was stunned for a while, not knowing how to react.

In order to avoid being suspected of being a murderer, he had planned to give up this great benefit. Who would have guessed that the elixir that others picked was so rare, and he still came out on top!

He has clearly put away most of the elixir, and he has taken out less than one-tenth of the total harvest!

When the other disciples of Yufeng Sect heard it, they were all surprised, as if they were dreaming, and then stared at Xiao Ping, showing envy, jealousy, and disbelief!

It's incredible, did they hear it wrong?

Doesn't it mean that the elixir is far superior to the second to have this treatment?

Just over four plants, he actually became a disciple of Jindan, is this patriarch too rash? !

Regardless of his cultivation, aptitude, or appearance, this person is extremely ordinary, and he can't see the slightest dazzling sight.

To be accepted as a disciple by Jindan cultivator is definitely a great thing that ordinary people dream of.

But after Xiao Ping heard this, in addition to the initial shock, he thought it was inappropriate.

With his aptitude, he naturally couldn't get into the eyes of Jindan cultivator, and the other party was mostly interested in his own elixir.

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However, this is the second most important thing. Will it attract the attention of the monks he sent to show the limelight this time, and even be able to worship under the gate of Jindan?

You must know that things such as "eye red monster" and "splashing dirty water" are not rare anywhere!

Not to mention, there are indeed many masters of various factions that they have killed...

Just when Xiao Ping had many thoughts in his heart, Ren Zu Shi was a little unhappy.

When he revealed his intention to accept his apprentice, he thought that this little apprentice, who was not outstanding in all aspects, would be ecstatic, and he would immediately agree.

Who knew that this son was only a little surprised and didn't express his position immediately, which made him a little uneasy and slightly annoyed.

But no matter how dissatisfied he is, he is a dignified golden core and a patriarch, and he can't care too much about the younger generation, and he must maintain his demeanor!

"Wang Fan, if you don't want to, just say it clearly, I won't force it. You don't have to worry, I will give you another magic weapon."

Xiao Ping immediately realized that the other party had begun to be dissatisfied.

Although the surface is kind, if he really refuses, he doesn't have to think about it and knows that the decision will not end well.

It seemed that he had to agree to this. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!