MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 224 Derived from the image

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Hearing Xiao Ping calling himself a member of the Zhao family, he was a little familiar.

Immediately after thinking of something, he was shocked, and confirmed to the woman:

"What! Are you from the Zhao family?"

The woman nodded, her eyes somewhat resentful.

Zhao family...

Xiao Ping's face was cloudy and uncertain, and his heart was a little complicated.

For him, it was a long-lost name.

If he went to the bottom of it, if it weren't for the two servants sent by the Zhao family, even if he practiced the immortal technique by chance, he would not be able to step into the world of immortality so quickly.

The two places are so far apart, if he explores on his own, when he finds the world of immortality, he is probably past the age to build a foundation.

It was also because of his appearance that he was pursued by Daoist Moyang.

If he had not been prepared to escape, and even later went to Fangshi and worshipped the sect, he would not have been able to survive the pursuit of the Zhao family.

The woman in front of him obviously mistook him for the person in the portrait!

When Xiao Ping thought of this, he gradually became aware of it.

After measuring for a moment, he retorted:

"The Zhao family? What does the Zhao family have to do with me? I've never been to the Zhao family, let alone your little uncle!

If you have any last words, I advise you to explain quickly, such as what the Beastmen are doing, otherwise..."

After all, he didn't know the Zhao family at all. If he pretended to be at will, he would probably be exposed.

Once his identity is revealed in the Zhao family, there is only one death waiting for him.

What's more, the Zhao family must have been fighting against the five major factions over the years.

Moreover, the Zhao family is likely to be under the surveillance of the Yufeng Sect. It is too late for Xiao Ping to clear the relationship with the Zhao family.

What he cares most about is the strange beast gate.

"Why don't you believe it? You are really my little uncle! If you don't believe it, look..."

The woman stomped her feet more fiercely, and hurriedly started rummaging through the storage bag, before taking out a jade slip after a long time.

"Although you have not been in the family since you were a child, the seniors in the clan still drew your appearance based on the appearance of your parents and the meaning of your father!"

Xiao Ping was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became strange.

Dare to love this "little uncle", he has never entered the Zhao family's door, and even the portrait is "speculated"!

Even if he pretends to be this person, the possibility of being exposed is greatly reduced, and the only flaw is his own bloodline...

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But in any case, things will have a lot to do...

While thinking about it, Xiao Ping took the jade slip and slowly opened it.

The portrait of the jade slip is different from the paper, more three-dimensional and lifelike, as if it is a real person, but it is only six or seven like him.

As for why there is such a gap, I am afraid that because the portrait changes from a three-dimensional to a brush plan, a lot of information and details will be lost, such as more single pigment, loss of light and shadow changes, and more abstraction...

"You look carefully, this is not the same as me."

"This portrait is quite young. It's not the same age as the younger uncle at this time. It's normal to be different. What's more, we're just slowly deducing it. Even if there is a seven-point portrait, it's enough to prove that it's you!"

In this way, the other party has determined that he is the person in the painting.

Xiao Ping snorted coldly, and immediately urged his mana to take its head!

Although he has a lot of questions, if he doesn't let the other party know how powerful he is, I'm afraid he won't be able to ask the truth.

The woman screamed and panicked.

But Xiao Ping's realm is high and his mana and consciousness are strong, how can she resist.

It was defeated in a short while.

A flying sword flashed brightly and was about to cut off the woman's head.

The woman's face was pale and fearful and said:

"Don't kill me! I said! The Hundred Beast Sect used a Gu worm to control a person!"


Feijian stopped a few inches before his head and cut off a few strands of hair.

"What? Gu worms?"

Xiao Ping really asked for important information!

The woman was so frightened that her face was pale, her chest kept heaving, and she had a feeling of the rest of her life.

"They're using that person in control to lure more people into traps, and then they're gushing!

If you don't kill me and let me follow you, if you meet him, not only will you not be fooled, but you might even catch him off guard! "

"It is said that he is a master, and together with the people from Hundred Beast Sect, he must have picked up the three main medicines of the foundation pill!"

Xiao Ping's heart skipped a beat, he didn't intend to kill.

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