MTL - Longevity Gourd-Chapter 192 reward

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Xiao Ping hid in a corner again, while drinking Chen Heling wine to restore his mana, he counted the harvest.

He took one of Yan Zong's storage bags, and his divine sense penetrated into it.

Xiao Ping was instantly shocked!

I saw that it was full of elixir filled with colorful and colorful!

Compared with the elixir he obtained directly and indirectly through killing and stealing treasures, it is many times more in total!

Xiao Ping sucked in cold air wave after wave, and as the count progressed, his body began to tremble.

Not only is the number of elixir extremely large, but the variety is also very complete and precise. Even 60% of the elixir is the elixir offered by the Yufeng Sect!

Xiao Ping's face was full of shock and astonishment.

But then thinking of what the Zhang brothers said when they saw Yan Zong, their expressions became more and more strange.

"Could it be that these elixirs were obtained by this group of people from the Hundred Beast Sect, who joined forces to surround and kill the disciples of the Yufeng Sect?"

"To have so many elixir, I don't know how many people to kill... At least more than half of the disciples died at their hands!"

"Could it be that the Golden-winged Spirit-Swallowing Bee is so important that it is worth the Beast Sect to take the risk of tearing its face off with the Yufeng Sect and slay so many disciples from the sect?"

It stands to reason that the beast-fighting sects such as the Hundred Beast Sect are still one of the five major sects, and most of them are powerful monsters and monsters.

Even if there is a lack of a certain kind of spirit insect, it is harmless, not to mention that they have never got a spirit swallowing bee!

But after thinking about it for a long time, because the information I know is too limited, I can't think of the reason, so I have to give up.

"Forget it, if you face this sect, you have to be extra careful in the future..."

Xiao Ping moved these elixir into the jade gourd space and opened another storage bag.

Although it is miscellaneous and dazzling, there are still many good things.

The first is the spirit stone. There are several piles like a hill, adding up to thousands of low-grade spirit stones.

Presumably most of them are killing people and stealing treasures. It really is that horses are never fat and grass is not fat, and people are not rich without windfall.

If he hadn't had the heaven-defying treasure, the Jade Gourd, I'm afraid that he would not be able to keep up with the other's net worth if he sold alchemy for decades.

Xiao Ping sighed with emotion and put it into the jade gourd space.

Secondly, there are numerous and messy instruments, talismans, medicinal herbs and other items, among which there are many good things such as high-grade instruments, which add up to a lot.

But if compared to the belt or top-level magic weapon, it is a lot worse, and the help to him is extremely limited.

Based on the type and quantity of these things, a lot of people were really killed.

Even if they are all second-hand or even third-hand tools, if they are sold in the market, they can be exchanged for a lot of spirit stones.

Then, there are jade slips and books, and there are always a lot of them.

Xiao Ping glanced at it, most of them were cultivation experience, and a few were related to alchemy and other occupations.

[Recommendation, Mimi reading and chasing books is really easy to use, download it here and you can try it. 】

These cultivation experiences can be used to verify each other, or help him avoid some detours, and the help is also not small.

But the more he looked behind, the more puzzled and surprised Xiao Ping became.

"I understand that there are many classics of Yufengmen disciples, after all, it is for the swallowing bees;

But why do you still need so many Jianshuangge's sword repair experience? The average strength of the disciples of Jianshuangge is the strongest. "

Xiao Ping faintly felt that things were not simple, and his heart jumped.

Perhaps the search for Spirit-Swallowing Bees by the Beastmen was just incidental, and the main purpose was for something else!

The dark clouds above Chiliang Country seem to be getting heavier and heavier, and there is a sense of wind and rain coming!

Xiao Ping took a deep breath and forced himself to stop thinking about it.

"I'm just a little qi cultivator and can't change anything.

But before the storm comes, you must improve your strength at the fastest speed and keep increasing the possibility of survival! "

When Xiao Ping finished transferring these jade slips, a piece of paper exposed in the corner attracted his attention.

It is naturally impossible to put a piece of useless paper in the storage bag of the immortal cultivator, and it is still mixed in many classics.

Xiao Ping took it out and looked carefully.

At a glance, he was taken aback.

There is a quest recorded on it, which is to take away a kind of spirit worm in the secret realm.

"The people of Hundred Beast Sect are actually raising spirit worms here!"

Unfortunately, only the word "spiritual insect" was mentioned above, and there was no information about its name and function.

The rest is only one location, and the detailed process of taking away the spirit insects.

Judging from its description, this kind of spirit worm is in a sealed state, and there are still a lot of them to be taken away!

"What on earth is this Beast Gate going to do..."

Xiao Ping was extremely puzzled.

It's a pity that the place above is a bit far away, and the first day is almost over at this time.

He could not delay any longer, he had to rush to the central area as soon as possible, focusing on the three main medicines of the foundation building pills, Zijingzhi, Jade Snake Grass, and Moon Spirit Fruit!

The last thing that is very useful is the secret realm map made by the Beastmen for the collection of elixir.

There are a lot of places marked on it that may grow purple essence, jade snake grass, and moon spirit fruit, and almost 40% of them are different from the marked places of Yufengmen!

"Now, I have collected the secret maps of the four sects of Yufengmen, Jianshuang Pavilion, Qingming Valley, and Beastmen.

In addition, each faction overlaps with each other, I have mastered as much as 70% to 80% of the location where the main medicine of the Foundation Establishment Pill is grown in the secret realm of UU reading! "

This greatly increased his chances of successfully gathering the three elixir!

In addition to these, if you add the purple clothed woman's ribbon, the gray mist, two strange and powerful treasures, and Yan Zong's strange belt, it can be said to be a great harvest!

"Sure enough, killing people and stealing treasures is the best way to make a fortune!"

While Xiao Ping sighed, Wei Wei secretly warned.

Not much can be done about this.

After all, there are too many road trips at night, and 99% of the vehicles will overturn.

Just like Yan Zong this time, once he misses, not only will he lose his life, but even the huge amount of property he robbed before will fall into Xiao Ping's hands in vain.

This is added and subtracted. In general, Yan Zong is only equivalent to a transfer place for property, and he has worked hard to make a wedding dress for Xiao Ping.

After sorting out the harvest, Xiao Ping's mana also happened to recover as much as possible with the help of spirit wine.

He immediately got up and activated the magic art, the blue light disappeared in a flash, and hurried towards the central area.

After a day of slaughter in the entire secret realm, there are only fifty or sixty disciples left, which is more than half less than when they first entered.

The elite disciples of various forces have already felt the central area or the vicinity in time to prepare for the second day's "waiting for the rabbit" style of cleaning.

Anyone with weaker means will be killed by these top masters without hesitation.

Of course, the purple-clothed girl from Fengyuelou and Yan Zong from Hundred Beastmen were originally recognized as one of the slaughterers with strong strength, but after being killed by Xiao Ping, everything turned to dust.

The fall of these two people has virtually prevented many people from being killed, and also eased the competition for the foundation-building elixir. It has greatly damaged the plan of the Beast Gate, and led to many people being held accountable and severely punished...