MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 175 Inner Armored Dragon

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  Chapter 175 Inner Armored Dragon

   Puzzled in his heart, Xu Hong quietly spread out a trace of his spiritual power, fused with the inner armor, and then "saw" a dense layer of longevity lines appearing above it for no reason.

  Originally, when this thing was refined, it didn't have a single longevity pattern in its hand, but the material was relatively high-grade.

When I came to the underground palace yesterday, the longevity pattern of an ancient blood-eating beast accidentally got in and turned it into a magic weapon. I thought this was the limit. If I want to advance in the future, I will have to spend countless costs to collect the longevity pattern , I didn't even dream of it, I just lay down for a while... so many popped up all at once!

   There are hundreds of them!

  Xu Hong was completely shocked.

  I thought that Cheng Yu was very good, but I never thought that it would be so good...tears were about to flow out.

   Is this a fortune, or is the longevity pattern worthless?

  Put so much, it feels like the inner armor can't hold it, it's about to explode...

  Shouwen can improve the quality of a magic weapon, but if there are too many, it will become a burden.

  It’s like a fish tank. It’s definitely not good-looking if it’s empty. If you raise more than a dozen or twenty fish tanks, it will be much more beautiful. But if you raise too many, hundreds of fish tanks, it will give people a sense of denseness and lose their beauty.

This is the situation now, after throwing more than a hundred longevity patterns, I still have no intention of giving up, and continue to throw in... Wide beast longevity patterns, rare beast longevity patterns, and even ancient beast longevity patterns, the key is not a...

  Is it so rich?

  The inner armor is about to explode!

  Buzz buzz!

  As he guessed, with the continuous increase of longevity lines, the inner armor could no longer bear it, and could no longer hide it, completely emerging from his body.

  The mental power stretched out again, and immediately saw Cheng Yuan and Cheng Yu father and son standing not far away, staring at his inner armor at this moment, their eyes shining brightly.


  Cheng Yuan came to the front, spread his five fingers, and grabbed it suddenly. For a moment, Xu Hong felt the inner armor, and slowly rushed out of the body.

  My eyebrows couldn't help frowning.

   This is the last resort for his own life, so naturally he can't let it be taken away, but the inner armor is covered with longevity patterns, which can no longer be hidden. Under the strong grasp of the opponent, it gradually shows signs of being out of control.

   "Longevity True Qi..."

Knowing that this time is not the time to continue to integrate the true qi, Xu Hong's spirit moved, and the long-lived true qi spread rapidly, and the life lines that kept wandering and struggling, for a moment, seemed to be controlled, and no longer wandered around. , but lay down obediently.

   It turned into a strip of golden lines on the top of the inner armor.


  Lost their toss, the latter flashed lightly, and got back into Xu Hong's body again.


  Cheng Yuan and his son were stunned at the same time.

   This magic weapon was about to be caught, but... it went in again. What happened?

   "I guess the longevity pattern is not enough, father, let's continue..." Cheng Yu gritted his teeth.

  Cheng Yuan nodded.

   Already lost more than a hundred longevity lines, if you don’t continue to vote, it’s tantamount to wasting. Even if the royal family is rich and has a dynasty background, it can’t afford such consumption...

  Shouwen was taken out again and thrown in one by one.

   Not long after, the inner armor emerged again, like driftwood emerging from the bottom of the water.

  Cheng Yuan made enough preparations this time, and the power of the five-layer peak of life-enhancing, swayed down, and turned into a huge palm.


  The inner armor couldn't bear these two forces, and began to separate from Xu Hong's body.

  However, it was less than an inch away from the body surface, and the disordered longevity lines on it immediately moved around in a special way, making the entire inner armor seem to form a whole.

  The school of fish is disorganized, no matter how many there are, they will be caught in one net, and once they run wildly in one direction, no matter how powerful the fishing net is, it will be torn apart in an instant.

  The same is true for the longevity pattern, which condenses into a whole in the blink of an eye, and its strength is suddenly surprisingly large.

   "Huh!", the two of them staggered at the same time, and took a few steps back. When they looked up, they found that the inner armor disappeared again, and they got into the boy's body completely.

  At this time, Xu Hong was still motionless, unconscious...

  The father and son are really crazy.

  Throwing in more than 200 longevity lines... It feels like this inner armor is like a bottomless pit, which can't be filled at all.

  Don't continue to throw it, the longevity pattern just now is wasted, continue...I'm afraid there will be more!

  In an instant, Cheng Yuan and Cheng Yu fell into confusion and were at a loss.

   "Why don't you... try [Emerald Dragon Bone]?"

   Hesitating for a moment, Cheng Yu said.

   "Forget it!"

  Looking at the ring, there were only less than a hundred longevity patterns left. His Majesty Cheng Yuan knew that trying to get the inner armor out would be like going bankrupt. Cheng Yuan turned his wrist, and a jade seal appeared in front of him.

  It is the symbol of the Liyuan Dynasty, a treasure forged with the help of keel when Cheng Liyuan was born.

   Shake lightly.

  The jade seal immediately floated above Xu Hong, and the faint dragon energy slowly swayed down.

As an imperial treasure that has been passed down for thousands of years, domestic affairs, large and small, are handled accordingly. After years and months, a kind of majesty will naturally be born, and this kind of majesty is the dragon spirit. .

   Coupled with the fact that it is forged from emerald keel, it is even more imposing. Even though the distance is far away, Cheng Yu feels a strong sense of oppression.

   That is, Xu Hong fell into a coma, otherwise, he would definitely not be able to bear the pressure and jumped up directly.

   "Continue throwing longevity patterns!"

  Long way.


  Cheng Yu opened the remaining tattoos one by one, and the last hundred or so longevity tattoos swam into Xu Hong's body again.


  The shaking longevity patterns reappeared on the inner armor again, just about to line up neatly, but were suppressed by the dragon energy, not as crazy as before.

  Dragon, the ancestor of all beasts, as long as it has the beast longevity pattern, even if it is an ancient beast level, it will not be able to withstand the pressure of dragon energy.

   This is also the reason why the golden horned beast couldn't even get up the heart of resistance when it saw the rice field eel.

  Cheng Yuan is using this method now, running the dragon energy in the emerald keel, suppressing the swimming of the longevity pattern, so that it cannot be hidden, and then remove it smoothly!

   "Do it!"

  After throwing away all the longevity patterns, the inner armor reappeared, and Cheng Yuan let out a low cry.

   Needless to say, Cheng Yu has already rushed forward, the power in his body has reached its limit, and the violent true energy spread out, seeming to tear all the air in the room.

   "Come out!"

  The palm transformed by true energy fell on the inner armor, and the force of the tide kept hitting. After a short time, the inner armor completely separated from Xu Hong's body and floated up.

  At this time, the two finally saw each other clearly.

  There are lines formed by python patterns on the surface, like a huge dragon skin cast, in the middle, a dragon tendon, flickering, like a giant dragon, roaring into the sky at any time.

   "It's a magic weapon..."

  Although there was no blood to recognize the master, the two of them recognized it. The inner armor in front of them was actually a magic weapon!

   Eyes immediately turned red.

  The three major powers suppressed the clan's most precious treasures, but they were only peerless treasures... In this way, they were suppressed from the Yuan Dynasty for more than a thousand years, and they could not resist!

  A magic weapon, even if it's just... the lowest level, it doesn't suffer from so many dragon energy and longevity patterns!


  Seeing that the magic weapon rose higher and higher, and was getting farther and farther away from Xu Hong's body, Cheng Yuan also showed excitement.

   It is indeed the emerald keel left by the ancestors. It is really a good thing. Just taking it out just now will not waste so many life lines...

   Of course, it is not a waste.

  As long as you keep this magical artifact as your own, the longevity pattern will still be there!

  A magic weapon that can swallow an entire dragon vein and more than 300 animal longevity patterns... How high is the level? I dare not even think about it!

   "Father, why does this inner armor have a belt?"

  Suddenly, Cheng Yu's voice sounded.

  Cheng Yuan was taken aback for a moment, only to realize that there was actually a belt under the inner armor, clinging to it, and it was also suspended under the impact of the surging force.

   "It may be the center of the inner armor, or the center axis..."

   Cheng Yuan guessed.

  The color of the belt in front of him is completely different from that of the inner armor, and there is no scale-like texture on the surface, giving people a very ordinary feeling.

   But since it can levitate together with the inner armor, it means that it is not easy, and it must be a treasure.

   It's just that the two of them didn't recognize each other!

   "Hurry up... These longevity lines are showing a tendency to resist again!"

   Seeing that the inner armor was flying higher and higher, and the chaotic patterns on it were becoming more orderly again, Cheng Yuan shouted out again.

  Cheng Yu clenched her teeth and tried again.


  The inner armor was completely detached from Xu Hong's body, and under inertia, it flew straight up and collided with the emerald keel in the air in the blink of an eye.


  Excited eyes lit up, Cheng Yu stretched out his hand and grabbed the inner armor. Before touching it, he saw his father froze in place, and at the same time a nervous voice sounded, "Where is Yuxi?"

  Cheng Yu hurriedly looked at the inner armor, and then saw that the emerald keel above it was already empty, and there was no trace of it.


  In an instant, the two of them were all stunned.

  This is a treasure with dragon aura. It is the foundation of the Liyuan Dynasty.

   "In the waistband..."

  Suddenly, Cheng Yu shouted out.

  Cheng Yuan hurriedly looked, only to find that there was a big bag in the middle of the waistband of the trousers that was incompatible with the inner armor, which looked exactly like Yuxi.

  The belt at this time is like a greedy long snake, swallowing an elephant, knowing that it is difficult to digest, but insisting on doing it regardless of life and death...

"Spit it out…"

  The two grabbed at the inner armor and the belt at the same time, but at this time the armor seemed to have completed the task. With a "Hoo!", they rushed down and got into Xu Hong's body in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared.


  Cheng Yuan, Cheng Yu and his son were completely stunned.

what's the situation?

  I used the longevity pattern to lure you out, but I couldn't succeed. I used the jade seal, but... this thing was swallowed!

  Co-author, it's not that you can't succeed, but you want to eat my national treasure on purpose!

   "Father, look..."

   After being shocked, Cheng Yu casually pointed.

   Cheng Yuan looked over and broke the defense again.

  I saw the belt from just now still appearing around Xu Hong's waist, and his "belly" was very bulging. Obviously...the Chuan Guo Yuxi has not been refined yet.

   "Come out for me..."

   Cheng Yuan stretched out his hand and grabbed the "pimple" on the boy's waist again.

   Before he came to the front, he saw the comatose teenager twist his waist and just avoided his palm.

  Cheng Yuan grabbed it again.

  Xu Hong bent his waist to the other side, and managed to dodge again.

  Cheng Yuan moved across the sky, and then... he saw a pair of wings growing from behind Xu Hong, floating quietly into the midair.


  The father and son are completely crazy.

   After a long time of fuss, Ni Temiao didn't feel unconscious at all, it was all just pretending...

   "Kill him, no matter what treasures will come out automatically..."

   Unable to bear it any longer, Cheng Yuan growled.

  Before, I was thinking that the ancestor Cheng Liyuan wanted to take over the opponent, but now he can't care about it anymore, and he will kill this guy no matter what...


  Cheng Yu has had enough.

   Several times in a row, I have been cheated by this kid. This time, I even lost the underpants of the royal family. How can I bear it.


  Sword Qi shot out, an emperor and a prince took out their long swords at the same time.

  The two weapons have reached the level of high-grade treasures.

Especially Cheng Yuan's sword, which has beheaded countless masters, can be called the real emperor's sword. Accompanied by the infusion of true energy, the sword's light flickers. Difference!

   "Excuse me, I'm going first..."

   Seeing that the two were serious, Xu Hong knew that he couldn't pretend anymore, the wings of the inner armor flicked slightly, and flew straight to the top of the hall.

   "Want to escape? It's too late!"

Knowing that once this guy flies away, it will be difficult to catch up with him. With his feet on the ground, Cheng Yu immediately jumped up high. down.

   It is also fortunate that the prince's palace is spacious enough, otherwise, such a magnificent sword energy alone would not be able to bear it.


Before the sword energy fell on Xu Hong's body, the inner armor emerged, and the razor-sharp sword light came into contact with it, like water falling on a stone, splashing everywhere, but the latter was intact and unscathed. hurt.

   "Father, cut off his legs!"

   Cheng Yu roared.

   Needless to say, Cheng Yuan also reacted.

  The boy's inner armor is only the upper body, and there is no defense on the legs. As long as he is hit by the sword light, even if he can't kill him, he can still seriously injure him!

  Cultivated to reach his level, even if he can't fly, his ability to stay in the air is amazing. With a light tap of his left foot on his right foot, Cheng Yuan raised his body by two feet again, and slashed at Xu Hong's legs.

Jianmang was extremely fast, and came to Xu Hong again in the blink of an eye, and was about to chop off his legs. At this moment, with a sound of "buzz!", the inner armor suddenly swelled up, forming a shape visible to the naked eye. A phantom of a giant dragon, covered with dense stripes of longevity lines, completely enveloped it.

   Ding Ding Ding Ding!

  Countless sword energy fell on the dragon-shaped phantom, shooting out countless energy, and finally dissipated in place, the boy was still unharmed.

   "Hahaha, goodbye!"

  Seeing that after the inner armor was promoted, it could even protect the whole body, and in conjunction with the longevity pattern, it had the tendency to transform into a dragon. Xu Hong laughed, and his body directly smashed through the wall of the hall, and rushed out in the blink of an eye.

  (end of this chapter)