MTL - Longevity Chart-Chapter 157 old lover meet

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  Chapter 157 The old lover meets

  Although Mo Hong was the number one weapon refiner in the Liyuan Dynasty, the most powerful weapons he forged throughout his life were only top-grade treasures!

   It's still a long way from the best.

  Of course, it's not that the level is not enough, but that the materials are limited!

  After all, Dean Xia, Yang Mo and others, who were the strongest in the Liyuan Dynasty, only had the sixth level of longevity. With his strength, it was almost impossible to find a snake slough with the sixth level of longevity.

   And now, not only did it appear, but also the more precious dragon tendons... Once the two are fused and successfully refined, the level must be far higher than all previous items.

   It can even catch up with the treasures of the three major forces!


After the excitement, Mo Hong remembered something, and his eyebrows frowned slightly, "This dragon tendon is an item that increases lifespan at the seventh level, and the snake slough is also the peak of the sixth level of longevity. With my current strength, I can cut it off with the help of tools, but... think To forge it into a whole body, the temperature required is extremely high. In this case, my cultivation may not be able to control it..."

  Forging weapons also requires a furnace. If the temperature is too high, it will be more dangerous than alchemy. Frying the furnace is just a trivial matter. If it is not done well, the forger will die on the spot.

Legend has it that there was a master craftsman in ancient times. When refining a sword, he saw that he was about to succeed, but because a longevity line was broken, the furnace would explode at any time. In desperation, he jumped into the flames and poured blood and life into the sword. , Only then did the temperature drop, and the magic weapon that was about to be practiced was preserved.

   This is the "casting sword with one's body" handed down by later generations.

  Because of this legend, there was a time when frying furnaces were still made into weapons. Countless weapon refiners chose the latter, hoping to be famous in history...

   Later, because too many refiners died, it was banned!

  Of course, this is all a digression. In short, the danger of the fryer for refining equipment is stronger than that of alchemy.

  Seeing what he said, Yang Mo came forward with a smile, "What if you add the two of us?"

Mo Hong hesitated for a moment, but still frowned, "Both of you are at the peak of the sixth level of longevity increase, and your strength is stronger than mine, but you still can't do it if you want to control such a high-temperature flame, can reach the level of increase Shouqizhong, Divine Consciousness Realm!"

  Xia Yuan and Yang Mo looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Immediately, the power in their bodies was released suddenly.


  The surrounding air roared, and a strong sense of oppression filled the entire courtyard.

   Mo Hong's eyes were round.

  The two of them hadn't revealed their cultivation before, he didn't see it, he thought they were both at the sixth level of life-enhancing, but now he realized that they had already broken through!

   No wonder it looks so much younger...

   Turning his head to look at the boy, his heart suddenly dawned.

  With such a powerful doctor, once the hidden dangers in the two of them are solved, the breakthrough will naturally come naturally!

   "That's right, the two of us are both at the seventh level, is it enough?"

  Yang Mo laughed.

   "Enough, enough..."

  Nodding repeatedly, Mo Hong suddenly remembered something, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and he kept trembling with excitement. Immediately, he flipped his wrist, and a jade box appeared in front of him, and he opened it tremblingly.


  A cicada chrysalis the size of a child's fist appeared in front of his eyes.

   "This is... the [Ghost Cicada] with seven life extensions?"

  Xia Yuan recognized it with a look of disbelief.

  The Nether Golden Cicada is a monster with ancient veins, and when it becomes an adult, it can also reach the seventh stage of longevity increase.

   The defense is not too strong, but it is extremely offensive, especially the sound, which can cause great damage to the soul. Once it sounds, some of the sixth-level life-enhancing powers may not be able to stop it!

   Not only that, after adulthood, the flying speed is very fast, coupled with the scarcity of the number, it is difficult for many pharmacists who are looking for it to detect it. I didn't expect the other party to get it, and it was still a juvenile body!

   "It's not a golden cicada, it's a cicada slough!" Mo Hong explained.

  Xu Hong looked carefully, and sure enough, above the cicada chrysalis, he saw a slender crack, as if it had been split by something. If you don't observe carefully, you won't notice it at all.

Cicada chrysalis is very difficult to obtain, while cicada slough is relatively easy, but it can be regarded as a treasure among treasures. Even if it is not as precious as dragon tendons, it is not weaker than the snake slough obtained by Xu Hong. It is even purely rare, and even worse. .

Mo Hong continued: "I got this cicada slough by accident when I was searching for ores in the deep mountains. I have never been able to find a chance to refine it. Firstly, there is no suitable weapon. Secondly, there is no material of the same material. If I can Incorporating snake sloughs and dragon tendons may make this inner armor not only enhance its defensive function, but also have a certain degree of offensiveness!"


  Xu Hong and the others were all shocked.

   Defensive weapons, if the offensiveness is increased, the preciousness will inevitably soar.

   "It's just... If you combine these three things, you need a higher flame temperature. The strength of the two of you is enough, but my strength is still a bit weaker. I can't form a three-talent formation, so I still can't suppress the power..."

   After a while, Mo Hong smiled wryly again.

If you want to suppress the higher flame power, you need three people to cooperate in an formation, and your cultivation base is too low, which is equal to the shortest plank in the barrel. Once you can't control it, the fryer will die. Three precious materials , will also be melted and completely scrapped.

   "Then what to do?"

  Yang Mo frowned.

   Originally wanted to use snake sloughs and dragon tendons to refine a defensive inner armor with only a single attribute, but there is a chance to refine it into a stronger combination of offense and defense, how could I give up the opportunity!

  Mo Hongdao: " can find a third life-increasing seventh-level expert to come and help, and the three of them have similar cultivation bases, and they can completely suppress the violent furnace and melt these three items smoothly!"

   "The third increased lifespan sevenfold?"

  Yang Mo smiled wryly.

   They were able to break through, thanks to the blessings of Senior Tian Ya, where can they find the third one?

   "Elder Wu Yue!"

  He was shaking his head when Dean Xia Yuan's sound transmission sounded in his ear, "Actually, Elder Wu Yue's strength is only a short distance from a breakthrough. With the help of the perfect level medicine, it may not be impossible to succeed!"


  Yang Mo was taken aback.

Elder Wu's strength has already reached the peak of the sixth level of life-increasing, because the water attribute cultivation technique he cultivates does not have many hidden injuries, so he may not be able to break through the treatment of injuries, but with the help of perfect-level elixir, the success rate is high. big.

  Because of this effect, the perfect level of medicine and other levels are equivalent to two concepts, so they are sought after by countless strong people.

   "Why, you don't want to help your old lover break through?"

  Seeing his hesitation, Xia Yuan's eyes flickered, like a melon-eating crowd.

   "Of course not, how about this, I'll go over and have a look, you guys wait here for a while..."

  After thinking about it, Yang Mo touched the sole of his foot, landed on the beast's back, and walked straight to the distance.

  Seeing him walking away, remembering Xia Yuan's words, Xu Hong couldn't help coming to him with a curious expression on his face, "Could it be that Senior Brother Yang Mo and Elder Wu Yue still had a relationship?"


Seeing his melon-eating expression, Xia Yuan nodded and smiled and said, "It's been a long time since I talked about it, and it's been more than sixty years! Two of them, one is the genius of the Dan Yuan Sect, and the other is the genius of the Yingyue Sect. The talented Tianjiao, who often meet to compete, handsome men and beautiful women, coupled with similar strengths, are all strong in talent, so they gradually developed feelings for each other...

"But you also understand that Danyuanzong and Yingyuezong don't deal with it. How could the suzerains of the two major forces allow the future of the sect to be abducted by the other party, plus I quietly contributed to the flames...they finally ended up because of some things. Breaking up, we didn't get together..."


  Xu Hong was stunned.

  Why do you still have business?

Xia Yuan was full of embarrassment, "Once the two forces unite, Hongwu Academy will be isolated. Naturally, I don't want to see this situation. I must find a way to stop it! Cough cough, it's also for the sake of the academy. Later I I also thought about it, and always regretted it, would be impossible to risk danger to save him just because of your words, and it would be impossible to be so tolerant to Elder Wu Yue..."

"Of course, I played a very small role. Most of it was decided by the senior officials of Danyuanzong, so...he didn't like Danyuanzong. After becoming the Supreme Elder, he would rather go out to relax and travel around the world than come back. , pointing disciple, maybe... this sect has too many memories that he doesn't want to face!"

  Xu Hong was speechless.

  Senior brother Yang Mo's feelings for Dan Yuanzong are indeed not very good, otherwise, if he was poached by Hongwu College, he could not simply come to visit, but the world would be turned upside down.

  Before, he always said that he couldn’t understand the mountains standing in the door, and he had been making trouble for a long time, and the root cause was here...


  The speed of the flying monster was very fast, and Yang Mo soon saw a huge mountain gate appearing in front of him.


  As soon as it fell, a woman immediately appeared in front of her, raising her sword and berating her.

   "Tell Elder Wu Yuetai, Yang Mo asks to see you!"

  Pill Master Yang bowed.

   "So it's... Alchemist Yang!"

  The woman was startled, and then a strange look appeared in her eyes, and she hurriedly turned around, "Alchemist, please wait here a moment, I'm going to report..."

   After finishing speaking, he hurried to the door.

  They have all heard about Pill Master Yang and Elder Wu Yuetai, but they didn't expect that the other party would find them.

  Looking at the mountain gate in front of him, Yang Mo didn't know what to think. After waiting for about ten minutes, he saw a graceful figure walking over slowly. Seeing his appearance clearly, he couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.

  The current Pill Master Yang is really too young, as if he went back decades ago.

  However, he quickly recovered and sneered, "What kind of wind brought us Great Alchemist Yang here today? Didn't you promise your respected teacher that you would never see me again?"

  In the tone, the pronunciation of the word "respected" is emphasized.


  Yang Mo looked embarrassed.

  At the beginning, Wu Yue had discussed with him to leave the sect and elope. It was because he cared about his master's kindness and refused to leave, which caused the two of them to miss each other until now.

Sighing, Yang Mo said: "Back then, the teacher was seriously injured and would die at any time, so I could only obey his words... Forget it, it's been so many years, it's meaningless to continue talking! I haven't seen you for many years, you... It's okay ?"


  Smiled lightly, Wu Yue stroked her hair casually, "Not to mention anything else, I have only seventeen or eight of my noodles, and all of them are geniuses not weaker than you..."

  Yang Mo's mouth twitched, "Mian Shou?"


  Wu Yue sneered, "Isn't that what your teacher said? The women of our Yingyue Sect are all scum who can do their best. Since they are scum, it's no problem to raise a few faces!"


  Yang Mo didn't know how to answer.

  He knew that the other party was angry with his teacher, but he didn't expect that after so many years, he was still the same as before...

   "Okay, I hate you the most. You don't know what to ask and don't say anything. Do you have anything to do with me? If you have something to say, get out!"

   Seeing that he didn't answer, Wu Yue lost the fun of being sarcastic, and snorted coldly.

  This Yang Mo is good in everything, but his ears are too soft, he is also called "Ma Baonan", but if he has some opinions, the two of them will not be like this.

   Moreover, he is a bit straight, so he can't coax girls at all.

   Haven't seen each other for many years, what's wrong with scolding the other party in this situation? Anyway, they are already dead, but they don't say a word, which makes people angrier the more they look at it.

   "I came to see you, I want to invite you to help refine a weapon..." Yang Mo said hastily.

   "Refining weapons?"

   Originally, she wasn't too angry, but now she became extremely cold. Wu Yue's eyes showed deep displeasure, and she flicked her sleeves, "I don't have time, besides, I don't know how to refine, so you can find someone else!"

   After speaking, he straightened his body and walked back.

   "This... Xiaoyue!"

  Yang Mo hurriedly shouted out.

  Wu Yue's body trembled, stopped, and did not turn her head, "Please call me Elder Wu Yue, Xiaoyue, isn't it too presumptuous? Besides, what is our relationship, this name is also called by you?"

   "It's my fault all these years!"

  Yang Mo turned his wrist, and a jade bottle appeared in the palm of his hand, "This is the elixir I found for you, it may be helpful to your cultivation..."


  Wu Yueyu made a move, and the elixir immediately fell into the palm of her hand. She uncorked the bottle and immediately froze in place. At the same time, her delicate body kept trembling, full of disbelief, "Perfect... level?"

  I don't know how difficult this pill is.

   Could it be that the other party hasn't come to see her all these years, is she learning to refine this thing?

  For myself, work hard to refine...

   I didn't expect that he was not good at words, nor emotionally active, but he was so persistent in his heart!

   " specially refined them for me?"

  The eye sockets were slightly red, and she clenched her fists tightly. Elder Wu Yue stared at the other party with a pair of beautiful eyes.

   "Uh...yes!" Yang Mo nodded.

  These elixirs were refined in their own elixir furnace... It is not an exaggeration to say that they were refined by themselves!

   Anyway, she doesn't know the younger brother!

   Pretend for a while, and then talk after coaxing.

   "You still have a conscience..."

Resisting the urge to rush over, Wu Yue also snorted coldly, but her tone was no longer the indifference just now, and there was still pride in her voice, "The snow lotus root we found together back then has grown quite well recently, do you want to come over and have a look?" ?”


   His eyes lit up, and Yang Mo nodded quickly.

  Following closely behind him, he came to Hanbingchi, only took a look, and Yang Mo immediately froze in place.

  I thought that the other party's so-called good looks, just like my cat can do backflips, was just an excuse to ease the embarrassment. In the end, I never dreamed that it turned out to be true!

  At this time, each lotus is the size of a millstone, and the diameter of the lotus leaves is more than three meters, like pavilions one after another.

   "This is... snow lotus root? You, you cultivated it so well?"

  Yang Moman couldn't believe it.

   This kind of ancient lotus root, when they got it, was almost dead. They never dreamed of it. They haven't seen it for many years, and they were cultivated like this.

  Knowing the difficulty, his eyes widened, and he couldn't help asking, " cultivated it?"

   "Uh... of course!"

   Wu Yue nodded.

  Although it was made by the apprentice's fiancé, after all, she poured the liquid medicine over it. She said it was cultivated by me, so it shouldn't be a big problem...


  Yang Mo was full of admiration.

   "It's nothing, you can refine a perfect-level pill, and you can refine so many pills... that's really amazing!"

  Blushing, Wu Yue said in admiration.

   Haven't seen each other for many years, the other party is still as good as before!

  At that time, they came together because they admired each other... Although they didn't get married in the end, the recognition and admiration they used to still exist.

  In an instant, a little bit of ambiguous atmosphere floats among the lotus flowers...just like before.

  (end of this chapter)